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[其他] [ADVD][UP] Mike Oldfield - Amarok - 1990 (Progressive Rock)









发表于 2020-9-23 14:20:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Страна: Англия
Жанр: Progressive Rock
Год выпуска: 1990
Формат: DTS
Битрейт аудио: 1.536 Mb/s
Продолжительность: 60:01
В оригинале один трэк
Разбито на 11 chapters для удобства навигации.
Доп. информация: IMHO, лучший альбом Олдфилда.
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Кстати субтитры начинаютя с 1-й минуты длятся около 4-х минут, а затем с середины 52-й минуты до конца. Идут на черном фоне. Все остальное время - смена картинок.
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Amarok Analysis взято с tubular.net
1. 00:01 00:27 'fast riff intro' on acoustic guitar, with vocoder'd male vocal (indistinct), pre-emptive of theme A.
2. 00:27 00:51 Theme A on 12 string + synth (guitar?) dischords (Theme A) and electric guitar weird FX w/feedback
3. 00:51 01:42 3 cymbal hits leading to version of fast riff with slightly different harmonies, on acoustic guitar, with softer version of A on wah guitar, about ten seconds in, and occasional piano bass notes and reprise of vocoder in first part (01:19 onwards)
4. 01:42 01:55 Same joined by glockenspiel (?) and cymbals, with synth chords in background.
5. 01:55 02:09 Theme A on wah guitar, w/vocoder again and acoustic in background slowing down into:
6. 02:10 02:17 Theme B (Fast Waltz) flamenco-style on acoustic guitar with hand-claps (bodhran?) in background, held synth notes.
7. 02:17 02:23 Hand claps still, bass guitar tune (version of Theme B).
8. 02:23 02:33 Ritardando on synths, fast (tom tom) drum beats into brushed snare, into:
9. 02:33 02:44 New tune (Theme C) on female vocal (distant at first), with African style drum rhythm (bodhran) and synth chords.
10. 02:45 03:05 Theme C + 'Happy?' and secondary tune on guitar.
11. 03:05 03:21 Theme C part 2 + new guitar tune (Theme D) (+Happy?)
12. 03:21 03:29 Theme C part 3
13. 03:29 03:45 Back to part 1 of Theme C (with echo)
14. 03:45 03:53 Theme C with synth/guitar dischords (similar to 2)
15. 03:53 04:00 + Theme D finishing with slide into
16. 04:00 04:09 Part 3 of Theme C with more prominent synth chords and Happy?
17. 04:09 04:17 Descending vocal pattern (Theme C part 4)
18. 04:17 04:20 +dischordant guitar/synth in rising pattern.
19. 04:20 04:25 Theme C part 4 resolves to major, and back to:
20. 04:25 04:34 New guitar tune (variation of A) over C
21. 04:34 04:41 A variation drops out, +Happy?
22. 04:41 04:50 C4 with similar guitar tune (as it) over top.
23. 04:50 04:57 C4 without guitar
24. 04:57 05:04 as 19, but with guitar over top again.
25. 05:04 05:13 Theme D on distorted guitar, over C1.
26. 05:13 05:33 Rising guitar tune (another variation of A), with synth dischords, with 'Happy?', becoming more frantic into:
27. 05:33 05:45 Deep bass drum stroke giving way to vocals solo, with piano playing staccato chords.
Climax I - 12 String
28. 05:45 06:19 'Laugh' into Theme C climax on solo electric guitar, with 12-string acoustic chords and echoed handclaps (occasional) into:
Soft Bodhran I
29. 06:19 06:40 Analogue bass drum/cymbals pattern with high, fast synth/bell notes and FX, and a quiet chordal pattern.
30. 06:40 07:00 Chordal pattern on synth more prominent (pre-emptive of Theme E)
31. 07:00 07:21 +new tune on guitar (Theme E)
Rachmaninov I
32. 07:21 07:39 Theme E on piano and guitar, with scraper (or brushed snare).
Soft Bodhran II
33. 07:39 07:59 similar to 31 with rising pentatonic scale on guitar leading into:
Rachmaninov II
34. 07:59 08:17 As 32, with slightly more prominent guitar.
