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[合集] VA《Bortnyansky-鲍特年斯基宗教作品》(6CD)flac/整轨/百度云











发表于 2020-8-4 11:55:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在歌剧院期间,鲍特年斯基师从加卢皮(Galuppi)学习作曲。1769年,在加卢皮前往威尼斯后,凯瑟琳女皇把鲍特年斯基也送到威尼斯跟随加卢皮深造。他现存最早的作品就是在意大利期间创作的:三部歌剧系列,其中的两部:Creonte和Alcide是在威尼斯创作的,第三部Quinto Fabio是在摩德纳创作的,它由罗马天主教会的几个主题构成:圣母颂(1775),感恩赞歌(1776),以及多乐章的荣耀经。他为德国天主教常规弥撒所作的完整作品Nemtskaya obednya(德国礼拜仪式),同样可能是源自这段时期的酝酿。
1779年鲍特年斯基被召回俄国宫廷。起初他只是以作曲助手和指挥助理的身份在皇家宫廷唱诗班工作,但是当派赛罗在1783年离开俄国后,凯瑟琳女皇把鲍特年斯基派遣到Maliy Dvor,也就是她儿子保罗的小宫廷中,接替之前派赛罗担任的指挥职位。直到1796年,鲍特年斯基陆续为凯瑟琳创作了大量宗教音乐,可以说,他创作的大部分东正教合唱乐曲都成形于这段时期。与此同时,他也为保罗创作了一些世俗音乐,它们反映了当时宫廷的欣赏旨趣,这其中有三部歌剧最为出色:La fête du seigneur(1786),Le faucon (1786) 以及 Le fils rival,ou La moderne Stratonice (1787),它们都属于喜歌剧的风格:简短的音乐节拍让非专业的来宾也能轻松驾驭。有时候,歌剧演出完了接着会有合唱清唱剧表演,这些清唱剧可能也出于鲍特年斯基之手。鲍特年斯基同时也对皇室家族教授大键琴和钢琴并创作了一些键盘和室内乐作品。他的作品集《罗曼司》(1793)是现存最早的由东部斯拉夫作曲家创作的法语作品。
鲍特年斯基的影响很快扩大到彼得堡之外,1815年,为使整个俄国东正教教堂内的音乐训练标准化,他汇编出版了由散布俄罗斯的单声部圣歌收集而来的圣乐合唱集《prostoye penie》,该合唱集在整个俄国广为传播。1816年,政府颁发ukaz政令,授予鲍特年斯基和宫廷唱诗班以在俄国国内出版宗教音乐的特权,这种独享的特权一直持续到19世纪后期。不过鲍特年斯基并没有动用权力来推广他自己创作的合唱协奏曲:直到生命的晚期,他才开始整理出版这些作品(它们出版于他逝世后的1830年,1834年由彼得堡的Rezelius再版)。按照民间流传的说法,在他临终之际所演唱的Vskuyu priskorbna yesi, dusha moya?(为何你如此悲哀,我的灵魂?)是他最钟爱的合唱协奏曲。
作为俄罗斯和乌克兰音乐史上的一位重要人物,鲍特年斯基同时受到两国人民的敬仰,他把两国的宗教合唱协奏艺术发展到了顶峰,这些多乐章的无伴奏作品可以说是莫扎特式的优美旋律以及贝多芬式的和声织体的完美结合。每一首协奏(至少35首四声部合唱以及10部双重合唱团合唱) 都是对多种独特的独唱与合唱结合方式的探究。鲍特年斯基的合唱协奏曲以及赞美诗在19世纪风靡西欧:一些作品的备份早在1780年起就保存在维也纳的Hofkapelle图书馆内。1840年,柏辽兹在俄国听到了这些协奏曲,盛赞合唱队在音量控制上“难以置信的自由”并多次在自己的法国音乐会上加入了鲍特年斯基的作品。一些作品,特别是Izhe Kheruvim?(天使圣歌)7号以及Kol' slaven nash Hospod'(我们的主何其伟大),被翻译成了拉丁文和德文,广泛地出版于西方文选中:一些尚能在西方的赞美诗集中见到。鲍特年斯基的过世多半也为东方斯拉夫民族音乐史的欧化时代划上了句号。他的音乐曾被格林卡批评为多愁善感,其后又因为其意大利风格被民族主义学派诟病。科萨柯夫把鲍特年斯基的宗教音乐认定为“对俄罗斯宗教音乐风格的持续误解”,A.N. Serov称其“对莫扎特时代意大利风格的脆弱模仿”。在苏维埃时代,音乐史家回溯其音乐中的民族文化,试图恢复鲍特年斯基作为本土斯拉夫作曲家的身份。尽管人们对鲍特年斯基音乐风格有所批判,但他的宗教作品仍在俄罗斯东正教音乐中占主要地位。苏联解体之后,随着教堂的重新开放,俄罗斯与乌克兰也开始了对鲍特年斯基音乐的复兴。
杨翔中 译 阿姚 校对

Sacred Concerto No. 1, "Vospoyte Hospodevi pesn' novu" (Sing unto the Lord a new song)
01. I. Sing unto the Lord a new song — 02:12
02. II. Let them sing praises unto him — 04:10
03. III. He will beautify the meek with salvation 01:45
Sacred Concerto No. 2, "Torzhestvuyte dnes'" (Celebrate this day)
04. I. Triumph, O ye this day — 01:30
05. II. Who freed us from evil machinations — 02:19
06. III. Give us eternal life and great mercy 01:55
Sacred Concerto No. 3, "Hospodi, siloyu tvoyeyu vozveselitsya tsar'" (O Lord, in thy strength the king shall be glad)
07. I. The king shall joy in thy strength — 01:29
08. II. Thou hast given him his heart's desire — 05:30
09. III. His glory is great in thy salvation 02:32
Sacred Concerto No. 4, "Voskliknite Hospodevi, vsya zemlya" (Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands)
10. I. Make a joyful noise unto God — 01:09
11. II. All the earth shall worship thee — 03:28
12. III. Blow up the trumpet 04:38
Sacred Concerto No. 5, "Usly** tya Hospod' v den' pechali" (May the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble)
13. I. The Lord hear thee — 01:15
14. II. Remember all thy offerings — 04:18
15. III. Let the king hear us 02:03
Sacred Concerto No. 6, "Slava vo vyshnikh Bohu" (Glory to God in the highest)
16. I. Glory to God in the highest — 01:19
17. II. This day Bethlehem shall receive him — 02:18
18. III. To the newly born infant … 02:11
Sacred Concerto No. 7, "Priidite vozraduyemsya Hospodevi" (Come let us rejoice in the Lord)
19. I. O come, let us sing unto the Lord — 00:58
20. II. For those that glorify him shall inherit the earth — 02:49
21. III. And the glory of his name … 02:25
Sacred Concerto No. 8, "Milosti tvoya, Hospodi, vo vek vospoyu" (Of thy mercies, O Lord, shall I sing for ever)
22. I. I will sing the mercies of the Lord for ever — 01:37
23. II. I have made a covenant with my chosen — 04:01
24. III. And let all that seek thee, O Lord, rejoice 01:45
Sacred Concerto No. 9, "Sei den', yeho zhe sotvori Hospod'" (This is the day which the Lord hath made)
25. I. This is the day which the Lord hath made — 02:37
