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摇滚音乐 今日: 8 |主题: 19357|排名: 5 

版主: qige1231
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[专辑] Hellraiser - We'll Bury You! (1990) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 085 kayda 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Cro-Mags - Alpha Omega (1992) [First Press] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 092 lz189 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] 7 Seconds - The Crew (1984) [First Press] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 081 kayda 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Fastway - All Fired Up (1984) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 077 lz189 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Holy Terror (USA) - Guardians Of The Netherworld: A Tribute To Keith Deen (2015) [Compilation] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 24kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 083 lz189 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Misantropic - Insomnia [Remastered] (2011) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 078 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Deviated Instinct - Rock 'N' Roll Conformity (1988) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 083 lz189 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] 24-7 Spyz - Gumbo Millennium (1990) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 081 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Deviated Instinct - Welcome To The Orgy (1987) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 090 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Destruction - Release from Agony (1987) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 0139 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Dio - The Last in Line (1984) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 076 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] The Abs - Mentalenema (1989) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 10086 2021-5-23 086 10086 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Destruction - Cracked Brain (1990) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 076 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Angkor Wat - When Obscenity Becomes the Norm... Awake! (1989) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 10086 2021-5-23 080 10086 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Мастер (Master) - Talk of the Devil (1992) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 075 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Krüger (Крюгер) - Рождённый мраком (1992) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 070 kayda 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Mortridden - Mortridden (2012) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 083 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Shah - Terror Collection (1991) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 071 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Children Of Bodom - Hatebreeder (1999) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 081 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Verbal Abuse - Of America-Passport (Live In Berlin) (1990) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 081 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Noisem + Occultist - Slaughter Of The Innocent And The Damned (2014) [Split] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 24kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 077 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Коррозия Металла (Korrozia Metalla) - Орден Сатаны (1988) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 070 lz189 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Sloth - Obliterations Of Good Taste And Common Sense (1996) [EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 076 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] 7 Seconds - Skins, Brains & Guts E.P. (1989) [EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 0127 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Filth Of Mankind - Czas Końca Wieku (1999) [EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 094 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Ignition - Machination (1988) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 077 lz189 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Paradise Lost - Paradise Lost (1991) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 韬199435 2021-5-23 073 韬199435 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Schifosi - Schifosi (2003) [EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 081 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Prophecy of Doom - The Peel Sessions (1990) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 070 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Destruction - Mad Butcher (1987) [EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 076 lz189 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Brainoil - Death Of This Dry Season (2011) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 10086 2021-5-23 078 10086 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Destruction - Sentence of Death (1984) [EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 073 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Destruction - Live Without Sense (1989) [Live] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 080 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Gravewürm - Ancient Storms Of War [Limited Edition] (2000) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 0143 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Sonic Syndicate - Love and Other Disasters (2008) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [WAV] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 078 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Tulus - Biography Obscene (2007) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 韬199435 2021-5-23 0101 韬199435 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Sonic Syndicate - Only Inhuman (2007) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [WAV] elmisy 2021-5-23 077 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Accept - Balls To The Wall (1983) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 072 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Mørkekunst - Mørkekunst (2004) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 0108 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Immortal Fate - Beautiful [Re-Edition] (2000) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 079 kayda 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Grenjar & Kargvint - Av Eldre Kunst & Stimmen Aus Der Tiefe (2004) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 韬199435 2021-5-23 073 韬199435 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Ondskapt - Slave Under His Immortal Will (2001) [10-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 082 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Dark Funeral - Where Shadows Forever Reign [Limited Edition] (2016) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 076 kayda 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Kroda - Cry To Me, River... (2005) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [WAV] 全球采集 2021-5-23 073 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Pantera - Reinventing The Steel (2000) [Orange Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 095 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Dodsferd ‎ - Another Two Of Your Scars And The World Is Dead [Limited Edition] (2010) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 071 kayda 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Naer Mataron - Εγώ ειμί το φώς του κόσμου [Limited Edition] (2012) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 078 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Voice of Hate/Naer Mataron - Voice of Hate/Naer Mataron (SPLIT)[Limited Edition] (2006) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 075 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Burial Hordes - War, Revenge And Total Annihilation [Limited Edition] (2005) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 087 kayda 2021-5-23 13:37
[专辑] Hödur - Salve Satanas [Limited Edition] (1997) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 077 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:37
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