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[专辑] [欧美]原抓:Dream Theater《AWAKE》德首版/1994/WAV/BD









发表于 2020-1-11 15:09:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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2017-8-29 13:05 上传

《梦剧场》(Dream Theater)是一个成立于美国波士顿的前卫金属乐团,由几位“Berklee音乐学院”的在学学生在1985年组成(Majesty,梦剧场乐团的前身)。经过了二十多年,他们已经成为1970年代前卫摇滚高峰期后在商业上表现最成功的前卫乐团之一,堪称是90年代以来最重要也最具代表性与影响力的前卫金属乐团。

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2017-8-29 13:05 上传

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2017-8-29 13:05 上传

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2017-8-29 13:05 上传

正如阴沉诡异的封面一样,整张专辑较为压抑,初听之下感觉很晦涩。与[I]不同,这是一张需要反复聆听才会适应的专辑。而一旦接受之,你会惊叹于在这些被黑暗的气氛笼罩,编曲有些怪异的曲目下隐藏的才华和能量。诞生于Kevin Moore出走前成员间相处不和以及Mike Portnoy受酒瘾困扰最严重的阶段,这张专辑是挣扎,矛盾与自省的产物。这似乎再次印证了creativity comes from suffering这个道理。另外值得一提的是我非常喜欢本张的混音,各乐器之间平衡极佳,鼓声轻脆,吉他键盘亦各具质感,层次感鲜明。

毫无疑问这是张“一黑到底”的专辑(有点类似于后期“一重到底”的[Tr]),就连3首ballad性质的Silent Man,Lifting Shadows Off a Dream和Space-Dye-Vest也是沉郁的暗色调。

开篇曲6:00由Kevin Moore填词,据说暗含了其意欲离队的沮丧心境。

过山车般呼啸而过的Caught in a Web,据James Labrie所说,表达了成员们由[I]走红的两年多来经历的内心波动。

Innocence Faded的旋律是整张专辑唯一的一抹亮色,但其实是John Petrucci对自己和基友Kevin Moore间不再纯洁(喂!)的关系有感而作。

衔接极佳的A Mind Beside Itself三部曲就像整张专辑的缩影。

The Mirror和Lie是最重型的两首。

由John Myung填词的Lifting Shadows Off a Dream是受U2影响的ballad。

11分钟的Scarred就像是黑暗版的Learning to Live, 二者结尾淡出的方式都如此之像。

终曲Space-Dye Vest是Kevin Moore的个人创作,因此从来没有被现场演奏过。从此曲中已可以听到些许其单飞生涯的创作风格。

EZ CD Audio Converter 2.3.2 64-bit (Nov 14 2014)

Log creation date: Aug 29 2017 09:23

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[X]  08      43:53.50   06:33.65   197525         227064
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[X]  10      56:32.50   10:59.10   254450         303884
[X]  11      67:31.60   07:29.15   303885         337574


11 total tracks
11 copied successfully
  • 1. 6:00
  • 2. Caught In A Web
  • 3. Innocence Faded
  • 4. A Mind Beside Itself - Erotomania (Instrumental)
  • 5. A Mind Beside Itself - Voices
  • 6. A Mind Beside Itself - The Silent Man
  • 7. The Mirror
  • 8. Lie
  • 9. Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
  • 10. Scarred
  • 11. Space-Dye Vest

  • 歌词:
    1. 6:00

    [Samples from the film "The Dead", an adaptation of James Joyce's short story from his book]
    "Six o'clock on a Christmas morning..."
    "And for what?"
    "Well, isn't it for the honor of God, Aunt Kate?"
    "I know all about the honor of God, Mary Jane."

    Six o'clock the siren kicks him from a dream
    Tries to shake it off but it just won't stop
    Can't find the strength but he's got promises to keep
    And wood to chop before he sleeps

    I may never get over
    but never's better than now
    I've got bases to cover

    He's in the parking lot and he's just sitting in his car
    It's nine o'clock but he can't get out
    He lights a cigarette
    and turns the music down
    but just can't seem to shake that sound

    Once I thought I'd get over
    but it's too late for me now
    I've got bases to cover

    Melody walks through the door
    and memory flies out the window
    and nobody knows what they want
    'til they finally let it all go

    The pain inside
    coming outside

    So many ways to drown a man
    So many ways to drag him down
    Some are fast and some take years and years
    Can't hear what he's saying when he's talking in his sleep
    He finally found the sound but he's in too deep

    I could never get over
    Is it too late for me now?
    Feel like blowing my cover

    Melody walks through the door
    and memory flies out the window
    and nobody knows what they want
    'til they finally let it all go

    But don't cut your losses too soon
    'cause you'll only be cutting your throat
    And answer a call while you still hear at all
    'cause nobody will if you won't

    [Samples from the film "The Dead", an adaptation of James Joyce's short story from his book]
    "Six o'clock on a Christmas morning..."
    "I know all about the honor of God, Mary..."
    "I know all about the honor of God, Mary Jane."

    2. Caught In A Web

    Silence disguised
    I watch you
    Show me the hurt
    that haunts you
    would you despise the thrill
    If all you hide were mine?

    I can't hold on any longer
    These feelings keep growing stronger
    Echoes that deafen the mind
    will bury my voice in their wake

    Caught in a Web
    Removed from the world
    Hanging on by a thread
    Spinning the lies
    devised in my head
    Caught in a Web refused by the world
    Hanging on by a thread
    Spinning a cage denied and misread

    I've seen the path
    the one you take
    shows the truth
    for you to make
    This turn of phrase
    we might not see
    is the thirst of desire
    found so easily

    Try to push me 'round
    the world some more
    And make me live in fear
    I bare all that I am
    made of now
    Attractive I don't care
    'Cause even when I danced with life
    no one was there to share

    Does this voice the wounds of your soul?
    Does this voice the wounds of your soul?

    Caught in a Web
    Removed from the world
    Hanging on by a thread
    Spinning the lies
    devised in my head

    Tried to live the life
    you live and saw
    It doesn't work for me
    I bare all that I am
    made of now
    Attractive, I can't be
    Inside the Dance of Life is one
    I'll never hold to me

    You can't heal the wounds of my soul.
    You can't heal the wounds of my soul.

    Caught in a Web
    Removed from the world
    Hanging on by a thread
    Spinning the lies
    devised in my head

    Caught in a Web
    Refused by the world
    Hanging on by a thread
    Spinning a cage
    Denied and misread

    3. Innocence Faded

    breathes a cloudless mind
    leaves the doubting blind
    Until the circle breaks and wisdom lies ahead
    the faithful live Awake
    the rest remain misled

    Some will transcend spinning years
    One as if time disappears

    Innocence faded
    the mirror falls behind you
    Trinity jaded
    I break down walls to find you

    Callow and vain
    fixed like a fossil, shrouding pain
    Passionless stage
    Distant like brothers
    Wearing apathetic displays
    Sharing flesh like envy in cages
    Not intending to end

    Some will transcend spinning years
    One as if time disappears

    Innocence faded
    the mirror falls behind you
    Trinity jaded
    I break down walls to find you

    Beginnings get complicated
    the farther we progress
    Opinions are calculated
    Immune to openness

    Beyond the circle's edge
    We're driven by her blessings
    Forever hesitating
    Caught beneath the wheel

    Innocence faded
    the mirror falls behind you
    Cynically jaded
    The child will crawl to find you.

    4. Erotomania


    5. Voices

    'Love, just don't stare'
    He used to say to me
    every Sunday morning
    The spider in the window
    The angel in the pool
    The old man takes the poison
    Now the widow makes the rules

    'So speak, I'm right here'
    She used to say to me
    not a word, not a word
    Judas on the ceiling
    the Devil in my bed
    I guess Easter's never coming
    So I'll just wait inside my head

    Like a scream but sort of silent
    living off my nightmares

    Voices repeating me
    'Feeling threatened?
    We reflect your hopes and fears.'
    Voices discussing me
    'Others steal your thoughts
    they're not confined
    within your mind.'

    Thought disorder
    Dream control
    Now they read my mind on the radio
    But where was the Garden of Eden?

    I feel elated
    I feel depressed
    Sex is death, Death is sex
    Says it right here on my Crucifix

    Like a scream but sort of silent
    living off my nightmares

    Voices protecting me
    'Good behavior
    brings the Savior
    to his knees.'
    Voices rejecting me
    'Others steal your thoughts
    they're not confined
    to your own mind.'

    [Dialogue by rap artist Prix-mo reading from the book "Cultural Revolution".]
    "I don't wanna be here, 'cause of my
    suffering, 'cause of my illness.
    Only love is worth having, only
    love is what matters, loving every
    people on equal terms. "
    "You've got to know who you're
    dealin' with because, like a stranger,
    a-heh, just might come in through
    here with a gun... and then, what
    would you do? (Heh.)"
    "Everything is immaterial..."
    "'n' you know that reality is immaterial."
    "This is not reality..."

    I'm kneeling on the floor
    staring at the wall
    like the spider in the window
    I wish that I could speak
    Is there fantasy in refuge?
    God in politicians?
    Should I turn on my religion?
    These demons in my head tell me to

    I'm lying here in bed
    Swear my skin is inside out
    Just another Sunday morning

    Seen my diary on the newsstand
    Seems we've lost the truth to quicksand
    It's a shame no one is praying
    'Cause these voices in my head
    keep saying...

    'Love, just don't stare.'
    'Reveal the Word when you're
    supposed to'
    Withdrawn and introverted
    Infectiously perverted
    'Being laughed at and confused
    keeps us pleasantly amused
    enough to stay.'

    Maybe I'm just Cassandra fleeting
    Twentieth century Icon bleeding
    Willing to risk Salvation
    to escape from isolation

    I'm witness to redemption
    heard you speak but never listened
    Can you rid me of my secrets?
    Deliver us from Darkness?

    Voices repeating me
    'Feeling threatened?
    We reflect your hopes and fears.'
    Voices discussing me
    Don't expect your own Messiah
    This neverworld which you desire
    is only in your mind.

    6. The Silent Man

    A question well served,
    'Is silence like a fever?'
    'A voice never heard?'
    'Or a message with no receiver?'

    Pray they won't ask
    Behind the stained glass
    There's always one more mask

    Has man been a victim
    of his woman, of his father?
    if he elects not to bother,
    will he suffocate their faith?

    Desperate to fall
    Behind the Great Wall
    That separates us all

    When there is reason
    Tonight I'm Awake
    when there's no answer
    Arrive the Silent Man

    If there is balance
    tonight He's Awake
    If they have to suffer
    There lies the Silent Man

    Sin without deceivers
    A God with no believers
    I could sail by
    on the Winds of Silence
    And maybe they won't notice
    But this time I think
    It'd be better if I swim

    When there is reason
    Tonight I'm Awake
    When there's no answer
    Arrive the Silent Man
    If there is balance
    Tonight he's Awake
    But if they have to suffer
    There lies the Silent Man

    7. The Mirror

    Why won't you leave me alone?
    Lurking Every Corner, everywhere I go

    Self Control-
    Don't turn your back on me now
    When I need you the most

    Constant pressure tests my will
    My will or my won't
    My Self Control escapes from me still...

    How could you be so cruel
    and expect my faith in return?

    Is not as hard as it seems
    When you close the door

    I spent so long trusting in you
    I trust you forgot
    Just when I thought I believed in you...

    [Sample is Meryl Streep from the film "Falling In Love".]
    "What're you doing?
    What're you doing?"

    It's time for me to deal
    Becoming all too real
    living in fear-
    Why did you lie and pretend?
    This has come to an end
    I'll never trust you again
    It's time you made your amends
    Look in the mirror my friend

    [Sample is Jeremy Irons from the film "Damage".]
    "That I haven't behaved as I should"
    [Sample is Mary Beth Hurt from the film "Light Sleeper".]
    "Everything you need is around you. The only danger is inside you."
    [Sample is Jeremy Irons from the film "Damage".]
    "I thought you could control life, but it's not like that. There are things you can't control."