26. II. Show us thy mercy, O Lord — 04:19
27. III. He shall abide before God for ever 01:58
Russian State Symphonic Cappella
Valery Polyansky, Conductor

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1. Sacred Concerto No. 10, "Poyte Bohu nashemu, poyte" (Sing praises to our God, sing praises): I. Sing unto our Lord a song -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:13
2. Sacred Concerto No. 10, "Poyte Bohu nashemu, poyte" (Sing praises to our God, sing praises): II. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         4:43
3. Sacred Concerto No. 10, "Poyte Bohu nashemu, poyte" (Sing praises to our God, sing praises): III. Let heaven and earth praise him        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         4:48
4. Sacred Concerto No. 11, "Blahosloven Hospod', yako uslysha hlas moleniya moyeho" (Blessed is the Lor: I. Blessed is the Lord -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         4:07
5. Sacred Concerto No. 11, "Blahosloven Hospod', yako uslysha hlas moleniya moyeho" (Blessed is the Lor: II. My lips called unto him -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:12
6. Sacred Concerto No. 11, "Blahosloven Hospod', yako uslysha hlas moleniya moyeho" (Blessed is the Lor: III. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:00
7. Sacred Concerto No. 12, "Bozhe, pesn' novu vospoyu tebe" (O God, a new song shall I sing unto thee): I. I will sing a new song unto thee -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:10
8. Sacred Concerto No. 12, "Bozhe, pesn' novu vospoyu tebe" (O God, a new song shall I sing unto thee): II. I shall make a sacrifice of praise to you -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:10
9. Sacred Concerto No. 12, "Bozhe, pesn' novu vospoyu tebe" (O God, a new song shall I sing unto thee): III. O Lord, do not deprive me of your mercies        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:16
10. Sacred Concerto No. 13, "Raduytesya Bohu, pomoshchniku nashemu" (Rejoice in God, our helper): I. Sing aloud unto God our strength -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:40
11. Sacred Concerto No. 13, "Raduytesya Bohu, pomoshchniku nashemu" (Rejoice in God, our helper): II. Unburden your heart to him -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:45
12. Sacred Concerto No. 13, "Raduytesya Bohu, pomoshchniku nashemu" (Rejoice in God, our helper): III. For the Lord is our support and our defender        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:55
13. Sacred Concerto No. 14, ""Otryhnu serdtse moye slovo blaho" (My heart overflows with a good word): I. My heart is inditing a good matter -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:58
14. Sacred Concerto No. 14, ""Otryhnu serdtse moye slovo blaho" (My heart overflows with a good word): II. Thou lovest righteousness -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:36
15. Sacred Concerto No. 14, ""Otryhnu serdtse moye slovo blaho" (My heart overflows with a good word): III. And he will glorify thee Lord God in all generations        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:39
16. Sacred Concerto No. 15, "Priidite, vospoim lyudiye" (Come, let us praise in song, O people): I. Ye people, let us come and sing of Christ's resurrection -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:40
17. Sacred Concerto No. 15, "Priidite, vospoim lyudiye" (Come, let us praise in song, O people): II. He that was crucified, buried -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:20
18. Sacred Concerto No. 15, "Priidite, vospoim lyudiye" (Come, let us praise in song, O people): III. And resurrected        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:39
19. Sacred Concerto No. 16, ""Voznesu tya, Bozhe moy, Tsaryu moy" (I will exalt thee, O my God, my king): I. I will extol thee -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:07
20. Sacred Concerto No. 16, ""Voznesu tya, Bozhe moy, Tsaryu moy" (I will exalt thee, O my God, my king): II. And I will bless thy name for ever and ever -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:14
