And so the discography of our own Massive Assault happily and steadily keeps on growing on and on. With the successor of ‘Dystopian Prophecies’ they are guests at Lords Of Metal for the fifth time already. The band still plays OSDM, which stands for Old School Death Metal, from the likes of and the tradition of the early and middle of the nineties. No pretention, just keep on metalling. And that is fun stuff every now and then. No longer they harness the expression “diesel truck grinding guitar sound”, which sort of covered it it all, but they now added to that “a nasty slab of bone-sawing, fat ’n crusty old school death metal”. I think it is always good to leave the fields you know so well, in order to explore new territories, even as an old school band. And besides the traditional death metal there is some space for some alternative elements, but don’t brace yourself for that I’d say, the shock is not that big.
The guys in Massive Assault have a certain picture in their head of how death metal should sound. And they do move within that limitation, but in general you could say they don’t cross the lines. Not compulsively, just the way they think it should be. I admit I am surprised by the solo on the last song a bit, as it sounds like a keyboard there, but apart from that it is none but full death metal spirit. The melodies seem to have gotten an increasingly big role, the spirit is the way we feel comfortable with. By the advance of melodies my interest has grown somewhat more than I was in the past, actually. And the vocalist obviously has grown from the live experience he gained the last years. To sum it up, the band embraces traditions, but are not afraid of growth. Are you a fan, you will probably stay a fan. Maybe even more then you ever was before.