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[专辑] (Classical Barocco) 200 лет музыки Версаля / 200 Years of Music at Versailles (B











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200 Years of Music at Versailles (BoxSet 20CD)
Жанр: Classical Barocco
Год выпуска диска: 2007
Производитель диска: MBF
Аудио кодек: APE
Тип рипа: image+.cue
Битрейт аудио: lossless
В октябре 2007 года Центр музыки барокко Версаля отпраздновал свою 20-ю годовщину. Чтобы отметить этот юбилей они выпустили этот поразительный набор из 20 CD с серией концертов, проходивших непосредственно в Версальском дворце, за последние 20 лет. Музыка охватывает период царствования Людовика XIII до Людовика XVI, включая симфонии, оперные арии, мессы, мотеты, сонаты, концерты и музыку к балетам.
CD 01 : Les Salons Precieux Du Premier Baroque : Monique Zanetti, Claire Antonini.
Monique Zanetti (Soprano)
Claire Antonini (Lute)
скрытый текст
01. Antoine Boesset : "Air qui produit tant de choses si belles" [0:02:27.63]
02. "Ne deliberons plus" [0:01:55.37]
03. "Jamais n'auray-je le pouvoir" [0:02:48.51]
04. Robert Balland : Ballet du Dauphin [0:04:06.47]
05. Antoine Boesset : "Plaignez la rigueur de mon sort" [0:01:49.56]
06. "Suis-je pas miserable ?" [0:02:24.35]
07. Robert Balland : Entree [0:01:16.71]
08. Anoine Boesset : "Ennuis, dιsespoirs et douleurs" [0:02:34.43]
09. "Du plus doux de ses traits" [0:02:41.66]
10. Anonyme : Courante [0:02:00.73]
11. Volte [0:01:05.15]
12. Anoine Boesset : "Me veux-tu voir mourir" [0:02:53.31]
13. "Alors que d'un discours hardy" [0:03:40.35]
14. "Heureux sejour de Partenisse" [0:02:53.22]
CD 02 : Court Music At The Time Of Louis XIII - Gerard Lense - Il Seminario Musicale.
Benjamin Perrot (Lute)
Blandine Rannou (clavesin)
Дирижер: Gérard Lesne
Ансамбль: Seminario Musicale
скрытый текст
01. J. C. De Chambonieres : Pavane [0:03:58.08]
02. Antoine Boesset : Beaute dont les rigueurs [0:03:44.55]
03. Donc vos rigueurs belle Uranie [0:05:30.10]
04. J. C. De Chambonneres : L'Affligee, allemande [0:03:31.09]
05. Antoine Boesset : Me veux tu voir mourir [0:04:12.06]
06. Francois Richard : Helas que je souffre de mal [0:03:03.15]
07. Jean Lacquemant : Plelude - Sarabande grave [0:03:35.43]
08. Antoine Boesset : Depart que le devoir me fait precipiter [0:04:33.52]
09. Ennemond Gaultier : Les larmes de Boesset, courant [0:02:17.53]
10. Antoine Boesset : je meurs je languis [0:02:35.60]
11. Francois De Chancy : Cher ami tes amoureux discours [0:01:23.41]
12. Je goute en liberte [0:01:46.28]
13. J. C. De Chambonnieres : Gigue [0:01:21.55]
14. L'Entretien des dieux, pavane [0:04:00.72]
15. Etienne Moulinie : Respects qui me donnez la loi [0:03:39.13]
16. Michel Lambert : Philis j'arrete enfin mon humeur vagabonde [0:01:44.22]
17. Etienne Moulinie : Amour je te suis oblige [0:02:56.19]
CD 03 : Lully : The Father Of French Opera - Les Pages, Les Chantres du CMBV / Musica Florea.
Barbara Kusa (Soprano), Marc Mauillon (Tenor), Jean-François Lombard (Countertenor),
Edwin Crossley-Mercer (Bass)
Дирижер: Olivier Schneebeli
Ансамбль: Musica Florea, Les Pages et Les Chantres de Versailles
скрытый текст
01. Jean-Baptiste Lully : Isis (experpts) : Ouverture [0:02:58.11]
02. Publions en tous lieux [0:04:34.61]
03. L' hyver qui nous tourmente [0:03:19.05]
04. Tot, tot, tot [0:02:17.64]
05. Liberte, liberte [0:08:27.10]
06. Aimons sans cesse [0:06:33.52]
07. Helas! Quel bruit! [0:06:34.73]
08. Amadis : Ouverture [0:02:05.44]
09. Marche pour le combat de la barriere [0:01:25.42]
10. Premier air, les combattants [0:01:09.35]
11. Second air [0:02:51.43]
12. Amour que veux-tu de moi? [0:01:32.59]
13. Toi qui dans ce tombeau [0:03:04.40]
14. Prelude [0:01:06.30]
15. Ciel ! finissez nos peines [0:00:54.47]
16. A qui pourrai-je avoir recours? [0:02:32.08]
17. Que vois-je? [0:03:01.64]
18. Fermez-vous pour jamais, mes yeux [0:01:26.08]
19. Je soumets a mes lois l'enfer, la terre et l' onde [0:02:29.65]
20. Chaconne [0:14:38.45]
CD 04 : Lully And His Successors At The Academie Royale De Musique - Le Concert Spirituel.
Stéphanie D'Oustrac (Mezzo Soprano)
Дирижер: Alice Piérot
Ансамбль: Le Concert Spirituel
Patricia Petitbon (Soprano), Sophie Daneman (Soprano)
Дирижер: William Christie
Ансамбль: Les Arts Florissants
скрытый текст
01. Andre Cardinal Destouches : Callirhoe : Ouverture [0:01:48.26]
02. O nuit temoin des mes soupirs [0:02:46.52]
03. Air Regnez a jamais [0:01:54.66]
04. Premier air [0:00:40.20]
05. Deuxieme air [0:00:51.28]
06. Air Le Tendre Amour [0:01:57.02]
07. Troisieme air [0:00:40.26]
08. Quatrieme air [0:00:51.33]
09. Reprise troisieme air [0:00:41.37]
10. Pascal Colasse : Achille & Polyxene : Ouverture [0:01:16.14]
11. Gavotte [0:01:29.54]
12. J.B. Lully : Persee : Jeux junoniens - premier et deuxieme air [0:01:38.19]
13. Entree des Cyclopes [0:00:35.35]
14. Entrιe des Nymphes guerrieres [0:00:33.46]
15. O Mort! Venez finir mon destin deplorable [0:03:06.16]
16. Marin Marais : Semele - Chaconne [0:07:29.50]
17. M.-A. Charpentier : Medee : Rondo pourles Corinthiens [0:01:36.56]
18. Air pour les Argiens [0:01:48.44]
19. Quel prix de mon amour ? [0:04:33.09]
20. Croiras-tu mon malheur ? [0:03:27.04]
21. Noires filles du Styx [0:08:35.01]
22. Intermede [0:00:49.20]
CD 05 : Concerts And Symphonies For The King - Les Folies francoises - Musica Florea.