35. 08:17 08:35 +Descending bass notes (piano + guitars) with cymbals, and screaming guitar (solo) over top
36. 08:35 08:42 Acoustic guitar tune (C variation) with new Theme F on penny whistle (LTBL tune) + synth
37. 08:42 08:49 Secondary tune on steel-stringed guitar leading to:
38. 08:49 09:02 as 36 and 37
39. 09:02 09:07 Electro-acoustic variation of F.
40. 09:07 09:16 Theme A on electric guitar with piano chords
41. 09:16 09:21 C variation on acoustic steel string.
42. 09:21 09:29 Theme A on electric guitar, with modulation into:
43. 09:29 09:43 Theme F variation on organ, call-and-response style phrase with guitar and organs.
44. 09:43 09:56 as above, but with guitar soloing Theme F over it.
45. 09:56 10:24 Vocoder'd vocals and choir (Sondela), with v.prominent percussion (toms, cymbals, BD, poss. bodhran/conga), and quietly held synth notes in background.
Reprise I - Intro
46. 10:24 10:24 New guitar tune (variation of F), with louder, distorted chords at beginning, middle, and end, with percussion underneath (sticks, finger cymbals).
47. 10:42 11:00 12/8 section - Bass guitar solo (C variation), over variation of Theme C on penny whistle and guitars, with bodhran/cymbals/bass drum providing rhythm
48. 11:00 11:13 Variation of C4 on effected guitars (one with sitar effect)
49. 11:13 11:33 Rising pattern on electric guitar, with shouted semi-rhytmic vocals, with echo and slow attack synth sound
50. 11:33 11:54 Blues-style variation of F on guitar with prominent, simple bass line and glockenspiel, percussion, guitar providing chords.
51. 11:54 12:04 Triplet phrase on two guitars coming through both channels (similar to Blue Saloon), with chords on electric piano and percussion.
52. 12:04 12:25 Call and response phrase between low acoustic/bass guitars variation of C and similar F-variation to 50 on higher electric guitars.
53. 12:25 12:30 Theme A on organ, with Blue Saloon style guitars.
54. 12:30 12:36 New variation of F on solo 12-string acoustic, over same guitars/percussion pattern
55. 12:36 12:45 Theme A on solo guitar (over same pattern), with TB-esque organ variation of F briefly at beginning of this section.
56. 12:45 13:06 Climax of this with Theme C variation on guitar, mandolin and synth-strings, over acoustic guitar BS style pattern.
57. 13:06 13:17 As 50, more or less, at 13:16, organ slide into:
58. 13:17 13:26 Theme C in major key on organ, with acoustic guitar response
59. 13:26 13:33 Acoustic bass guitar half-scale into Theme C variation in call and response on banjo and piano
60. 13:33 13:45 + High acoustic guitar chords, response on piano is joined by penny whistle.
61. 13:45 13:54 + Guitars sounding like sitars in both channels, and extra bit of Theme C on banjo in call and response part.
62. 13:54 14:04 Variation of C in 'morris-dance' style on organs with acoustic guitar chords, percussion and bass.run into:
63. 14:04 14:08 Same chord pattern as 59-61 but with Theme A variation on wah guitars over top.
64. 14:08 14:13 Theme A but with part of Theme C on organ.
65. 14:13 14:22 With more syncopated chords on electric guitar and synths.and bass drum - with whistle into:
66. 14:22 14:32 As above, with guitar solo over top.
67. 14:32 14:51 Like 62, with guitars solo over top playing variation of Theme A.
68. 14:51 15:00 More Theme C variation, with guitar over top taken over by Theme C on organ at the end, with whistle into:
Mad Bit
69. 15:00 15:09 Machine-style pattern on acoustic guitar and percussion, with spoken vocals in each channel (indistinct, appears to be 'Modern' and 'Hippy'.)
70. 15:09 15:19 Distorted guitar/bass chords variation of Theme G, with morse-code sound and spoken vocal 'I'm a bit busy', and tambourine four-beats-to-the-bar pattern
71. 15:19 15:28 As 69
72. 15:28 15:38 Morse-code sound more prominent, Theme A variation in acoustic guitar chords
73. 15:38 15:47 Morse-code sound becomes faster, solo guitar over top (variation of E)
74. 15:47 15:56 As 69, with rising scale and crescendo on piano at the end.
