全碟音效逼真,中西乐气氛连贯。唱片公司有个计划把一些音效与旋律都非常精彩的纯音乐,结集成发烧专辑,成为一张人手一张的佳作。老实讲,个人经历里,纯音乐发烧碟,不是徒具音效,就是录音不够质素,鱼与熊掌很难兼得之。抱住观望心态聆听全碟,结果由第一曲开始,到最后的一曲,都是耳熟能详的经典乐曲,旋律优美动人、抢耳动听,全碟虽说音乐为主,唯全碟打头阵就有蔡琴的《被遗忘的时光》坐镇,之后紧接有《波波碟》、《Baby Elephant and Theme from The Brothers Grimm》等经典,一听就会跟着拍子脚印印,也有《Apollo》的极美弦乐,音效逼真到不得了的《老鼠娶亲》,还有黄启光当年经典的《鸟语春雷》。全碟完全没有冷场,赏乐情绪一气呵成。本专辑虽包含中西乐,唯整体气氛连贯,音质音效更加是一线制作,由敲击乐章的深远声场及深沉低频,去到弦乐结他的弹跳活泼,足可以让阁下的音响得到最佳的发挥。我听音乐很直觉,很怕沉闷,但这张专辑,纯音乐为主,但精彩吸引之处,实在磬竹难书,只有亲耳听一回才能领略个中美妙。
01 被遗忘的时光 - 蔡琴【你的眼神】
02 I'm in the mood for love - Terry Snyder and All Stars [Persuasive Percussion]
03 Serenade Schubert - Daniel & Carey Domb, cello and guitar [Apollo]
04 Baby Elephant Walk - Lawrence Welk [Lawrence Welk's Baby Elephant and Theme from Brothers Grimm]
05 One Night in Tokyo (Una Sera Di Tokyo) - Romantic Latin Guitar & His Allstar Latin Combo [Romantic Latin Guitar]
06 Humoresque - David Nadien, Violin and Boris Barere, piano [Humoresque]
07 鸟语春雷 - 黄启光/钟肇峰[The Gallery of Fine Arts]
08 Tea for Two Cha Cha - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra starring Warren Convington [Tea fo Two Cha Cha]
09 支那之夜Shina No Yoru - Strings Purple Crystal [China Mood]
10 Roman Guitar - Tony Mottola and his orchestra [Roman Guitar]
11 O Sole Mio - Orchestra Conducted by Kurt Edelhagen [Holiday In Italy]
12 Wheels - Billy Vaughn and his orchestra [Billy Vaughn]
13 老鼠娶亲Marriage Celebration of the Mice - 绛州大鼓【绛州大鼓】