Дирижер: Marek Stryncl
Ансамбль: Musica Florea
скрытый текст
01. Francois Couperin : Premier Concert royal : Prelude [0:02:23.45]
02. Allemande [0:01:24.56]
03. Sarabande [0:02:11.69]
04. Gavotte [0:00:36.71]
05. Gigue [0:01:18.17]
06. Menuet [0:01:25.16]
07. Deuxieme Concert royal - Pelude [0:01:21.31]
08. Allemande fuguee [0:01:41.29]
09. Air tendre [0:02:47.22]
10. Air contre-fugue [0:01:59.62]
11. Echos [0:03:33.62]
12. M-R. De Lalande : Symphonies pour les Soupers du Roi : Ouverture [0:04:12.73]
13. Prelude [0:00:21.50]
14. Marche des Candiots [0:01:18.28]
15. Air des Candiots [0:03:19.43]
16. Air des Combattants [0:00:59.49]
17. Chaconne [0:03:39.41]
18. Air d'Ancelade [0:01:28.24]
19. J-B. De Lully Fils ; Concert donne au aouper du Roi : Ouverture [0:03:36.53]
20. Sarabande [0:01:54.70]
21. Bourree [0:01:03.62]
22. Quatrieme Air en suite [0:03:07.14]
23. Loure [0:01:21.72]
24. Premier et deuxieme Rigaudon [0:01:49.72]
25. Grand Air en suite [0:02:44.57]
26. Rondeau en suite [0:01:11.54]
27. Grand Air en fanfare [0:01:45.27]
28. Passacaille [0:05:34.72]
CD 06 : The Triumph Of Religious Expession In Baroque Music - Les Arts Florrissants - Ensemble Jaques Moderne.
Sabine Garrone (Mezzo Soprano), Edwige Parat (Soprano), Anne Magouët (Soprano),
François-Nicolas Geslot (Countertenor), Hervé Lamy (Tenor), Jean-Claude Sarragosse (Bass)
Дирижер: Joel Suhubiette
Ансамбль: Jacques Moderne Ensemble
скрытый текст
01. F. Couperin : Troisieme lecon de Tenebres : YOD: manum.. [0:01:40.45]
02. CAPH : Omnis populus ejus [0:01:45.35]
03. LAMED : O vos omnes [0:02:38.01]
04. MEM : De escelso misit [0:01:44.04]
05. NUN : Vigilavit jugum [0:01:54.28]
06. Jerusalem convertere [0:01:57.37]
07. M-A. Charpentier : Litanies de la Vierge : Kyrie eleison [0:05:00.38]
08. Speculum justitiae [0:02:57.63]
09. Salus infirmorum [0:04:59.58]
10. Agnus Dei [0:03:30.59]
11. Miserere : Miserere mei [0:12:06.08]
12. Averte faciem tuam [0:02:05.09]
13. Ne progicias me a facie [0:03:17.43]
14. Libera me [0:02:33.15]
15. Sacrificium Deo spiritus [0:01:23.65]
16. Benigne fac Domine [0:00:48.06]
17. Tunc acceptabis sacrificium [0:02:45.67]
CD 07 : The Royal Chapel At The Times Of Louis XIV - Ricercar consort - Les Pages et Les Chantres du CMBV - Le Concert Spirituel.
Sébastien Droy (Tenor), Stéphanie Révidat (Soprano), Hanna Bayodi (Soprano),
François-Nicolas Geslot (Countertenor)
Дирижер: Hervé Niquet
Ансамбль: Le Concert Spirituel
скрытый текст
01. H. Dumont : Exultat animus [0:08:32.48]
02. Magnificat [0:12:11.61]
03. J-B. Lully : Miserere : Miserere mei Deus [0:03:17.09]
04. Amplius lava me [0:03:02.11]
05. Tibi soli peccavi [0:01:38.13]
06. Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti [0:00:59.28]
07. Asperges me [0:02:38.43]
08. Averte faciem tuam [0:01:15.17]
09. Ne projicias me a facie tua [0:01:55.04]
10. Docebo iniquos vias tuas [0:01:58.14]
11. Domine labia mea aperies [0:01:36.31]
12. Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus [0:01:26.24]
13. Benigne fac Domine [0:00:26.50]
14. Tunc acceptabis [0:01:21.31]
15. H. Desmarest : De Profundis : De Profundis [0:03:43.29]
16. Fiant aures [0:01:45.61]
17. Si iniquitates [0:02:53.41]
18. Quia apud te [0:02:04.71]
19. Sustinuit anima mea [0:01:52.67]
20. A custodia matutina [0:02:05.27]
21. Quia apud Dominum [0:01:55.54]
22. Et ipse redimet [0:02:04.09]
23. Requiem aeternam [0:03:15.66]
24. Et lux perpetua [0:01:49.55]
CD 08 : Masses And Motets For the Parishes - Les Arts Florissants etc.
Performer: Stephan Macleod (Bass), Lluis Vilamajó (Tenor), Hanna Bayodi (Soprano),
Mathias Vidal (Countertenor), Céline Scheen (Soprano)
Дирижер: Philippe Pierlot
Ансамбль: Ricercar Consort, Collegium Vocale Gent
скрытый текст
01. M-A. Charpentier : Messe des morts a 4 voix : Kyrie [0:08:52.54]
02. Dies irae [0:13:50.33]
03. Sanctus [0:01:30.24]
04. Pie Jesu [0:01:24.21]
05. Benedictus [0:00:52.05]
06. Agnus Dei [0:03:15.23]
07. S. De Brossard : In Convertendo : Preludio [0:02:07.69]
08. In Convertendo [0:01:30.39]
09. Tunc repletum [0:01:33.70]
10. Tunc dicent [0:02:10.47]
11. Magnificavit Dominus [0:02:03.44]
12. Converte, Domine [0:02:55.61]
13. Qui seminant [0:01:52.24]
14. Euntes ibant et flebant [0:02:52.06]
15. Venientes autem [0:02:04.33]
16. H. Desmarest - Usquequo Domine - Usquequo Domine [0:06:47.16]
17. Quamdiu [0:03:34.11]
18. Usquequo exaltabitur [0:02:43.04]
19. Illumina oculos meos [0:03:05.54]
20. Qui tribulant me [0:01:41.19]
21. Exultabit cor meum [0:06:12.57]
CD 09 : Rameau At the Academie Royale De Musique - Les Musiciens du Louvre etc.
Jean-Louis Meunier (Tenor), Luc Coadou (Bass), Russel Smythe (Baritone),
Jean-Paul Fouchécourt (Tenor), Véronique Gens (Soprano), Bernarda Fink (Mezzo Soprano),
Laurent Naouri (Baritone), Jean-Louis Georgel (Baritone), Jacques Des Longchamps (Countertenor)
Дирижер: Marc Minkowski
Ансамбль: Les Musiciens du Louvre
Дирижер: Christophe Rousset
Ансамбль: Les Talens Lyriques
скрытый текст
01. J-P.Rameau : Hippolyte & Aricie : ActII : Ritournelle [0:00:40.07]
02. Laisse-moi respirer, implacable Furie! [0:00:32.45]
03. Dieux, n'est-ce pas assez des maux que j'ai soufferts? [0:01:29.66]
04. Contente-toi d'une victime! [0:00:44.09]
05. Prelude [0:02:00.32]
06. Sous les drapeaux de Mars [0:00:41.00]
07. Mais cette gloire, enfin, fallait-il la ternir ? [0:00:29.26]
08. Pour prix d'un projet temeraire [0:00:59.10]
09. Eh bien ! je remets ma victime [0:00:22.15]
10. Qu'a servir mon courroux tout l'Enfer se prepare ! [0:02:14.04]
11. Premier air infernal [0:01:29.59]
12. Deuxieme air [0:01:17.43]
13. Pluton commande, vengeons notre Roi ! [0:01:23.12]
14. Dieux, que d'infortunes gemissent dans ces lieux ! [0:00:47.30]
15. La mort, la seule mort a droit de vous unir [0:00:27.34]
16. Du Destin le vouloir supreme [0:01:36.16]
17. Ah ! qu'on daigne du moins [0:03:00.12]
18. Non, Neptune aurait beau t'entendre [0:00:52.35]
19. Prelude [0:00:53.65]
20. Jupiter tient les cieux sous son obeissance [0:00:34.33]
21. C'en est fait, je me rends [0:01:22.57]
22. Quelle soudaine horreur, ton destin nous inspire ! [0:03:20.14]
23. ActIV : Le sort conduit vers nous ces sujets de Diane [0:00:24.08]
24. Faisons partout voler nos traits ! [0:01:19.00]
25. Premier Air [0:01:53.30]
26. Dexieme Air : Rondeau [0:02:32.62]
27. Premiere et Deuxieme Menuets [0:02:14.52]
28. Quel bruit ! quel vents, O ciel ! [0:01:57.65]
29. Quelle plainte en ces lieux m'appelle [0:04:11.69]
30. LTL ou Le Fetes d'Hebe : Ouverture [0:02:41.15]
31. Pour rendre a mon Hymen tout l'Olympe propice [0:03:34.27]
32. Musette en rondeau [0:01:14.30]
33. Tambourin en rondeau [0:01:02.72]
34. Hippolyte et Aricie : Ouverture [0:01:53.39]
35. Temple sacre [0:03:27.21]
36. Quels doux concerts [0:05:56.11]
37. Zoroastre : Reviens c'est l'amour qui t'appelle [0:01:56.47]
38. Premiere entree de peuples differents [0:02:08.12]
CD 10 : Divertissement For louis XV The Well Beloved - Ausonia.
