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地区: Germany 德国
风格: 暗潮 Dark Wave, 新民谣 Neofolk, 新古典暗潮 Neoclassical Dark Wave
永恒沉睡(Sopor Aeternus简称Sopor)起源于Anna-Varney与Holger相逢于德国的一个哥特俱乐部。最初两人没有钱购买乐器,只能在头脑中创作,尽管如此,他们还是创作了相当多的作品,并且在1992年发行了样品唱片。后来Holger离开了乐队。然后厂牌Apocalyptic Visions为Sopor Aeternus发行了首张录音室唱片。Sopor Aeternus的的作品里面大量使用铜管,木管乐器,尤其是笛子等带有强烈宗教色彩的配乐,以及各种吉他,合成器。内容多涉及死亡,自杀,悲苦,绝望,孤独,变性等题材。
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Sopor Aeternus
拉丁语,意为永恒沉睡,又指那些徘徊在地狱大门外,没接引收留的孤魂野鬼。他们的肉身早已腐烂,灵魂却没有归宿,只能在无人的夜晚游荡在墓地,唱那些哀伤的歌。(the Ensemble of Shadows)
与其说Sopor Aeternus是一支乐队,不如将其看作一个来自德国的神秘的哲学家团体。核心Anna-Varney(原名Varney),一个有异性倾向的思想家,他的音乐里包涵的那种对黑暗的向往、抑郁且扭曲的思想意识,那“比黑暗更加黑暗”的歌词和旋律, 有着异乎寻常的魔力。
自92年Holger离开之后,这支二人乐队实际上只剩下Anna-Varney一个人。所以 可以说,Anna-Varney就是Sopor Aeternus的灵魂。出道十余年的Sopor Aeternus至今已经是德国中世纪乐派的重要成员,除了那些阴暗、诡秘的悲剧作品之外,长期隐居、不以真面目示人的Anna-Varney一直是人们注意的焦点。虽然我们 可以通过音乐来了解他,但是他的过去,以及他的内心世界一直是个迷,也正是这个原因使得Sopor Aeternus与众不同的音乐和音乐内涵总是笼罩着一层神秘的面纱。
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植根于文艺复兴和巴洛克音乐的Sopor Aeternus,经常使用铜管乐器,木管乐器,弦乐,管机关,钟声,吉他。虽然早期作品使用鼓机,但后来专辑设有现场打击乐。所示Anna-Varney已经有了很大进展,和早期作品相比,2003年以后的专辑还雇用一个稍微更主流的声音,结合电子和轻微的哥特式摇滚,虽然是一个暗潮流派的乐队,但是Anna-Varney表示,她会忽略这个概念,只是简单地创作。有几次,Anna-Varney重新记录和回收她从前的歌曲,从而产生新的歌曲。
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2015-5-12 09:23 上传
Sopor Aeternus的音乐无任何特定的流派。Anna-Varney本人称为“中世纪末日民俗”。常用仪器是小号,圆号,大键琴,木琴,扬琴。另一个典型的特征就是利用教会机关和教堂的钟声样本。 Anna-Varney本身创建她不同的发声,如唱歌,低语或发牢骚。
经常有一些新闻记者、乐评人通过传真采访Anna-Varney,希望得知如此令人惊异的音乐作品,其灵感究竟从何而来。Anna-Varney的回答总是像谜一般高深莫测。 但从只言片语我们可以感到Anna-Varney有着非常痛苦的过去,他的经历一定非同常人。20多年来,Anna-Varney一直受到严重的精神症状和恶劣情绪的折磨。作为一个 男子,他却渴望成为女人——这种想法一直困扰着他。后来他易名为Anna,也是这个原因。一些Sopor Aeternus的音乐作品,例如96年的MCD“Ehjeh Ascher Ehjeh”(我就是我),也明显的表现了Anna-Varney的异性情结。Anna-Varney有着一段痛苦的童年经历,他曾把他的母亲称为“提供食物、衣服和打骂的女人”。这些 经历使得Anna-Varney成为一个异常敏感的孩子,他几乎封闭了他自己,因为他那脆弱的内心受到了太多创伤。我们可以想象造就Varney痛苦灵魂的种种经历,但是Anna-Varney自己对此讳莫如深,他只把那解释为“七个地狱的剧场”(The Theater of Seven Hells)。如此看来,在Sopor Aeternus表露出的对黑暗的病态向往甚至对死亡的迷恋是不足为怪的。Anna-Varney没有作秀,所有的对阴暗世界的歌颂, 都出自他的灵魂深处。Anna-Varney对世界的看法其实是模糊的,他不知道到底他活着是为了什么。他立志要用他优美的音乐唤醒世人,也就是他眼中的沉睡者,他和他的影子乐队一直在为这个理想奋斗着。也许在Anna-Varney的眼里,我们才是不正常的。他只是习惯了生活在自己的世界里,这是有易性倾向的人的普遍现象,只不过Anna-Varney太过于热爱他的世界,从而走不出来。形成了一个在我们眼中怪诞荒谬的人物。或恐怖,或优美,这一切都由现实社会的传统眼光来看待。
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows 13 CD], APE
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.5MB)
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.47MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.31MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.14MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell (Or The Vampyre Sucking At His Own Vein).ape (406.67MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell (Or The Vampyre Sucking At His Own Vein).log (6.99KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell (Or The Vampyre Sucking At His Own Vein).cue (2.23KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell (Or The Vampyre Sucking At His Own Vein).ape.cue (2.23KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell (Or The Vampyre Sucking At His Own Vein).txt (1.27KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (366B)
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.59MB)
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.59MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.27MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.13MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Todeswunsch - Sous Le Soleil De Saturne.ape (426.38MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Todeswunsch - Sous Le Soleil De Saturne.log (9.24KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Todeswunsch - Sous Le Soleil De Saturne.cue (2.97KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Todeswunsch - Sous Le Soleil De Saturne.ape.cue (2.97KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Todeswunsch - Sous Le Soleil De Saturne.txt (1.84KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (343B)
|-- [IROND CD 04-816] 2004 Dead Lovers' Sarabande - Face One
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.5MB)