75. 15:56 16:11 Solo guitar tune over sound effects of glass of water being drunk and analogue bass drum sound.
76. 16:11 16:31 Call-and-response between two acoustic guitars, with glockenspiels and more FX
77. 16:31 16:45 New tune on guitars sounding like sitars (Theme G) over synths and percussion, slowing down back to:
78. 16:45 16:58 As 75, with sounds of teeth being brushed, yawning and sighing
79. 16:58 17:18 As 76, with high pitched solo guitar quietly.
80. 17:18 17:32 As 77 with modulation into:
81. 17:32 17:46 Theme G in new key, fuller chords and added guitars/synths and FX
82. 17:46 18:01 As 78 ending with sound of glass being smashed, into:
Fast Riff
83. 18:01 18:44 Theme A (fast riff) on acoustic steel string, adding banjo and piano towards the end, with low held synth notes.
84. 18:44 19:57 As above, with guitar soloing over top (Theme C/E variations), more prominent synth chords.
85. 19:57 20:04 Solo guitar slows down, shouted vocals (sounds like Solta! Solta!) over top of this.
86. 20:04 20:17 Another variation of Theme C on two guitars, over rolling bass gtr/drum rhythm.
87. 20:17 20:27 Rhythmic chords on guitars and synths over bass/drum rhythm
88. 20:27 20:37 +Theme E on glockenspiel, with acoustic steel string towards end
89. 20:37 20:57 Same guitar as 86, with higher solo guitar doubling, over prominent percussion rhythm (on toms, congas, woodblocks, triangle, BD)
90. 20:57 21:07 As 87
91. 21:07 21:17 As 88
92. 21:17 21:37 +distorted guitar, bass whistle (or pan pipes) (Theme E), cymbals, rockier feel, with another glass-breaking effect into:
93. 21:37 21:48 Theme F variation on solo guitar, over machine-like percussion sounds (scraper, woodblock, toolkit).
94. 21:48 21:57 +Theme E on bass whistle
Fast Waltz
95. 21:57 22:04 Variation of Theme B on low piano, electric piano and low acoustic guitars, with faster variation on treble part of piano (reminiscent of TB arpeggio), loud gun/firework-like snapping sound into:
96. 22:04 22:10 Piano becomes more prominent, ending with acoustic guitar run into:
97. 22:10 22:23 Theme B on acoustic guitar, flamenco style (as 6)
98. 22:23 22:30 Second part of flamenco/fast waltz tune (new tune, but still classed as part of Theme B), with countermelodys on two other guitar and piano downward gliss into:
99. 22:30 22:43 Fast, complicated solo variation of B over same bodhran/handclap rhythm and bass line.
100. 22:43 22:50 Solo subsides to double bass line, glockenspiel and high overdriven guitar question and answer another Theme C variation.
101. 22:50 23:03 3/4 variation of C4 on piano and guitars, with low held synth notes and rising pentatonic (?) scale on acoustic guitar into:
102. 23:04 23:17 as 97 and 98, with solo guitar over top
103. 23:17 23:20 wierd synth FX and morse-code sound from earlier over flamenco rhythm
104. 23:20 23:23 High pitched guitar variation of B
105. 23:23 23:30 Flamenco variation of C on overdriven guitar with rhythmic piano chords
106. 23:30 23:43 As 101, with guitar solo at beginning
107. 23:43 23:52 Fast acoustic guitar riff (not theme A) with distorted synth/guitar chords (as earlier)
108. 23:52 24:01 Same, with guitar soloing Theme C variation over it.
109. 24:01 24:14 Piano and acoustic guitar major version of this riff, with arpeggios on piano.
110. 24:14 24:24 Same, with syncopated distorted guitar chords and acoustic guitar solo.
111. 24:24 24:33 As 108
Mad Bit 2
112. 24:33 24:47 Similar to 69, but with the machine-like sounds coming in gradually and reaching a crescendo.
Fast Waltz 2
113. 24:47 25:07 Climax of Theme B (fast waltz flamenco) on guitars, bass, percussion, glockenspiel, ending with high acoustic guitar run into:
114. 25:07 25:16 Cowboy-style bit with gun-shot/firework sound at beginning and strummed acoustic guitar/piano chords, yet another variation of C
115. 25:16 25:25 Same with piano arpeggios at beginning
116. 25:25 25:33 Descending pattern in arpeggios on guitars/piano
117. 25:33 25:51 Same as 115 without piano and adding penny whistle doubling main melody
118. 25:51 26:07 Heavy, percussive piano chords and acoustic guitar underneath variation of F on solo guitar
119. 26:07 26:20 'Intermission' with whispered spoken vocals in all three channels saying different things (left - 'Not to be listened to by cloth eared nincompoops, centre - recites track listing, right - makes some kind of speech, the point of which I'm not sure of)
120. 26:20 26:23 Piano enters with variation of B over the last part of the whispered vocals.
121. 26:23 26:28 Vocals drop out and piano is joined by organ (?).
122. 26:28 26:56 Joined by bodhran in 'riverdance' style pattern, and glockenspiel from 26:37.
123. 26:56 27:14 Same Theme F variation as 43 played slowly on low string/synth
124. 27:14 28:09 F variation now broader on piano, and alternates with Theme A played first on just piano, then guitar, then piano, guitar and penny whistle.
125. 28:09 28:31 Theme C now on solo guitar, ending with held note and dying out to allow piano/bodhran transition to:
126. 28:31 28:45 Theme A on whistle/pan pipes and acoustic guitars
127. 28:45 29:00 Theme A broadens and climaxes on electric guitars, with crashing cymbals and prominent synth chords.
128. 29:00 29:08 As 122, without bodhran, with mandolin run-in to:
129. 29:08 29:27 Same F variation on mandolin, with full stop at end to go into:
Intro Reprise 2
130. 29:27 30:00 Theme C sung by choir as earlier, with echo, over sound FX of walking feet.
131. 30:00 30:08 +Theme D on solo guitar and high synth strings
132. 30:08 30:23 As 130 with low organ notes and C4 at the end with choir doubled by glockenspiel
133. 30:23 30:43 As 130 and 131, with higher pitched solo guitar, ending with sound of door closing into:
134. 30:43 30:55 As 130, with synth playing Big Ben chimes-style tune.
135. 30:55 31:20 C4 doubled by marimba
136. 31:20 31:28 As 131 with low synth sound doubling last few notes
137. 31:28 31:42 As 132, without glockenspiel
138. 31:42 31:52 Guitar solo over top.
139. 31:52 32:06 Choir drops out and is replaced by low synth in right-channel (vocoder?), with sound of slap/door into:
Big Roses
140. 32:06 32:23 Fairground-style bit with penny whistle and accordian variation of C
141. 32:23 32:40 Solo guitar variation of F over this, with acoustic guitar chords joining backing, with cymbal trill into:
142. 32:40 33:14 Chanted vocals (Sondela), with screaming guitar soloing over it, and weird guitar FX at various points, including distorted guitar panning briefly through each speaker, ending with modulation to:
Green Green
143. 33:14 33:33 'Sondela' is now sung to a riff that sounds very much like the piano at the end of Sunjammer (TB2) . Glockenspiel plays slower countermelody with it.
144. 33:14 34:25 New vocal part doubling (harmonically) glockenspiel enters ('Torn, torn'), alternating with rising melody on wah-guitar. This fades out and is taken over by:
Slow Waltz
145. 34:25 34:50 New Theme H electric piano, with acoustic guitar chords and scraping noise.
146. 34:50 35:15 Glockenspiel takes over playing half-scales (possibly a variation of F or C)
147. 35:15 35:39 Theme C on bass whistle, with electric piano countermelody underneath
148. 35:39 36:04 Theme H on electric guitars and mandolin, reaches climax.
Lion Reprise
149. 36:04 36:14 As 86 without C variation on guitars
150. 36:14 36:24 As 87
151. 36:24 36:35 Similar to 88 without acoustic guitar, but with bass whistle playing rest of Theme E, and slightly different chord pattern on guitars.
152. 36:35 36:45 Theme E drops out, guitar solo (variation of F), with bass whistle countermelody
153. 36:45 37:05 Fast complicated guitar solo takes over, with same C variation as 86 on guitars underneath.