    Let's stare the problem right in the eye
    It's plagued me from coast to coast
    Racing the clock to please everyone
    All but the one who matters the most

    Reflections of reality
    are slowly coming into view
    How in the hell could you possibly forgive me?
    After all the hell I put you through

    It's time for me to deal
    Becoming all too real
    living in fear-
    Why'd I betray my friend?
    Lying until the end
    Living life so pretend
    It's time to make my amends
    I'll never hurt you again

    8. Lie

    at the bottom of lake
    it's a hundred degrees I can't breathe
    And I won't get out
    'til I figure it out
    Though I'm weak like I can't believe
    So you tell me 'trust me' l can trust you
    Just let me show you
    But I gotta work it out in a shadow of doubt
    'cause I don't know if I know you

    Doing fine but don't waste my time
    Tell me what it is you want to say
    You sin, you win, just let me in - hurry
    I've been out in the rain all day
    So you tell me 'trust me' I can trust you
    as far as I can throw you
    And I'm trying to get out of a shadow of doubt
    'cause I don't know if I know you

    Don't tell me you wanted me
    Don't tell me you thought of me
    I won't, I swear I won't
    I'll try, I swear I'll try

    Mother Mary quite contrary
    Kiss the boys and make them wary
    Things are getting just a little bit scary
    It's a wonder I can still breathe

    Never been much of a doubting Thomas
    but nothing breaks like a broken promise
    You tell me 'bout your two more coming
    but once is just enough for me

    Don't tell me you wanted me
    Don't tell me you thought of me
    I won't, I swear I won't (did)
    I'll try, I swear I'll try (lie)

    I had gotten used to being a soul destroyed
    She comes in apparently to fill the void
    All dogs need a leash and
    at least I'll forget it
    And she would never hurt me though
    she's never said it
    But I'm not gonna ask her today
    I don't wanna scare her away
    Your town, I'm all alone
    and I just can't stare at the phone
    I wanna talk about lifelong mistakes
    and you can tell your stepfather I said so

    9. Lifting Shadows Off A Dream

    He seems alone and silent
    thoughts remain without an answer
    Afraid and uninvited
    he slowly drifts away

    Moved by desire and fear
    Breaking delicate wings

    Lifting shadows
    off a Dream once broken
    She can turn a drop of water
    Into an ocean

    As the rain is pouring down
    Tears of sorrow wash his mind
    Drifting with the current
    This stream of life flows on

    He seems alone and silent
    waiting on his hands and knees
    The chill of winter's darkness sits quietly

    Moved by desire and fear
    he takes a few steps away

    Lifting shadows
    off a Dream once broken
    She can turn a drop of water
    Into an ocean

    And she listens openly

    He pours his soul into the water
    reflecting the mystery
    She carries him away
    and the winds die slowly

    And she listens openly
    And she listens openly

    Lifting shadows
    off a Dream once broken
    She can turn a drop of water
    Into an ocean

    Lifting Shadows off a Dream
    Lifting Shadows off a Dream

    10. Scarred

    To Rise, To Fall.
    To Hurt, To Hate.
    To Want, To Wait.
    To Heal, To Save.

    Can't hear it
    we fear it
    awareness won't come near it

    Disguised in spite of time

    I never bared my emotion
    My passion always strong
    I never lost my devotion
    but somewhere fate went wrong

    Can't let them rape me again
    Your venom's not family here
    won't let them fill me with
    fatalistic remedies

    What if the rest of the world
    was hopelessly blinded by fear?
    Where would my sanctity live?
    Suddenly nobody cares.

    It's never enough
    You're wasting your time
    Isn't there something I could say?
    You don't understand
    You're closing me out
    How can we live our lives this way?

