《生命之歌》这张专辑的原委,一来是开启钢琴家凯瑟琳•斯托特与大提琴家马友友合作第四个十年的序幕,二来初衷也是马友友六十岁生日要来临了“我今年就要六十岁了,我觉得这真的很有意思,因这不仅让我想象耳顺之年将会是个什么样子,而且让我思索起从前所发生的一切。”马友友说:“我们二人可谓是旧相识了。我们经年同台演奏,二人之间愉快的对话与共同的经历难以尽数,所有这些,我们愿意用这张专辑《生命之歌》,与你们分享。” 曲目列表:
01. Ave Maria.flac
02. Lullaby (Wiegenlied, Op. 49, No. 4).flac
03. Songs My Mother Taught Me (from Gypsy Songs, Op. 55, No. 4).flac
04. Papillon, Op. 77.flac
05. Tango Jalousie.flac
06. I. Vanitas vanitatum (from Five Pieces in the Popular Style, Op. 102).flac
07. Was it a Dream, Op. 37, No. 4.flac
08. Apres un reve, Op. 7, No. 1.flac
09. Salut d'Amour, Op. 12.flac
10. Prelude No. 1 (From Three Preludes).flac
11. Romance for Cello and Piano.flac
12. La Gitana.flac
13. Il bell'Antonio, Tema III.flac
14. The Swan (From Carnival of the Animals).flac
15. The Wounded Heart, Op. 34, No. 1 (From Elegiac Melodies).flac
16. Valse Sentimentale, Op. 51, No. 6.flac
17. Louange a l'Eternite de Jesus (From Quartet for the End of Time).flac
18. Beau Soir.flac
19. Ave Maria, Op. 52, No. 6 (Ellens Gesang III from Ein Fraulein vom See).flac 试听: