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[摇滚] (Hard Rock)[LP] [16/44.1]Kiss - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ.1984-2009.Part II,FLAC(tracks)









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Kiss - 1984-2009
Источник оцифровки: jstger6969
KISS — американская рок-группа, получившая огромную известность в 1970—1980 годах, игравшая в жанрах глэм/шок/хард-рока и известная своим сценическим макияжем и концертами-шоу, сопровождаемыми различными пиротехническими эффектами.
Группа появилась на свет в 1972, хотя ее основатели, Джин Симмонс (Gene Simmons, p. 25 августа 1949, Хайфа, Израиль, настоящее имя Юджин Кляйн (Eugene Klein); бас, вокал) и Пол Стэнли (Paul Stanley, p. 20 января 1950, Куинс, Нью-Йорк, настоящее имя Пол Стэнли Айзен (Paul Stanley Eisen); гитара, вокал) познакомились двумя годами раньше и уже успели испытать себя в самодеятельных группах The Rainbow и Wicked Lester. Через объявление в Rolling Stone они нашли барабанщика: Питер Крисс (Peter Criss, p. 27 декабря 1947, Бруклин, настоящее имя Питер Крисскола (Crisscoula), уже играл с второразрядными командами (Lips и Chelsea) и даже записывался для MCA.
Продолжая днем ходить на работу (Кляйн, например, учительствовал), они репетировали вечерами. Осенью 1972, по объявлению, вычитанному в газете Village Voice, их отыскал гитарист Пол Дэниел “Эйс” Фрейли (Paul Daniel Ace Frehley, p. 22 апреля 1951, Бронкс). Теперь настало время активных действий. Перебрав несколько названий (от эффектного Love Gun до неудобоваримого Bullfrog Beer — так называлась одна из школьных групп Джина), они остановились на коротком KISS и начали готовить свою атаку на Нью-Йорк, США.
30 января 1973 KISS дебютировали в клубе Coventry в Куинсе и сразу же собрали обильный урожай разноречивых откликов. Если их музыкальный багаж (несколько рок-н-ролльных стандартов и пара бледных оригиналов) остался незамеченным, то об имидже сказать этого было явно нельзя. Доведя до абсолюта придуманный Бауи образ “рок-звезды со звезд”, KISS предстали на сцене в виде четырех бесполых и эффектно одетых монстров, лица которых скрывал искусный грим — в соответствии с выбранным для каждого образом: “ящер” Симмонс, “красавчик” Стэнли, “космический ас” Фрейли, “кот” Крисс. Через несколько недель на KISS натолкнулся безработный телережиссер Билл Окойн (Bill Aucoin), который стал их менеджером и в начале следующего года организовал контракт с Casablanca.
Несмотря на мощную рекламную кампанию (она включала даже марафонский “чемпионат поцелуев”), вышедший в феврале альбом Kiss был только 87-м, а появившийся осенью Hotter Than Hell дотянул до утешительной 100-й строки в Топ100. Критика освистала прямолинейный хард KISS и в пух и прах разнесла их “космический” маскарад, но Окойн не отступился. По слухам, грандиозное турне группы весной 1975 оказалось настолько убыточным, что он был принужден покрывать долги из собственного кармана, но уже к лету ситуация ощутимо изменилась. Новый альбом, Dressed To Kill, поднялся до 32-ой отметки, а выпущенный по следам турне Kiss Alive оказался 9-м и в том же году получил “платиновый диск”. Извлеченная из альбома Rock And Roll All Nite принесла KISS первый успех в сингл-списке (№ 12).
Умело манипулируя рекламой (не просто майки и значки, но куклы с хорошо узнаваемыми лицами и комиксы в Marvel, незаурядный фан-клуб, а целая Kiss Army), Окойн быстро превратил KISS в новую подростковую моду. Концерты KISS поражали воображение обилием трюков: взрывные устройства, холодильные установки, полицейские мигалки и сирены, самовозгорающиеся гитары и летающие по воздуху барабаны. Центральная фигура шоу, Симмонс на сцене глотал пламя (настоящее!) и плевался кровью (фальшивой!). Не пугаясь многомесячных турне и постоянно совершенствуя свои представления, к середине 70-х годов KISS стали одной из наиболее сценичных групп мира. Если в декабре 1974 KISS разогревали зал для Blue Oyster Cult, то через год ситуация изменилась с точностью до наоборот.
Следующий диск, Destroyer, продюсировал знаменитый Боб Эзрин, хотя на качестве материала это почти не сказалось. Единственным исключением стала неожиданно мелодичная баллада Beth (которую Крисс посвятил своей жене Лидии [Lydia Criss] ), № 7.
Kiss — The Originals (альбом из трех первых пластинок группы) включал буклет с изложенной в комиксах историей группы. Графика в манере комиксов на некоторое время стала основным элементом художественного стиля группы: так же были оформлены следующие альбомы Rock And Roll Over (1976) и Love Gun (1977), № 4 (их высшее достижение в чартах).
25-27 августа 1977 KISS дали три концерта в Лос-анджелесском зале Forum, положенные в основу их второго концертного альбома (1978). Он же принес группе четвертый “платиновый диск”.
В октябре 1978 участники группы одновременно выпустили по сольному альбому. Все они стали “платиновыми”, хотя степень успеха была различной: Симмонс поднялся до 22-й строки, Фрейли до 26-й, Стэнли до 40-й, а Крисс до 43-й. Одновременно NBC выпустила на телеэкраны страны мультик Kiss Meets The Phantom Of The Park, в котором бравая четверка доблестно сражалась с сумасшедшим профессором-берсеркером. Marvel издал очередную книжку комиксов, красная краска в которых якобы содержала кровь четырех музыкантов (!).
Хотя изданный в мае 1979 танцевальный хит I Was Made For Lovin’ You (написана Стэнли вместе с будущим хитмэйкером Десмондом Чайлдом и продюсером Винни Понша) была 11-й в США и 50-й в Англии (их первое появление в чартах Британии), а вышедший следом альбом Dynasty 9-м, звезда KISS начала понемногу закатываться: на фоне агрессии и эпатажа панков их “картонные” ужасы выглядели неубедительно.
В январе 1980 Крисс, чьи авторские амбиции давно выходили за рамки KISS, покинул группу, а позднее без видимых результатов играл с Criss-Penridge Alliance, Balls Of Fire, группой своего имени и т.д. В записи очередного альбома Unmasked его заменял Антон Фидж (Anton Fig), который позднее играл с Robert Gordon и Spider, а в июле на концерте в нью-йоркском Palladium с KISS на сцену вышел барабанщик Эрик “Лис” Карр (Eric Fox Carr, p.12 июля 1953, Бруклин, настоящее имя Пол Каравелла (Paul Caravella)). Этот состав сделал на удивление симпатичный альбом Music From ‘The Elder’ — саундтрек к вымышленному фильму с текстами Лу Рида, записанный Эзрином в своей излюбленной бархатно-оркестровой манере: с хором и массой струнных. Как ни странно, альбом был весьма популярен в Англии.
В августе 1982 уставший от своей роли в KISS Эйс ушел, чтобы объявиться во главе своих Frehley’s Comet (причем, барабанил у него Фидж). На время ближайшего турне его заменил — на полпути из Balance в SKULL — Боб Кулик (Bob Kulick), а в следующем альбоме дебютировал новый музыкант Винни Винсент (Vinnie Vincent, p. в 1952, настоящее имя Винсент Кузано (Vincent Cusano)), карьера которого начиналась в хардовых группах Treasure и Warrior. Этот альбом, Creatures Of The Night, был посвящен памяти умершего незадолго до его выхода босса Casablanca Нила Богарта, но по иронии судьбы стал последней работой KISS для фирмы.
