Lingua Ignota / The Rita - Commissioned
Жанр: Neoclassical Pop, HNW
Год выпуска: 2019
Лейбл: Total Black
Страна-производитель: ger
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: -
Формат раздачи: 16/44
Продолжительность: 0:29:29
A1 Lingua Ignota - The Girls From The Streets (Scott Walker) 8:29
A2 Lingua Ignota - Jolene (Dolly Parton) 5:46
B1 The Rita - Black Eye Makeup Headband 10:00
B2 The Rita - Red Makeup Circles On The Cheeks 5:00
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Техданные неизвестны
Доп. информация
Stripped down piano and vocals renditions of Scott Walker's "Girls From The Streets" and Dolly Parton's "Jolene" mark LINGUA IGNOTA's departure from her previous works. On the opposite side THE RITA deconstructs works by Igor Stravinsky played by Mallory Linehan, continuing down the path of ballet obsession explored in recent years. Second edition of 300 copies in pro-printed sleeves.
"Ongoing collaborations with THE RITA explore notions of embodiment and disembodiment, obsession and worship, creation and obliteration. COMMISSIONED is what we asked of each other, as the work is no longer just about the sonic realm — it has become about us, he and I, and our awareness, embedded within almost two years of constant communication, back and forth, exchanging ideas, exchanging heartache, one following the mind of the other. That our work is so different yet rooted in restlessness, an inability to sit still, loneliness, and follows angles, lines. The line of a voice vs. the line of a wall. COMMISSIONED is an understanding, a pact." - Kristin Hayter
The Rita tracks are artistically meaningful here, though obviously unlistenable noise and useless for the listener. (c) soulfly86 (