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【歌手】Ne-Yo (尼欧)
R.E.D. (an acronym for Realizing Every Dream), is the upcoming fifth studio album by American singer-songwriter Ne-Yo to be released from October 31, 2012. The album follows the disappointing reception to 2010's Libra Scale and is Ne-Yo's first album with new label Motown Records after being appointed as the label's senior vice president for A&R. The album will contain songs that crossover different genres of music, combining elements of R&B, pop and dance-pop.
On R.E.D., Ne-Yo has re-united with frequent partnerts StarGate as well as new collaborators such as Harmony Samuels, No I.D. and The Underdogs. Early previews of the album indicate a progression in the singer's sound with a deeper lyrical content. Preceding the album's release are two lead singles, the R&B-tinged "Lazy Love" which reached the upper half of the US Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart and the Sia-penned synth & Europop club song "Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)".
R&B天王Ne-Yo新专辑 将于2012年9月18日发行!
Ne-Yo原名Shaffer C. Smith,效仿《黑客帝国》影片里男主角的名字Neo给自己起了一个NE-YO的艺名,出生于美国阿肯色州一个音乐世家,自幼生活在一个单亲家庭,被母亲抚养长大。为了使Ne-Yo有更好的发展,母亲带着他移居拉斯维加斯。
2004年,一直潜心创作的Ne-Yo一鸣惊人,他和马里奥(Mario)合作创作的单曲《Let Me Love You》不仅曾连续九周垄断Billboard Hot 100单曲榜,还以1亿8千9百50万次的收听次数创纪录的成为电台单周收听量最大的单曲。其中,由Ne-Yo创作的感人至深歌词更是给人留下了很深的印象。
2006年2月28日,Ne-Yo发行了首张个人专辑《In My Own Words》。该专辑在美国发行后的第一周共售出30万1千张,以领先第2名17万张的较大优势夺得了当周Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。而主打单曲《So Sick》随后也已经夺得了Billboard Hot 100单曲榜的冠军,刚刚发行首张个人专辑的Ne-Yo便已经成为美国榜的双冠王。
在首张专辑发行之前,Ne-Yo的歌声还不为人所知,但作为一名出色的词曲创作人,Ne-Yo这个名字已经响彻整个美国R&B音乐圈。从90年代末开始,Ne-Yo就开始为多位一线歌手创作歌曲,这其中包括了玛丽·J·布里奇(Mary J. Blige),鲁本·斯图达德(Ruben Studdard),B2K,克里斯蒂娜·米兰(Christina Milian),吉米·福克斯(Jamie Foxx)和海瑟·海德丽(Heather Headley)等。
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