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[合集] [欧美摇滚]意旋律金属-墓穴蠕虫:Graveworm《16CD》1997-2011/FLAC/整轨









发表于 2020-1-11 15:21:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 最终之战 于 2013-12-26 20:12 编辑

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2013-12-26 19:55 上传

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2013-12-26 19:55 上传


Country of origin:Italy
Location:Brunico (Bolzano), Trentino-Alto Adige
Formed in:1992
Genre:Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Lyrical themes:Religion (early), Evil, Sadness, Death, Love
Current label:Nuclear Blast
Years active:1992-present

乐队名: Graveworm (墓穴蠕虫)
  音乐风格: Gothic/melodic black metal (哥特/旋律黑金属)
  音乐主题: Sadness, Death, Love, Occult (悲伤,死亡,爱情,超自然)
  国家: Italy (意大利)
  成立时间: 1992年
  所在场牌: Nuclear Blast (核爆炸)
  乐队现状: 活动中
  Guitar: Eric Treffel
  Drums: Martin Innerbichler
  Keys: Sabine Mair
  Vocals: Stefan Fiori
  Guitar: Stefan Unterpertinger

  在人声上,使用了双声交替混合唱法,Abigor的主唱Stefan Fiori在此担任了人声工作,在专辑中,刺骨的黑嗓与野兽般低吼的默契配合也可算是作品中极为出彩的部分。Stefan宽域的嗓音和多元的变幻绝对令人信服。紧凑的节奏富有张力的riff迅猛的鼓点再加之美丽的Sabine Mair的键盘所营造的优雅且绚丽多彩的氛围相得益彰。尽管专辑中的作品听起来似乎很熟悉,然而作品的旋律并不会让人感到腻烦,反而朗朗入耳,激情盎然。
  但往往众口难调,有人说该专辑像极COF,Dimmu Borgir等等毫无新意而言,也有人抱怨乐队没有坚持一路原则众说纷纭。在我看来,这是Graveworm自己真正的声音,永远走不出他人拘泥的圈子而喋喋不休的加以比较才是最虚伪的傻瓜。

Graveworm is a symphonic black metal band with members from Italy and Germany formed in 1992.

Graveworm was signed by Serenades Records in 1997, releasing their first EP, Eternal Winds, in that same year. During their first tour together with Crematory, Therion and Lake of Tears, the band promoted the album When Daylight’s Gone.

In 1998, the EP Underneath the Crescent Moon was released, featuring Sarah Jezebel Deva (Cradle of Filth, Therion) in the track “Awake…Thy Angels Of Sorrow”. Graveworm also performed at the Wacken Open Air (Germany) with bands like Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth and Vader.

The second album As the Angels Reach the Beauty was finished in 1999, and followed by a European tour with Agathodaimon. Scourge of Malice was released in 2001, which allowed the band their first headliner tour together with Dornenreich, Vintersorg and Darkwell. In 2002, they changed to the German Nuclear Blast label. At this point, Didi Schraffel (bass) left the band and Harry Klenk (guitars) was replaced by Eric Treffel. Treffel soon left the band in the same year and was replaced by Eric Righi on guitar.

Together with Righi, they produced Engraved in Black, which was finished in 2003, and enhanced with a feature of R.E.M.’s “Losing My Religion”. Shortly after the release, Stefan Unterpertinger (guitar) quit and Lukas Flarer joined the band. Also, Harry Klenk, former guitarist and now bassist, re-joined the band.

In 2004, Graveworm played on the X-Mass Festival tour together with Destruction, Kataklysm, and many others. Martin Innerbichler (drums) took a break to study and was replaced by Moritz Neuner (previously the Darkwell and Shadowcast drummer).

The band’s newest album (N)utopia was released in 2005.

Lukas Flarer (guitarist) has left the band for personal reasons and been replaced with Orgler “Stirz” Thomas.

In 2006, Graveworm embarked on a North American tour with Kataklysm, Destruction, The Absence, and Vader.

The band is currently working on its next album, which will be produced by Andy Classen at Stage One studios in Borgentreich, Germany.
Graveworm(墓穴蠕虫) 全长 1997-2011 无损 [FLAC整轨]意大利交响黑哥特 (8 folders, 2 files, 104.94 KB, 3.33 GB in total.)
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│1019_photo.jpg 97.29 KB

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2013-12-26 20:06 上传

├─Graveworm - (N)Utopia (2005) (1 folders, 6 files, 340.32 MB, 427.22 MB in total.)
││Audiochecker.txt 438 bytes
││Graveworm - (N)Utopia.cue 1.13 KB
││Graveworm - (N)Utopia.flac 340.01 MB
││Graveworm - (N)Utopia.log 2.77 KB
││spectr 1.jpg 195.97 KB
││spectr 2.jpg 110.27 KB
│└─Covers (0 folders, 12 files, 86.91 MB, 86.91 MB in total.)
│сканирование0001.jpg 8.93 MB
│сканирование0002.jpg 8.61 MB
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2013-12-26 20:06 上传

├─Graveworm - As The Angels Reach The Beauty (1999) (1 folders, 6 files, 359.66 MB, 419.77 MB in total.)
││Audiochecker.txt 479 bytes
││Graveworm - As The Angels Reach The Beauty.cue 1.53 KB
││Graveworm - As The Angels Reach The Beauty.flac 359.35 MB
││Graveworm - As The Angels Reach The Beauty.log 2.93 KB
││spectr 1.jpg 187.40 KB
││spectr 2.jpg 133.82 KB
│└─Covers (0 folders, 8 files, 60.11 MB, 60.11 MB in total.)
│сканирование0001.jpg 12.29 MB
│сканирование0002.jpg 10.70 MB
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2013-12-26 20:07 上传

