01.Never an Absolution (没有绝对)
02.Distant Memories (遥远的记忆)
03.Southampton (南安普顿)
05.Leaving Port (启航时分)
06.“Take Her to Sea, Mr. Murdoch”(麦尔特先生,带她去看海)
07.“Hard to Starboard” (无能为力)
08.Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave (去留之间)
09.The Sinking (沉船)
10.Death of Titanic (铁达尼号死亡)
11.A Promise Kept (坚守誓约)
12.A Life So Changed (世事难料)
13.An Ocean of Memories (大海的记忆深处)
14.My Heart Will Go On (performed by Celine Dion)
15.Hymn to the Sea (大海的咏叹)