Летом 1982 они были вынуждены отменить трехдневные гастроли в Аргентине: местные экстремисты объявили, что готовы предотвратить концерт группы “даже ценой человеческих жизней”. 18 сентября 1982 KISS опять привлекли внимание, впервые появившись в программе MTV без грима. Новый имидж был запечатлен на обложке Lick It Up (1983) — их сравнительно удачного дебюта на Mercury, хотя лишь вышедший годом позже Animalize вернул им статус “платиновых” артистов. К выходу этого альбома в группе произошли новые перемены: Винсент решил возглавить собственную группу Vinnie Vincent’s Invasion, а на его место в мае 1984 пришел Марк Сент-Джон (Mark St. John, p. 7 февраля 1956, настоящее имя Марк Нортон (Marc Norton)). Впрочем, Сент-Джон задержался всего на полгода: в декабре он заболел и был вынужден оставить группу (а позднее играл с White Tiger, Alice Cooper и группой Пита Крисса! Очередным гитаристом стал брат Боба Брюс Кулик (Bruce Kulick, p.12 декабря 1953), бывший участник BlackJack, Good Rats и Billy Squier Band.
В 80-е годы популярность KISS поменяла полюса: в США группу слушали все меньше, зато в Британии их акции начали неуклонно расти. Свидетельством этого стал альбом Crazy Nights (1987): № 65 в США и № 4 в Англии и его заглавная вещь — № 18 и № 4 соответственно. Памятуя о своей трудной юности, Джин Симмонс всегда поддерживал молодых и менее удачливых артистов, в частности, Angel и Giuffria. Прирожденный актер, он дебютировал в кино в 1984 эпизодической ролью в Runaway, а двумя годами позже сыграл сразу две главные роли: в Never Young To Die (с Р. Экелундом и Дж. Лэзенби) и Trick Or Treat (с Ozzy Osbourne). В том же году он спродюсировал альбом W.O.W. экс-вокалистки The Plasmatics Венди О. Уильямс. Позже Джин работал в этом качестве с Black’n’blue (два альбома) и House Of Lords. В 1988 он открыл собственный лэйбл Simmons Records.
В 1989 KISS выпустили довольно неплохой альбом Hot In The Shade, после чего замолчали почти на три года — как стало известно позже, причиной этого молчания стала болезнь Карра, который умер от рака 24 ноября 1991 (в тот же день, когда по другую сторону Атлантики скончался Freddie Mercury). За барабаны сел Эрик Сингер (Eric Singer), барабанщик Black Sabbath и Badlands. Новый состав в 1992 записал мощный рок-н-ролльный альбом Revenge и кавер двадцатилетней давности хита Argent God Gave Rock’n’roll To You, который был включен в популярную киноленту Bill And Ted’s Bogus Journey и вернул имя группы в “пятерку” британских чартов. На следующий год KISS достойно отметили двадцатилетие, выпустив свой третий концертный альбом Kiss Alive III.
В 1994, на волне тотальной моды на всевозможные кавер-версии, Mercury сделала альбом-посвящение Kiss my ass, в котором песни KISS исполняли как стилистически близкие (Anthrax), так и довольно далекие от них (Garth Brooks, Stevie Wonder) артисты. Летом 1995 оригинальный состав KISS дал концерт в одном из нью-йоркских клубов. Разогревали зал их вечные партнеры The Tubes. После группа вновь воссоединилась оригинальным составом. Состоялся очень успешный реюнион тур. В 1997 увидел свет альбом Carnival of Souls: The Final Sessions. Саунд на нём довольно тяжелый по сравнению с предыдущими работами, а сам альбом получился довольно слабый. В 1998 вышел Psycho Circus, записанный оригинальным составом. Альбом также получился тяжеленьким, но, в отличии от предшественника, он возвращает нас к забойному hard rock 70-х. В 2001 группу снова покидает Питер Крисс, на его место обратно приходит Эрик Сингер, затем уходит и Эйс Фрейли. Вместо него взяли бывшего гитариста Black’n’blue Томми Сэера - старого фаната KISS. В 2003 грандиозное шоу KISS Symphony (за ударной установкой Питэр), сыгранное на самом большом стадионе Австралии в сопровождении Мельбурнского симфонического оркестра. В 2004 Rock the Nation тур. В 2008 «35 Alive» тур. Впервые за 9 лет KISS возвращаются в Европу. И из новостей сегодня, в 2009 году в Conway Recording Studios был записан ещё один альбом группы под названием Sonic Boom. Альбом был тепло принят как критиками, так и слушателями. Первым альбом был выпущен в Италии 2 октября.
Current members
Paul Stanley – vocals, rhythm guitar (1972–present)
Gene Simmons – vocals, bass (1972–present)
Tommy Thayer – lead guitar, vocals (2002–present)
Eric Singer – drums, vocals (1991–1996, 2001–2002, 2004–present)
Former members
Peter Criss – drums, vocals (1972–1980, 1996–2001, 2002–2004)
Ace Frehley – lead guitar, vocals (1972–1982, 1996–2002)
Eric Carr – drums, vocals (1980–1991)
Vinnie Vincent – lead guitar, vocals (1982–1984)
Mark St. John – lead guitar, vocals (1984)
Bruce Kulick – lead guitar, vocals (1984–1996); keyboards and piano (1987–1992)
Touring members
Gary Corbett – keyboards (1987–1988, 1990)
Derek Sherinian – keyboards (1992)
Session members
Anton Fig – drums (1979–1980) (played on Kiss albums Dynasty and Unmasked)

Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1984
Лейбл: Mercury/PolyGram
Страна-производитель: France
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 44.38 min
1. "I've Had Enough (Into the Fire)" Paul Stanley, Desmond Child Paul Stanley 3:50
2. "Heaven's on Fire" Stanley, Child Stanley 3:18
3. "Burn Bitch Burn" Gene Simmons Gene Simmons 4:38
4. "Get All You Can Take" Stanley, Mitch Weissman Stanley 3:42
5. "Lonely Is the Hunter" Simmons Simmons 4:27
6. "Under the Gun" Stanley, Eric Carr, Child Stanley 3:59
7. "Thrills in the Night" Stanley, Jean Beauvoir Stanley 4:18
8. "While the City Sleeps" Simmons, Weissman Simmons 3:39
9. "Murder in High Heels" Simmons, Weissman Simmons 3:51
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

Доп. информация
KISS ANIMALIZE Mercury/PolyGram 822-495-1/2/4 Promo Vinyl Rip
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Studio album by Kiss
Released September 13, 1984[1]
Recorded June - July 1984
Genre Glam metal, hard rock, heavy metal
Length 35:42
Label Mercury
Producer Paul Stanley
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 2/5 stars link
Animalize is an album by the American hard rock/heavy metal band Kiss. In a continuation of the commercial resurgence begun with Lick It Up, Animalize was certified platinum by the RIAA on December 12, 1984.[2] It was the highest-selling Kiss album since 1977's Alive II.
The album marked the only appearance by lead guitarist Mark St. John, who replaced Vinnie Vincent in April 1984. St. John would be forced to leave Kiss during the subsequent tour after being diagnosed with Reiter's Syndrome. By November 1984 he was out of the band; the third lead guitarist to exit the band in two years.
When asked what 'Animalize' meant, Stanley said that people were starting to become more like computers - and that "making music by pressing buttons" was no fun.
Mark St. John (aka Mark Norton) has stated that when recording this record, he had utilized his Rockman gear, and that heavy equalization was used to take the "Boston" sound out of the recording.[citation needed]
Throughout the years, "Heaven's on Fire" has been the only song in the album played regularly on live performances.
Track listing
1. "I've Had Enough (Into the Fire)" Paul Stanley, Desmond Child Paul Stanley 3:50
2. "Heaven's on Fire" Stanley, Child Stanley 3:18
3. "Burn Bitch Burn" Gene Simmons Gene Simmons 4:38
4. "Get All You Can Take" Stanley, Mitch Weissman Stanley 3:42
5. "Lonely Is the Hunter" Simmons Simmons 4:27
6. "Under the Gun" Stanley, Eric Carr, Child Stanley 3:59
7. "Thrills in the Night" Stanley, Jean Beauvoir Stanley 4:18
8. "While the City Sleeps" Simmons, Weissman Simmons 3:39
9. "Murder in High Heels" Simmons, Weissman Simmons 3:51
* Paul Stanley – rhythm guitar; lead vocals
* Gene Simmons – bass guitar; lead vocals
* Mark St. John – lead guitar
* Eric Carr – drums; percussion, backing vocals
* Desmond Child – Backing vocals.
* Jean Beauvoir – Bass on "Get All You Can Take", "Under the Gun", and "Thrills in the Night"; Backing vocals.[citation needed]
* Allan Schwartzberg – Assorted drum overdubs.
* Bruce Kulick – Guitar solo on "Lonely Is the Hunter"; Lead guitar overdubs on "Murder in High Heels"
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1984 The Billboard 200 20
Album - UK Albums Chart (United Kingdom)
Year Chart Position
1984 UK Albums Chart 11
Year Nation Chart Single Position
1984 United States Billboard Mainstream Rock "Heaven's on Fire" 11
Billboard Hot 100 49[5]
Austria Pop Singles 62[citation needed]
Canada Pop Singles 48[citation needed]
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[2] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
December 3, 1984 Gold 500,000
December 12, 1984 Platinum 1,000,000
CRIA certification[6] (Canada)
Date Designation Total Sales
November 1, 1984 Gold 50,000
March 1, 1985 Platinum 100,000
As A Bonus I Added Thrills In The Night (single edit) This come from Renemies (Thanks Renemies)
the last track is from the Japan Only 12" single Heaven's On Fire Live.
Rip Disclaimer Included

1985-KISS - Asylum
KISS - Asylum
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1985
Лейбл: Mercury/PolyGram
Страна-производитель: France
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 38.46 min
1. "King of the Mountain" Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Desmond Child Paul Stanley 4:17
2. "Any Way You Slice It" Gene Simmons, Howard Rice Gene Simmons 4:02
3. "Who Wants to Be Lonely" Stanley, Child, Jean Beauvoir Stanley 4:01
4. "Trial By Fire" Simmons, Kulick Simmons 3:25
5. "I'm Alive" Stanley, Kulick, Child Stanley 3:43
6. "Love's a Deadly Weapon" Stanley, Simmons, Rod Swenson, Wes Beech Simmons 3:29
7. "Tears Are Falling" Stanley Stanley 3:55
8. "Secretly Cruel" Simmons Simmons 3:41
9. "Radar for Love" Stanley, Child Stanley 4:02
10. "Uh! All Night" Stanley, Child, Beauvoir Stanley 4:01
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

Доп. информация
KISS Asylum Mercury/PolyGram 826-099-1/2/4 (US, 9/16/85)Vinyl Rip FLAC
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Studio album by Kiss
Released September 16, 1985
Recorded June - July 1985
Genre Glam metal, hard rock, heavy metal
Length 38:50
Label Mercury
Producer Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 1.5/5 stars link
Asylum is an album by the American hard rock band Kiss. It features the debut of lead guitarist Bruce Kulick, who played with the band on their Animalize tour and officially replaced Mark St. John in September 1984. He was the band's third lead guitarist since the departure of Ace Frehley in late 1982.[1] This new lineup of Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Eric Carr, and Kulick would last for 6 years until Carr's death in November 1991.
Paul Stanley stated on the 1987 Kiss Home Video release eXposed that Asylum is actually certified Platinum, although the RIAA database lists it only as Gold.[2]
The colour of the lips on the sleeve mimic the colors of the 1978 solo releases: red for Simmons, purple for Stanley, blue for the lead guitarist (here Kulick, rather than Ace Frehley) and green for the drummer (here Carr, rather than Peter Criss).
The tour for this album featured the largest Kiss logo on stage the band has ever used, as well as one of the largest lighting rigs. No concert footage of this tour was used in the Kissology II release, minus silent film which is overshadowed by graphics in the menu.
The three videos for the album were filmed on set in London, England.
"Tears Are Falling" was the only song in the album played regularly on live performances throughout the years. Like many of the band's songs of the mid-80s, it was rarely played after the reunion of the original lineup. The song was resurrected in the band's set list during their 2004 Rock the Nation Tour.
While the only single released from the album was "Tears Are Falling", music videos were also shot for the songs "Who Wants To Be Lonely" and "Uh! All Night".
