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2012-11-11 11:36 上传
专辑英文名: iTunes Session
歌手: Gorillaz
音乐风格: 嘻哈/说唱
版本: [iTunes Plus AAC]
发行时间: 2010年10月25日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
◎ 全球1700万张销售、「地球上最为成功的虚拟乐团」金氏认证,历时四年、第三张全新大碟
◎ 从超时空建筑到天空之城,这次投身南太平洋最远秘密基地,「天涯海『胶』」
◎ 不只义气、也有意义!Lou Reed、Snoop Dogg、The Fall主唱、De La Soul、Mos Def、Bobby Womack、The Clash首席吉他手与贝斯手...等传奇音乐人,情义相挺
◎ 横跨流行、嘻哈、灵魂、摇滚与电子音乐...等既有音乐范畴,建构出贪婪人性的寓言式图画
◎ 魔头採集DNA,小麵大复活!史上首次水面大爆走!收录〈Stylo〉、〈Superfast Jellyfish〉、〈On Melancholy Hill〉等话题单曲
◎ 连线上网,可进入全球官网、下载专属桌布与独家好康
1998年,由布勒合唱团Blur主唱戴蒙Damon Albarn以及知名漫画艺术家杰米Jamie Hewlett策划主脑的「街头霸王Gorillaz」第一次和世人见面;12年后,团长兼贝斯手魔头(Murdoc Niccals)、主唱阿D(2D)、吉他手小麵(Noodle)、鼓手洛胖(Russel Hobbs)等四名团员,不但被金氏世界纪录认证为「地球上最成功的虚拟乐团」,所发行过的两张录音室专辑,《同名专辑Gorillaz》(2001)和《恶灵古堡Demon Days》(2005),更在全球缔造超过1700万张的惊人销售,并创下〈Clint Eastwood〉、〈Feel Good Inc.〉、〈Dare〉、〈Dirty Harry〉...等多首排行单曲,其中〈Dare〉更风光站上全英国冠军!
在音乐上,街头霸王的创意不断进化,而他们的音乐录影带,除了荣登全球音乐频道首选之林,当然,也为他们拿下多项奖座。不过,近年来,街头霸王更爱游走在虚实之间!2005年,四名虚拟团员先在英国曼彻斯特举办「恶灵古堡,来真的Demon Days Live」,和当时参与《Demon Days》专辑制作的合作歌手们,共同完成多场现场演出。2006年初,街头霸王率领100位儿童所组成的合唱团,为全英音乐奖颁奖典礼做开场表演;同年四月,街头霸王与87位音乐家(其中包括朱丽亚学校的弦乐四重奏与哈林福音合唱团),在美国纽约的哈林传奇阿波罗剧院,带来连续五个晚上的精采演出;而随后的全美葛莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼,四名团员和流行天后Madonna、虚实合一的开场表演,更是吓掉所有观眾的下巴。至此,江湖上开始传出,将有一笔可观的好莱坞热钱,将邀约街头霸王拍摄大银幕电影作品!但是,自从2006年,团员小麵在单曲〈El Mañana〉音乐录影带中、被飞弹炸伤后,街头霸王已经将近四年没有发表新的音乐...
