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[专辑] [转帖]5★冷门 -【Naxos】多诺斯蒂亚(1886-1956) 钢琴音乐









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2017-12-18 00:31 上传

5★冷门 -【Naxos】多诺斯蒂亚(1886-1956) 钢琴音乐

DONOSTIA: Basque Preludes / Nostalgia
多诺斯蒂亚: 巴斯克前奏曲 / 乡愁

Composer(s): Padre Jose Antonio Donostia (1886-1956) 何塞·安东尼奥·多诺斯蒂亚神父
Artist(s): Jordi Masó (b.1967) piano 约第·马索 ( http://www.jordimaso.com/ )
Label: Naxos
Series: Spanish Classics
Genre: Instrumental
Period: 20th Century
Catalogue No: 8.557228 (https://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.557228)
Physical Release: 09/2004

(1886 - 1956)

A leading figure in music in the Basque country, José Antonio Donostia studied at the Capuchin College (圣芳济教会大学) in Lecároz (莱卡罗斯), later joining the Capuchin order, the names José Antonio assumed in religion and Donostia indicating his origin in San Sebastián, the Basque Donostia. In music he explored in particular two elements: plainchant and Basque folk-music. He spent the Civil War years in France, returning afterwards to pide his time between Barcelona and Navarre.

Piano Music

Padre Donostia’s compositions for piano include four volumes of Preludios vascos (‘Basque Preludes’), among other works that draw on Basque sources.

Stage and Vocal Music

Padre Donostia’s stage works include settings of religious texts by Henri Ghéon, notably Les Trois Miracles de Ste Cécile (‘The Three Miracles of St Cecilia’) and La Vie profonde de St François d’Assise (‘The Profound Life of St Francis of Assisi’). He also wrote a Requiem.

JORDI MASÓ 约第·马索, 西班牙钢琴家
(b 1967)

Common Misspellings of Jordi Masó

Jordi Masó was born in Granollers (Barcelona, Spain). He studied at the Conservatory there with Josep M. Roger, at the Barcelona School of Music with the pianist Albert Attenelle, and at the Royal Academy of Music of London with Christopher Elton and Nelly Akopian, graduating in 1992 with the DipRAM, the highest distinction of the academy. He has won first prizes in many National and International competitions in Spain and has performed extensively in most European countries in piano recitals and in chamber music concerts. He is regularly invited to play with the most important Spanish orchestras. Jordi Masó’s wide repertoire, covering all periods and styles, with special emphasis on music of the twentieth century, has brought first performances of many piano works written for him by the foremost Spanish composers. He has recorded over forty discs, acclaimed by the most important publications. His recordings include the 1993 world première recording of the complete works for piano of Roberto Gerhard (8.223867), six discs with the complete piano music by Frederic Mompou (8.554332, 8.554448, 8.554727, 8.554727, 8.570956, 8.572142), the complete piano music by Padre Donostia (8.557228), Xavier Montsalvatge (8.570744, 8.570756, 8.572636), and Joaquim Homs (8.225099, 8.225236 and 8.225294), two recordings with music by Josep Soler (8.225235 and 8.225083), one each devoted to Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (8.555856), Benet Casablancas (8.570757), as well as the complete piano works of Joaquín Turina (in progress, to date 8.557150, 8.557438, 8.557684, 8.570026, 8.570370, 8.572141, 8.572455, 8.572682, 8.572915, 8.573183, 8.573401 and 8.573539) and Déodat de Séverac (8.555855, 8.572428, 8.572429). He is piano professor at the Granollers Conservatory and at the Esmuc (High Music School of Catalonia), and since 1996 has been a member of the contemporary music group Barcelona 216. In 2008 he was awarded the ARAM (Associate of the Royal Academy of Music).

For further information please visit www.jordimaso.com.


Padre Jose Antonio Donostia (1886-1956) 何塞·安东尼奥·多诺斯蒂亚神父

Euskal Preludioak (Basque Preludes) 巴斯克前奏曲
1.                   Bat - batian (Improvisation) 00:01:47
2.                   Izketan (Dialogue) 00:01:47
3.                   Oyanian (In the Wood) 00:02:45
4.                   Eresia (Sad Song) 00:03:04
5.                   Aur - dantza (Children's Dance) 00:03:15
6.                   Onazez (Grief) 00:01:37
7.                   Aitonaren ele - zaarrak (Grandfather's Tale) 00:01:59
8.                   Artzai gaztearen oiuak (Shepherd - boy's Song) 00:01:35
9.                   Seask aldean erezis (Lullaby) 00:02:12
10.                   Bordako atalarrian (At the Farmhouse Door) 00:01:04
11.                   Mutillen karrika - eresiak (Young Man's Serenade) 00:01:38
12.                   Ilargitan, emazte - gayanerontz (Singing in the Moonlight) 00:04:16
13.                   Urruti - jaya (Distant Procession) 00:04:43
14.                   Irulea (The Spinner Woman) 00:00:56
15.                   Malkoa (Tears) 00:02:55
16.                   Eztei - taldea (Wedding Procession) 00:04:02
17.                   Errotazuriko Urretxindorra (The Nightingale of Errotazuri) 00:03:54
18.                   Zubero - errialde (Landscape of La Soule) 00:03:47
19.                   Sagar - dantza (Dance of the Apples) 00:02:02
20.                   Esku - dantza (Dance of the Hands) 00:00:29
21.                   Zozo - dantza (Dance of the Blackbird) 00:00:46

22. Andante para una sonata vasca: alla classica (Andante for a Basque Sonata) 00:04:57 一首巴斯克奏鸣曲的行板
23. Errimina - Nostalgie (Nostalgia) 00:04:40 乡愁
24. Priere plaintive a Notre - Dame de Socorri (Heartfelt Prayer to Our Lady of Socorri) 00:03:02 向索科里圣母衷心祈祷
25. Menuet Basque 00:01:57 巴斯克小步舞曲
26. Vora 'l Ter (On the Banks of the Ter) 00:02:18
27. Tiento y cancion (Tiento and Song) 00:04:18 梯恩托舞曲与歌曲
28. Homenaje a Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga 00:02:19 向阿利亚加致敬 // 阿利亚加(1806-1826): 被誉为"西班牙的莫扎特".
Total Playing Time: 01:14:04

// Tiento is a musical genre originating in Spain in the mid-15th century. It is formally analogous to the fantasia (fantasy), found in England, Germany, and the Low Countries, and also the ricercare, first found in Italy. By the end of the 16th century the tiento was exclusively a keyboard form, especially of organ music. It continued to be the predominant form in the Spanish organ tradition through the time of Cabanilles, and developed many variants. Additionally, many 20th-century composers have written works entitled "tiento".

// Juan Crisóstomo Jacobo Antonio de Arriaga y Balzola (January 27, 1806 – January 17, 1826) was a Spanish Basque composer. He was nicknamed "the Spanish Mozart" after he died, because, like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, he was both a child prodigy and an accomplished composer who died young. They also shared the same first and second baptismal names; and they shared the same birthday, January 27 (fifty years apart).






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