21. Sacred Concerto No. 16, ""Voznesu tya, Bozhe moy, Tsaryu moy" (I will exalt thee, O my God, my king): III. And thy saints shall bless thee -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:43
22. Sacred Concerto No. 16, ""Voznesu tya, Bozhe moy, Tsaryu moy" (I will exalt thee, O my God, my king): IV. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:29

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1. Sacred Concerto No. 17, "Kol' vozlyublenna seleniya tvoya, Hospodi" (How lovely is thy dwelling plac: I. How amiable are thy tabernacles, o Lord of hosts! -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         4:04
2. Sacred Concerto No. 17, "Kol' vozlyublenna seleniya tvoya, Hospodi" (How lovely is thy dwelling plac: II. As the Lord loves mercy and truth -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:39
3. Sacred Concerto No. 17, "Kol' vozlyublenna seleniya tvoya, Hospodi" (How lovely is thy dwelling plac: III. Blessed is the man that trusteth in thee        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:48
4. Sacred Concerto No. 18, "Blaho yest' ispoviedatisia Hospodevi" (It is good to give thanks unto the Lord): I. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:24
5. Sacred Concerto No. 18, "Blaho yest' ispoviedatisia Hospodevi" (It is good to give thanks unto the Lord): II. Upon an instrument of ten strings -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella        0:56
6. Sacred Concerto No. 18, "Blaho yest' ispoviedatisia Hospodevi" (It is good to give thanks unto the Lord): III. For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:09
7. Sacred Concerto No. 18, "Blaho yest' ispoviedatisia Hospodevi" (It is good to give thanks unto the Lord): IV. Let all rejoice that trusts in thee        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:45
8. Sacred Concerto No. 19, "Reche Hospod' Hospodevi moyemu" (The Lord said unto my Lord): I. The Lord said unto my Lord: sit down at my right hand -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:52
9. Sacred Concerto No. 19, "Reche Hospod' Hospodevi moyemu" (The Lord said unto my Lord): II. The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:47
10. Sacred Concerto No. 19, "Reche Hospod' Hospodevi moyemu" (The Lord said unto my Lord): III. In the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:45
11. Sacred Concerto No. 20, "Na Tya Hospodi, upovakh'" (In thee, O Lord, have I trusted): I. In thee, o Lord, do I put my trust -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:37
12. Sacred Concerto No. 20, "Na Tya Hospodi, upovakh'" (In thee, O Lord, have I trusted): II. Let me never put to confusion -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:58
13. Sacred Concerto No. 20, "Na Tya Hospodi, upovakh'" (In thee, O Lord, have I trusted): III. For thou art my hope, o Lord God -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         6:13
14. Sacred Concerto No. 20, "Na Tya Hospodi, upovakh'" (In thee, O Lord, have I trusted): IV. And hitherto have I declared thy wondrous words        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:06
15. Sacred Concerto No. 21, "Zhiviy v pomoshchi Vishniaho" (He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High): I. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         4:31
16. Sacred Concerto No. 21, "Zhiviy v pomoshchi Vishniaho" (He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High): II. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         4:10
17. Sacred Concerto No. 21, "Zhiviy v pomoshchi Vishniaho" (He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High): III. He shall call upon me, I and I will answer him        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:40
18. Sacred Concerto No. 22, "Hospod' prosvyeshcheniye moye" (The Lord is my light): I. The Lord is my light and my salvation -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:41
19. Sacred Concerto No. 22, "Hospod' prosvyeshcheniye moye" (The Lord is my light): II. Though a host should encamp against me -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:22
20. Sacred Concerto No. 22, "Hospod' prosvyeshcheniye moye" (The Lord is my light): III. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:19
21. Sacred Concerto No. 22, "Hospod' prosvyeshcheniye moye" (The Lord is my light): IV. I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:45
22. Sacred Concerto No. 23, "Blazheni lyudiye vedushchii voskliknoveniye" (Blessed are the people who kn: I. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:41
23. Sacred Concerto No. 23, "Blazheni lyudiye vedushchii voskliknoveniye" (Blessed are the people who kn: II. Then thou spakest in vision to the holy one -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:10
24. Sacred Concerto No. 23, "Blazheni lyudiye vedushchii voskliknoveniye" (Blessed are the people who kn: III. I will set his hand also in the sea -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:34
25. Sacred Concerto No. 23, "Blazheni lyudiye vedushchii voskliknoveniye" (Blessed are the people who kn: IV. My mercy will I keep for him forevermore        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:10

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1. Sacred Concerto No. 24, "Vozvedokh ochi moi v hory" (I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains): I. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:47
2. Sacred Concerto No. 24, "Vozvedokh ochi moi v hory" (I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains): II. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:05
3. Sacred Concerto No. 24, "Vozvedokh ochi moi v hory" (I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains): III. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:42
4. Sacred Concerto No. 25, "Ne umolchim nikohda, Bohoroditse" (We will never be silent, Mother of God): I. We, the unworthy, shall not cease -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         6:36
5. Sacred Concerto No. 25, "Ne umolchim nikohda, Bohoroditse" (We will never be silent, Mother of God): II. We shall not renounce you -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:47
6. Sacred Concerto No. 25, "Ne umolchim nikohda, Bohoroditse" (We will never be silent, Mother of God): III. For you are the eternal saviour of us        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:11
7. Sacred Concerto No. 26, "Hospodi, Bozhe Izrailev" (Lord, God of Israel): I. Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:42
8. Sacred Concerto No. 26, "Hospodi, Bozhe Izrailev" (Lord, God of Israel): II. Lord God of Israel! That thine eyes may be open -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:15
9. Sacred Concerto No. 26, "Hospodi, Bozhe Izrailev" (Lord, God of Israel): III. ? and forgive thy people that have sinned against thee -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:37
10. Sacred Concerto No. 26, "Hospodi, Bozhe Izrailev" (Lord, God of Israel): IV. ? that this house, which I have builded        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:30
11. Sacred Concerto No. 27, "Hlasom moim ko Hospodu vozzvakh" (With my voice unto the Lord have I cried): I. I cried to the Lord with my voice -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         6:12
12. Sacred Concerto No. 27, "Hlasom moim ko Hospodu vozzvakh" (With my voice unto the Lord have I cried): II. He sent from above, he took me -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:47
13. Sacred Concerto No. 27, "Hlasom moim ko Hospodu vozzvakh" (With my voice unto the Lord have I cried): III. According to the cleanliness of my hands -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:11
14. Sacred Concerto No. 27, "Hlasom moim ko Hospodu vozzvakh" (With my voice unto the Lord have I cried): IV. ? and I did not put away his statutes from me        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         3:09
