The American Dollar,一个新晋美国后摇乐团。Myspace上记录乐团成立于2005年的3月,隶属独立厂牌。乐团本身十分低调,他们的专辑只有向他们邮购才能买到。所以他们暂时并没有那么大肆的受欢迎。乐队的名字与其音乐理念息息相关,据团员自己解释,这个名字是他们对音乐的感觉和对他们所存在的这个世界的认识的表达,与Pink Floyd的《Money》所要表述的意义相同。
而当大家都抱怨同在美国的Explosions in the sky不再爆炸的时候,令人欣喜的The American Dollar绝对有给你对后摇音乐以希望的实力。他们有Explosions in the sky同样深沉悠远的美感,同样在瞬间释放一切的爆炸张力。同时,他们的音乐中又有一种对世事的参悟,对静美的向往。电子合成器与真实乐器的协调应用,专辑从头到尾平稳的水平呈现,让人对这个乐团充满了认可和希望
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(Ambient Post-rock) The American Dollar 23CD 2006-2018 FLAC
| +---2006 - The American Dollar (Re-issue)
| +---2007 - The Technicolour Sleep
| +---2008 - A Memory Stream
| +---2010 - Atlas
| +---2012 - Awake In The City
| +---2015 - Across the Oceans
| +---2018 - You're Listening
+---Ambient Series
| +---2009 - Ambient One
| +---2010 - Ambient Two
| +---2012 - Ambient Three
| +---01 - 2013 - The American Dollar (Demos)
| +---02 - 2013 - The Technicolour Sleep (Demos)
| +---03 - 2013 - A Memory Stream (Demos)
| +---04 - 2013 - Atlas (Demos)
| +---05 - 2013 - Awake In The City (Demos)
+---Other Releases
+---2009 - From The Inland Sea(The American Dollar & Arms and Sleepers)
+---2010 - B-sides (Volume One) (digital)
+---2010 - Free Winter 2010 Compilation (digital)
+---2010 - Live In Brooklyn
+---2012 - Free Winter 2012 Ambient Compilation (digital)
+---2012 - Heavy Eyes Ignite (digital single)
+---2013 - Music for Focus and Creativity (digital)
+---2013 - Music for Sleep (digital)