One of the most striking features of Rameau’s only collection of ensemble chamber music is that it seems less a tantalising essay in what French chamber music might have yielded – had Rameau not sought the bright lights of opera – than a singularly inspired genre of musical images whose significance resides almost exclusively in its own inimitable terms. The magical elusiveness of these works, so deliberately enigmatic, encourages us to ponder the significance of titles such as ‘Le Vézinet’ (as it happens, a forested suburb of Paris with a pleasure garden). We may hear a glistening carrousel but Rameau’s aqueous imagery reflects unending shards of light to ravish our senses 曲目列表:
01] La Coulicam in E Flat Major
02] La Livri in C minor
03] Le Vezinet in C Major
04] La Laborde in G Major
05] La Boucon in G Minor
06] L'Agacante in G Major
07] Premier menuet en rondeau in G Major, Deuxieme menuet en rondeau in G Minor
08] La La Plopliniere in A Major
09] La Timide, Premier rondeau gracieux in A Minor, La Timide, Deuxieme rondeau gracieux in A Major
10] Premier tambourin in A Major, Deuxieme tambourin en rondeau in A Minor
11] La Pantomime in B Flat Major
12] L'Indiscrete in B Flat Major
13] La Rameau in B Flat Major
14] La Forqueray in D Minor
15] La Cupis in D Minor
16] La Marais in D Major 试听: