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[摇滚] (punk) [2x7"] [24/96] Icon A.D. ‎– Don't Feed Us Shit / Let T









发表于 2020-9-24 11:16:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Icon A.D. ‎– Don't Feed Us Shit / Let The Vultures Fly...... E.P.
Жанр: punk
Носитель: 2x7"
Год выпуска: 1982 / 1983
Лейбл: Radical Change Records ‎– RC 3 / RC 4
Страна-производитель: UK
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат раздачи: 24/96
Источник оцифровки: gorehound (раздаю с разрешения)
Класс состояния винила: VG+
Устройство воспроизведения: Thorens TD-160 early Model turntable
Головка звукоснимателя: Shure V15 Type IV with a JICO SAS Stylus
Предварительный усилитель: ProJect Phono Box RS
Программа-оцифровщик: RME Fireface UC
Обработка: Merging Technologies Pyramix Software, CEDAR AUDIO used to restore stuff
Don't Feed Us Shit 1982 7'' [00:11:04]
A1. Face The Facts
A2. What's Your Name?
B1. Fight For Peace
B2. You Fight To Kill
Recorded At – Woodlands Studio
Bass – Mick
Drums – Mark
Guitar – Craig
Vocals – Bev, Caz

Let The Vultures Fly...... E.P. 1983 7'' [00:11:03]
A. Say No
B. Trident 1 / Trident 2

графики уровня записи, спектра и АЧХ
Don't Feed Us Shit:

Let The Vultures Fly...... E.P.:

notes from Gorehound

my gear
All Rips Using This Setup Punk Rock Palace
Thorens TD 160 (1972-1976,early version) Turntable
Shure V15 Type IV Cartridge
RME Fireface UC
Pro-Ject Phono Box RS (set at 47k , 100picofarad)
Merging Technologies Pyramix Software for Editing and FLAC output
CEDAR AUDIO Restoration Plugins for Pyramix (when needed and used conservatively) NOT USED
CEDAR AUDIO CAMBRIDGE (version10 software) for Recrding and Restoration.Now recording directly
into the Cedar Audio CAmbridge file processor window.
Home Designed/Built Professional Workstation w/ 5 SSD Drives
Protractor and Tracking Force Gauge Tools used
TT has new White Lithium Grease, New Thorens Offical Belt, and a Kab Speestrobe used.
Stylus using Magic Eraser cleaning trick and finish off with Onzow
Spinclean when needed for dirty vinyl
Sansui QD-5500 4 Track Reel To Reel Tape Deck
ATC-PRO Studio Monitors
Denon Power Amp
Profession Grade Wires
Rackmounted Power Cleaner/Protector on all Audio Gear .Using Furman.2 Furman Units are used.
Panamax 5400-PM Power Condioner
APC Smart UPS hooks up all Computer Gear Separate from any Audio Gear and not plugged in to the same Wall Circuit
Professional Grade Patchbay for Routing
Two Channel Custom Built and Designed Tube Based Line Pre-Amp (Not used for most vinyl jobs)
Ext Drive to OPPO BDP-93 to High End Denon Amp thru HDMI for Audio

Немного дополнительной (возможно, не шибко-то и нужной) информации:
(аглицкий текст взят на anarchoscene)
Around 1977/1978, Dave Ryan started the band Abrasive Wheels, and this inspired his neighbor Craig to dive into the early punk scene. Craig began listening to bands such as The Clash, Sex Pistols, Adverts, The Damned, Saints, Vibrators, Richard Hell and the Voidoids, and soon bought a Avon Les Paul copy guitar in hopes of starting a band with the same rebellious 'against the norm' attitude. Soon enough, the band Icon was born as four school mates featuring Craig Sharp-Weir on guitar, Mark Holmes on drums, Phil Smith on bass and Dicky Walton on vocals, all aged between 16 and 18 years of age formed the band in Leeds. Their first name was The Jackets, then Terminal Boredom, followed by Icon(ironically they chose the name because they did not want to be icons) which was taken from a Siouxsie and the banshees' track(the Join Hands album). Their early gigs were played at youth clubs, schools and talent shows, and they would often upset the people they played to with their lyrical content.
However, the band faced a couple of problems in the beginning, since regular places to have gigs in wouldn't allow punk bands to play at first. Their drummer Mark was the politically aware member in the band who eventually sent a rehearsal tape to Crass which let to the track 'Cancer' appearing in Bullshit Detector 1. However, the band split during 1980/1981 due to too many problems regarding unemployment, dropping out out of school, and their vocalist Dicky's lost interest in the band.
A year later, guitarist Craig decided to pay for a recording session and convinced Mark to drum again while he recorded the guitar and bass parts, and he also recruited Mark's wife Caroline and her sister on vocals. The band sent the recordings to an independent label in Norwich without even being serious about it, and it ended up getting released as the 'Don't Feed us Shit' E.P. on The Disrupter's Radical Change label on September 4th, 1982, which sold well, but Caroline left soon afterwards.
The band was shocked at the sudden success and decided to reunite the old Icons band, but their original bassist and vocalist couldn't be found, so they kept the two women and recruited Roger Turnbull on bass from another band named F3, and changed their name to Icon A.D. which stands for 'Armistice Day' or even 'After Death'. Thanks to the support from Crass, the success of the first E.P. led to the recording of another single on Radical Change Records, a John Peel session, several tours and other gigs. Radical Change released 'Let the Vultures Fly' on June 26th, 1983. Unfortunately, the band split soon after for unknown reasons(it may have had something to do with family business), but right before they split they recorded their third and best single but it was held back and never released because Backs Records figured out that one of the songs was directed towards them on how they had screwed over Icon A.D. with their previous two releases. The band thought it would had been funny if they had released it, and since they didn't want to be icons, they refused to sign to any big labels for the third E.P. and simply decided to go their separate ways.
(russian text is taken on britishpunx)
Icon A.D. была собрана в самом конце 70-х в Северном Йоркшире, молодым панком Крэйгом, по воле случая оказавшимся соседом небезызвестного Дэйва Райана основателя Abrasive Wheels. Крэйг был так поражен и очарован соседской панк бригадой, что немедля решил сколотить свою. Изначально группа называлась просто Icon, приставка A.D появилась чуть позже. Барабанщик Марк отправил репетиционные записи группе Crass и те включили их трек в сборник "Bullshit Detector 1", выпущенный на их лэйбле Crass Records. И вроде бы дела пошли в гору, но на рубеже 80/81 группа распадается.Через год группа собирается снова, но уже в обновленном составе, с двойным женским вокалом (Жена Марка и её сестра). Группа выпускает вполне успешный EP "Don't Feed us Shit" и добавляет к названию те самые буквы A.D. Благодаря поддержке Crass и успеху дебютного EP группа проводит несколько туров и концертов, выпускает второй EP "Let the Vultures Fly" и участвует на John Peel session. К сожалению через некоторое время группа распалась по неизвестным обстоятельствам. Примечательно то что перед распадом они успели записать, но к сожалению не успели выпустить еще одно EP "Backs To The Wall", впоследствии называемое многими критиками лучшей работой группы.

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