Track listing
1. "King of the Mountain" Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Desmond Child Paul Stanley 4:17
2. "Any Way You Slice It" Gene Simmons, Howard Rice Gene Simmons 4:02
3. "Who Wants to Be Lonely" Stanley, Child, Jean Beauvoir Stanley 4:01
4. "Trial By Fire" Simmons, Kulick Simmons 3:25
5. "I'm Alive" Stanley, Kulick, Child Stanley 3:43
6. "Love's a Deadly Weapon" Stanley, Simmons, Rod Swenson, Wes Beech Simmons 3:29
7. "Tears Are Falling" Stanley Stanley 3:55
8. "Secretly Cruel" Simmons Simmons 3:41
9. "Radar for Love" Stanley, Child Stanley 4:02
10. "Uh! All Night" Stanley, Child, Beauvoir Stanley 4:01
* Paul Stanley - rhythm guitar; lead vocals; bass guitar on "Tears Are Falling"
* Gene Simmons - bass guitar; rhythm guitar on "Any Way You Slice It" and "Trial by Fire"; lead vocals
* Bruce Kulick - lead guitar; backing vocals
* Eric Carr - drums; percussion; backing vocals
* Jean Beauvoir - bass guitar on "Uh! All Night"[citation needed]
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1985 The Billboard 200 20[3]
Album - UK Albums Chart (United Kingdom)
Year Chart Position
1985 UK Albums Chart 12[4]
Singles - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Single Position
1985 Mainstream Rock "Tears Are Falling" 20[5]
Billboard Hot 100 "Tears Are Falling" 51[6]
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[2] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
November 13, 1985 Gold 500,000
CRIA certification[7] (Canada)
Date Designation otal Sales
November 29, 1985 Gold 50,000
Rip Disclaimer Included

1987-KISS - CRAZY NIGHTS First Pressing
KISS - CRAZY NIGHTS First Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1987
Лейбл: Mercury
Страна-производитель: France
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 42.56 min
1. "Crazy Crazy Nights" Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell Paul Stanley 3:45
2. "I'll Fight Hell to Hold You" Stanley, Mitchell, Bruce Kulick Stanley 4:10
3. "Bang Bang You" Stanley, Desmond Child Stanley 3:53
4. "No, No, No" Gene Simmons, Kulick, Eric Carr Gene Simmons 4:19
5. "Hell or High Water" Simmons, Kulick Simmons 3:28
6. "My Way" Stanley, Child, Bruce Turgon Stanley 3:58
7. "When Your Walls Come Down" Stanley, Mitchell, Kulick Stanley 3:25
8. "Reason to Live" Stanley, Child Stanley 3:59
9. "Good Girl Gone Bad" Simmons, Davitt Sigerson, Peter Diggins Simmons 4:35
10. "Turn on the Night" Stanley, Diane Warren Stanley 3:19
11. "Thief in the Night" Simmons, Mitch Weissman Simmons 4:05
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Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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KISS CRAZY NIGHTS Mercury/PolyGram 832-626-1/2/4 First Pressing Vinyl Rip Flac
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crazy Nights
Studio album by Kiss
Released September 18, 1987
Recorded June 1987
Genre Hard rock
Length 42:53
Label Mercury
Producer Ron Nevison
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 1.5/5 stars link
Crazy Nights is the 14th album by American hard rock band Kiss. It was the fourth Kiss album in a row to achieve platinum status. The album peaked at #18 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart, [1] making Crazy Nights the highest-charting Kiss album of the 1980s in the United States.
The album was certified Platinum on February 18, 1988, when it sold 1,000,000 copies.[2] It was re-released in 1998 as part of the Kiss Remasters series, and to date is the last Kiss album to have been remastered.
"Crazy Crazy Nights" and "Reason to Live" were played regularly on live shows until Eric Carr's death in 1991. Otherwise, the album has not been performed live ever since.
Kiss released, in order, "Crazy, Crazy Nights", "Reason to Live", and "Turn on the Night" as singles. All three songs had corresponding music videos which received heavy rotation on MTV, and were also featured on the "Crazy Nights Home Video."