Mandolin Reprise 1,2,3
154. 37:05 37:12 Arpeggios on guitars, with acoustic guitars underneath, gets gradually louder and faster and goes into:
155. 37:12 37:28 As 114 without gun/firework sound
156. 37:28 37:43 Similar to 118, but faster and with slightly different piano chords.
157. 37:43 37:47 Tune from 155 reaches a cadence.
158. 37:47 37:55 Strange section with lots of noises, percussion, sound effects, shouted vocals making machine like sound
159. 37:55 38:02 +Theme C on synth strings and recorder.
160. 38:02 38:10 Same, with Theme C now on low pizzicato strings (synth?)
161. 38:10 38:17 As 159.
162. 38:17 38:25 As 160 with 'growling' solo guitar in background playing Theme A variation.
163. 38:25 38:31 As 158, getting faster and coming to stop with sound of breaking glass again.
164. 38:31 38:39 Fast section with tune on guitars and banjos, with bodhran/conga/acoustic guitar chords panning between each speaker.
165. 38:39 38:46 As 154 but very fast, with guitar soloing over top.
166. 38:46 39:17 12/8 rock section with distorted guitar variation of C in 12 bar blues pattern, with weird FX including ringing phone and guitar sounding like engine underneath it.
167. 39:17 39:50 Relaxing acoustic guitar melody, with occasional synth strings and glockenspiel
Fast Riff Reprise
168. 39:50 40:02 Theme A on acoustic guitars and distorted guitars.
169. 40:02 40:15 Same but starting with first few notes of Theme E on distorted guitars/synth
170. 40:15 40:27 Whole of Theme E once only in different key to 169.
171. 40:27 40:39 Starts with heavily distorted guitar playing variation of Theme A
172. 40:39 41:04 Theme E as 170 alternates with distorted guitar solo from 171.
173. 41:04 41:21 12/8 section with variation of Theme F on bass and guitar, with glockenspiel and finger-snaps.
174. 41:21 41:35 Back to 4/4 with disparate western-style guitar notes and interspersed with machine-like guitar from 'Mad Bit', and pulsating single note bass line
175. 41:35 41:55 As 173
176. 41:55 42:08 As 172 with variation of A on sitar guitar opening, and slow-attack synth sound bringing crescendo to:
177. 42:08 42:23 Seven heavy percussive knocks and shouts, followed by same disparate guitar sounds over synth modulations/pitch bends, resolving to major.
Boat Reprise
178. 42:23 42:30 Reggae style chords on synth strings in major key.
179. 42:30 42:51 Theme G on fretless bass guitar over this, with mandolin run in going to:
180. 42:51 43:08 Variation of Theme F on mandolin.
181. 43:08 43:21 Theme F on solo guitar.
182. 43:21 43:33 Short fast piano tune, going into Theme E in chords, with screaming guitars resolving to:
183. 43:33 43:50 Theme C climax on screaming guitars with very fast, percussive, flamenco-style acoustic guitar chords.
Intro Waltz
184. 43:50 44:13 Theme A climax on screaming guitars in stirring military style with drums and timpani, and 'Happy?' breaking it up.
Green Reprise
185. 44:13 44:39 As 144 without glockenspiel or percussion (vocals and synth only).
186. 44:39 44:47 +Theme C on solo guitar, vocals come to complete stop and is taken over by:
Africa I
Far Build
187. 44:47 44:54 African-style drum rhythm on congas/bodhran/african drums, with brief almost shouted vocals going into:
188. 44:54 45:24 Theme C majestically on vocals (So far so), with synth chords
189. 45:24 45:38 +Chanted vocal.
190. 45:38 45:52 +Syncopated guitar chord pattern.
191. 45:52 46:07 Guitar drops out, glockenspiel and synth countermelody
192. 46:07 46:23 Bass guitar solo, with theme A over it on solo guitar, ends on slapped bass guitar into:
193. 46:23 46:36 Synth drops out, occasional slapped bass, handclaps panning between both speakers.
194. 46:36 46:41 Synth and guitar move to cadence and modulation into new section:
195. 46:41 46:54 More sound effects - ringing telephone, with shouted vocals (Piltdown Man-style), over second half of Theme C.