├─Graveworm - Collateral Defect [Japanese Edition] (2007) (1 folders, 4 files, 348.40 MB, 372.27 MB in total.)
││Audiochecker.txt 474 bytes
││Graveworm - Collateral Defect j.ape 348.39 MB
││Graveworm - Collateral Defect j.cue 1.42 KB
││Graveworm - Collateral Defect j.log 5.62 KB
│└─Covers (0 folders, 21 files, 23.87 MB, 23.87 MB in total.)
│img937.jpg 1.21 MB
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2013-12-26 20:07 上传

├─Graveworm - Diabolical Figures (2009) (1 folders, 7 files, 349.83 MB, 393.08 MB in total.)
││Audiochecker.txt 464 bytes
││GRAVEWORM - Diabolical Figures.cue 1.15 KB
││GRAVEWORM - Diabolical Figures.flac 349.52 MB
││GRAVEWORM - Diabolical Figures.flac.cue 1.15 KB
││GRAVEWORM - Diabolical Figures.log 2.37 KB
││spectr 1.jpg 197.91 KB
││spectr 2.jpg 112.55 KB
│└─Covers (0 folders, 13 files, 43.25 MB, 43.25 MB in total.)
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│digi4.jpg 873.14 KB

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2013-12-26 20:07 上传

├─Graveworm - Engraved In Black (2003) (2 folders, 7 files, 321.82 MB, 385.62 MB in total.)
││Audiochecker.txt 453 bytes
││Graveworm - Engraved In Black.accurip 1.19 KB
││Graveworm - Engraved In Black.cue 1.26 KB
││Graveworm - Engraved In Black.flac 321.51 MB
││Graveworm - Engraved In Black.log 2.67 KB
││spectr 1.jpg 193.82 KB
││spectr 2.jpg 114.28 KB
│├─Covers (0 folders, 10 files, 63.63 MB, 63.63 MB in total.)
││сканирование0001.jpg 11.27 MB
││сканирование0002.jpg 7.21 MB
││сканирование0003.jpg 7.28 MB
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││сканирование0007.jpg 5.27 MB
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││сканирование0010.jpg 403.97 KB
│└─Tau analyzer (0 folders, 3 files, 173.28 KB, 173.28 KB in total.)
│1.jpg 49.82 KB
│2.jpg 60.12 KB
│3.jpg 63.34 KB

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2013-12-26 20:08 上传

├─Graveworm - Fragments Of Death [Limited Edition] (2011) (1 folders, 7 files, 400.45 MB, 444.02 MB in total.)
││Audiochecker.txt 479 bytes
││Graveworm - Fragments Of Death.cue 1.60 KB
││Graveworm - Fragments Of Death.flac 400.15 MB
││Graveworm - Fragments Of Death.flac.cue 1.60 KB
││Graveworm - Fragments Of Death.log 4.83 KB
││spectr 1.jpg 188.63 KB
││spectr 2.jpg 108.88 KB
│└─Scans (0 folders, 13 files, 43.58 MB, 43.58 MB in total.)
│book001.jpg 3.48 MB
│book002.jpg 3.78 MB
│book003.jpg 3.83 MB
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│book006.jpg 3.51 MB
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│digi004.jpg 2.26 MB

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2013-12-26 20:08 上传

├─Graveworm - Scourge Of Malice (2001) (Original) (1 folders, 6 files, 381.60 MB, 450.71 MB in total.)
││Audiochecker.txt 471 bytes
││Graveworm - Scourge Of Malice.cue 1.50 KB
││Graveworm - Scourge Of Malice.flac 381.30 MB
││Graveworm - Scourge Of Malice.log 5.69 KB
││spectr 1.jpg 186.10 KB
││spectr 2.jpg 111.32 KB
│└─Covers (0 folders, 10 files, 69.11 MB, 69.11 MB in total.)
│Scan-110430-0001.jpg 8.84 MB
│Scan-110430-0002.jpg 7.35 MB
│Scan-110430-0003.jpg 7.17 MB
│Scan-110430-0004.jpg 6.89 MB
│Scan-110430-0005.jpg 7.46 MB
│Scan-110430-0006.jpg 7.27 MB
│Scan-110430-0007.jpg 7.16 MB
│Scan-110430-0008.jpg 6.85 MB
│Scan-110430-0009.jpg 7.04 MB
│Scan-110430-0010.jpg 3.07 MB

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2013-12-26 20:08 上传

└─Graveworm - When Daylight's Gone & Underneath The Crescent Moon (1997 - 1998) (Released 2002) (1 folders, 6 files, 469.16 MB, 516.86 MB in total.)
│Audiochecker.txt 545 bytes
│Graveworm - When Daylight's Gone & Underneath The Crescent Moon.cue 1.52 KB
│Graveworm - When Daylight's Gone & Underneath The Crescent Moon.flac 468.84 MB
│Graveworm - When Daylight's Gone & Underneath The Crescent Moon.log 3.22 KB
│spectr 1.jpg 193.53 KB
│spectr 2.jpg 122.21 KB
└─Covers (0 folders, 8 files, 47.70 MB, 47.70 MB in total.)
сканирование0001.jpg 9.01 MB
сканирование0002.jpg 7.77 MB
сканирование0003.jpg 4.90 MB
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сканирование0006.jpg 7.13 MB
сканирование0007.jpg 5.03 MB
сканирование0008.jpg 310.66 KB



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