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摇滚音乐 今日: 3 |主题: 19355|排名: 5 

版主: qige1231
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[专辑] Krunch - Tack & Hej (1989) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 067 kayda 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Krunch - Mor & Far (1987) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 075 kayda 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Krunch - Mys & Kel (1985) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 10086 2021-5-23 069 10086 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Krigshot - Till Vilket Pris Som Helst (2006) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 080 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Kings Of The Sun - Kings Of The Sun (1988) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 081 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Krunch - Tjafs & Dalt (1986) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 如果有神 2021-5-23 076 如果有神 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Kings Of Oblivion - All This Madness (1990) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 071 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Kings Of Oblivion - Waster Machine (1991) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 10086 2021-5-23 070 10086 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Victims Family - Things I Hate To Admit (1988) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 068 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Kilslug - Bringing Back The Dead - 20 Year Reunion Live (2009) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 067 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Kitchener - The Price Of Progression (1993) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 071 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Krigshot - ...Och Hotet Kvarstår (2000) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 073 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Kings Of Oblivion - Wise Up EP. (1988) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 073 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Krigshot - Terroristattack Ep (1997) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 073 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Krunch - Hello Bob (1983) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 071 lz189 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Broken Bones - Trader In Death (Reissue 1990) (1987) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 0161 kayda 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Neuroot - Plead Insanity (1988) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 076 kayda 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Deride - F.T.L.E Ep (1999) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 075 lz189 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] WarHorse - I Am Dying (2002) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] kayda 2021-5-23 082 kayda 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Convict - Go Ahead... Make My Day! (1985) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 071 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Eucharist - Greeting Immortality (1992) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 48kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 069 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Acid - Don't Lose Your Dreams (1989) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 10086 2021-5-23 066 10086 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Abysmal Lord - Storms Of Unholy Black Mass [Limited Edition] (2014) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 065 lz189 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] J. Malmsteen - Trilogy (1986) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 48kHz] [APE] kayda 2021-5-23 072 kayda 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Cannibal Corpse - Red Before Black (2017) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 074 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Napalm - Cruel Tranquility (1989) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 094 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Bad Brains - Live At Iguanas, Tijuana 9.9.89 (1989) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 0149 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Attanas - Joulupukki-E.P. (1987) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 韬199435 2021-5-23 070 韬199435 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Attanas - Alcoholica Intoxica Intra-Analis Gravis (1988) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 064 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Attitude Adjustment - True To The Trade (1995) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 069 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Broken Bones - Seeing Through My Eyes (1985) [10-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 071 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Broken Bones - Never Say Die (1986) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 078 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Bloodcum - Death By A ... Clothes Hanger (1988) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 韬199435 2021-5-23 070 韬199435 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Bomb Disneyland - Why Not? (1989) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 072 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Neurosis - Short Wave Warfare (1991) [Bootleg] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 069 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Victims Family - Voltage And Violets (1986) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 10086 2021-5-23 073 10086 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Visual Discrimination - Step Back And Listen (1988) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 072 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Neos - End All Discrimination (1982) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 066 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Neurosis - Pain Of Mind (1987) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球搬运 2021-5-23 064 全球搬运 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Negazione - Wild Bunch / The Early Days (1989) [Compilation] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] lz189 2021-5-23 082 lz189 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Neuroot - Right Is Might (Reissue 2012) (1985) [12-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 韬199435 2021-5-23 069 韬199435 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Neos - Hassibah Gets The Martian Brain Squeeze (1982) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] elmisy 2021-5-23 070 elmisy 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Pamela Des Barres / The Dehumanizers - Pamela (2011) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 全球采集 2021-5-23 0176 全球采集 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Infinity - The Arcane Wisdom Of Shadows (2008) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] fqw1001 2021-5-23 079 fqw1001 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Crow - A Sacrifice For The Vicious Dominant And Bloodsheded Justice (2005) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 078 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Potergeist - Swampires (2013) [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 如果有神 2021-5-23 076 如果有神 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Cripple Bastards / Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - Slimewave Edition Two Of Six (2006) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 10086 2021-5-23 082 10086 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Unholy Grave / Capitalist Casualties - Racism (2000) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 073 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Doctor And The Crippens - Live (1989) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] tikus75 2021-5-23 071 tikus75 2021-5-23 13:36
[专辑] Unholy Grave / Godstomper - Mad World / Real Evil (2002) [7-EP] [Vinyl Rip 16Bit 44kHz] [FLAC] 韬199435 2021-5-23 067 韬199435 2021-5-23 13:36
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