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齐柏林飞船(Led Zeppelin)是一支英国的摇滚乐队。这支乐队在硬摇滚和重金属音乐的发展过程中占有相当重要的鼻祖地位,同时齐柏林飞船也是20世纪最为流行的和拥有巨大影响力的摇滚乐队之一。 齐柏林飞船成立于1968年,他们致力于用喧闹的革命性手法对英国的布鲁斯摇滚进行改革,并且在音乐中完美融合了蓝调,乡村摇滚,灵歌,放克,英国传统民谣,中东,印度以及拉丁音乐。
中文名:齐柏林飞船外文名:Led Zeppelin国籍:英国代表作品:《Led Zeppelin II》、《Led Zeppelin IV》等主要成就:第47届格莱美终身成就奖
1995年摇滚名人堂成立时间:1968年音乐风格:布鲁斯摇吉米·佩奇(Jimmy Page)(吉他/曼托林/斑卓琴)(1944年1月9日——)
罗伯特·普兰特(Robert Plant)(主唱/口琴)(1948年8月20日——)
约翰·博纳姆(John Bonham)(鼓手/打击乐)(1948年5月31日——1980年9月25日)
约翰·保罗·琼斯(John Paul Jones)(低音吉他/钢琴/键盘/电风琴/曼托林/斑卓琴)(1946年1月3日——)
Led Zeppelin是一支优秀成员组成的优秀乐队,Robert Plant,Jimmy Page,John Bonham这三位成员都在各大音乐评比排行榜上出现:Robert Plant位于滚石杂志评比的100名最伟大的歌手第15名,Jimmy Page位于滚石杂志评比的100名最伟大的吉他手第9名,John Bonham位于滚石杂志评比的100名最伟大的鼓手第2名。以及其他的音乐杂志评比的排行榜。
Led Zeppelin是一支权威性的重金属乐队,这不仅是因为他们用爆裂的噪音来诠释布鲁斯,更重要的是他们将神话、神秘主义及其他许多风格(最显著的是世界音乐和英国民歌)融入他们的音乐。Led Zeppelin 很神秘,他们很少接受采访,因为音乐新闻界厌恶他们;因此,歌迷只有通过唱片和演唱会了解他们。比其他乐队更强的是,Led Zeppelin 确定了album - oriented rock(专辑导向摇滚)的概念,他们拒绝从专辑中拿出较流行的歌曲作为单曲发行。正因如此,他们确立了重金属的统治地位。
Led Zeppelin (1969年1月12日)
Led Zeppelin Ⅱ (1969年10月)
Led Zeppelin Ⅲ (1970年10月)
Led Zeppelin Ⅳ (1971年11月)
Houses of The Holy (1973年3月28日)
Physical Graffiti (1975年2月)
Presence (1976年)
In Through the Out Door (1979年9月)
Coda (1982年)
The Song Remains the Same (1976年)
BBC Sessions (1997年)
How the West Was Won (2003年5月27日)
乐团在1968年由吉他手吉米·佩奇组建。佩奇曾经最初作为贝司手加入新兵乐队Yardbirds 却迅速在短期内和“新兵”的原吉他手杰夫.贝克(Jeff Beck)担任双吉他,并且在贝克离队后担任“新兵”的主音吉他手。
“新兵”乐队在连续疲于奔命的演出和录音后濒临解体。佩奇曾经有一个组建“超级明星乐队”的想法,大致是由佩奇和贝克担任吉他,谁人(The Who)的基斯.穆恩(Keith Moon)和约翰.恩奎斯特(John Entwistle)分别担任鼓手和贝司手,而歌手的位置则由交通(The Traffic)乐队的史蒂夫.温伍德(Steve Winwood)或者小脸(The Small Faces)乐队的史蒂夫.马里奥特(Steve Marriott)填充。虽然佩奇,贝克以及穆恩曾经共同录制了一首名为Beck's Bolero的曲子(此曲后来被收录于杰夫.贝克同名首张个人专辑),然而这个超级乐队至今也没有形成。但在这一时期,贝司手约翰.保罗.琼斯表示有意担任佩奇未来乐队中的吉他手。
于此同时,“新兵”另外两名成员退出乐队,佩奇和“新兵”的贝司手克里斯.得雷加(Chris Dreja)开始着手组建新乐队到斯坎迪纳维亚半岛进行预约的演出。歌手特里.瑞德(Terry Reid)拒绝佩奇加入乐队的邀请并推荐罗伯特.普兰特。进而,乐队的新歌手普兰特推荐曾经和他愉快合作过的鼓手约翰.伯纳姆。克里斯.得雷加退出乐队改行做了摄影师 (他的摄影作品在乐队未来首张专辑的封底出现)。而此刻约翰.保罗.琼斯联系佩奇并希望填补贝司手空缺并受到佩奇欢迎和信任。
在乐队暂时命名为新新兵乐队The New Yardbirds并完成了北欧的演出之后,乐队开始构思新乐队名字。齐柏林飞艇(或[[莱德.泽普林.这个名字起源于基斯.穆恩的一个笑话 (也包含了约翰.恩奎斯特的建议),穆恩曾形容佩奇空想的“超级明星乐队”会如同"一只领航的齐柏林飞艇" (Lead Zeppelin)一样迅速坠毁。最终乐队采用这个名字,为了避免人们“Leed”和“Lead”发音的雷同,乐队正式更名为Led Zeppelin(齐柏林飞艇)。
Dazed and Confused是乐队第一首著名歌曲,现场演奏时,Jimmy Page使用了Yardbirds时期的绝技----用小提琴弓来拉吉他,形成独特摇滚噪音的音色效果,此手法是Led Zeppelin以及摇滚乐史上的标志性演技。尽管乐队该时期很多作品源于改编蓝调经典曲目,然而其他诸如Communication Breakdown这样的曲子还是彰显了乐队独特而沉重音色;Black Mountain Side一曲则表现了佩奇精妙的木吉他技巧;Babe I'm Gonna Leave You这样一首民谣曲子也被乐队以木吉他和电吉他交替演奏的方式精心改编。
诞生了whole lotta love,heartbreaker,ramble on,以及moby dick,这首以John Bonham的drums solo为主的歌曲(John Bonham成为了众多杂志鼓手排行的第一名,是由摇滚乐诞生以来至今无人能及的鼓王)。
专辑基本延续了首张专辑的整体风格。开场曲Whole Lotta Love基于琼斯和的博纳姆节奏部的Riff十分惊人,该曲也成为乐队的代表曲目。Led Zeppelin Ⅱ的成功甚至超过了首张专辑,并且在英美两地同时占据专辑榜榜首位置。Whole Lotta Love在2008年北京奥运会闭幕式上的伦敦8分钟节目上,由英国X Factor冠军Leona Lewis主唱和Jimmy Page吉他伴奏。佩奇和普兰特都是蓝调狂热者;他们前两张专辑中的You Shook Me和Whole Lotta Love都是翻唱或改编蓝调传奇威利.狄克逊(Willie Dixon)的作品。(后来乐队因此被控告侵权,直到15年后才以乐队赔款了事)。
佩奇在一次采访曾说:“滚石乐队是查克.贝里(Chuck Berry)的圣子,而我们的圣父则是嚎狼(Howlin' Wolf).乐队的音乐灵感也被美国摇滚乐前驱的胖子.多米诺(Fats Domino)和小理查德(Little Richard)激发;此外乐队还经常演出猫王(Elvis Presley)的乡村摇滚乐。在齐柏林飞艇常常超过3个小时的演出中,乐队会临时即兴演唱詹姆斯.布朗(James Brown)或者摩城(Motown)风格的灵歌(Soul)以及琼斯和伯纳姆擅长的疯克(Funk)
乐队为的第三张专辑;;,诞生了immigrant song,since i've been loving you几支著名歌曲。
在1970年11月,齐柏林飞艇所属的太平洋唱片公司(Atlantic Records)违背乐队意愿发行了名为Immigrant Song的单曲,(早前,太平洋唱片公司发行的单曲Whole Lotta Love也削减了歌曲长度)这张单曲唱片背面灌录了未被收入专辑的曲子Hey Hey What Can I Do。为了维护专辑的整体性,乐队一向反对发行单曲;而且,乐队为了抵制电视节目对于他们音乐品质的不良影响甚至一向拒绝电视采访,缺乏电视曝光的乐队只有通过出色的现场演出和乐迷交流。
乐队多样性的音乐元素在他们的第四张专辑;;得 到完美的融合,专辑诞生了stairway to heaven,black dog,rock and roll,when the levee breaks这多首著名作品,其中stairway to heaven为乐队代表作。Led Zeppelin正式进入巅峰时期。
这张无题的专辑仅仅标注了分别代表乐队四人的四个神秘符号,因此这张发行于1971年11月8日的专辑被称作The Unnamed Album,Led Zeppelin Ⅳ,Zoso,Runes或者Four Symbols。这张专辑收录了硬摇滚作品Black Dog(曲名源于出没于录音棚的无名黑狗);迷幻风格的The Battle of Evermore;自然还有刚柔并蓄组曲风格的杰作Stairway to Heaven。
Stairway to Heaven是乐队最具知名度的作品,几十年来一直被摇滚电台反复播放,然而这样一支伟大的曲子却从未作为单曲发行。专辑以 When the Levee Breaks一曲结尾,此曲改编自孟菲斯/堪萨斯蓝调乐手乔.麦考伊(Joe McCoy)的作品,歌曲中鼓乐部分奇特而出色,甚至于若干年后还在当代摇滚乐和说唱乐的采样中出现。