Arnaud Richard (Voice), Bénédicte Tauran (Soprano), Aurore Bucher (Soprano),
Mathias Vidal (Tenor)
Дирижер: Frederick Haas, Mira Glodeanu
Ансамбль: Ausonia
скрытый текст
01. F. Rebel : Zelidor, Roi des Sylphes : Ouverture [0:03:10.33]
02. Un souverain genie [0:06:47.32]
03. Pourquoi me refuser [0:05:19.00]
04. Prelude danse [0:01:36.20]
05. Air instrumental [0:01:13.52]
06. Il faut que tout seconde [0:01:50.38]
07. Sur vos pas [0:01:45.38]
08. Premiere et deuxieme Gavotte [0:00:42.17]
09. C'en est assez [0:07:11.62]
10. Ah! Combien vous m'aimerez [0:01:25.49]
11. Prelude pour les Genies elementaires [0:01:18.70]
12. Air pour le Feu [0:01:11.12]
13. Que dans les airs [0:03:14.25]
14. Air instrumental [0:01:03.37]
15. Quel amantsous vos lois [0:00:58.54]
16. Gavotte [0:02:07.45]
17. Vos destins changent leurs cours [0:01:11.34]
18. Chaconne [0:08:28.02]
CD 11 : Divertissement For The Theatre Des Petits-Appartements - Les Nouveaux Caracteres.
Arnaud Marzoratti (Bass Baritone), Caroline Mutel (Soprano), Virginie Pochon (Soprano),
Jean-Sébastien Bou (Baritone)
Дирижер: Sébastien D'Hérin
Ансамбль: Les Nouveaux Caractères
скрытый текст
01. F.C. De Blamont : Egine : Ouverture [0:02:32.46]
02. Mes flots embrassent l'Universe [0:03:04.06]
03. Air pour les Tritons [0:01:29.48]
04. La Seine exempte des horreurs [0:01:05.57]
05. Cependant la Discorde [0:00:20.17]
06. Prelude [0:00:33.09]
07. Mercure impatient de servir vos dιsirs [0:00:26.34]
08. L'impetueuse Victoire" [0:01:51.64]
09. Se lasse-t-on de vaincre [0:00:53.44]
10. Des Mers puissante Souveraine [0:01:10.27]
11. Il triomphe, Il pardonne [0:02:20.62]
12. Menuet [0:00:53.31]
13. Prelude [0:00:38.13]
14. Ah ! barbare Sysiphe [0:03:48.26]
15. Faut-il trembler pour toi [0:01:50.61]
16. Tous mes sens ιeuises [0:01:07.34]
17. Charmante Egine, Eh quoy [0:01:09.71]
18. Dans un songe les Dieux m'ont annonce [0:01:25.62]
19. Ah ! D'un songe si vain [0:01:24.68]
20. Sysiphe daigne encor [0:00:32.37]
21. Prelude pour les vents [0:01:29.05]
22. Qu'entends-je! quel bruit effroyable [0:00:50.43]
23. Le presage pour vous doit etre favorable [0:01:06.23]
24. Voyez des ses faveurs une nouvelle image [0:02:34.65]
25. Marche pour les Peuples nouveaux [0:01:49.26]
26. Pour gouter de ce bien [0:00:41.41]
27. Vous Jupiter ! [0:01:26.68]
28. Vous m'aimez, je vous adore [0:01:39.28]
29. Prelude [0:00:20.28]
30. Mais un char enflamme [0:01:26.42]
31. Egine, Scene 5 - Chaconne [0:05:42.16]
32. Que de nos chants tout retentisse [0:01:37.05]
CD 12 : At The Concert Spirituel - Les Arts Florissants.
Maarten Koningsberger (Baritone), François Piolino (Tenor), Sophie Daneman (Soprano),
Paul Agnew (Countertenor), Maryseult Wieczorek (Mezzo Soprano), François Bazola (Bass)
Дирижер: William Christie
Ансамбль: Les Arts Florissants
скрытый текст
01. J-J. Cassanea de Mondoville : Dominus regnavit : Dominus [0:04:02.45]
02. Et enim firmavit [0:02:36.13]
03. Parata sedes [0:02:45.39]
04. Elevaverunt flumina [0:04:09.61]
05. Testimonia tua [0:04:01.03]
06. Gloria Patri [0:04:24.34]
07. J-P.Rameau : In convertedo : In convertendo [0:02:56.40]
08. Tunc repletum [0:03:07.11]
09. Magnificat Dominus [0:03:26.13]
10. Converte Domine [0:02:08.35]
11. Laudate nomen Dei [0:04:03.72]
12. Qui seminant in lacrimis [0:02:19.08]
13. Euntes ibant et flebant [0:05:16.62]
CD 13 : The Royal Chapel At TheTimes De Louis XV - Le Parnasse Francais.
Isabelle Poulenard (Soprano), Romain Champion (Tenor), Robert Getchell (Countertenor),
Marc Mauillon (Baritone)
Дирижер: Louis Castelain
Ансамбль: Le Parnasse Français
скрытый текст
01. A. Campra : Confitebor tibi domine : Confitebor tibi [0:01:49.58]
02. Magna opera [0:02:36.26]
03. Confessio et magnificentia [0:01:34.28]
04. Memoriam fecit [0:01:23.54]
05. Memor erit [0:02:58.04]
06. Fidelia omnia [0:01:53.51]
07. Redemptionem misit Dominus [0:01:38.05]
08. Sanctum et terribile [0:02:21.30]
09. Intellectus bonus omnibus [0:02:16.41]
10. J-J.Cassanea De mondoville : Nisi Dominus : Nisi Dominus [0:02:57.49]
11. Vanum est vobis [0:02:07.10]
12. Cum dederit dilectis [0:04:01.55]
13. Sicut sagittae [0:03:09.48]
14. Beatus vir [0:01:26.67]
15. Non confundetur [0:04:38.46]
16. C-B. Balbastre : Livre d'orgue de Dijon : Air [0:04:37.46]
17. Duo [0:02:38.37]
18. M. Corrette : Noel : Vous qui dιsirez sans fin [0:05:48.42]
19. L-C. Daquin : Noel sur les jeux d'anches [0:04:57.04]
CD 14 : The Fench Orchestral Revival - Ensemble Baroque de Limoges, Les Musiciens du Louvre.
