1. Wild Fire / Title Sequence (2:50)
2. Molly’s Dream (1:46)
3. A Life That Would Chance Ours (0:44)
4. Regeneration (1:58)
5. Purpose (0:40)
6. Barking All Day (0:52)
7. A Great Idea (0:55)
8. Apricot Lane Farms (1:05)
9. Not Much Life (1:46)
10. Alan York (0:40)
11. Laying Out the Plan (1:01)
12. Clearing the Land (1:07)
13. An Army of Farmers (1:04)
14. Plants Build Soil (1:25)
15. The Animals Arrive (2:06)
16. Meet Emma (0:32)
17. The Fruit Basket Orchard (0:58)
18. Emma’s Brood (1:16)
19. First Breakthrough (1:16)
20. Self-Perpetuating (1:10)
21. Alan’s Secret (2:04)
22. Emma’s Fever (2:43)
23. Emma Survives (1:39)
24. The Bees Arrive (1:18)
25. Becoming a Paradise (1:44)
26. Alan Passes (2:47)
27. Orphaned Lamb (1:10)
28. Overwhelming (3:11)
29. Ducks vs. Snails (0:43)
30. Observation (1:25)
31. Patient Dance (1:47)
32. Coyote Attack (1:04)
33. Coyotes Return (0:29)
34. Death of Idealism (1:07)
35. Drought and Wind (1:47)
36. The Rains Arrive (3:41)
37. Emma’s New Piglets (1:52)
38. The Night Vision (4:28)
39. Too Many Gophers (1:12)
40. No Longer Alone (2:59)
41. Purpose Driven Life (1:49)
42. It’s Perfect (6:45)