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模拟媒体数字化音频 今日: 0|主题: 60232|排名: 21 

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[原声和音乐剧] (Soundtrack) [LP] [24/96] Blues Brothers / The Blues Brothers [Original US Pressing] - 1980 [Flac (Tracks) Lossless] kayda 2020-12-8 079 kayda 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Soundtrack) [2LP] [24/192] Saturday Night Fever / Saturday Evenness Fever (BEE Gees, Various Artists) (RSO) - 1977, FLAC (Tracks + .cue), Lossless 韬199435 2020-12-8 091 韬199435 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Musical) Jesus Christ Superstar - Original Broadway Cast, VinylRip Restoration, Near-CD Quality - 1971, Flac (Image + .cue) Lossless 如果有神 2020-12-8 090 如果有神 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Score, Pop, Folk, World, Country) [lp] [24/96] Betaab / Love (Bollywood) - 1983, FLAC (Image + .cue) 全球搬运 2020-12-8 091 全球搬运 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] Stage & Screen] [7 "] [24/192] Elmer Bernstein - The Magnificent Seven & On The Move - 1972, Flac (Image + .cue) 韬199435 2020-12-8 091 韬199435 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SCORE) [LP] [24/96] Kung Fury / Kung Fury (by Mitch Murder, David Hasselhoff, Betamaxx & VA) - 2015, Flac (Tracks), Lossless tikus75 2020-12-8 090 tikus75 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack) [LP] [24/96] Rain Man / Rain Man (by Hans Zimmer & VA) - 1989 [Flac (Tracks) Lossless] elmisy 2020-12-8 092 elmisy 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (POP, FOLK, WORLD, & COUNTRY, STAGE & SCREEN) [LP] [24 \ 192] Andrey Petrov. Music from K \ f "Cruel Romance" - 1984, Flac 10086 2020-12-8 094 10086 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Soundtrack, Electro, Score, Ambient) [LP] [24/192] Vangelis - 1492 - Conquest of Paradise - 1992 (Germany), Flac (Image + .cue) 全球采集 2020-12-8 089 全球采集 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Score, Minimal, Ambient) [LP] [24/192] Vangelis Papathanassiou (Vangelis) - L'Apocalypse Des Animaux / Animal Apocalypse - 1973, FLAC (Tracks + .cue) elmisy 2020-12-8 090 elmisy 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack) [LP] [32/192] VA - RAM BALRAM / RAM and Balm - 1980, WavPack (Image + .cue) 全球搬运 2020-12-8 087 全球搬运 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (OST) [LP] [24/192] Giorgio Moroder - Midnight Express - 1978, Flac (Image + .cue), Lossless 10086 2020-12-8 0128 10086 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack / Score) [Cassette] [16 / 44,1] Dunno on the Moon: songs and music from the cartoon. A gift to the buyer of the magic case - 2000 (1997), Flac (Tracks) kayda 2020-12-8 0106 kayda 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Score / Electronic / Classical) [LP] [24/96] Space / The Music of Cosmos (by Vangelis & VA) - 1981 (1980) [Flac (Tracks) Lossless] 全球搬运 2020-12-8 0111 全球搬运 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack, Score) [2 lp] [24/192] INON ZUR - Syberia 3 & 2 (Official Game Soundtrack) - 2017, Flac (Image + .cue) 全球采集 2020-12-8 0108 全球采集 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (OST) [MB] [24/48] Oleg Dal - Movie Songs - 1988, Flac (Tracks) elmisy 2020-12-8 099 elmisy 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Stage & Screen) [7 "] [24/192] The John Barry Seven and Orchestra, Matt Monro - From Russia With Love - 1964, FLAC (Image + .cue) lz189 2020-12-8 0142 lz189 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack) [24/96] [Vinyl] Precurators Storms / Thunderbirds (by Barry Gray) - 2012 (1964), Flac (Tracks) Lossless 全球采集 2020-12-8 095 全球采集 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack) [7 "] [Mono] [24/96] A. Rybnikov - Songs from T / f" About the Red Hap "- 1978 - 1978, WavPack (Image + .cue) 10086 2020-12-8 092 10086 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Musical) [LP] [24/96] Andrew Lloyd Webber - CATS (Selections from the Original Broadway Cast Recording) - 1983, Flac (Tracks) 韬199435 2020-12-8 096 韬199435 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Humour, Soundtrack) [FLEXI] [24/96 Mono] Andrei Mironov About Movies and Cinema - 1972, Flac (Image + .cue) 全球搬运 2020-12-8 0106 全球搬运 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack) [Flexi] [24/96 Mono] VA - songs from the movie "Archimedes" (VIA "Singing Hearts") - 1975, FLAC (Image + .cue) 全球搬运 2020-12-8 098 全球搬运 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Score / Electronic) [LP] [24/96] Fight Club / Fight Club (by The Dust Brothers) [180 Gram Vinyl] - 2001 (1999) [Flac (Tracks) Lossless] tikus75 2020-12-8 082 tikus75 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Passion Music, Rock) [LP] [24/96] Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice - Jesus Christ SuperStar [Rus] - 1991, Flac (Image + .cue) kayda 2020-12-8 080 kayda 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (POP) [MB] [32 / 176.4] A. Zatsepin Songs from the telephone "June 31" 1980, WavPack (Image + .cue), Lossless 如果有神 2020-12-8 090 如果有神 