15. Sacred Concerto No. 28, "Blazhen muzh, boyaysya Hospoda" (Blessed is the man, that feareth the Lord): I. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:27
16. Sacred Concerto No. 28, "Blazhen muzh, boyaysya Hospoda" (Blessed is the man, that feareth the Lord): II. His seed shall be mighty upon the earth -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:18
17. Sacred Concerto No. 28, "Blazhen muzh, boyaysya Hospoda" (Blessed is the man, that feareth the Lord): III. The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         4:15
18. Sacred Concerto No. 28, "Blazhen muzh, boyaysya Hospoda" (Blessed is the man, that feareth the Lord): IV. His enemies will I clothe with shame        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:37
19. Sacred Concerto No. 29, "Voskhvalyu imya Boha moyeho" (I will praise the name of my God): I. I will praise the name of God with a song -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:21
20. Sacred Concerto No. 29, "Voskhvalyu imya Boha moyeho" (I will praise the name of my God): II. ? and will magnify him with thanksgiving -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:09
21. Sacred Concerto No. 29, "Voskhvalyu imya Boha moyeho" (I will praise the name of my God): III. For his merciful kindness is great toward us -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         2:42
22. Sacred Concerto No. 29, "Voskhvalyu imya Boha moyeho" (I will praise the name of my God): IV. ? and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever -        Russian State Symphonic Cappella         1:49

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1. Sacred Concerto No. 30, "Uslyshi, Bozhe, hlas' moy" (Hear, O God, my voice): I. Hear my voice, O God -         6:22
2. Sacred Concerto No. 30, "Uslyshi, Bozhe, hlas' moy" (Hear, O God, my voice): II. Rise up in my defence, hear my plea -         3:31
3. Sacred Concerto No. 30, "Uslyshi, Bozhe, hlas' moy" (Hear, O God, my voice): III. O Lord, thou art my salvation and my glory         2:17
4. Sacred Concerto No. 31, "Vsi iazytsy vospleshchite rukami" (O clap your hands, all ye nations): I. O clap your hands, all ye people -         1:37
5. Sacred Concerto No. 31, "Vsi iazytsy vospleshchite rukami" (O clap your hands, all ye nations): II. For the Lord most high is terrible -         1:14
6. Sacred Concerto No. 31, "Vsi iazytsy vospleshchite rukami" (O clap your hands, all ye nations): III. Sing praises to God, sing praises -         2:03
7. Sacred Concerto No. 31, "Vsi iazytsy vospleshchite rukami" (O clap your hands, all ye nations): IV. For God is the King of all the earth         1:57
8. Sacred Concerto No. 32, "Skazhi mi, Hospodi, konchinu moyu" (O Lord, make me to know mine end): I. Lord, make me to know mine end -         5:06
9. Sacred Concerto No. 32, "Skazhi mi, Hospodi, konchinu moyu" (O Lord, make me to know mine end): II. Remove thy stroke away from me -         2:16
10. Sacred Concerto No. 32, "Skazhi mi, Hospodi, konchinu moyu" (O Lord, make me to know mine end): III. O spare me, that I may recover strength         5:39
11. Sacred Concerto No. 33, "Vskuyu priskorbna yesi, dusha moya?" (Why art thou cast down, O my soul?): I. Why art thou cast down, O my soul ?? -         3:34
12. Sacred Concerto No. 33, "Vskuyu priskorbna yesi, dusha moya?" (Why art thou cast down, O my soul?): II. Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him -         1:39
13. Sacred Concerto No. 33, "Vskuyu priskorbna yesi, dusha moya?" (Why art thou cast down, O my soul?): III. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death -         4:20
14. Sacred Concerto No. 33, "Vskuyu priskorbna yesi, dusha moya?" (Why art thou cast down, O my soul?): IV. For God is my defence, and the God of my mercy         2:04
15. Sacred Concerto No. 34, "Da voskresnet Boh" (Let God arise): I. Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered -         1:28
16. Sacred Concerto No. 34, "Da voskresnet Boh" (Let God arise): II. But let the righteous be glad -         2:48