乐队的下一张录音棚作品;;拥有更多的实验性,专辑中的the song remains the same,no quarter以及雷鬼乐(Reggae)风格的D'yer Mak'er,还包括LY喜爱的The Rain Song,纷纷成为名作。
更强力的旋律,更长的作品以及更多Mellotron电子合成器的使用,这张专辑也代表了乐队冲击摇滚乐颠峰的野心。乐队1973年的美国佛罗里达坦帕体育场的演出以56,800观众人数超越了披头士乐队(The Beatles)1965年的演出观众人数记录。几年后,乐队发行的影片记录了同年在纽约麦迪逊花园广场3场门票全部售罄的演出盛况。
在发行了;;后,齐柏林飞艇全部已经发行的6张专辑同时进入了公告牌热门专辑前200名。乐队开始新的美国迅演并再破观众人数纪录。在同年年底,乐队在英国Earls Court演出五场,场场爆满 (这次演出中,乐队第一次在舞台上使用大屏幕显示器,部分演出在28年后的DVD中发表)。无疑,齐柏林飞艇此刻已经达到了乐队生涯的颠峰,并且成为了当时世界上最伟大的摇滚乐队。
乐队后期1973年的巡演结束后,Led Zeppelin度过了一个平静的1974年,没有发行新专辑,也没有举行演出。但有一件事是非常重要的,他们建立了自己的唱片公司Swan Song,他们此后的专辑全由自己发行;另外在该唱片公司发行专辑的乐队还有DAVE EDMUNDS、BAD COMPANY、the PRETTY THINGS及其他几支。《Physical Graffiti》,一张双唱片专辑,于1975年的2月发行,这也是Led Zeppelin在Swan Song发行的第一张专辑。专辑发行后马上取得了成功,在美国和英国排行榜上双双登上首位。正当Led Zeppelin准备于75年夏末在美国举行一次大的巡演时,Robert Plant却和他的妻子在希腊度假时发生了一起严重的车祸。巡演被迫取消,Plant本年余下的时间都用来康复。
Led Zeppelin直到1976年的春天才又活跃起来,发行了专辑《Presence(在场)》。虽然专辑一出来就登上了美国和英国排行榜的冠军,但它却受到乐评的冷淡;同样的,1976年发行的演唱会实况影带《The Song Remains The Same(歌声依旧)》也不被乐评接受。最终乐队在1977年的春天才开始美国巡演。然而到演出进行了两个月时,Robert Plant的六岁的儿子Karac因胃部感染而夭折。Led Zeppelin立即终止了巡演,也没有说是否将重新制定巡演日程,这引起了大家对乐队前途的广泛关注。暂时地,Led Zeppelin好象真的已经完了。Plant的1977年下半年和1978年的大部分时间都与世隔绝。直到1978年的夏末,Led Zeppelin才开始了新专辑的制作,他们在瑞典ABBA的Polar录音室开始录音。一年后,他们举行了一次短暂的欧洲巡演,演出地点包括瑞士、德国、荷兰、比利时和奥地利。1979年8月,Led Zeppelin在Knebworth举行了两场大型演出,这是他们在英国的最后一次演出。
《In Through The Out Door(穿越外门)》,他们姗姗来迟的第八张录音室专辑,终于在1979年的9月与大家见面了。这又是一张在美国和英国排行榜双双登上冠军宝座的专辑。1980年5月,Led Zeppelin开始了他们的最后一次欧洲巡演。9月,Led Zeppelin在Jimmy Page家为即将到来的美国巡演开始排练。悲剧却又一次发生:9月25日,John Bonham死在自己的床上——在一整天的狂欢饮酒后,他被自己的呕吐物窒息而死(与AC/DC的Bon Scott如此相似,可怜的酗酒人)。1980年12月,Led Zeppelin宣布解散,他们不能没有Bonham。
解散后解散后,余下的乐队成员都开始了他们的个人事业。John Paul Jones从来都没有发表个人专辑,他又干起了他的制作工作。为Death Wish Ⅱ制作了电影原声后,Jimmy Page编辑了一张Led Zeppelin的未发表歌曲的精选《Coda》,该专辑于1982年年末发行。同年,Robert Plant发表首张个人专辑《Pictures At Eleven》。
1984年,Plant和Page在全明星整容的老头乐队the Honeydrippers中有了一次短暂的重组。与the Honeydrippers发行了一张EP后,Plant回到个人道路,Page与原Bad Company的主唱Paul Rogers组建了the Firm。
1985年,Led Zeppelin因Live Aid而暂时重组,而此时关于他们将重组的谣言四起。事实上,重组从未实现。
1989年,Page重新灌录了乐队的一盒套装专辑,Led Zeppelin,于1990年发行。这张4张唱片的套装成了有史以来卖得最多的多唱片套装。
1994年,Page和Plant为MTV的不插电演唱会重组,以此他们于1994年秋天发表了一张名为Unledded的专辑。虽然该专辑达到了白金唱片的销量,但人们预料的Led Zeppelin重组仍旧没有实现。在接下来的一年中,Page和Plant举行了一次成功的国际性巡演......同年,Jimmy Page和Robert Plant在Led Zeppelin解散十馀年后,合作出首张融合北非民族音乐概念及其他新素材的专辑。
乐队近况2007年12月10日,吉米·佩奇,罗伯特·普兰特,约翰·保罗·琼斯以及约翰·博纳姆之子杰森·博纳姆重组并在伦敦的O2 体育场演出了齐柏林飞船的歌曲。
2008年6月7日,吉米·佩奇和约翰·保罗·琼斯在The Foo Fighters在温布利大球场的演唱会上作为嘉宾出现,并同The Foo Fighters共同演出了齐柏林飞船的2首歌曲。
2008年8月24日,在2008年北京奥运会的闭幕式上的2012年伦敦奥运会的主题演出中,吉米·佩奇以及利昂娜·路易斯共同演唱了齐柏林飞船的Whole Lotta Love。
2012年11月21日全球发行Celebration Day演唱会的CD,又掀起了一股LED ZEPPELIN的摇滚旋风,首周销量10万1千张。对於齐柏林飞艇乐队来说,Celebration Day是他们的第13张Top 10唱片...(LOCK编辑)
2 齐柏林飞船
齐柏林飞船(Zeppelin)是一种或一系列硬式飞船(Rigid airship)的总称,是著名的德国飞船设计家斐迪南·冯·齐柏林(Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin)伯爵在20世纪初期以大卫·舒瓦兹(David Schwarz)所设计的飞船为蓝本,进一步发展而来。由于这系列飞船的成功,“齐柏林飞船”甚至成为当代称呼此类飞船时所用的代名词。
在当时,巨型飞船主要的用途涵盖了民用与军事两种领域。民用方面,德意志飞船运输公司(Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-AG)可以被视为是现代商业航空界的开山祖师,在第一次世界大战爆发前曾非常活跃过。大战爆发后,各国军事将领们注意到飞船高高在上的运用性,因此改将其投入到战场上,担任空中轰炸或侦察斥候的任务。
第一次世界大战后德国败战,曾一度让齐柏林飞船的营运陷入泥沼,但雨果·埃克纳(Hugo Eckener)继起已逝的齐柏林伯爵遗志,在1920年代复兴了齐柏林飞船,并且在1930年代达到颠峰。在当时,包括LZ127“齐柏林伯爵号”(Graf Zeppelin)与LZ129“兴登堡号”(Hindenburg)等几艘脍炙人口的巨型飞船,在跨大西洋的欧美航线上都有丰富的获利。但不料,1937年时兴登堡号在美国新泽西州失火坠毁,也就是著名的“兴登堡空难”,在那之后包括齐柏林飞船在内的整个飞船运输产业急速没落,不久之后就被新兴的民航机给取代了。
├─Led Zeppelin 10CD [USL VT Remastered Series-2012]
Front.jpg (67.68 KB, 下载次数: 157)
2013-9-6 10:05 上传
│├─1969 - Led Zeppelin
│││01 - Good Times Bad Times.flac
│││02 - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You.flac
│││03 - You Shook Me.flac
│││04 - Dazed And Confused.flac
│││05 - Your Time Is Gonna Come.flac
│││06 - Black Mountain Side.flac
│││07 - Communication Breakdown.flac
│││08 - I Can't Quit You Baby.flac
│││09 - How Many More Times.flac
│││1969 - Led Zeppelin.cue
│││1969 - Led Zeppelin.m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin.log