从《Gorillaz》里的超时空建筑到《Demon Days》里的天空之城,这次街头霸王新辑的活动场景竟落在南太平洋的尼莫点(Point Nemo:海上距离陆地最远地方),一座外观宛如漂浮小岛的秘密海角基地,并取名为《天涯海胶Plastic Beach》!在这座刚刚浮出水面的全新舞台上,立刻涌入多位知名音乐人「不只义气、也有意义」的情义相挺!包括The Velvet Underground当中的灵魂人物庞克教父Lou Reed、美国西岸嘻哈乐界霸主史努比狗狗Snoop Dogg、英国摇滚乐队The Fall主唱Mark E Smith、来自纽约长岛的三人饶舌组合De La Soul、嘻哈创作达人Mos Def、灵魂乐教父Bobby Womack。除此之外还有阿拉伯国家管乐团The National Orchestra Of Arabic Music以及催眠铜管乐团Hypnotic Brass Ensemble,加上芝加哥九人编制爵士/嘻哈组合Chicago-Based Nine-Piece Jazz / Hip-Hop Group的加入。而更令人兴奋的是,传奇庞克乐团The Clash的首席吉他手Mick Jones、贝斯手Paul Simonon,也同时出现在这次的作品当中。
注意!史上首次水面大爆走即将开跑,街头霸王的秘密海角基地已浮出水面!在第三张原创专辑《Plastic Beach》中的16首全新歌曲,横跨流行音符、饶舌嘻哈、灵魂乐、摇滚与电子音乐...等既有音乐范畴,而这段从天边到海「胶」的音乐旅程,也将超越人类的想像界限。在这「天涯海『胶』」的秘密基地里,你将看见街头霸王绘制一幅以人类为主题的寓言式图画,而印入眼帘的,将是浪费、破坏、消费主义、孤立、以及堕落...等人性真实面。
Conceived as the first "virtual hip-hop group," Gorillaz blended the musical talents of Dan "The Automator" Nakamura, Blur's Damon Albarn, Cibo Matto's Miho Hatori, and Tom Tom Club's Tina Weymouth and Chris Frantz with the arresting visuals of Jamie Hewlett, best known as the creator of the cult comic Tank Girl. Nakamura's Deltron 3030 cohorts Kid Koala and Del tha Funkee Homosapien rounded out the... ...More
Conceived as the first "virtual hip-hop group," Gorillaz blended the musical talents of Dan "The Automator" Nakamura, Blur's Damon Albarn, Cibo Matto's Miho Hatori, and Tom Tom Club's Tina Weymouth and Chris Frantz with the arresting visuals of Jamie Hewlett, best known as the creator of the cult comic Tank Girl. Nakamura's Deltron 3030 cohorts Kid Koala and Del tha Funkee Homosapien rounded out the creative team behind the Gorillaz quartet, whose virtual members included 2-D, the cute but spacy singer/keyboardist; Murdoc, the spooky, possibly Satanic bassist and the brains behind the group; Russel, a drummer equally inspired by "Farrakhan and Chaka Khan" and possessed by "funkyphantoms" that occasionally rise up and provide some zombie-style rapping; and last but not least, Noodle, a ten-year-old Japanese guitar virtuosa and martial arts master. The group's website, www.gorillaz.com, showcased Hewlett's visuals and the group's music in eye- and ear-catching detail.
Gorillaz debuted in late 2000 with the Tomorrow Comes Today EP, which they followed early the next year with the popular Clint Eastwood single. A self-titled, full-length debut album arrived in spring 2001. Gorillaz was a massive worldwide success and achieved platinum-level sales in the U.S.; worldwide, it sold over seven million copies. The group's Svengalis were quick to capitalize, and released the B-sides collection G-Sides, the Phase One: Celebrity Takedown DVD, and the dub-inspired remix album Laika Come Home in 2002. The project soon went on hiatus, however, as Albarn resumed work with Blur for their seventh album, 2003's Think Tank.
When he was ready to begin the next Gorillaz album, Albarn turned to Danger Mouse (the DJ behind The Grey Album, the infamous mash-up of the Beatles' White Album and Jay-Z's Black Album) and a host of other collaborators, including De La Soul, Shaun Ryder, Debbie Harry, Dennis Hopper, and Martina Topley-Bird. Although Del tha Funkee Homosapien and Nakamura did not return, 2-D, Russel, Murdoc, and Noodle were all present and accounted for on Demon Days, another Top Ten hit, which arrived in spring 2005. The album went double platinum in America and enjoyed even more success in the U.K.; it also received a host of Grammy nominations, a sign that the band had secured critical as well as commercial approval. Gorillaz broke ground for a new album in 2007, but the project wasn't released until 2010, when Plastic Beach marked the band's third studio effort.
01. Clint Eastwood
02. Dirty Harry
03. Feel Good, Inc.
04. Kids With Guns
05. Stylo
06. Glitter Freeze
07. On Melancholy Hill
08. Rhinestone Eyes
09. iTunes Interview
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