Country of origin:
United States
United States (early), Lemesos, Cyprus (later)
Formed in:
Epic Power Metal
Lyrical themes:
Mythology, Mystic
Current label:
Pitch Black Records
Years active:
1997-2011 (as Arryan Path), 2011-present
Known as Arryan Path until March 2011 when the band changed name to Arrayan Path.
According to Wikipedia, "Arrayán" (Luma apiculata) is a type of plant that grows in the American continents, so an arrayan path would be some sort of an alley.
The band was formed by Nicholas Leptos and Clement Fung in the United States. Leptos has since moved back to Cyprus. Since the release of the first ...‘
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2017-6-30 16:34 上传
1. Clepsydra 04:59
2. The Bible Bleeds 04:41
3. Midnight and the First-Born Massacre 05:36
4. Judas Iscariot 05:46
5. Stigmata 06:24 Show lyrics
6. Cursed Canaan 04:31
7. Pharaoh's Wish 04:12
8. Harbingers of Death 04:10
9. Disguising Your Soul 05:17
10. The Storyteller 06:12
11. Mystic Moon