Дирижер: Christophe Coin
Ансамбль: Limoges Baroque Ensemble
Дирижер: Marc Minkowski
Ансамбль: Les Musiciens du Louvre
скрытый текст
01. M-R.De Lalande : Les Folies de Cardenio : Ouverture [0:03:47.44]
02. Air de trompettes [0:01:07.19]
03. Air martial [0:00:55.67]
04. Loure [0:01:19.43]
05. Rondeau [0:00:59.67]
06. Air leger [0:00:53.08]
07. Sarabande legere [0:01:19.67]
08. Menuet [0:00:46.10]
09. Marche pour les Masques [0:01:03.55]
10. Chaconne legere pour les Maures [0:02:13.50]
11. Air pour les chinois [0:01:24.42]
12. Menuet pour les memes [0:01:33.70]
13. Air pour les Pagodes [0:02:07.08]
14. Air des Combattants [0:01:02.57]
15. Appel des Bergers [0:01:35.18]
16. Marche des Bergers [0:01:05.52]
17. Muzette [0:01:04.67]
18. Bourrees [0:01:36.38]
19. Menuets [0:02:18.17]
20. Air sur la "LaCassandre" [0:01:22.05]
21. Air pour les flutes [0:01:53.55]
22. Air pour les Indiens [0:01:15.39]
23. Entree des Matelots [0:01:18.45]
24. "La Tempete" [0:02:03.65]
25. J-J.Cassanea De Mondoville : Sonate n°4 : I.Allegro [0:04:21.36]
26. II. Aria. Andante gratioso [0:02:33.02]
27. III. Gigha [0:03:50.08]
28. Sonate n°6 : I. Allegro [0:02:54.00]
29. IIa. Larghetto [0:05:08.53]
30. IIb. Amoroso [0:03:15.22]
31. III. Gigha : Allegretto [0:02:14.14]
CD 15 : Italians At The French Court - Cappella della Pieta de' Turchini.
Roberta Invernizzi (Soprano)
Дирижер: Antonio Florio
Ансамбль: Cappella della Pietà de' Turchini
скрытый текст
01. A. Sacchini : Oedipe a Colone : Ouverture [0:04:49.38]
02. Tout mon bonheur [0:01:53.12]
03. Gavotte [0:05:03.67]
04. Je ne vous quitte point [0:02:18.59]
05. Ballet final [0:08:51.19]
06. N. Piccinni : Didon : Ouverture : Allegro mastoso.. [0:11:45.64]
07. Qui, moi, le flatter? [0:06:05.12]
08. Andantino [0:02:49.52]
09. Didone abbandonata : Son regina e son amante [0:07:14.13]
CD 16 : French Opera On The Threshold Of Romantism - Les Agremens - Les Paladins.
Pierre-Yves Pruvot (Baritone)
Дирижер: Guy Van Waas
Ансамбль: Les Agrémens
скрытый текст
01. A. Sacchini : Dardanus : Ouverture [0:05:03.27]
02. R. Kreutzer : La Mort d'Abel : L'aurore a dissipe.. [0:06:22.62]
03. P-A. Monsigny : Le Dιserteur : Il ;'eut ete si doux de.. [0:09:49.01]
04. J-F. Lesueur : La Caverne : dans ce peril certain [0:08:46.48]
05. F-J. Gossec : Sabinus : Tambourin [0:01:55.59]
06. Air des vieillards [0:02:41.01]
07. Air en passacaille [0:04:00.28]
08. Gigue pour les enfants [0:01:48.34]
09. F-A.D. Philidor : Ernelinde princesse de Norvege : Transports [0:05:52.59]
10. A.E.M. Gretry : Le Huron : Ouverture [0:05:14.73]
11. La Fausse Magie : Comme un eclair [0:05:25.42]
12. L'Amant jaloux : O doucenuit,.. [0:05:32.36]
CD 17 : The Rise Of The French Symphony - Le Cercle de l'Harmonie.
Дирижер: Jérémie Rhorer
Ансамбль: Le Cercle de l'Harmonie
скрытый текст
01. F-J. Gossec : Symphonie concertante du ballet Mirza : Allegro [0:01:25.42]
02. S. Leduc : Symphonie en mib M : I. Maestoso, Allegro vivace [0:06:04.49]
03. II. Adagio sostenuto [0:03:45.27]
04. III. Rondo moderato [0:03:44.42]
05. H-J.Rigel : Symphonie en rι m Op.21 n°2 : I. Allegro maestoso [0:06:32.30]
06. II. Adagio [0:03:03.66]
07. III. Presto [0:05:54.11]
Cd 18 : The Early Days Of Pianoforte - Andreas Staier.
Andreas Staier (Fortepiano)
скрытый текст
01. G-B.Balbastre : Prelude en ut majeur [0:02:35.52]
02. W.A. Mozart : Sonate Parisienne K310 : Allegro maestoso [0:05:11.23]
03. Andante cantabile [0:08:39.50]
04. Presto [0:03:37.68]
05. H.Jadin : Sonate en re majeur op.5 n°2 : Allegro [0:05:12.28]
06. Andante [0:03:18.14]
07. Final : Presto [0:03:36.51]
08. W.A. Mozart : Neuf Variations sur l'air "Lison dormait" K264 [0:15:25.07]
CD 19 : The Salons Of Versailles At TheTimes Of The Enlightenment - Quatuor Cambini.
Atsushi Sakai (Cello), Karine Crocquenoy (Violin), Julien Chauvin (Violin),
Cécile Brossard (Viola), Alexis Kossenko (Flute)
Ансамбль: Cambini Quartet
скрытый текст
01. F.Devienne : Quatuor Pout flute op.66 n°1 : Allegro amabile [0:06:29.33]
02. Adagio [0:04:02.34]
03. Presto [0:05:01.22]
04. P.Vachon : Quatuor a cordes op.5 n°3 : Allegro non tanto [0:04:20.35]
05. Andante [0:03:19.08]
06. Rondeau : Allegro non tanto [0:04:02.20]
07. G.M. Cambini : Quatuor a cordes op.18 n°2 : Allegro affetuoso [0:05:28.49]
08. Adagio [0:04:41.68]
09. Presto [0:03:59.46]
10. L. Boccherini : Quintette pour Flute op.21 n°6 : Larghetto [0:03:15.28]
11. Allegro con molto [0:03:20.35]
CD 20 : New Aspects Of Sacred Music At The Time Of Louis XVI - Les Agremens.
