01 跑馬溜溜的山上 On the Mountain of Horse Race 03:10
02. 在銀色月光下 Under the Silver Moonlight 05:12
03. 半個月亮爬上來 Half Moon Climbs Up 02:49
04. 小河淌水 Small River Flowing 04:09
05. 好久沒到這方來 Haven’t Been Here for Long time 03:08
06. 牧歌 The Pastoral 03:10
07. 目蓮救母 Mulian Saves His Mother 02:49
08. 天黑黑 The Dark Day 01:27
09. 春的召喚 The Beckon of Spring 01:27
10. 夢幻曲 The Reverie 03:31
11. 小母雞 The Pullet 01:50
12. 親愛的大地 Dear Mother Earth 04:27
13. 瑞士人的合唱 Chorus by Swiss 01:17
14. 故鄉的親人 Relatives from Hometown 04:27
15. 拉網小調 Canzonet of Pulling Net 02:05
16. 愛挑剔的姑娘 Captious Girl 02:53
17. 紅莓花 HongMei Flower 02:54