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[专辑] [欧美摇滚]诱惑本质:Within Temptation《22 bootlegs》2001-2015/FLAC/BD/11.55G









发表于 2020-1-11 15:30:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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2015-5-28 17:30 上传

Within Temptation 成立于1996年,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering,约莫于95、96年开始,在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱,The Gathering的音乐风格也对相当多的新生代乐团产生启发和影响,而The Gathering的影响力有多大,从同为荷兰乐团的后生晚辈Within Temptation和After Forever身上就能听得到!

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1996年,吉他手Robert Westerholt离开其原属的乐团The Circle(后来更名为Voyage),希望另组新团以展开全新的开始,首先他找来他的女友Sharon den Adel担任主唱,接着他又邀请The Circle的前团员加入,于是bass手Jeroen van Veen和吉他手Michiel Papenhove两人决定跳槽来新团,最后,他们再找来一位鼓手Dennis Leeflang,Within Temptation就这样正式成军。不过此时他们仍缺一名keyboard手,很快地这个位置就由Robert的弟弟所补上,WT的阵容也终于确定。

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不久后,他们想方设法联络了不同的唱片机构,WT录制了一卷4曲的demo tape,并寄发给多家唱片公司,希望争取唱片合约,而这张demo也引起多家厂牌的注意,Within Temptation 最后决定与 DSFA Records签约。在与DSFA签约之后,一切进入正轨,然而由于团员们与鼓手不合,于是鼓手的位置很快便由新任的Ivar de Graaf入替。

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1997年4月,Within Temptation正式发行了首张专辑,令人印象深刻。专辑风格若扣除吉他手Robert的death vocal演出,事实上就是全然优美导向的gothic metal,不过正由于death腔的加入及厚重的吉他刷扣,使得这张专辑既能呈现动人的优美气息,又不失金属乐该有的重量感。整张专辑的编曲结构虽然简单,但是丰富的情感和气氛烘托,伴随Sharon迷人演唱的引领,反倒能够紧紧地吸引住听者的耳朵!随后WT便受邀参与年度大型金属乐盛会Dynamo'97,此后的几个月时间,WT都在欧洲各地持续地展开演唱行程。他们甚至进行了两周的巡回演出,历经德国到澳大利亚。随后又有一些其它的精彩的演唱会,其中包括在Noor derslag。

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97年年底鼓手Ivar离团,并由Ciro Palma入替。98年期间,WT除了参与了Dynamo'98,并继续一些演出之外,也推出了一张EP。进入99年后,WT决定暂停演出活动,并开始着手新专辑的创作,而Ivar也在此间重新归队。

虽然简单,但是丰富的情感和气氛烘托,伴随Sharon迷人演唱的引领,反倒能够紧紧地吸引住听者的耳朵!随后WT便受邀参与年度大型金属乐盛会Dynamo'97,此后的几个月时间,WT都在欧洲各地持续地展开演唱行程。他们甚至进行了两周的巡回演出,历经德国到澳大利亚。随后又有一些其它的精彩的演唱会,其中包括在Noor derslag。

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2000年,是变化很大的一年。他们接到邀请去参加在Benelux举行的一次盛大的庆祝活动。经过一年多的潜沉,Within Temptation终于在2000年12月发表了第二张正式专辑《Mother Earth》。这张专辑取得了巨大的成功,乐队也在自己的演唱会和音乐节上赢得了很多音乐爱好者的心。其中两首单曲最为支持者推崇:Our Farewell和Ice Queen。同时此张作品也同步推出了2CD的特别版,多收录了一张制作精致的CD-ROM,除了有乐团介绍、团员照、一个小game及一首bonus曲外,也包含了几首WT现场演出的video,看到女主唱Sharon在表演时,穿著大礼服狂甩头的模样实在是令人惊讶的!2002年,乐队再次取得进展,他们的单曲Ice Queen,在荷兰音乐榜上取得季军的位置,在比利时则高居榜首。《Mother Earth》在欧洲总共销售了大约35万张的三白金成绩(荷兰)和金牌专辑称号(比利时)。 Within temptation在这两个国家都获得了MTV奖项,并且在比利时、荷兰、卢森堡三国以及德国、法国举办了自己的演唱会。

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WT的第三张专辑,《The Silent Force》,在2004年11月15日发布。其中的主打歌“Stand My Ground”被广播电台无数次播放。这张专辑在德国获得了金牌的成绩。2005年2月,Within Temptation 获得了艾迪逊音乐奖的荷兰最佳乐队奖项,之后又拿到了2005年世界音乐奖的荷兰最受欢迎乐队奖项。