Alain Buet (Bass), Cyril Auvity (Countertenor), James Oxley (Tenor),
Kareen Durand (Soprano)
Дирижер: Jean-Claude Malgoire
Ансамбль: Namur Chamber Choir, Les Agrémens
Performer: Philippe Do (Countertenor), Isabelle Poulenard (Soprano), Alain Buet (Bass)
Дирижер: Olivier Schneebeli
Ансамбль: Les Folies Françoises, Les Chantres du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles
Olivier Latry (Organ)
скрытый текст
01. F-J. Gossec : Terribilis est : Terribilis est [0:01:22.05]
02. Quam dilecta [0:04:17.29]
03. Et enim passer [0:04:13.36]
04. Beati qui habitant [0:06:33.23]
05. F. Giroust : Benedic anima mae : Benedic anima mae [0:03:18.56]
06. Qui fundasti terram [0:04:27.58]
07. Qui emitis fontes [0:03:58.34]
08. Jucudum sit ei [0:02:49.44]
09. Cantabo Domino [0:03:29.32]
10. Sit gloria Domini [0:03:54.14]
11. H-J Rigel : Le Sortie D'Egypt : Quel changement soudain [0:04:51.17]
12. Qui, Peuple! tu verras [0:04:13.39]
13. Arrete! Dieu des Juifs [0:02:06.65]
14. Israel! De ton Dieu reconnais [0:01:22.43]
15. O prodige inoui [0:03:43.66]
16. Je reconnais ton bras [0:02:28.24]
17. N. Sejean : Noel suisse [0:08:34.57]
18. G. Lasceux : Morceau pour les flutes [0:05:17.57]
19. Marche des Marseillois et l'air "Ca ira" [0:05:50.35]
Отчеты EAC
скрытый текст
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 20. October 2008, 1:15
Monique Zanetti, Claire Antonini / Cd 1 - Les Salons Precieux Du Premier Baroque
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:27.63 | 0 | 11087
2 | 2:27.63 | 1:55.37 | 11088 | 19749
3 | 4:23.25 | 2:48.51 | 19750 | 32400
4 | 7:12.01 | 4:06.47 | 32401 | 50897
5 | 11:18.48 | 1:49.56 | 50898 | 59128
6 | 13:08.29 | 2:24.35 | 59129 | 69963
7 | 15:32.64 | 1:16.71 | 69964 | 75734
8 | 16:49.60 | 2:34.43 | 75735 | 87327
9 | 19:24.28 | 2:41.66 | 87328 | 99468
10 | 22:06.19 | 2:00.73 | 99469 | 108541
11 | 24:07.17 | 1:05.15 | 108542 | 113431
12 | 25:12.32 | 2:53.31 | 113432 | 126437
13 | 28:05.63 | 3:40.35 | 126438 | 142972
14 | 31:46.23 | 2:53.22 | 142973 | 155969
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD01\Monique Zanetti, Claire Antonini - Cd 1 - Les Salons Precieux Du Premier Baroque.ape
Peak level 88.1 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 1A58C913
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 20. October 2008, 10:13
Gerard Lense - Il Seminario Musicale / Cd 2 - Court Music At The Time Of Louis XIII
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:58.08 | 0 | 17857
2 | 3:58.08 | 3:44.55 | 17858 | 34712
3 | 7:42.63 | 5:30.10 | 34713 | 59472
4 | 13:12.73 | 3:31.09 | 59473 | 75306
5 | 16:44.07 | 4:12.06 | 75307 | 94212
6 | 20:56.13 | 3:03.15 | 94213 | 107952
7 | 23:59.28 | 3:35.43 | 107953 | 124120
8 | 27:34.71 | 4:33.52 | 124121 | 144647
9 | 32:08.48 | 2:17.53 | 144648 | 154975
10 | 34:26.26 | 2:35.60 | 154976 | 166660
11 | 37:02.11 | 1:23.41 | 166661 | 172926
12 | 38:25.52 | 1:46.28 | 172927 | 180904
13 | 40:12.05 | 1:21.55 | 180905 | 187034
14 | 41:33.60 | 4:00.72 | 187035 | 205106
15 | 45:34.57 | 3:39.13 | 205107 | 221544
16 | 49:13.70 | 1:44.22 | 221545 | 229366
17 | 50:58.17 | 2:56.19 | 229367 | 242585
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD02\Gerard Lense - Il Seminario Musicale - Cd 2 - Court Music At The Time Of Louis XIII.ape
Peak level 89.1 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC B5AA107A
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 20. October 2008, 22:35
Les Pages, les Chantres du CMBV - Musica Florea / Cd 3 - Lully : The Father Of French Opera
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:58.11 | 0 | 13360
2 | 2:58.11 | 4:34.61 | 13361 | 33971
3 | 7:32.72 | 3:19.05 | 33972 | 48901
4 | 10:52.02 | 2:17.64 | 48902 | 59240
5 | 13:09.66 | 8:27.10 | 59241 | 97275
6 | 21:37.01 | 6:33.52 | 97276 | 126802
7 | 28:10.53 | 6:34.73 | 126803 | 156425
8 | 34:45.51 | 2:05.44 | 156426 | 165844
9 | 36:51.20 | 1:25.42 | 165845 | 172261
10 | 38:16.62 | 1:09.35 | 172262 | 177471
11 | 39:26.22 | 2:51.43 | 177472 | 190339
12 | 42:17.65 | 1:32.59 | 190340 | 197298
13 | 43:50.49 | 3:04.40 | 197299 | 211138
14 | 46:55.14 | 1:06.30 | 211139 | 216118
15 | 48:01.44 | 0:54.47 | 216119 | 220215
16 | 48:56.16 | 2:32.08 | 220216 | 231623
17 | 51:28.24 | 3:01.64 | 231624 | 245262
18 | 54:30.13 | 1:26.08 | 245263 | 251720
19 | 55:56.21 | 2:29.65 | 251721 | 262960
20 | 58:26.11 | 14:38.45 | 262961 | 328855
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD03\Les Pages, les Chantres du CMBV - Musica Florea - Cd 3 - Lully The Father Of French Opera.ape
Peak level 99.5 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 51564EDE
Copy CRC 51564EDE
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 20. October 2008, 23:27
Le Concert Spirituel / Cd 4 - Lully And His Successors At The Academie Royale De Musique
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:48.26 | 0 | 8125
2 | 1:48.26 | 2:46.52 | 8126 | 20627
3 | 4:35.03 | 1:54.66 | 20628 | 29243
4 | 6:29.69 | 0:40.20 | 29244 | 32263
5 | 7:10.14 | 0:51.28 | 32264 | 36116
6 | 8:01.42 | 1:57.02 | 36117 | 44893
7 | 9:58.44 | 0:40.26 | 44894 | 47919
8 | 10:38.70 | 0:51.33 | 47920 | 51777
9 | 11:30.28 | 0:41.37 | 51778 | 54889
10 | 12:11.65 | 1:16.14 | 54890 | 60603
11 | 13:28.04 | 1:29.54 | 60604 | 67332
12 | 14:57.58 | 1:38.19 | 67333 | 74701
13 | 16:36.02 | 0:35.35 | 74702 | 77361
14 | 17:11.37 | 0:33.46 | 77362 | 79882
15 | 17:45.08 | 3:06.16 | 79883 | 93848
16 | 20:51.24 | 7:29.50 | 93849 | 127573
17 | 28:20.74 | 1:36.56 | 127574 | 134829
18 | 29:57.55 | 1:48.44 | 134830 | 142973
19 | 31:46.24 | 4:33.09 | 142974 | 163457
20 | 36:19.33 | 3:27.04 | 163458 | 178986
21 | 39:46.37 | 8:35.01 | 178987 | 217612
22 | 48:21.38 | 0:49.20 | 217613 | 221307
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD04\Le Concert Spirituel - Cd 4 - Lully And His Successors At The Academie Royale De Musique.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC AAA6805E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 21. October 2008, 11:38
Les Folies francoises - Musica Florea / Cd 5 - Concerts And Symphonies For The King
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:23.45 | 0 | 10769
2 | 2:23.45 | 1:24.56 | 10770 | 17125
3 | 3:48.26 | 2:11.69 | 17126 | 27019