││front inn.png
Front.jpg (47.32 KB, 下载次数: 155)
2013-9-6 10:06 上传
│├─1969 - Led Zeppelin II
│││01 - Whole Lotta Love.flac
│││02 - What Is And What Should Never Be.flac
│││03 - The Lemon Song.flac
│││04 - Thank You.flac
│││05 - Heartbreaker.flac
│││06 - Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman).flac
│││07 - Ramble On.flac
│││08 - Moby Dick.flac
│││09 - Bring It On Home.flac
│││1969 - Led Zeppelin II.cue
│││1969 - Led Zeppelin II.m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II.log
││front inn.png
Front.jpg (56.06 KB, 下载次数: 155)
2013-9-6 10:06 上传
│├─1970 - Led Zeppelin III
│││01 - Immigrant Song.flac
│││02 - Friends.flac
│││03 - Celebration Day.flac
│││04 - Since I've Been Loving You.flac
│││05 - Out On The Tiles.flac
│││06 - Gallows Pole.flac
│││07 - Tangerine.flac
│││08 - That's The Way.flac
│││09 - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp.flac
│││10 - Hats Off To (Roy) Harper.flac
│││1970 - Led Zeppelin III.cue
│││1970 - Led Zeppelin III.m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III.log
││front inn.png
Front.jpg (50.88 KB, 下载次数: 156)
2013-9-6 10:06 上传
│├─1971 - Led Zeppelin IV
│││01 - Black Dog.flac
│││02 - Rock And Roll.flac
│││03 - The Battle Of Evermore.flac
│││04 - Stairway To Heaven.flac
│││05 - Misty Mountain Hop.flac
│││06 - Four Sticks.flac
│││07 - Going To California.flac
│││08 - When The Levee Breaks.flac
│││1971 - Led Zeppelin IV.cue
│││1971 - Led Zeppelin IV.m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV.log
││cd4 front inn.png
││cd4 front.png
││cd4 tray.png
Front.jpg (50.46 KB, 下载次数: 155)
2013-9-6 10:06 上传
│├─1973 - Houses of The Holy
│││01 - The Song Remains The Same.flac
│││02 - The Rain Song.flac
│││03 - Over The Hills And Far Away.flac
│││04 - The Crunge.flac
│││05 - Dancing Days.flac
│││06 - D'yer Mak'er.flac
│││07 - No Quarter.flac
│││08 - The Ocean.flac
│││1973 - Houses of The Holy.cue
│││1973 - Houses of The Holy.m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - Houses of The Holy.log
││front inn.png
Front.jpg (54.98 KB, 下载次数: 154)
2013-9-6 10:07 上传
│├─1975 - Physical Graffiti
││││01 - Custard Pie.flac
││││02 - The Rover.flac
││││03 - In My Time Of Dying.flac
││││04 - Houses Of The Holy.flac
││││05 - Trampled Under Foot.flac
││││06 - Kashmir.flac
││││1975 - Physical Graffiti (CD1).cue
││││1975 - Physical Graffiti (CD1).m3u
││││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti - CD 1.log
│││front inn.png
Front.jpg (54.98 KB, 下载次数: 155)
2013-9-6 10:07 上传
│││01 - In The Light.flac
│││02 - Bron-Yr-Aur.flac
│││03 - Down By The Seaside.flac
│││04 - Ten Years Gone.flac
│││05 - Night Flight.flac
│││06 - Wanton Song.flac
│││07 - Boogie With Stu.flac
│││08 - Black Country Woman.flac
│││09 - Sick Again.flac
│││1975 - Physical Graffiti (CD2).cue
│││1975 - Physical Graffiti (CD2).m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti - CD 2.log
││front inn.png
Front.jpg (45.19 KB, 下载次数: 156)
2013-9-6 10:07 上传
│├─1976 - Presence
│││01 - Achilles Last Stand.flac
│││02 - For Your Life.flac
│││03 - Royal Orleans.flac
│││04 - Nobody's Fault But Mine.flac
│││05 - Candy Store Rock.flac
│││06 - Hots On For Nowhere.flac
│││07 - Tea For One.flac
│││1976 - Presence.cue
│││1976 - Presence.m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - Presence.log
││front inn.png
Front.jpg (52.28 KB, 下载次数: 158)
2013-9-6 10:07 上传
│├─1979 - In Through The Out Door
│││01 - In The Evening.flac
│││02 - South Bound Suarez.flac
│││03 - Fool In The Rain.flac
│││04 - Hot Dog.flac
│││05 - Carouselambra.flac
│││06 - All My Love.flac
│││07 - I'm Gonna Crawl.flac
│││1979 - In Through The Out Door.cue
│││1979 - In Through The Out Door.m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - In Through The Out Door.log
││front inn.png
Front.jpg (46.1 KB, 下载次数: 156)
2013-9-6 10:08 上传
│└─1982 - Coda
││01 - We're Gonna Groove.flac
││02 - Poor Tom.flac
││03 - I Can't Quit You Baby.flac
││04 - Walter's Walk.flac
││05 - Ozone Baby.flac
││06 - Darlene.flac
││07 - Bonzo's Montreux.flac