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.46MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.33MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.05MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lover's Sarabande (Face One).ape (361.2MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lover's Sarabande (Face One).log (5.75KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lover's Sarabande (Face One).cue (1.75KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lover's Sarabande (Face One).ape.cue (1.75KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lover's Sarabande (Face One).txt (995B)
| `-- audiochecker.log (302B)
|-- [IROND CD 04-817] 2004 Dead Lovers' Sarabande - Face Two
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.49MB)
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.44MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.34MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.24MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two).ape (304.98MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two).log (6.02KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two).cue (1.69KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two).ape.cue (1.69KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus - Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two).txt (1.06KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (304B)
|-- [IROND CD 04-818] 2004 Ich tote mich jedesmal aufs Neue
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.52MB)
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.31MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.26MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.16MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue (Collection of early demo recordings).ape (449.98MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue (Collection of early demo recordings).log (3.34KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue (Collection of early demo recordings).cue (2.21KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue (Collection of early demo recordings).ape.cue (2.21KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue (Collection of early demo recordings).txt (1.21KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (366B)
|-- [IROND CD 04-820] 2004 Songs from the inverted Womb
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.63MB)
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.6MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.37MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.04MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus And The Ensemble Of Shadows - Songs From The Inverted Womb.ape (389.57MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus And The Ensemble Of Shadows - Songs From The Inverted Womb.log (5.83KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus And The Ensemble Of Shadows - Songs From The Inverted Womb.cue (1.78KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus And The Ensemble Of Shadows - Songs From The Inverted Womb.ape.cue (1.78KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus And The Ensemble Of Shadows - Songs From The Inverted Womb.txt (1013B)
| `-- audiochecker.log (323B)
|-- [IROND CD 04-821] 2004 The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.6MB)
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.44MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.37MB)
| | |-- Front.bmp (23.18MB)
| | |-- Cover Inside Page 5-6.jpg (6.87MB)
| | |-- Cover Inside Page 3-4.jpg (6.55MB)
| | |-- Cover Inside Page 1-2.jpg (6.44MB)
| | |-- Cover Inside Page 7-8.jpg (6.03MB)
| | `-- Cover Front Side.jpg (3.87MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller.ape (394.06MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller.log (6.85KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller.cue (2.43KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller.ape.cue (2.43KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller.txt (1.23KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (333B)
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.32MB)
