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发表于 2020-2-13 14:56:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Composer: George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759)
Performer: Susan Gritton, Dorothea Röschmann, Bernarda Fink, Charles Daniels, Neal Davies
Orchestra: Gabrieli Consort & Players
Conductor: Paul McCreesh
Audio CD
Number of Discs: 2 CD
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Bit Depth: 24bit / 96kHz
Number of channels: 2.0
Label: Archiv/Deutsche Grammophon
Size: 8.53 GB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
Server: datafile

Having been first released in 1997 on standard CD, this is the 5.1 surround mix on SACD of the original PCM multi-track recordings. Universal still seems proud to proclaim in their notes that the sampling rate is only 44.1K - the same as standard CDs (although 24 bit). Rather than 96K, which would be the standard for DVD-A surround, and while not as good as pure DSD would certainly be superior to only 44.1K. This may be why in the louder climaxes of chorus and orchestra there is a hard glassy quality similar to most CD versions, which is not nearly as annoying on F.I.M.'s stereo SACD Messiah recorded in Sweden. There is also very difference between the stereo and multichannel discs, since the new Archiv has such a low level of information on the surrounds. The F.I.M. really gives a better impression of the cathedral where it was recorded.

But to the music: Messiah is amazing in that it has remained such a popular work with audiences everywhere for centuries now - probably the most familiar piece of liturgical music to the average man in the street. And this in spite of it being a seriously religious oratorio without characters and very little action. However, it is very theatrical, and in its early years was more frequently performed in theaters than in churches. Another advantage to the work is that it is normally performed in English rather than German or Latin. One aspect of the spiritual message might be responsible for the good feeling the public has for the oratorio. That is the quality of a generous and hopeful faith which believes in a loving God and is open to all believers - whereas Bach's liturgical music concentrates heavily on the sufferings of Christ and the individual's responsibility. Messiah is a strong statement of Christian doctrine, using 80 verses from scripture, and mostly from the Old Testament.

The life of Christ is presented mostly thru allusion and symbolism. The Passion, for example, is not described at all (sorry, Mel Gibson) but the theme of redemption is presented in one phrase from scripture. Audiences of Handel's time were familiar with such references and would understand perfectly the intent of the message. The arias and chorus of the oratorio are very dramatic and many will be familiar to listeners even if they haven't participated in one of those Sing Along Messiahs that have become so popular in recent years. There are at least a dozen different versions of the score, and McCreesh has used the Foundling Hospital Version of 1754, which was one of the last actually supervised by Handel himself. The vocal ensemble is smaller than most Messiah performances in the past have used and the words are more clearly understood in the choruses as a result. The pipe organ used is a bit larger than usually heard in such Baroque period music. The five soloists are uniformly excellent and the balances with chorus and orchestra are fine, but there's little of the acoustic environment of All Saints Church in London heard with the low level on the surround channels, and possibly due to the low sampling rate. My Halellujahs go to either the stereo SACD on F.I.M. or the standard CD version on Telarc with Martin Pearlman conducting.

- John Sunier

Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort & Players


01. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (I) Sinfony (3:22)
02. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (I) Comfort ye, comfort ye my People (3:36)
03. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (I) Ev'ry Valley shall be exalted (3:04)
04. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (I) And the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed (2:51)
05. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (II) Thus saith the Lord of Hosts (1:19)
06. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (II) But who may abide the Day of his Coming? (3:51)
07. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (II) And He shall purify the Sons of Levi (2:22)
08. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (III) Behold a Virgin shall conceive (0:26)
09. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (III) O thou that tellest good Tidings to Zion (4:47)
10. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (III) For behold, Darkness shall cover the Earth (2:14)
11. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (III) The People that walked in Darkness (3:58)
12. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (III) For unto us a Child is born (3:36)
13. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (IV) Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) (0:38)
14. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (IV) There were Shepherds abiding in the Field…And lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon (1:03)
15. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (IV) Glory to God in the Highest (1:41)
16. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (V) Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion (3:46)
17. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (V) Then shall the Eyes of the Blind be open'd (0:20)
18. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (V) He shall feed his Flock (4:18)
19. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: First Part. (V) His Yoke is easy, his Burthen is light (2:03)
20. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) Behold the Lamb of God (3:09)
21. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) He was despised (12:11)
22. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) Surely he hath borne our Griefs (1:47)


01. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) And with His Stripes we are healed (1:47)
02. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) All we, like Sheep, have gone astray (3:21)
03. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) All they that see him laugh him to scorn (0:39)
04. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) He trusted in God (2:03)
05. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) Thy Rebuke hath broken his Heart (2:03)
06. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (I) Behold, and see, if there be any Sorrow (1:31)
07. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (II) He was cut off out of the Land (0:15)
08. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (II) But Thou didst not leave his Soul in Hell (2:00)
09. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (III) Lift up your Heads, O ye Gates (2:44)
10. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (IV) Unto which of the Angels said He at any Time (0:15)
11. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (IV) Let all the Angels of God worship Him (1:21)
12. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (V) Thou art gone up on High (2:46)
13. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (V) The Lord have the Word (1:06)
14. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (V) How beautiful are the Feet (1:59)
15. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (V) Their Sound is gone out into all Lands (1:17)
16. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (VI) Why do the Nations so furiously rage together (1:15)
17. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (VI) Let us break their bonds asunder (1:38)
18. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (VII) He that dwelleth in Heaven…Thou shalt break them with a Rod of Iron (2:06)
19. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Second Part. (VII) Hallelujah! (3:35)
20. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (I) I know that my Redeemere liveth (6:23)
21. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (I) Since by Man came Death (2:02)
22. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (II) Behold, I tell you a Mystery (0:32)
23. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (II) The Trumpet shall sound (8:18)
24. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (III) Then shall be brought to pass (0:15)
25. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (III) O Death, where is thy Sting? (0:53)
26. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (III) But Thanks be to God (1:56)
27. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (IV) If God Be For Us (4:13)
28. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Third Part. (IV) Worthy is the Lamb that was slain - Amen (7:32)






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