││08 - Wearing And Tearing.flac
││1982 - Coda.cue
││1982 - Coda.m3u
││Led Zeppelin - Coda.log
│front inn.png
└─Led Zeppelin(1969-2012)
cover.jpg (43.94 KB, 下载次数: 157)
2013-9-6 10:08 上传
│├─1970 - Led Zeppelin - Pure Blues (1970)
│││Led Zeppelin - Pure Blues.cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Pure Blues.flac
│││Led Zeppelin - Pure Blues.log
│││Pure Blues.txt
front.jpg (53.78 KB, 下载次数: 157)
2013-9-6 10:08 上传
│├─1973 - Led Zeppelin - Any Port In A Storm The Lost Soundboard Show (1973)
││├─Any Port In A Storm - The Lost Soundboard Show (CD 1)
││││Led Zeppelin - 1973-01-22- Any Port in a Storm- Southampton University, Southampton, UK.cue
││││Led Zeppelin - 1973-01-22- Any Port in a Storm- Southampton University, Southampton, UK.flac
││││Led Zeppelin - 1973-01-22- Any Port in a Storm- Southampton University, Southampton, UK.log
││├─Any Port In A Storm - The Lost Soundboard Show (CD 2)
││││Led Zeppelin - 1973-01-22- Any Port in a Storm- Southampton University, Southampton, UK.cue
││││Led Zeppelin - 1973-01-22- Any Port in a Storm- Southampton University, Southampton, UK.flac
││││Led Zeppelin - 1973-01-22- Any Port in a Storm- Southampton University, Southampton, UK.log
front.jpg (74.73 KB, 下载次数: 160)
2013-9-6 10:09 上传
│├─1973 - Led Zeppelin - Bonzoa??s Birthday Matrix (Bootleg) (1973)
led_zeppelin_physical_graffiti_1975_retail_cd-front.jpg (56.94 KB, 下载次数: 157)
2013-9-6 10:09 上传
│├─1975 - Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti (1975)
│││1. Custard Pie.flac
│││2. The Rover.flac
│││3. In My Time Of Dying.flac
│││4. Houses Of The Holy.flac
│││5. Trampled Under Foot.flac
│││6. Kashmir.flac
││1. In The Light.flac
││2. Bron-Yr-Aur.flac
││3. Down By The Seaside.flac
││4. Ten Years Gone.flac
││5. Night Flight.flac
││6. The Wanton Song.flac
││7. Boogie With Stu.flac
││8. Black Country Woman.flac
││9. Sick Again.flac
cover_86191182009.jpg (56.68 KB, 下载次数: 158)
2013-9-6 10:09 上传
folder.jpg (116.48 KB, 下载次数: 152)
2013-9-6 10:09 上传
│├─1990 - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Box Set(Remasters 4CD Set) (1990)
│││├─Disc 1
││││Booklet - Front & Back.jpg
││││Booklet - Page 1 & 2.jpg
││││Tray - Back.jpg
│││├─Disc 2
││││Booklet - Front & Back.jpg
││││Booklet - Page 1 & 2.jpg
││││Tray - Back.jpg
│││├─Disc 3
││││Booklet - Front & Back.jpg
││││Booklet - Page 1 & 2.jpg
││││Tray - Back.jpg
│││└─Disc 4
│││Booklet - Front & Back.jpg
│││Booklet - Page 1 & 2.jpg
│││Tray - Back.jpg
││├─Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 1] [EAC - FLAC]
│││01 - Whole Lotta Love.flac
│││02 - Heartbreaker.flac
│││03 - Communication Breakdown.flac
│││04 - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You.flac
│││05 - What Is And What Should Never Be.flac
│││06 - Thank You.flac
│││07 - I Can't Quit You Baby.flac
│││08 - Dazed And Confused.flac
│││09 - Your Time Is Gonna Come.flac
│││10 - Ramble On.flac
│││11 - Travelling Riverside Blues.flac
│││12 - Friends.flac
│││13 - Celebration Day.flac
│││14 - Hey Hey What Can I Do.flac
│││15 - White Summer,Black Mountain Side.flac
│││Boxed Set [Disc 1] - flac.cue
│││Boxed Set [Disc 1] - wav.cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 1] [EAC - FLAC](oan).ffp
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 1] [EAC - FLAC](oan).md5
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 1].log
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 1].m3u
││├─Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 2] [EAC - FLAC]
│││01 - Black Dog.flac
│││02 - Over The Hills And Far Away.flac
│││03 - Immigrant Song.flac
│││04 - The Battle Of Evermore.flac
│││05 - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp.flac
│││06 - Tangerine.flac
│││07 - Going To California.flac
│││08 - Since I've Been Loving You.flac
│││09 - D'yer Mak'er.flac
│││10 - Gallows Pole.flac
│││11 - Custard Pie.flac
│││12 - Misty Mountain Hop.flac
│││13 - Rock And Roll.flac
│││14 - The Rain Song.flac
│││15 - Stairway To Heaven.flac
│││Boxed Set [Disc 2] - flac.cue
│││Boxed Set [Disc 2] - wav.cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 2] [EAC - FLAC](oan).ffp
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 2] [EAC - FLAC](oan).md5
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 2].log
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 2].m3u
││├─Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 3] [EAC - FLAC]
│││01 - Kashmir.flac
│││02 - Trampled Under Foot.flac
│││03 - For Your Life.flac
│││04 - No Quarter.flac
│││05 - Dancing Days.flac
│││06 - When The Levee Breaks.flac
│││07 - Achilles Last Stand.flac
│││08 - The Song Remains The Same.flac
│││09 - Ten Years Gone.flac
│││10 - In My Time Of Dying.flac
│││Boxed Set [Disc 3] - flac.cue
│││Boxed Set [Disc 3] - wav.cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 3] [EAC - FLAC](oan).ffp
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 3] [EAC - FLAC](oan).md5
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 3].log
│││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 3].m3u
││└─Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 4] [EAC - FLAC]
││01 - In The Evening.flac
││02 - Candy Store Rock.flac
││03 - The Ocean.flac
││04 - Ozone Baby.flac
││05 - Houses Of The Holy.flac
││06 - Wearing And Tearing.flac
││07 - Poor Tom.flac
││08 - Nobody's Fault But Mine.flac
││09 - Fool In The Rain.flac
││10 - In The Light.flac
││11 - The Wanton Song.flac
││12 - Moby Dick,Bonzo's Montreux.flac
││13 - I'm Gonna Crawl.flac
││14 - All My Love.flac
││Boxed Set [Disc 4] - flac.cue
││Boxed Set [Disc 4] - wav.cue
││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 4] [EAC - FLAC](oan).ffp
││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 4] [EAC - FLAC](oan).md5
││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 4].log
││Led Zeppelin - Boxed Set [Disc 4].m3u
front 1.jpeg (71.06 KB, 下载次数: 156)
2013-9-6 10:10 上传
│├─1993 - Led Zeppelin - Another White Summer (1993)
││01.Communication Breakdown.flac
││02.I Can't Quit You Baby.flac
││03.Dazed And Confused.flac
││04.White SummerBlack Mountain Side.flac
││05.You Shook Me.flac
││06.How Many More Times.flac
││07.White Summer (Bonus Track).flac
││front 1.jpeg
││front 2.jpg
││tray & disc.jpg
cover_2336726112010.jpg (92.9 KB, 下载次数: 159)
2013-9-6 10:11 上传
│├─1994 - Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy (Remaster) (1994)
││01 - The Song Remains The Same - Led Zeppelin.flac
││02 - The Rain Song - Led Zeppelin.flac
││03 - Over The Hills And Far Away - Led Zeppelin.flac
││04 - The Crunge - Led Zeppelin.flac
││05 - Dancing Days - Led Zeppelin.flac
││06 - D'yer Mak'er - Led Zeppelin.flac
││07 - No Quarter - Led Zeppelin.flac
││08 - The Ocean - Led Zeppelin.flac
││Houses Of The Holy.cue
││Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy.log
Cover.jpg (799.11 KB, 下载次数: 158)
2013-9-6 10:11 上传
│├─1997 - Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (Digitally Remastered) (1997)
│││Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (CD 1)-new.accurip
│││Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (CD 1).cue
│││Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (CD 1).flac
│││Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (CD 1).log
│││Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (CD 2)-new.accurip
│││Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (CD 2).cue
│││Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (CD 2).flac
│││Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions (CD 2).log
│││inside back.png
│││matrix cd1.png
│││matrix cd2.png
││matrix cd2.png.png
led zepp_early days best of vol. 1.jpg (97.21 KB, 下载次数: 157)
2013-9-6 10:11 上传
│├─1999 - Led Zeppelin - Early Days Best Of Vol. 1 (1999)
││01.Good Times Bad Times.flac
││02.Babe I'm Gonna Leave You.flac
││03.Dazed And Confused.flac
││04.Communication Breakdown.flac
││05.Whole Lotta Love.flac
││06.What Is And What Should Never Be.flac
││07.Immigrant Song.flac
││08.Since I've Been Loving You.flac
││09.Black Dog.flac
││10.Rock And Roll.flac
││11.The Battle Of Evermore.flac
││12.When The Levee Breaks.flac
││13.Stairway To Heaven.flac
││led zepp_early days best of vol. 1.jpg
led zepp_latter days_best of vol. 2.jpg (52.89 KB, 下载次数: 157)
2013-9-6 10:11 上传
│├─2000 - Led Zeppelin - Latter Days Best Of Vol. 2 (2000)
││01.The Song Remains The Same.flac
││02.No Quarter.flac
││03.Houses Of The Holy.flac
││04.Trampled Under Foot.flac
││06.Ten Years Gone.flac
││07.Achilles Last Stand.flac
││08.Nobody's Fault But Mine.flac
││09.All My Love.flac
││10.In The Evening.flac
││led zepp_latter days_best of vol. 2.jpg
How the West Was Won cover spread .jpg (86.67 KB, 下载次数: 160)
2013-9-6 10:12 上传
│├─2003 - Led Zeppelin - How The West Was Won
│││How the West Was Won back.jpg
│││How the West Was Won cover spread .jpg
│││How the West Was Won cover.jpg
│││How the West Was Won disc 1.jpg
│││How the West Was Won disc 2.jpg
│││How the West Was Won disc 3.jpg
│││How the West Was Won inlay 3.jpg
│││How the West Was Won insert .jpg
││├─CD 1
│││01 - LA Drone.flac
│││02 - Immigrant Song.flac
│││03 - Heartbreaker.flac
│││04 - Black Dog.flac
│││05 - Over The Hills And Far Away.flac
│││06 - Since I've Been Loving You.flac
│││07 - Stairway To Heaven.flac
│││08 - Going To California.flac
│││09 - That's The Way.flac
│││10 - Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp.flac
│││Led Zeppelin - How the West Was Won (CD1).log
││├─CD 2
│││01 - Dazed And Confused.flac
│││02 - What Is And What Should Never Be.flac
│││03 - Dancing Days.flac
│││04 - Moby Dick.flac
│││Led Zeppelin - How The West Was Won (CD2).log
││└─CD 3
││01 - Whole Lotta Love.flac
││02 - Rock And Roll.flac
││03 - The Ocean.flac
││04 - Bring It On Home.flac
││Led Zeppelin - How The West Was Won (CD3).log
TEj57.jpg (37.21 KB, 下载次数: 158)
2013-9-6 10:12 上传
│├─2008 - Led Zeppelin - 12 Japan CD Set (2008)
│││Led Zeppelin - Coda.cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Coda.flac
│││Led Zeppelin - Coda.log
││├─In Through the Out Door
│││Led Zeppelin - In Through the Out Door [Mlps].cue
│││Led Zeppelin - In Through the Out Door [Mlps].flac
│││Led Zeppelin - In Through the Out Door [Mlps].log
││├─Led Zeppelin
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin [SHM-CD WPCR-13130].cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin [SHM-CD WPCR-13130].flac
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin [SHM-CD WPCR-13130].log
││├─Led Zeppelin II
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II [SHM-CD WPCR-13131].cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II [SHM-CD WPCR-13131].flac
│││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II [SHM-CD WPCR-13131].log
││├─Led Zeppelin IV
│││Led Zeppelin - IV [Box Set Remaster].cue
│││Led Zeppelin - IV [Box Set Remaster].flac
│││Led Zeppelin - IV [Box Set Remaster].log
││├─Physical Graffiti
│││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti (SHM-CD) - Disc 2.cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti (SHM-CD) - Disc 2.flac
│││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti (SHM-CD) - Disc 2.log
│││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti [SHM-CD WPCR-13135], Disc 1.cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti [SHM-CD WPCR-13135], Disc 1.flac
│││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti [SHM-CD WPCR-13135], Disc 1.log
│││Led Zeppelin - Presence [SHM WPCR-13137].cue
│││Led Zeppelin - Presence [SHM WPCR-13137].flac
│││Led Zeppelin - Presence [SHM WPCR-13137].log
││└─The Song Remains The Same
││Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same [SHM-CD WPCR-13138], Disc 1.cue
││Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same [SHM-CD WPCR-13138], Disc 1.flac
││Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same [SHM-CD WPCR-13138], Disc 1.log
││Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same [SHM-CD WPCR-13139], Disc 2.cue
││Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same [SHM-CD WPCR-13139], Disc 2.flac
││Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same [SHM-CD WPCR-13139], Disc 2.log
FRONT.jpg (33.35 KB, 下载次数: 159)
2013-9-6 10:12 上传
│├─2011 - Led Zeppelin - Havena??t We Met Somewhere Before (2011)
Front.jpg (30.21 KB, 下载次数: 160)
2013-9-6 10:13 上传
│├─2011 - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelins Swan Songs (The Complete Shepperton Rehearsals)
│││101. Introduction.flac
│││102. Good Times Bad Times.flac
│││103. Ramble On.flac
│││104. Black Dog.flac
│││105. In My Time Of Dying.flac
│││106. For Your Life.flac
│││107. Trampled Underfoot.flac
│││108. Nobodys Fault But Mine.flac
│││109. No Quarter.flac
│││110. Since Ive Been Loving You.flac
│││201. Dazed And Confused.flac
│││202. Stairway To Heaven.flac
│││203. The Song Remains The Same.flac
│││204. Misty Mountain Hop.flac
│││205. Kashmir.flac
│││206. Whole Lotta Love.flac
│││207. Rock And Roll.flac
│││301 Introduction.flac
│││302 Good Times Bad Times.flac
│││303 Ramble On.flac
│││304 Black Dog.flac
│││305 In My Time Of Dying.flac
│││306 For Your Life.flac
│││307 Trampled Under Foot.flac
│││308 Nobodys Fault But Mine.flac
│││309 No Quarter.flac
│││310 Since Ive Been loving You.flac
││401 Dazed And Confused.flac
││402 Stairway To Heaven.flac
││403 The Song Remains The Same.flac
││404 Misty Mountain Hop.flac
││405 Kashmir.flac
││406 Whole Lotta love.flac
││407 Rock And Roll.flac
│├─2012 - Led Zeppelin - Celebration Day (2CD) (2012)
│││CD 1.bmp
│││CD 2.bmp
││├─Disc 1
│││01.Good Times Bad Times.flac
│││02.Ramble On.flac
│││03.Black Dog.flac
│││04.In My Time Of Dying.flac
│││05.For Your Life.flac
│││06.Trampled Under Foot.flac
│││07.Nobody's Fault But Mine.flac
│││08.No Quarter.flac
││└─Disc 2
││01.Since I've Been Loving You.flac
││02.Dazed And Confused.flac
││03.Stairway To Heaven.flac
││04.The Song Remains The Same.flac
││05.Misty Mountain Hop.flac
││07.Whole Lotta Love.flac
││08.Rock And Roll.flac
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│├─2012 - Led Zeppelin - Hard Zepp USL VT Remastered series (2012)
│││01 - Communication Breakdown.flac
│││02 - Whole Lotta Love.flac
│││03 - Heartbreaker.flac
│││04 - Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman).flac
│││05 - Ramble On.flac
│││06 - Immigrant Song.flac
│││07 - Out On The Tiles.flac
│││08 - Stairway To Heaven.flac
│││09 - The Ocean.flac
│││10 - The Rover.flac
│││11 - Trampled Under Foot.flac
│││12 - Kashmir.flac
│││13 - The Wanton Song.flac
│││14 - Nobody's Fault But Mine.flac
│││15 - Achilles Last Stand.flac
│││Led Zeppelin - Hard Zepp.log
│││Led Zeppelin-2012-Hard Zepp.cue
│││Led Zeppelin-2012-Hard Zepp.m3u
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│└─2012 - Led Zeppelin - The Essential 2CD (Remastered) (2012)
│├─Disc 1
││01.Black Dog.flac
││02.Custard Pie.flac
││03.Immigrant Song.flac
││04.Whole Lotta Love.flac
││05.Babe I'm Gonna Leave You.flac
││06.For Your Life.flac
││07.Rock And Roll.flac
││08.What Is And What Should Never Be.flac
││09.Down By The Seaside.flac
││10.I Can't Quit You Baby.flac
││11.Since I've Been Loving You.flac
││12.Stairway To Heaven.flac
││13.Thank You.flac
│└─Disc 2
│01.Walter's Walk.flac
│03.Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman).flac
│04.Out On The Tiles.flac
│05.Trampled Under Foot.flac
│06.All My Love.flac
│07.D'yer Mak'er.flac
│08.Gallows Pole.flac
│10.Communication Breakdown.flac
│11.I'm Gonna Crawl.flac
│12.I Can't Quit You Baby.flac
│13.The Ocean.flac
│14.Sick Again.flac
└─Studio Albums
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├─1969 - Led Zeppelin
││01 - Good Times Bad Times.flac
││02 - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You.flac
││03 - You Shook Me.flac
││04 - Dazed And Confused.flac
││05 - Your Time Is Gonna Come.flac
││06 - Black Mountain Side.flac
││07 - Communication Breakdown.flac
││08 - I Can't Quit You Baby.flac
││09 - How Many More Times.flac
││1969 - Led Zeppelin.cue
││1969 - Led Zeppelin.m3u
││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin.log
│front inn.png