4 | 6:00.20 | 0:36.71 | 27020 | 29790
5 | 6:37.16 | 1:18.17 | 29791 | 35657
6 | 7:55.33 | 1:25.16 | 35658 | 42048
7 | 9:20.49 | 1:21.31 | 42049 | 48154
8 | 10:42.05 | 1:41.29 | 48155 | 55758
9 | 12:23.34 | 2:47.22 | 55759 | 68305
10 | 15:10.56 | 1:59.62 | 68306 | 77292
11 | 17:10.43 | 3:33.62 | 77293 | 93329
12 | 20:44.30 | 4:12.73 | 93330 | 112302
13 | 24:57.28 | 0:21.50 | 112303 | 113927
14 | 25:19.03 | 1:18.28 | 113928 | 119805
15 | 26:37.31 | 3:19.43 | 119806 | 134773
16 | 29:56.74 | 0:59.49 | 134774 | 139247
17 | 30:56.48 | 3:39.41 | 139248 | 155713
18 | 34:36.14 | 1:28.24 | 155714 | 162337
19 | 36:04.38 | 3:36.53 | 162338 | 178590
20 | 39:41.16 | 1:54.70 | 178591 | 187210
21 | 41:36.11 | 1:03.62 | 187211 | 191997
22 | 42:39.73 | 3:07.14 | 191998 | 206036
23 | 45:47.12 | 1:21.72 | 206037 | 212183
24 | 47:09.09 | 1:49.72 | 212184 | 220430
25 | 48:59.06 | 2:44.57 | 220431 | 232787
26 | 51:43.63 | 1:11.54 | 232788 | 238166
27 | 52:55.42 | 1:45.27 | 238167 | 246068
28 | 54:40.69 | 5:34.72 | 246069 | 271190
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD05\Les Folies francoises - Musica Florea - Cd 5 - Concerts And Symphonies For The King.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 1E088F8C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 21. October 2008, 14:29
Les Arts Florrissants - Ensemble Jaques Moderne / Cd 6 - The Triumph Of Religious Expession In Baroque Music
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:40.45 | 0 | 7544
2 | 1:40.45 | 1:45.35 | 7545 | 15454
3 | 3:26.05 | 2:38.01 | 15455 | 27305
4 | 6:04.06 | 1:44.04 | 27306 | 35109
5 | 7:48.10 | 1:54.28 | 35110 | 43687
6 | 9:42.38 | 1:57.37 | 43688 | 52499
7 | 11:40.00 | 5:00.38 | 52500 | 75037
8 | 16:40.38 | 2:57.63 | 75038 | 88375
9 | 19:38.26 | 4:59.58 | 88376 | 110858
10 | 24:38.09 | 3:30.59 | 110859 | 126667
11 | 28:08.68 | 12:06.08 | 126668 | 181125
12 | 40:15.01 | 2:05.09 | 181126 | 190509
13 | 42:20.10 | 3:17.43 | 190510 | 205327
14 | 45:37.53 | 2:33.15 | 205328 | 216817
15 | 48:10.68 | 1:23.65 | 216818 | 223107
16 | 49:34.58 | 0:48.06 | 223108 | 226713
17 | 50:22.64 | 2:45.67 | 226714 | 239155
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD06\Les Arts Florrissants - Ensemble Jaques Moderne - Cd 6 - The Triumph Of Religious Expession In Baroque Music.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 21A19C56
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 21. October 2008, 15:11
Ricercar consort - Les Pages et Les Chantres du CMBV - Le Concert Spirituel / Cd 7 - The Royal Chapel At The Times Of Louis XIV
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:32.48 | 0 | 38447
2 | 8:32.48 | 12:11.61 | 38448 | 93333
3 | 20:44.34 | 3:17.09 | 93334 | 108117
4 | 24:01.43 | 3:02.11 | 108118 | 121778
5 | 27:03.54 | 1:38.13 | 121779 | 129141
6 | 28:41.67 | 0:59.28 | 129142 | 133594
7 | 29:41.20 | 2:38.43 | 133595 | 145487
8 | 32:19.63 | 1:15.17 | 145488 | 151129
9 | 33:35.05 | 1:55.04 | 151130 | 159758
10 | 35:30.09 | 1:58.14 | 159759 | 168622
11 | 37:28.23 | 1:36.31 | 168623 | 175853
12 | 39:04.54 | 1:26.24 | 175854 | 182327
13 | 40:31.03 | 0:26.50 | 182328 | 184327
14 | 40:57.53 | 1:21.31 | 184328 | 190433
15 | 42:19.09 | 3:43.29 | 190434 | 207187
16 | 46:02.38 | 1:45.61 | 207188 | 215123
17 | 47:48.24 | 2:53.41 | 215124 | 228139
18 | 50:41.65 | 2:04.71 | 228140 | 237510
19 | 52:46.61 | 1:52.67 | 237511 | 245977
20 | 54:39.53 | 2:05.27 | 245978 | 255379
21 | 56:45.05 | 1:55.54 | 255380 | 264058
22 | 58:40.59 | 2:04.09 | 264059 | 273367
23 | 60:44.68 | 3:15.66 | 273368 | 288058
24 | 64:00.59 | 1:49.55 | 288059 | 296288
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD07\Ricercar consort - Les Pages et Les Chantres du CMBV - Le Concert Spirituel - Cd 7 - The Royal Chapel At The Times Of Louis XIV.ape
Peak level 99.9 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 19D9957C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 22. October 2008, 11:21
Les Arts Florissants etc. / Cd 8 - Masses And Motets For the Parishes
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:52.54 | 0 | 39953
2 | 8:52.54 | 13:50.33 | 39954 | 102236
3 | 22:43.12 | 1:30.24 | 102237 | 109010
4 | 24:13.36 | 1:24.21 | 109011 | 115331
5 | 25:37.57 | 0:52.05 | 115332 | 119236
6 | 26:29.62 | 3:15.23 | 119237 | 133884
7 | 29:45.10 | 2:07.69 | 133885 | 143478
8 | 31:53.04 | 1:30.39 | 143479 | 150267
9 | 33:23.43 | 1:33.70 | 150268 | 157312
10 | 34:57.38 | 2:10.47 | 157313 | 167109
11 | 37:08.10 | 2:03.44 | 167110 | 176378
12 | 39:11.54 | 2:55.61 | 176379 | 189564
13 | 42:07.40 | 1:52.24 | 189565 | 197988
14 | 43:59.64 | 2:52.06 | 197989 | 210894
15 | 46:51.70 | 2:04.33 | 210895 | 220227
16 | 48:56.28 | 6:47.16 | 220228 | 250768
17 | 55:43.44 | 3:34.11 | 250769 | 266829
18 | 59:17.55 | 2:43.04 | 266830 | 279058
19 | 62:00.59 | 3:05.54 | 279059 | 292987
20 | 65:06.38 | 1:41.19 | 292988 | 300581
21 | 66:47.57 | 6:12.57 | 300582 | 328538
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD08\Les Arts Florissants etc. - Cd 8 - Masses And Motets For the Parishes.ape
Peak level 98.9 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 22. October 2008, 12:47
Les Musiciens du Louvre etc. / Cd 9 - Rameau At the Academie Royale De Musique
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:40.07 | 0 | 3006
2 | 0:40.07 | 0:32.45 | 3007 | 5451
3 | 1:12.52 | 1:29.66 | 5452 | 12192
4 | 2:42.43 | 0:44.09 | 12193 | 15501
5 | 3:26.52 | 2:00.32 | 15502 | 24533
6 | 5:27.09 | 0:41.00 | 24534 | 27608
7 | 6:08.09 | 0:29.26 | 27609 | 29809
8 | 6:37.35 | 0:59.10 | 29810 | 34244
9 | 7:36.45 | 0:22.15 | 34245 | 35909
10 | 7:58.60 | 2:14.04 | 35910 | 45963
11 | 10:12.64 | 1:29.59 | 45964 | 52697
12 | 11:42.48 | 1:17.43 | 52698 | 58515
13 | 13:00.16 | 1:23.12 | 58516 | 64752
14 | 14:23.28 | 0:47.30 | 64753 | 68307
15 | 15:10.58 | 0:27.34 | 68308 | 70366
16 | 15:38.17 | 1:36.16 | 70367 | 77582
17 | 17:14.33 | 3:00.12 | 77583 | 91094
18 | 20:14.45 | 0:52.35 | 91095 | 95029
19 | 21:07.05 | 0:53.65 | 95030 | 99069
20 | 22:00.70 | 0:34.33 | 99070 | 101652
21 | 22:35.28 | 1:22.57 | 101653 | 107859
22 | 23:58.10 | 3:20.14 | 107860 | 122873
23 | 27:18.24 | 0:24.08 | 122874 | 124681
24 | 27:42.32 | 1:19.00 | 124682 | 130606
25 | 29:01.32 | 1:53.30 | 130607 | 139111