Track listing
1. "Crazy Crazy Nights" Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell Paul Stanley 3:45
2. "I'll Fight Hell to Hold You" Stanley, Mitchell, Bruce Kulick Stanley 4:10
3. "Bang Bang You" Stanley, Desmond Child Stanley 3:53
4. "No, No, No" Gene Simmons, Kulick, Eric Carr Gene Simmons 4:19
5. "Hell or High Water" Simmons, Kulick Simmons 3:28
6. "My Way" Stanley, Child, Bruce Turgon Stanley 3:58
7. "When Your Walls Come Down" Stanley, Mitchell, Kulick Stanley 3:25
8. "Reason to Live" Stanley, Child Stanley 3:59
9. "Good Girl Gone Bad" Simmons, Davitt Sigerson, Peter Diggins Simmons 4:35
10. "Turn on the Night" Stanley, Diane Warren Stanley 3:19
11. "Thief in the Night" Simmons, Mitch Weissman Simmons 4:05
* Paul Stanley - rhythm guitar, keyboards[3], lead vocals
* Gene Simmons - bass guitar, lead vocals
* Bruce Kulick - lead guitar, backing vocals
* Eric Carr - drums, percussion, backing vocals
* Phil Ashley - keyboards[3]
* "Crazy Crazy Nights" / "No No No" - August 18, 1987 (Mercury 888 796)
* "Reason to Live" / "Thief in the Night" - November 12, 1987 (Mercury 870 022)
* "Turn on the Night" / "Hell or High Water" - February 18, 1988 (Mercury 870 215)
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1987 The Billboard 200 18[1]
Album - UK Albums Chart (United Kingdom)
Year Chart Position
1987 UK Albums Chart 4[4]
Singles - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Single Position
1987 Mainstream Rock "Crazy Crazy Nights" 37[5]
Billboard Hot 100 65[5]
Mainstream Rock "Reason to Live" 34[5]
1988 Billboard Hot 100 64[5]
Singles - (UK)
Year Chart Single Position
1987 UK Singles Chart "Crazy Crazy Nights" 4[6]
UK Singles Chart "Reason to Live" 33[7]
[edit] Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[2] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
November 17,
1987 Gold 500,000
February 18,
1988 Platinum 1,000,000
CRIA certification[8] (Canada)
Date Designation Total Sales
September 30,
1987 Gold 50,000
November 18,
1987 Platinum 100,000
Rip Disclaimer Included

1992-KISS - Revenge With Bonus
KISS - Revenge With Bonus
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1992
Лейбл: Mercury/PolyGram
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 64.25 min
1. "Unholy" Gene Simmons, Vinnie Vincent Gene Simmons 3:40
2. "Take It Off" Paul Stanley, Bob Ezrin, Kane Roberts Paul Stanley 4:50
3. "Tough Love" Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Ezrin Stanley 3:44
4. "Spit" Simmons, Scott Van Zen, Stanley Simmons, Stanley 3:32
5. "God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II" Russ Ballard, Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin Stanley, Simmons 5:18
6. "Domino" Simmons Simmons 4:01
7. "Heart of Chrome" Stanley, Vincent, Ezrin Stanley 4:02
8. "Thou Shalt Not" Simmons, Jesse Damon Simmons 3:59
9. "Every Time I Look at You" Stanley, Ezrin Stanley 4:38
10. "Paralyzed" Simmons, Ezrin Simmons 4:14
11. "I Just Wanna" Stanley, Vincent Stanley 4:07
12. "Carr Jam 1981" Eric Carr (instrumental) 2:46
TrackC1 God Gave Rock N Roll To You II (Single Edit
TrackC2 Unholy (12' Version)
TrackC3 Domino (radio eq)
TrackC4 Domino (radio edit)
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KISS Revenge Mercury/PolyGram 848-037-1/2/4/5 Gray Vinyl Rip FLAC With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Studio album by Kiss
Released May 19 1992
Recorded December 1991 – March 1992
Genre Heavy metal
Length 48:51
Label Mercury
Producer Bob Ezrin
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 3/5 stars [1]
Revenge is a studio album by Kiss, released in 1992. It was the band's first album after the death of long-time drummer Eric Carr in November 1991. His replacement, Eric Singer, had played with Black Sabbath, Badlands, Brian May and Alice Cooper, among others.
The album was dedicated to Carr, and the last track ("Carr Jam 1981") was a demo he had recorded soon after joining the group. One modification to the song, however, was the dubbing of Bruce Kulick's guitar over Ace Frehley's, which originally appeared. The main riff of the song was used as the basis for the Frehley's Comet song "Breakout," found on 1987's Frehley's Comet.