196. 46:54 47:12 C4 (as earlier, without repeated notes) alternates with Piltdown Man's shouts.
197. 47:12 47:26 All parts of Theme C together in choral style, with cymbal crashes.
198. 47:26 47:40 +Variation of C on piano.
199. 47:40 48:02 Machine like sounds, whirring, scraping, with loud distorted guitar (engine sound), over second half of C (as 195), guitar slide goes into:
Far Dip
200. 48:02 48:33 Theme C (as 195) on effected vocals, with 'morse-code' on high synth-brass sound.
201. 48:33 48:46 As above, in new key.
202. 48:46 48:54 Theme C hummed, with marimba joining African-style rhythm.
203. 48:54 49:16 Same, with shouted, semi-chanted vocals (played backwards alternate times), with weird solo on effected guitar.
204. 49:16 49:33 Vocals drop out, organ modulates into:
12 Climax
205. 49:33 49:48 Theme C on vocals again, with TB-esque piano riff, and occasional guitar.
206. 49:48 49:51 Piano/guitar variation of C modulates theme
207. 49:51 50:06 Theme C on guitar with chanted vocals (So far so far so far) behind it, and backwards guitar.
208. 50:06 50:24 Same variation of C on glockenspiels, joined by vocals, guitar, synth, builds up and modulates once again into:
Climax I
209. 50:24 51:01 Guitar solo of this variation of C, gradually building up to climax, and is taken over at that point by:
Africa II
210. 51:01 51:17 Ommadawn-style drum rhythm, with piano/glockenspiel arpeggios and variation of C (or F) on high acoustic guitar (or mandolin).
211. 51:17 51:35 Major key variation of fast riff on acoustic steel string guitars.
Boat 3
212. 51:35 51:52 Theme B variation on piano (as 122) with high (solo) guitars playing variation of theme D, quietly at first, reaching crescendo.
Bridge II
213. 51:52 52:10 Piano/glock arpeggios from 210 come back, with variation of C on distorted guitars (in chords).
Climax II
214. 52:10 52:27 Ommadawn drums only, with fairly prominent chord sequence on synth, growing slightly louder towards end
215. 52:27 53:01 'The Bell' style riff on guitars, synth and marimba (another variation of C).
216. 53:01 53:13 +same C variation as 36 (and other places) on accordian sound underneath.
217. 53:13 53:36 This variation alternates between solo guitar and synth, before everything except the Ommadawn drums dies out, giving way to:
218. 53:36 53:54 Theme A climax on tubular bells over 'Bell'-style riff.
219. 53:54 54:08 +Screaming guitar solo over TB's, with cadence/modulation into:
220. 54:08 54:23 More screaming guitar solo, this time variation of theme F, which reaches climax and comes to complete stop before:
Africa III[
Hello Everyone
221. 54:23 54:35 As 187 without vocals.
222. 54:35 55:07 Spoken 'Maggie Thatcher' vocal over this, adding echo about half way through.
223. 55:07 55:50 Semi-chanted shouted vocals, first off only in left channel, then joined by right channel, then mid-channel, so it becomes theme C. Thatcher speech continues over this but dies out.
224. 55:50 56:19 Theme C, as described above.
225. 56:19 56:48 'Sondela' chanted by African choir to same rhythm as vocoder from earlier, with celebratory whooping and cheering African voices.
226. 56:48 57:17 As 224, with more voices added.
227. 57:17 57:30 Same vocals chant second half of theme C, with semi-rhythmic almost spoken female vocals in right channel.
228. 57:30 57:38 Variation of C on solo recorder (similar to 'fairground' sequence from earlier).
229. 57:38 57:45 +Thatcher vocal over this.
230. 57:45 57:57 Thatcher 'tap-dances' (percussion), with laugh and sound of breaking glass at end
231. 57:57 58:14 Recorder solo again, with echo.
232. 58:14 58:44 As 227 with 'Happy?' and laughter.
233. 58:44 59:12 Theme C as 188, but broader.
234. 59:12 59:41 +Acoustic guitar chords (in same pattern as African drums), Theme C sung by full chorus.
235. 59:41 60:01 Final climax with rising arpeggiac sequences on TB's, glock, guitars, keyboards, screaming solo guitar variation of A, and theme C to end.

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