26 | 30:54.62 | 2:32.62 | 139112 | 150573
27 | 33:27.49 | 2:14.52 | 150574 | 160675
28 | 35:42.26 | 1:57.65 | 160676 | 169515
29 | 37:40.16 | 4:11.69 | 169516 | 188409
30 | 41:52.10 | 2:41.15 | 188410 | 200499
31 | 44:33.25 | 3:34.27 | 200500 | 216576
32 | 48:07.52 | 1:14.30 | 216577 | 222156
33 | 49:22.07 | 1:02.72 | 222157 | 226878
34 | 50:25.04 | 1:53.39 | 226879 | 235392
35 | 52:18.43 | 3:27.21 | 235393 | 250938
36 | 55:45.64 | 5:56.11 | 250939 | 277649
37 | 61:42.00 | 1:56.47 | 277650 | 286396
38 | 63:38.47 | 2:08.12 | 286397 | 296008
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD09\Les Musiciens du Louvre etc. - Cd 9 - Rameau At the Academie Royale De Musique.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 362FC5D2
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 22. October 2008, 21:11
Ausonia / CD 10 - Divertissement For louis XV The Well Beloved
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:10.33 | 0 | 14282
2 | 3:10.33 | 6:47.32 | 14283 | 44839
3 | 9:57.65 | 5:19.00 | 44840 | 68764
4 | 15:16.65 | 1:36.20 | 68765 | 75984
5 | 16:53.10 | 1:13.52 | 75985 | 81511
6 | 18:06.62 | 1:50.38 | 81512 | 89799
7 | 19:57.25 | 1:45.38 | 89800 | 97712
8 | 21:42.63 | 0:42.17 | 97713 | 100879
9 | 22:25.05 | 7:11.62 | 100880 | 133266
10 | 29:36.67 | 1:25.49 | 133267 | 139690
11 | 31:02.41 | 1:18.70 | 139691 | 145610
12 | 32:21.36 | 1:11.12 | 145611 | 150947
13 | 33:32.48 | 3:14.25 | 150948 | 165522
14 | 36:46.73 | 1:03.37 | 165523 | 170284
15 | 37:50.35 | 0:58.54 | 170285 | 174688
16 | 38:49.14 | 2:07.45 | 174689 | 184258
17 | 40:56.59 | 1:11.34 | 184259 | 189617
18 | 42:08.18 | 8:28.02 | 189618 | 227719
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD10\Ausonia - CD 10 - Divertissement For louis XV The Well Beloved.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 0BC08AF3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 22. October 2008, 22:01
Les Nouveaux Caracteres / Cd 11 - Divertissement For The Theatre Des Petits-Appartements
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:32.46 | 0 | 11445
2 | 2:32.46 | 3:04.06 | 11446 | 25251
3 | 5:36.52 | 1:29.48 | 25252 | 31974
4 | 7:06.25 | 1:05.57 | 31975 | 36906
5 | 8:12.07 | 0:20.17 | 36907 | 38423
6 | 8:32.24 | 0:33.09 | 38424 | 40907
7 | 9:05.33 | 0:26.34 | 40908 | 42891
8 | 9:31.67 | 1:51.64 | 42892 | 51280
9 | 11:23.56 | 0:53.44 | 51281 | 55299
10 | 12:17.25 | 1:10.27 | 55300 | 60576
11 | 13:27.52 | 2:20.62 | 60577 | 71138
12 | 15:48.39 | 0:53.31 | 71139 | 75144
13 | 16:41.70 | 0:38.13 | 75145 | 78007
14 | 17:20.08 | 3:48.26 | 78008 | 95133
15 | 21:08.34 | 1:50.61 | 95134 | 103444
16 | 22:59.20 | 1:07.34 | 103445 | 108503
17 | 24:06.54 | 1:09.71 | 108504 | 113749
18 | 25:16.50 | 1:25.62 | 113750 | 120186
19 | 26:42.37 | 1:24.68 | 120187 | 126554
20 | 28:07.30 | 0:32.37 | 126555 | 128991
21 | 28:39.67 | 1:29.05 | 128992 | 135671
22 | 30:08.72 | 0:50.43 | 135672 | 139464
23 | 30:59.40 | 1:06.23 | 139465 | 144437
24 | 32:05.63 | 2:34.65 | 144438 | 156052
25 | 34:40.53 | 1:49.26 | 156053 | 164253
26 | 36:30.04 | 0:41.41 | 164254 | 167369
27 | 37:11.45 | 1:26.68 | 167370 | 173887
28 | 38:38.38 | 1:39.28 | 173888 | 181340
29 | 40:17.66 | 0:20.28 | 181341 | 182868
30 | 40:38.19 | 1:26.42 | 182869 | 189360
31 | 42:04.61 | 5:42.16 | 189361 | 215026
32 | 47:47.02 | 1:37.05 | 215027 | 222306
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD11\Les Nouveaux Caracteres - Cd 11 - Divertissement For The Theatre Des Petits-Appartements.ape
Peak level 96.2 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 02B64E96
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 23. October 2008, 0:42
Les Arts Florissants / Cd 12 - At The Concert Spirituel
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:02.45 | 0 | 18194
2 | 4:02.45 | 2:36.13 | 18195 | 29907
3 | 6:38.58 | 2:45.39 | 29908 | 42321
4 | 9:24.22 | 4:09.61 | 42322 | 61057
5 | 13:34.08 | 4:01.03 | 61058 | 79135
6 | 17:35.11 | 4:24.34 | 79136 | 98969
7 | 21:59.45 | 2:56.40 | 98970 | 112209
8 | 24:56.10 | 3:07.11 | 112210 | 126245
9 | 28:03.21 | 3:26.13 | 126246 | 141708
10 | 31:29.34 | 2:08.35 | 141709 | 151343
11 | 33:37.69 | 4:03.72 | 151344 | 169640
12 | 37:41.66 | 2:19.08 | 169641 | 180073
13 | 40:00.74 | 5:16.62 | 180074 | 203835
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD12\Les Arts Florissants - Cd 12 - At The Concert Spirituel.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 547AA9FE
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 23. October 2008, 16:45
Le Parnasse Francais / Cd 13 - The Royal Chapel At TheTimes De Louis XV
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:49.58 | 0 | 8232
2 | 1:49.58 | 2:36.26 | 8233 | 19958
3 | 4:26.09 | 1:34.28 | 19959 | 27036
4 | 6:00.37 | 1:23.54 | 27037 | 33315
5 | 7:24.16 | 2:58.04 | 33316 | 46669
6 | 10:22.20 | 1:53.51 | 46670 | 55195
7 | 12:15.71 | 1:38.05 | 55196 | 62550
8 | 13:54.01 | 2:21.30 | 62551 | 73155
9 | 16:15.31 | 2:16.41 | 73156 | 83396
10 | 18:31.72 | 2:57.49 | 83397 | 96720
11 | 21:29.46 | 2:07.10 | 96721 | 106255
12 | 23:36.56 | 4:01.55 | 106256 | 124385
13 | 27:38.36 | 3:09.48 | 124386 | 138608
14 | 30:48.09 | 1:26.67 | 138609 | 145125
15 | 32:15.01 | 4:38.46 | 145126 | 166021
16 | 36:53.47 | 4:37.46 | 166022 | 186842
17 | 41:31.18 | 2:38.37 | 186843 | 198729
18 | 44:09.55 | 5:48.42 | 198730 | 224871
19 | 49:58.22 | 4:57.04 | 224872 | 247150
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD13\Le Parnasse Francais - Cd 13 - The Royal Chapel At TheTimes De Louis XV.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 6FDC771F
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 23. October 2008, 17:46
Ensemble Baroque de Limoges, Les Musiciens du Louvre / Cd 14 - The Fench Orchestral Revival
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:47.44 | 0 | 17068
2 | 3:47.44 | 1:07.19 | 17069 | 22112
3 | 4:54.63 | 0:55.67 | 22113 | 26304
4 | 5:50.55 | 1:19.43 | 26305 | 32272
5 | 7:10.23 | 0:59.67 | 32273 | 36764
6 | 8:10.15 | 0:53.08 | 36765 | 40747
7 | 9:03.23 | 1:19.67 | 40748 | 46739
8 | 10:23.15 | 0:46.10 | 46740 | 50199
9 | 11:09.25 | 1:03.55 | 50200 | 54979
10 | 12:13.05 | 2:13.50 | 54980 | 65004
11 | 14:26.55 | 1:24.42 | 65005 | 71346
12 | 15:51.22 | 1:33.70 | 71347 | 78391