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.32MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.26MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (22.84MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Le chambre d'echo - Where the dead birds sing.ape (481.42MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Le chambre d'echo - Where the dead birds sing.log (7.86KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Le chambre d'echo - Where the dead birds sing.cue (2.31KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Le chambre d'echo - Where the dead birds sing.ape.cue (2.31KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus - Le chambre d'echo - Where the dead birds sing.txt (1.53KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (327B)
|-- [IROND CD 08-1514] 2008 Like a Corpse standing in Desperation - PART 3 (Flowers in Formaldehyde)
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.2MB)
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.17MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.23MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.08MB)
| |-- Like A Corpse Standing In Desperation - Part 3 (Flowers In Formaldehyde).ape (203.28MB)
| |-- Like A Corpse Standing In Desperation - Part 3 (Flowers In Formaldehyde).log (4.91KB)
| |-- Like A Corpse Standing In Desperation - Part 3 (Flowers In Formaldehyde).cue (1.64KB)
| |-- Like A Corpse Standing In Desperation - Part 3 (Flowers In Formaldehyde).ape.cue (1.64KB)
| |-- ~Like A Corpse Standing In Desperation - Part 3 (Flowers In Formaldehyde).txt (842B)
| `-- audiochecker.log (366B)
|-- [IROND CD 08-1515] 2008 Like a Corpse standing in Desperation - PART 1 (CORPSE I)
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.25MB)
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.21MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.31MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.1MB)
| |-- Part 1 (Corpse I).ape (501.96MB)
| |-- Part 1 (Corpse I).log (10.22KB)
| |-- Part 1 (Corpse I).cue (3.43KB)
| |-- Part 1 (Corpse I).ape.cue (3.43KB)
| |-- ~Part 1 (Corpse I).txt (2.03KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (296B)
|-- [IROND CD 08-1516] 2008 Les Fleurs du Mal
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.23MB)
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.14MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.27MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.07MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Les Fleurs du Mal.ape (499.09MB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Les Fleurs du Mal.log (7.36KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Les Fleurs du Mal.cue (2.21KB)
| |-- Sopor Aeternus - Les Fleurs du Mal.ape.cue (2.21KB)
| |-- ~Sopor Aeternus - Les Fleurs du Mal.txt (1.4KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (274B)
|-- [IROND CD 08-1517] 2008 Like a Corpse standing in Desperation - PART 2 (VOYAGERthe jugglers of jusa)
| |-- Cover
| | |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.24MB)
| | |-- Back.bmp (28.23MB)
| | |-- CD.bmp (23.33MB)
| | `-- Front.bmp (23.03MB)
| |-- Part 2 (Voyager - The Jugglers Of Jusa).ape (446.89MB)
| |-- Part 2 (Voyager - The Jugglers Of Jusa).log (6.95KB)
| |-- Part 2 (Voyager - The Jugglers Of Jusa).cue (2.81KB)
| |-- Part 2 (Voyager - The Jugglers Of Jusa).ape.cue (2.81KB)
| |-- ~Part 2 (Voyager - The Jugglers Of Jusa).txt (1.24KB)
| `-- audiochecker.log (337B)
`-- [IROND CD 08-1518] 2008 Sanatorium ALTROSA - Musical Therapy for spiritual Dysfunction
|-- Cover
| |-- Back (Inside).bmp (28.33MB)
| |-- Back.bmp (28.28MB)
| |-- CD.bmp (23.33MB)
| `-- Front.bmp (23.08MB)
|-- Sopor Aeternus - Sanatorium Altrosa - Musical Therapy For Spiritual Dysfunction.ape (407.63MB)
|-- Sopor Aeternus - Sanatorium Altrosa - Musical Therapy For Spiritual Dysfunction.log (6.97KB)
|-- Sopor Aeternus - Sanatorium Altrosa - Musical Therapy For Spiritual Dysfunction.cue (2.1KB)
|-- Sopor Aeternus - Sanatorium Altrosa - Musical Therapy For Spiritual Dysfunction.ape.cue (2.1KB)
|-- ~Sopor Aeternus - Sanatorium Altrosa - Musical Therapy For Spiritual Dysfunction.txt (1.35KB)
`-- audiochecker.log (363B)