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Score) [LP] [16/44.1] Cannibal Apocalypse / Invasion of Fleeness Eaters / Apocalypse Domani / Cannibal Apocalypse / Invasion of the Flesh Hunters - 1980, Flac (Tracks + .cue), Los fqw1001 2020-12-8 082 fqw1001 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Rock) [Lp] [24/192] VA - ACCA (music to k / f "ACCA") - 1988, FLAC (Image + .cue) 全球搬运 2020-12-8 099 全球搬运 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack) [LP] [32/96] VA - ACCA (Melody C90 26459 000) - 1987, WavPack (Image + .cue) 全球采集 2020-12-8 085 全球采集 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Classic Rock, Rock Opera) [2 × lp] [24/192] Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice - Jesus Christ Superstar - 1970, Flac (Image + .cue) kayda 2020-12-8 090 kayda 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Pop Rock, Disco) [LP] [24/96] Giorgio Moroder - Original Soundtrack Cat People - 1982, Flac (Image + .cue), Lossless 韬199435 2020-12-8 094 韬199435 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Rock) [lp] [24/96] Jesus Christ Superstar (Jesus Christ Superstar) - 1991, Flac (Tracks) 全球采集 2020-12-8 085 全球采集 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Musical Tale) [10 "] [24/96] Yuri Entin, Gennady Gladkov - Blue Puppy - 1976, WavPack (Image + .cue) 如果有神 2020-12-8 083 如果有神 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Soundtrack) [LP] [24/96] Blue Puppy / Blue Puppy (Blue Puppy) (Gennady Smooth) - 1977, Flac (Tracks), Lossless 全球采集 2020-12-8 0111 全球采集 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (POP) [EP] [24/96] Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters (AS1-9212) - 1984, Flac (Image + .cue), Lossless fqw1001 2020-12-8 096 fqw1001 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Music of owls.Kino) [EP Mono] [24 / 44,1] Andrei Petrov - Music from k / f "Man-amphibian" - 1962, Flac (Image + .cue) tikus75 2020-12-8 079 tikus75 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SOUL, FUNK) [LP] [24/96] The undisputed truth - The undisputed truth - 1971, FLAC (Image + .cue) 全球采集 2020-12-8 098 全球采集 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SCORE) [LP] [24/96] Irony of Fate (by Mikael Tariverdiev) - 2016 (1975), Flac (Side-Image + .cue) 如果有神 2020-12-8 091 如果有神 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Soundtrack, Hard Rock) [LP] [24/96] Fastway - Candy or Death / Trick or Treat. Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - 1986, FLAC (Tracks + .cue) 如果有神 2020-12-8 0100 如果有神 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Soundtrack) Huey Lewis & The News -The Power Of Love (Motion Picture. Back to the Future) - 1985, (24B / 96KHZ) lz189 2020-12-8 0128 lz189 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack) [LP] [24/192] James Horner - Avatar (Music From The Motion Picture) - 2017, Flac (Image + .cue) elmisy 2020-12-8 093 elmisy 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (SoundTrack) [LP] [24/96] Maxim Dunaevsky - songs and music from k / f '' Mary Poppins, goodbye "- 1984, APE (Side-Tracks + .cue) tikus75 2020-12-8 077 tikus75 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Music Soviko) [EP Mono] [16 / 44,1] Andrei Petrov - Music from k / f "Man-amphibian" (with processing) - 1962, FLAC (Image + .cue) lz189 2020-12-8 087 lz189 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Musical / Soundtrack) [24/96] [LP] Hair - Original Soundtrack Recording - 1979, Flac (Image + .cue), Lossless tikus75 2020-12-8 095 tikus75 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Surf, Rock & Roll, Dialogue, Soul, Soundtrack, Funk) [LP] [24/96] Pulp Fiction (Criminal Fiction) OST - 1994, FLAC 10086 2020-12-8 091 10086 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Soundtrack) [2XLP] [24/96] Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - A Star Is Born Soundtrack [PBThal 2018] (Original US Pressing) - 2018, Flac (Tracks) kayda 2020-12-8 0208 kayda 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Soundtrack) [LP] [24/96] Giorgio Moroder - Battlestar Galactica - 1978, Flac (Image + .cue), Lossless elmisy 2020-12-8 090 elmisy 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Original Soundtrack) [2XLP-GFC] [24/96] VA - Great and Unique (Music from Movies 30 - 40s) - 1991, Flac (Tracks), (Bridge, State Filmfound 3sh 030936 001-004) elmisy 2020-12-8 097 elmisy 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] [TR24] [OF] [TV] [LP] [24/48] Clinton Shorter and VA - The Expanse - The Collector's Edition - 2019 (Soundtrack) 10086 2020-12-8 081 10086 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (Rock, Stage & Screen, Musical, Psychedelic) [LP] [24/96] Various - Hair (The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical) - 1979, Flac (Tracks) fqw1001 2020-12-8 092 fqw1001 2020-12-8 16:59
[原声和音乐剧] (OST) [24/96] Evgeny Krylov and Leonid Derbeenov - Imagine "Songs from the Telefil Masters" - 1982, Flac (Images) fqw1001 2020-12-8 079 fqw1001 2020-12-8 16:59
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