13 | 17:25.17 | 2:07.08 | 78392 | 87924
14 | 19:32.25 | 1:02.57 | 87925 | 92631
15 | 20:35.07 | 1:35.18 | 92632 | 99774
16 | 22:10.25 | 1:05.52 | 99775 | 104701
17 | 23:16.02 | 1:04.67 | 104702 | 109568
18 | 24:20.69 | 1:36.38 | 109569 | 116806
19 | 25:57.32 | 2:18.17 | 116807 | 127173
20 | 28:15.49 | 1:22.05 | 127174 | 133328
21 | 29:37.54 | 1:53.55 | 133329 | 141858
22 | 31:31.34 | 1:15.39 | 141859 | 147522
23 | 32:46.73 | 1:18.45 | 147523 | 153417
24 | 34:05.43 | 2:03.65 | 153418 | 162707
25 | 36:09.33 | 4:21.36 | 162708 | 182318
26 | 40:30.69 | 2:33.02 | 182319 | 193795
27 | 43:03.71 | 3:50.08 | 193796 | 211053
28 | 46:54.04 | 2:54.00 | 211054 | 224103
29 | 49:48.04 | 5:08.53 | 224104 | 247256
30 | 54:56.57 | 3:15.22 | 247257 | 261903
31 | 58:12.04 | 2:14.14 | 261904 | 271967
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD14\Ensemble Baroque de Limoges, Les Musiciens du Louvre - Cd 14 - The Fench Orchestral Revival.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC F071162D
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 23. October 2008, 20:29
Cappella della Piete de' Turchini / Cd 15 - Italians At The French Court
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:49.38 | 0 | 21712
2 | 4:49.38 | 1:53.12 | 21713 | 30199
3 | 6:42.50 | 5:03.67 | 30200 | 52991
4 | 11:46.42 | 2:18.59 | 52992 | 63400
5 | 14:05.26 | 8:51.19 | 63401 | 103244
6 | 22:56.45 | 11:45.64 | 103245 | 156183
7 | 34:42.34 | 6:05.12 | 156184 | 183570
8 | 40:47.46 | 2:49.52 | 183571 | 196297
9 | 43:37.23 | 7:14.13 | 196298 | 228860
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD15\Cappella della Piete de' Turchini - Cd 15 - Italians At The French Court.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 99F41E3F
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 23. October 2008, 21:34
Les Agremens - Les Paladins / Cd 16 - French Opera On The Threshold Of Romantism
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:03.27 | 0 | 22751
2 | 5:03.27 | 6:22.62 | 22752 | 51463
3 | 11:26.14 | 9:49.01 | 51464 | 95639
4 | 21:15.15 | 8:46.48 | 95640 | 135137
5 | 30:01.63 | 1:55.59 | 135138 | 143821
6 | 31:57.47 | 2:41.01 | 143822 | 155897
7 | 34:38.48 | 4:00.28 | 155898 | 173925
8 | 38:39.01 | 1:48.34 | 173926 | 182059
9 | 40:27.35 | 5:52.59 | 182060 | 208518
10 | 46:20.19 | 5:14.73 | 208519 | 232141
11 | 51:35.17 | 5:25.42 | 232142 | 256558
12 | 57:00.59 | 5:32.36 | 256559 | 281494
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD16\Les Agremens - Les Paladins - Cd 16 - French Opera On The Threshold Of Romantism.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC F83B7DC7
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 24. October 2008, 17:21
Le Cercle de l'Harmonie / Cd 17 - The Rise Of The French Symphony
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:25.42 | 0 | 6416
2 | 1:25.42 | 6:04.49 | 6417 | 33765
3 | 7:30.16 | 3:45.27 | 33766 | 50667
4 | 11:15.43 | 3:44.42 | 50668 | 67509
5 | 15:00.10 | 6:32.30 | 67510 | 96939
6 | 21:32.40 | 3:03.66 | 96940 | 110730
7 | 24:36.31 | 5:54.11 | 110731 | 137291
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD17\Le Cercle de l'Harmonie - Cd 17 - The Rise Of The French Symphony.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 7B8F1154
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 24. October 2008, 17:50
Andreas Staier / Cd 18 - The Early Days Of Pianoforte
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:35.52 | 0 | 11676
2 | 2:35.52 | 5:11.23 | 11677 | 35024
3 | 7:47.00 | 8:39.50 | 35025 | 73999
4 | 16:26.50 | 3:37.68 | 74000 | 90342
5 | 20:04.43 | 5:12.28 | 90343 | 113770
6 | 25:16.71 | 3:18.14 | 113771 | 128634
7 | 28:35.10 | 3:36.51 | 128635 | 144885
8 | 32:11.61 | 15:25.07 | 144886 | 214267
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD18\Andreas Staier - Cd 18 - The Early Days Of Pianoforte.ape
Peak level 72.1 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 5FCF9252
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 24. October 2008, 21:17
Quatuor Cambini / Cd 19 - The Salons Of Versailles At TheTimes Of The Enlightenment
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:29.33 | 0 | 29207
2 | 6:29.33 | 4:02.34 | 29208 | 47391
3 | 10:31.67 | 5:01.22 | 47392 | 69988
4 | 15:33.14 | 4:20.35 | 69989 | 89523
5 | 19:53.49 | 3:19.08 | 89524 | 104456
6 | 23:12.57 | 4:02.20 | 104457 | 122626
7 | 27:15.02 | 5:28.49 | 122627 | 147275
8 | 32:43.51 | 4:41.68 | 147276 | 168418
9 | 37:25.44 | 3:59.46 | 168419 | 186389
10 | 41:25.15 | 3:15.28 | 186390 | 201042
11 | 44:40.43 | 3:20.35 | 201043 | 216077
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\Quatuor Cambini - Cd 19 - The Salons Of Versailles At TheTimes Of The Enlightenment.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 4550FCD3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 24. October 2008, 22:44
Les Agremens / Cd 20 - New Aspects Of Sacred Music At The Time Of Louis XVI
Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 30
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : Normal Lossless Compression
Use compression offset : 0
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:22.05 | 0 | 6154
2 | 1:22.05 | 4:17.29 | 6155 | 25458
3 | 5:39.34 | 4:13.36 | 25459 | 44469
4 | 9:52.70 | 6:33.23 | 44470 | 73967
5 | 16:26.18 | 3:18.56 | 73968 | 88873
6 | 19:44.74 | 4:27.58 | 88874 | 108956
7 | 24:12.57 | 3:58.34 | 108957 | 126840
8 | 28:11.16 | 2:49.44 | 126841 | 139559
9 | 31:00.60 | 3:29.32 | 139560 | 155266
10 | 34:30.17 | 3:54.14 | 155267 | 172830
11 | 38:24.31 | 4:51.17 | 172831 | 194672
12 | 43:15.48 | 4:13.39 | 194673 | 213686
13 | 47:29.12 | 2:06.65 | 213687 | 223201
14 | 49:36.02 | 1:22.43 | 223202 | 229394
15 | 50:58.45 | 3:43.66 | 229395 | 246185
16 | 54:42.36 | 2:28.24 | 246186 | 257309
17 | 57:10.60 | 8:34.57 | 257310 | 295916
18 | 65:45.42 | 5:17.57 | 295917 | 319748
19 | 71:03.24 | 5:50.35 | 319749 | 346033
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename H:\UPS\200AdMaV\CD20\Les Agremens - Cd 20 - New Aspects Of Sacred Music At The Time Of Louis XVI.ape
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 7C55F9EE
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report

  • 5.18 GB
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