2007年发行的大碟《The Heart Of Everything》首度登上英国金榜Top38位置,并一连抱走MTV欧洲音乐「最佳荷兰与比利时乐团」、世界音乐「最佳荷兰销售艺人」等重要奖项。 《Black Symphony》是WT于2008年2月7日在荷兰鹿特丹Ahoy Arena举办的演唱会实况收音特辑,邀请The Metropole Orchestra管弦乐团以及The Pa'dam Choir合唱团加入其阵容。WT于同年发行了一张精选专辑《Destroyed》,其中收录了他们很多罕见的曲目、罕见曲目版本,像未发行的作品,单曲EP中的选曲,罕见的acoustic版本以及日本专辑中的赠送曲目等等。

2010年,WT发行了一张不插电专辑《An Acoustic Night At The Theatre》,作品中收录了乐团09年11月份在各大剧院巡演的不插电曲目,另外其中还收录了一首他们非常特别的新单曲《Utopia》。

2011年,WT发行了他们的第五张录音室专辑《The Unforgiving》。这也是他们的第一张概念专辑。乐队与美国漫画作者Steven O’Connell (BloodRayne/Dark 48) 和Romano Molenaar (Witchblade/Darkness/X战警)合作,The Unforgiving的同名漫画将从2月开始连载,每2个月发布一季,漫画的发行贯穿2011年全年。The Unforgiving专辑的歌词内容表现同名漫画的情节与人物。

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总的来说,Within Temptation是一只表现出色的美声金属乐队,在欧洲乃至世界都产生了很大的影响。但愿他们能一如既往的发展下去,不断地为喜爱他们的乐迷带来新的惊喜。
2001.05.20 - La Loco, Paris, France - France Temptation

Продолжительность: 1 час 19 мин. 3 сек.
Наличие сканов: да
1. Deceiver Of Fools
2. Ice Queen
3. Caged
4. Restless
5. Enter
6. The Dance
7. The Promise
8. Dark Wings
9. Our Farewell
10. Mother Earth
11. Deep Within
12. The Other Half
13. Ice Queen (Encore)

2002.03.03 - 013 Club,Tilburg, The Netherlands - Entering Tilburg

Продолжительность: 1 час 5 мин. 19 сек.
Наличие сканов: да
1. Deceiver Of Fools
2. Ice Queen
3. Caged
4. Restless
5. Enter
6. The Dance
7. Mother Earth
8. The Promise
9. Our Farewell
10. The Other Half (Of Me)

2005.02.24 - Schlachthof, Wiesbaden, Germany - The Silent Slaughterhouse

Продолжительность: 2 час 29 мин. 47 сек.
Наличие сканов: да
Within Temptation set
1. Intro
2. See Who I Am
3. Dangerous Mind
4. Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
5. Angels
6. The Promise
7. Pale
8. Forsaken
9. Stand My Ground
10. Memories
11. Running Up That Hill
12. Caged
13. Mother Earth
14. Deceiver Of Fools
15. Aquarius
CD 2
01. The Other Half (Of Me)
02. Our Farewell
03. Jane Doe
04. Ice Queen
05. Outro (Tape)
06. Aquarius (Orchestral Version)
Autumn set
07. Intro
08. The Coven
09. Gospels In The Dusk
10. Gallery Of Reality
11. Silent Madness
12. The Green Angel
13. This Night
14. Summer End

2008.07.05 - Twickenham, London, UK
Продолжительность: 38 мин. 12 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Our Solemn Hour
2. The Howling
3. The Heart of Everything
4. Hand of Sorrow
5. What Have You Done
6. Mother Earth
7. Ice Queen

2011.08.10 - Sziget fesztival, Budapest, Hungary
Продолжительность: 1 час 9 мин. 25 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Our solemn hour
2. Faster
3. Angels
4. In the middle of the night
5. Stand my ground
6. Fire and ice
7. The howling
8. What have you done
9. Iron
10. Shot in the dark
11. Sinead
12. Mother earth
13. Memories
14. Ice queen

2011.11.04 - Rockhal, Main Hall, Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Продолжительность: 1 час 33 мин. 29 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Mother Maiden (Short Movie)
2. Shot In The Dark
3. In The Middle Of The Night
4. Faster
5. Fire And Ice
6. Ice Queen
7. The Howling
8. Our Solemn Hour
9. Stand My Ground
10. Sinead (Short Movie)
11. Sinead
12. What Have You Done
13. Iron
14. Angels
15. Lost
16. See Who I Am
17. Mother Earth
18. Encore Break
19. Stairway To The Skies

2011.11.09 - Academy, Manchester, UK
Продолжительность: 1 час 34 мин. 11 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
CD 1
1. Mother Maiden (Short Movie)
2. Shot In The Dark
3. In The Middle Of The Night
4. Faster
5. Fire And Ice
6. Ice Queen
7. The Howling
8. Our Solemn Hour
9. Stand My Ground
10. Sinead (Short Movie)
CD 2
1. Sinead
2. What Have You Done
3. Iron
4. Angels
5. Lost
6. Deceiver Of Fools
7. Mother Earth
8. Stairway to the Skies

2012.08.17 - Summer Breeze Festival, Dinkelsbuhl, Germany
Продолжительность: 1 час 15 мин. 57 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Mother Maiden (Movie Intro)
2. Shot in the Dark
3. In the Middle of the Night
4. Faster
5. Fire and Ice
6. Ice Queen
7. Our Solemn Hour
8. Stand My Ground
9. Intermission
10. Sinead
11. What Have You Done
12. Iron
13. Angels
14. Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
15. Never-Ending Story
16. Mother Earth

2012.08.18 - Saarbrucken, Germany
Продолжительность: 1 час 32 мин. 10 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Intro: Mother Maiden Movie
2. Shot In The Dark
3. In The Middle Of The Night
4. Faster
5. Fire And Ice
6. Ice Queen
7. Our Solemn Hour
8. Stand My Ground
9. Sinead (with Movie Intro)
10. What Have You Done
11. Iron
12 Angels
13. Murder
14. See Who I Am
15. Where Is The Edge
16. Jillian
17. Encore Break
18. Never Ending Story
19. Mother Earth

2013.05.18 - Cracow, Poland
Продолжительность: 1 час 28 мин. 12 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Mother Maiden (Short Movie)
2. Shot in the Dark
3. In the Middle of the Night
4. Faster
5. Fire and Ice
6. Stand My Ground
7. Our Solemn Hour
8. Ice Queen
9. Sinead (Short Movie)
10. Sinead
11. What Have You Done
12. Angels
13. Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey cover)
14. Iron
15. Intro (The Silent Force)
16. See Who I Am
17. Memories
18. Mother Earth
19. Stairway to the Skies

2013.06.29 - Graspop Metal Meeting, Dessel, Belgium
Продолжительность: 1 час 3 мин. 59 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Intro
2. Mother Maiden (short film)
3. Shot in the Dark
4. In the Middle of the Night
5. Faster
6. Fire and Ice
7. Stand My Ground
8. Ice Queen
9. Sinead
10. What Have You Done
11. Summertime Sadness
12. Iron
13. Angels
14. Mother Earth

2014.04.12 - Wembley Arena, London
Продолжительность: 1 час 53 мин. 35 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
CD 1
1. Dragon intro
2. Let Us Burn
3. Paradise (What About Us?)
4. Faster
5. Iron
6. Edge of the World
7. In the Middle of the Night
8. Our Solemn Hour
9. Angels
10. Dangerous
11. And We Run
12. Tell Me Why
CD 2
1. Elements intro
2. See Who I Am
3. Stand My Ground
4. The Cross
5. Covered By Roses
6. Mother Earth
7. What Have You Done
8. Whole World Is Watching (Acoustic)
9. Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey cover)
10. Ice Queen

2014.04.16 - O2 Academy, Birmingham, UK
Продолжительность: 1 час 46 мин. 58 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
CD 1
1. Dragon intro
2. Let Us Burn
3. Paradise (What About Us?)
4. Faster
5. Iron
6. Edge of the World
7. In the Middle of the Night
8. Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
9. Angels
10. Dangerous
11. And We Run
CD 2
1. Elements intro
2. See Who I Am
3. Stand My Ground
4. The Cross
5. Covered By Roses
6. Mother Earth
7. What Have You Done
8. Whole World Is Watching
9. Summertime Sadness
10. Ice Queen

2014.04.18 - Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Продолжительность: 1 час 48 мин. 49 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Dragon Intro
2. Let Us Burn
3. Paradise (What About Us?)
4. Faster
5. Iron
6. Edge Of The World
7. In The Middle Of The Night
8. Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
9. Angels
10. Dangerous
11. And We Run
12. Elements Intro
13. See Who I Am
14. Stand My Ground
15. The Cross
16. Covered By Roses
17. Mother Earth
18. Encore Break
19. What Have You Done
20. Whole World Is Watching
21. Summertime Sadness
22. Ice Queen

2014.04.28 - Lille, France
Продолжительность: 1 час 50 мин. 40 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
CD 1
1. Dragon intro
2. Let Us Burn
3. Paradise (What About Us?)
4. Faster
5. Iron
6. Angels
7. Edge of the World
8. In the Middle of the Night
9. Our Solemn Hour
10. Dangerous
11. And We Run
CD 2
1. Elements intro
2. See Who I Am
3. Stand My Ground
4. The Cross
5. Covered By Roses
6. Mother Earth
7. Rappels
8. What Have You Done
9. Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey cover)
10. Sinead (Acoustic version)
11. Ice Queen

2014.09.30 - Minneapolis, MN, USA

Продолжительность: 1 час 39 мин. 37 сек.
Наличие сканов: да
1. Dragon Intro
2. Paradise (What About Us?)
3. Faster
4. Let Us Burn
5. In The Middle Of The Night
6. Fire And Ice
7. Our Solemn Hour
8. Stand My Ground
9. Summertime Sadness
10. The Cross
11. And We Run
12. Iron
13. Dangerous
14. Angels
15. Edge Of The World
16. What Have You Done
17. Mother Earth
18. Encore Break
19. Covered By Roses
20. Sinead
21. Ice Queen

2014.10.01 - Chicago, IL, USA

Продолжительность: 1 час 44 мин. 17 сек.
Наличие сканов: да
1. Dragon Intro
2. Paradise (What About Us?)
3. Faster
4. Let Us Burn
5. In The Middle Of The Night
6. Fire And Ice
7. Our Solemn Hour
8. Stand My Ground
9. Summertime Sadness
10. The Cross
11. And We Run
12. Dangerous
13. Angels
14. Edge Of The World
15. What Have You Done
16. Mother Earth
17. Encore Break
18. Covered By Roses
19. Sinead
20. Ice Queen

2014.10.19 - Loud Park, Saitama Super Arena, Saitama, Japan
Продолжительность: 58 мин. 40 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
1. Paradise (What About Us?)
2. Faster
3. In the Middle of the Night
4. Fire and Ice
5. And We Run
6. Dangerous
7. Angels
8. Our Solemn Hour
9. Stand My Ground
10. Covered By Roses
11. Sinead
12. Ice Queen

2014.11.14 - Weissenhauser Strand, Ostsee, Germany
Продолжительность: 1 час 29 мин. 44 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
CD 1
1. Intro
2. Paradise (What About Us?)
3. Faster
4. Let Us Burn
5. In The Middle Of The Night
6. Edge Of The World
7. Our Solemn Hour
8. The Cross
9. Stand My Ground
10. Summertime Sadness
CD 2
1. And We Run
2. Iron
3. Angels
4. Dangerous
5. What Have You Done?
6. Mother Earth
7. Sinead
8. Covered By Roses

2014.11.26 - El Teatro de Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Продолжительность: 1 час 54 мин. 42 сек.
Наличие сканов: да
1. Dragon (short movie)
2. Paradise (What About Us?)
3. Faster
4. Let Us Burn
5. In the Middle of the Night
6. Edge of the World
7. Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
8. Stand My Ground
9. Summertime Sadness
10. And We Run
11. The Promise
12. Dangerous
13. Angels
14. Sinйad (Acoustic)
15. Hand of Sorrow
16. What Have You Done
17. Silver Moonlight
18. Mother Earth
19. Covered By Roses
20. Ice Queen
21. Stairway to the Skies

2015.03.05 - Rockhal, Esch an der Alzette, Luxemburg

Продолжительность: 1 час 45 мин. 50 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
01. Intro - Stairway To The Skies
02. The Cross
03. Hand Of Sorrow
04. Shot In The Dark
05. And We Run (feat. Xzibit Hologram On Screen)
06. The Heart Of Everything
07. Towards The End
08. Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
09. Somewhere (feat. Anneke van Giersbergen Hologram On Screen)
10. Mother Earth
Set 2
01. Intro - Sanctuary
02. The Last Dance
03. Paradise (What About Us?)(feat. Tarja Turunen Hologram On Screen)
04. The Truth Beneath The Rose
05. Forgiven
06. Stand My Ground
07. Iron
08. Covered By Roses
09. Ice Queen
10. Encore Break
11. Sinйad (Acoustic)
12. Stairway To The Skies

2015.03.15 - Muziekcentrum Frits Philips, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Продолжительность: 1 час 48 мин. 02 сек.
Наличие сканов: нет
CD 1
1. Stairway to the Skies (Intro)
2. The Cross
3. Hand of Sorrow
4. Shot in the Dark
5. And We Run (featuring Xzibit on screen)
6. The Heart of Everything
7. Towards the End
8. Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
9. Somewhere (featuring Anneke van Giersbergen on screen)
10. Mother Earth
CD 2
1. Sanctuary (Intro)
2. The Last Dance
3. Paradise (What About Us) (featuring Tarja on screen)
4. The Truth Beneath the Rose
5. Forgiven
6. Stand My Ground
7. Iron
8. Covered By Roses
9. Ice Queen
10. Audience and speech
10. Sinead (acoustic)
11. Stairway to the Skies (+band presentation)



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