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2012-7-4 17:11 上传
Kate Walsh18岁时获伦敦音乐学院取录,为了达成自制大碟的心愿,不惜搁置入读大学。她说:“18岁前我一直醉心古典钢琴演奏,从没想过能成为职业创作女歌手。”直到23岁这位英国才女自制音乐大碟,击败了多名国际歌手荣登英国iTunes下载榜榜首。精通古典钢琴、吉他的她,没有iPod,却俘虏了iPod迷的心。Walsh将歌曲上载MySpace 网站后,不久即大受欢迎。她其后说服 iTunes 在网上发售她的首张个人专辑《Tim's House》,并且很快就成功登上下载大碟榜首。
英国创作型民谣歌手Kate Walsh的第四张专辑于2010年10月发行。这张专辑是Kate Walsh为了对影响她音乐成长的11位歌手表达敬意,翻唱他们的经典曲目。
引用Peppermint Radio is the fourth album from artist Kate Walsh. The album consists of 11 covers of songs, interpreted by Walsh, from UK artists that have influenced Walsh over the course of her career. Walsh chose the name of the album because, as a child, she used to pretend her sewing machine was a mixing deck and that she was working on a radio station named Peppermint Radio.
Kate Walsh-Peppermint Radio.jpg (43.49 KB, 下载次数: 0)
2012-7-4 17:11 上传
资源:115网盘附件下载:Peppermint Radio.rar (78.34MB)
歌手, MySpace, artists, iTunes |