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Modern Symphony 2019
Siggi String Quartet四重奏组 演奏的现代室内乐:
Siggi String Quartet成立于2012年,在雷克雅未克举行的斯堪的纳维亚青年作曲家节期间。四重奏与现任作曲家积极合作,委托首演了众多作品。四重奏的曲目从文艺复兴时期一直延伸到古典大师和Siggi String Quartet,四名成员对20和21世纪的曲目充满热情。 “ 进行声音和质感,即兴创作和生活电子产品的实验是我们工作的重要组成部分。演奏晚的贝多芬与在Haukur Tómasson Serimonia上演奏类似,使我们追求节奏上的超精准,并在演奏了相同的贝多芬之后,在Mamiko DísRagnarsdttir Fair,描绘出无尽的苔藓,灰色和绿色以及淡紫色和黄色的冰岛野生野花。 Una Sveinbjarnardóttir的作品“不透明度”更为自由,结构简单,即兴演奏感觉很盛行。 Daníel Bjarnason在2015年撰写了Stillshot。这首作品充满梦幻和怀旧气息,其形式类似于紫锥,相同的和弦进行过程一直在重复。在乐曲的中部,从调和结构中撤退之前,它一直恢复到最终状态。作曲家将作品描述为描绘贵族零碎的回忆。这些回忆突然出现并迅速消失,其中一些遥远,而另一些则更加集中和清晰。作品的标题是指摄影的早期阶段,人们必须保持静止相当长的时间,才能使照相机产生清晰的图像。
Siggi String Quartet was founded in 2012 during the Young Scandinavian Composers festival in Reykjavik. The quartet has actively collaborated with current composers and commissioned and premiered numerous works by various composers. The quartet’s repertoire extends from the renaissance through the classical masters and Siggi String Quartet four members have great passion for 20 and 21th century repertoire. “Experimenting with sound and texture, improvisation and life electronics is an important part of our work. It does deepen our understanding of the standard repertoire indirectly, and it goes both ways.” Playing a late Beethoven parallel to working on Haukur Tómasson Serimonia makes us aim for rhythmical super-precision and working on Mamiko Dís Ragnarsdóttir Fair Flowers after performing the same Beethoven pushed us into the long phrases, picturing endless moss, grey and green and the tiny wild Icelandic flowers in bright violet and yellow. Una Sveinbjarnardóttir′s piece Opacity is more free, the structure is simple and the improvisando feeling is reigning. Daníel Bjarnason wrote Stillshot in 2015. The piece is dreamy and nostalgic and in form resembles a chaconne, where the same chord progression repeats itself throughout. In the middle of the piece there is a retreat from the harmonic structure before it resumes the form until the end. The composer describes the piece as depicting fragmented memories of a noblewoman. The recollections appear abruptly and vanish quickly, some of them distant but others more focused and clear. The title of the piece refers to the early days of photography where people would have to stay still for considerable time so the camera would produce a clear picture.
Siggi String Quartet - South of the Circle (2019) [24-192] 2.10GB
Reissue of the disc: 2019
Genre: Classical
Publisher (label): Dorian Sono Luminus
Duration: 01:00:05
Yoonie Han 演奏的钢琴现代音乐:
Yoonie Han (1985) 韩尹正,美籍韩裔钢琴家。多个世界级钢琴大赛一等奖的获得者,包括华盛顿国际钢琴比赛、富布莱特协奏曲比赛、肖邦钢琴比赛等,并在各大演出中心演出。茱莉亚和柯蒂斯音乐学院博士。目前担任土耳其毕尔肯大学钢琴和室内乐教员,斯坦威艺术家。
Yoonjung "Yoonie" Han has built an impressive resume - degrees from Juilliard and Curtis, a doctorate in progress at SUNY Stony Brook, and several competition appearances including an appearance at the Van Cliburn. The 29-year-old Korean pianist signed with Steinway in 2012 and with this release, has free reign to present her ideas across a full album. "Love and Longing" features several lush showpieces including Prokofiev's piano arrangement on a bit of Romeo and Juliet, Franz Liszt's extravagant reimagining of the Liebestod from Wagner's Tristan und Isolde, plus six songs by Schubert in arrangements by Liszt and a pair of gauzy numbers by Reynaldo Hahn. Han, who has previously been heard on WQXR's McGraw-Hill Companies Young Artists Showcase, shows a willingness to move beyond the standard piano chestnuts and think in thematic terms with her programming. --WQXR Album of the Week, May 2014
Yoonie Han - Hahn - Le rossignol éperdu (2019) [24-96] 1.89GB
Yoonie Han - Hahn - Le rossignol éperdu (2019) [24-192] 3.54 GB
Disc reissues: 2019
Genre: Classical
Publisher (label): Steinway & Sons
Duration: 02:07:52
Yoonie Han - Granados Goyescas (2017) [24-192] 1.74GB
Reprint of the disc: 2017
Genre: Classical
Publisher (label): Steinway & Sons
Duration: 55:19
Berio, MacMillan, Verbey作曲的长号协奏曲, 约尔根·范·里延Jorgen van Rijen 演奏:
长号演奏家Jorgen van Rijen,荷兰皇家音乐厅管弦乐团的首席长号演奏家。鹿特丹音乐学院长号教授,洛桑高等音乐学院客座教授。出生于1975年圣彼得堡。八岁习长号,后来至荷兰鹿特丹音乐学院学习,师从多位大师。
Jorgen van Rijen & RCO - MacMillan,
Verbey & Berio- Trombone Concertos (2019) [24-96]
reissue of the disc: 2019
Genre: Classical
Publisher (label): BIS
Duration: 01:07:19