    You tell me I'm wrong
    I'm risking my life
    Still, I have nothing in return
    I show you my hands
    You don't see the scars
    Maybe you'll leave me here to burn.

    What if the rest of the world
    was hopelessly drowning in vain?
    Where would our self pity run?
    Suddenly everyone cares.

    Blood...Heal me
    Fear...Change me
    Belief will always save me
    Conviction made aware

    Give up on misery
    Turn your back on dissent
    Leave their distrust behind
    Wash your hands of regret

    Do you feel you don't know me anymore?
    And do you feel I'm afraid of your love?
    And how come you don't want me asking?
    And how come my heart's not invited?
    You say you want everyone happy
    Well, we're not laughing.

    And how come you don't understand me?
    And how come I don't understand you?
    Thirty years say we're in this together
    So open your eyes.

    People in prayer for me
    everyone there for me
    Sometimes I feel I should face this alone
    My soul exposed
    It calms me to know that I won't

    Blood...Heal me
    Fear...Change me
    Belief will always save me
    Conviction made aware

    Give up on misery
    Turn your back on dissent
    Leave their distrust behind
    Wash your hands of regret

    Blood...Heal me
    Fear...Change me
    Belief will always save me
    Conviction made aware

    Learning from misery
    Staring back at dissent
    Leaving distrust behind
    I'm inspired and content

    11. Space-Dye Vest

    Falling through pages of Martens on angels
    Feeling my heart pull west
    I saw the future dressed as a stranger
    love in a space-dye vest

    Love is an act of blood and I'm bleeding
    a pool in the shape of a heart
    Beauty projection in the reflection
    Always the worst way to start

    [Sample is Julian Sands from the film "A Room With A View".]
    "But he's the sort who can't know
    anyone intimately, least of all a
    woman. He doesn't know what a woman
    is. He wants you for a possession,
    something to look at like a painting or an ivory box.
    Something to own and to display. He doesn't want you to be real,
    or to think or to live. He doesn't love you, but I love you.
    I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and
    feelings, even when
    I hold you in my arms. It's our last chance... It's our
    last chance..."

    Now that you're gone I'm trying to take it
    Learning to swallow the rage
    Found a new girl I think we can make it
    as long as she stays on the page

    This is not how I want it to end
    And I'll never be open again

    [Sample from "The Trouble With Evan", from the Canadian series "The Fifth Estate".]
    "...I was gonna move out...ummm...get,
    get a job, get my own place, ummm,
    but... I go into the mall where I
    want to work and they tell me, I'm,
    I was too young..."

    [Sample is Jim Hill from a news commentary about the OJ Simpson freeway chase.]
    "Some people, gave advice before,
    about facing the facts, about
    facing reality. And this is, this
    without a doubt, is his biggest
    challenge ever. He's going to have to face it.
    You're gonna have to try, he's gonna to have to try and,
    uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean no one can
    say they know how he feels."

    [Sample from the Conan O'Brien show.]
    "That, so they say that, in ya know
    like, Houston or something, you'd
    say it's a hundred and eighty degrees,
    but it's a dry heat.
    In Houston they say that?
    Oh, maybe not. I'm all mixed up.
    Dry until they hit the swimming pool."

    [Sample from "The Trouble With Evan", from the Canadian series "The Fifth Estate".]
    "...I get up with the sun... Listen.
    You have your own room to sleep in,
    I don't care what you do. I don't
    care when. That door gets locked,
    that door gets locked at night by nine o'clock.
    If you're not in this house by nine o'clock, then you'd
    better find some
    place to sleep. Because you're not going to be a bum in
    this house.
    Supper is ready..."

    There's no one to take my blame
    if they wanted to
    There's nothing to keep me sane
    and it's all the same to you
    There's nowhere to set my aim
    so I'm everywhere
    Never come near me again
    do you really think I need you

    I'll never be open again, I could never be open again.
    I'll never be open again, I could never be open again.

    And I'll smile and I'll learn to pretend
    And I'll never be open again
    And I'll have no more dreams to defend
    And I'll never be open again


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