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├─1969 - Led Zeppelin II
││01 - Whole Lotta Love.flac
││02 - What Is And What Should Never Be.flac
││03 - The Lemon Song.flac
││04 - Thank You.flac
││05 - Heartbreaker.flac
││06 - Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman).flac
││07 - Ramble On.flac
││08 - Moby Dick.flac
││09 - Bring It On Home.flac
││1969 - Led Zeppelin II.cue
││1969 - Led Zeppelin II.m3u
││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II.log
│front inn.png
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├─1970 - Led Zeppelin III
││01 - Immigrant Song.flac
││02 - Friends.flac
││03 - Celebration Day.flac
││04 - Since I've Been Loving You.flac
││05 - Out On The Tiles.flac
││06 - Gallows Pole.flac
││07 - Tangerine.flac
││08 - That's The Way.flac
││09 - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp.flac
││10 - Hats Off To (Roy) Harper.flac
││1970 - Led Zeppelin III.cue
││1970 - Led Zeppelin III.m3u
││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III.log
│front inn.png
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├─1971 - Led Zeppelin IV
││01 - Black Dog.flac
││02 - Rock And Roll.flac
││03 - The Battle Of Evermore.flac
││04 - Stairway To Heaven.flac
││05 - Misty Mountain Hop.flac
││06 - Four Sticks.flac
││07 - Going To California.flac
││08 - When The Levee Breaks.flac
││1971 - Led Zeppelin IV.cue
││1971 - Led Zeppelin IV.m3u
││Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV.log
│cd4 front inn.png
│cd4 front.png
│cd4 tray.png
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├─1973 - Houses of The Holy
││01 - The Song Remains The Same.flac
││02 - The Rain Song.flac
││03 - Over The Hills And Far Away.flac
││04 - The Crunge.flac
││05 - Dancing Days.flac
││06 - D'yer Mak'er.flac
││07 - No Quarter.flac
││08 - The Ocean.flac
││1973 - Houses of The Holy.cue
││1973 - Houses of The Holy.m3u
││Led Zeppelin - Houses of The Holy.log
│front inn.png
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├─1975 - Physical Graffiti
│││01 - Custard Pie.flac
│││02 - The Rover.flac
│││03 - In My Time Of Dying.flac
│││04 - Houses Of The Holy.flac
│││05 - Trampled Under Foot.flac
│││06 - Kashmir.flac
│││1975 - Physical Graffiti (CD1).cue
│││1975 - Physical Graffiti (CD1).m3u
│││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti - CD 1.log
││front inn.png
││01 - In The Light.flac
││02 - Bron-Yr-Aur.flac
││03 - Down By The Seaside.flac
││04 - Ten Years Gone.flac
││05 - Night Flight.flac
││06 - Wanton Song.flac
││07 - Boogie With Stu.flac
││08 - Black Country Woman.flac
││09 - Sick Again.flac
││1975 - Physical Graffiti (CD2).cue
││1975 - Physical Graffiti (CD2).m3u
││Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti - CD 2.log
│front inn.png
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├─1976 - Presence
││01 - Achilles Last Stand.flac
││02 - For Your Life.flac
││03 - Royal Orleans.flac
││04 - Nobody's Fault But Mine.flac
││05 - Candy Store Rock.flac
││06 - Hots On For Nowhere.flac
││07 - Tea For One.flac
││1976 - Presence.cue
││1976 - Presence.m3u
││Led Zeppelin - Presence.log
│front inn.png
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├─1979 - In Through The Out Door
││01 - In The Evening.flac
││02 - South Bound Suarez.flac
││03 - Fool In The Rain.flac
││04 - Hot Dog.flac
││05 - Carouselambra.flac
││06 - All My Love.flac
││07 - I'm Gonna Crawl.flac
││1979 - In Through The Out Door.cue
││1979 - In Through The Out Door.m3u
││Led Zeppelin - In Through The Out Door.log
│front inn.png
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└─1982 - Coda
│01 - We're Gonna Groove.flac
│02 - Poor Tom.flac
│03 - I Can't Quit You Baby.flac
│04 - Walter's Walk.flac
│05 - Ozone Baby.flac
│06 - Darlene.flac
│07 - Bonzo's Montreux.flac
│08 - Wearing And Tearing.flac
│1982 - Coda.cue
│1982 - Coda.m3u
│Led Zeppelin - Coda.log
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(Classic Rock & Hard Rock) Led Zeppelin 10CD (USL VT Remastered Series) .rar
(28.14 KB, 下载次数: 18, 售价: 5 音乐币)