17. Sacred Concerto No. 34, "Da voskresnet Boh" (Let God arise): III. Ascribe ye strength unto God -         1:09
18. Sacred Concerto No. 34, "Da voskresnet Boh" (Let God arise): IV. Wondrous is God in his saints         2:46
19. Sacred Concerto No. 35, "Hospodi, kto obitayet v zhilishchi Tvoyem?" (Lord, who shall abide in thy t: I. Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? -         3:01
20. Sacred Concerto No. 35, "Hospodi, kto obitayet v zhilishchi Tvoyem?" (Lord, who shall abide in thy t: II. He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness -         3:22
21. Sacred Concerto No. 35, "Hospodi, kto obitayet v zhilishchi Tvoyem?" (Lord, who shall abide in thy t: III. He that doeth these things shall never be moved         2:14

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1. Sacred Concerto No. 1, "I will praise thee": I. I will praise thee with my whole heart -         2:28
2. Sacred Concerto No. 1, "I will praise thee": II. I will worship toward thy holy temple -         3:32
3. Sacred Concerto No. 1, "I will praise thee": III. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord         1:54
4. Sacred Concerto No. 2, "Praise ye the Lord": I. Praise ye the Lord -         2:08
5. Sacred Concerto No. 2, "Praise ye the Lord": II. From the rising of the sun -         2:53
6. Sacred Concerto No. 2, "Praise ye the Lord": III. His praise shall endure forevermore         1:43
7. Sacred Concerto No. 3, "Come and behold the works of God": I. Come and behold the works of God -         1:59
8. Sacred Concerto No. 3, "Come and behold the works of God": II. He will break their bows' -         1:55
9. Sacred Concerto No. 3, "Come and behold the works of God": III. Free yourselves -         2:11
10. Sacred Concerto No. 3, "Come and behold the works of God": IV. The Lord of strength is with us         2:01
11. Sacred Concerto No. 4, "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?": I. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? -         4:33
12. Sacred Concerto No. 4, "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?": II. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord -         1:47
13. Sacred Concerto No. 4, "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?": III. Lift up your head -         2:33
14. Sacred Concerto No. 4, "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?": IV. Who is this king of Glory?         1:46
15. Sacred Concerto No. 5, "The heavens declare the glory of God": I. The heavens declare the glory of God -         1:58
16. Sacred Concerto No. 5, "The heavens declare the glory of God": II. In them hath he set a tabernacle -         2:21
17. Sacred Concerto No. 5, "The heavens declare the glory of God": III. The law of the Lord is perfect -         1:36
18. Sacred Concerto No. 5, "The heavens declare the glory of God": IV. Let the words of my mouth         2:05
19. Sacred Concerto No. 6, "What God is greater?": I. What God is greater? -         3:00
20. Sacred Concerto No. 6, "What God is greater?": II. He has subdued his people -         3:04
21. Sacred Concerto No. 6, "What God is greater?": III. He who has glorified         2:25
22. Sacred Concerto No. 7, "Glory to God in the highest": I. Glory to God in the highest -         3:20
23. Sacred Concerto No. 7, "Glory to God in the highest": II. Heed our prayer -         2:28
24. Sacred Concerto No. 7, "Glory to God in the highest": III. For thou alone art holy         1:57
25. Sacred Concerto No. 8, "Ye people, sing a song"         6:14
26. Sacred Concerto No. 9, "Praise ye the Lord': Sacred Concerto No. 9, "Praise ye the Lord"         3:35
27. Sacred Concerto No. 10, "My heart is fortified": I. My heart is fortified in the Lord -         2:09
28. Sacred Concerto No. 10, "My heart is fortified": II. There is none more holy than our Lord -         2:02
29. Sacred Concerto No. 10, "My heart is fortified": III. His judgement extends         2:48        
Russian State Symphonic Cappella
Valery Polyansky, Conductor







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