For Revenge, Kiss re-established ties with a pair of old associates—producer Bob Ezrin and guitarist/songwriter Vinnie Vincent. Ezrin had last worked with the group on 1981's ill-fated concept album, Music from "The Elder". Prior to that, he produced the band's highly successful Destroyer album in 1976.
Vincent, who in December 1982 had replaced original guitarist Ace Frehley, was fired from Kiss at the conclusion of their Lick It Up tour in March 1984, for reasons that have never been fully explained. Vincent received co-writing credit for three songs on Revenge.
"God Gave Rock 'N Roll To You II", originally recorded for the soundtrack to Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, was the last Kiss song to feature a performance by Eric Carr. Carr, too ill to play drums on the song, provided background vocals.
"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II", "Unholy", and "Domino" are the songs from the album that have endured as regular Kiss live staples. "I Just Wanna" and "Take It Off" were played on the Revenge tour and appeared on Alive III, and "Every Time I Look at You" was performed on Kiss Unplugged.
It was certified Gold (500,000 units sold) on July 20, 1992.[2]
Track listing
1. "Unholy" Gene Simmons, Vinnie Vincent Gene Simmons 3:40
2. "Take It Off" Paul Stanley, Bob Ezrin, Kane Roberts Paul Stanley 4:50
3. "Tough Love" Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Ezrin Stanley 3:44
4. "Spit" Simmons, Scott Van Zen, Stanley Simmons, Stanley 3:32
5. "God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II" Russ Ballard, Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin Stanley, Simmons 5:18
6. "Domino" Simmons Simmons 4:01
7. "Heart of Chrome" Stanley, Vincent, Ezrin Stanley 4:02
8. "Thou Shalt Not" Simmons, Jesse Damon Simmons 3:59
9. "Every Time I Look at You" Stanley, Ezrin Stanley 4:38
10. "Paralyzed" Simmons, Ezrin Simmons 4:14
11. "I Just Wanna" Stanley, Vincent Stanley 4:07
12. "Carr Jam 1981" Eric Carr (instrumental) 2:46
* Paul Stanley - rhythm guitar, lead vocals, backing vocals
* Gene Simmons - bass guitar, lead vocals, backing vocals
* Bruce Kulick - lead guitar
* Eric Singer - drums, backing vocals
* Eric Carr - backing vocals on "God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II," drums on "Carr Jam 1981"
* Kevin Valentine - drums on "Take It Off"
* Dick Wagner - lead guitar on "Every Time I Look at You"
Year Nation Chart Position
1992 United States The Billboard 200 6[3]
Australia ARIA Album Chart 5[4]
United Kingdom UK Albums Chart 10[5]
Year Single Nation Chart Position
1991 "God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II" United States Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks 21[6]
Australia ARIA Singles Chart 18[7]
1992 "Domino" United States Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks 26[6]
"I Just Wanna" United States Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks 34[6]
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[2] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
July 20, 1992 Gold 500,000
CRIA certification[8] (Canada)
Date Designation Total Sales
June 10, 1992 Gold 50,000
Also Included "God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II" 3:55 (Single Edit) Vinyl Sourced
"Unholy" (Radio EQ) Vinyl Sourced
"Domino (Radio EQ) Cd Sourced
"Domino (Radio Edit) CD Sourced
Rip Disclamier Included

1993-KISS - ALIVE III Mercury/PolyGram 514-647-1 (US, red colored vinyl)
KISS - ALIVE III Mercury/PolyGram 514-647-1 (US, red colored vinyl)
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1993
Лейбл: Mercury
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 73.23 min
1. "Creatures of the Night" Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell Paul Stanley 4:40
2. "Deuce" Gene Simmons Gene Simmons 3:42
3. "I Just Wanna" Stanley, Vinnie Vincent Stanley 4:21
4. "Unholy" Simmons, Vincent Simmons 3:43
5. "Heaven's on Fire" Stanley, Desmond Child Stanley 4:02
6. "Watchin' You" Simmons Simmons 3:35
7. "Domino" Simmons Simmons 3:47
8. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" Stanley, Child, Vini Poncia Stanley 4:31
9. "I Still Love You" Stanley, Vincent Stanley 6:04
10. "Rock and Roll All Nite" Stanley, Simmons Simmons 3:33
11. "Lick It Up" Stanley, Vincent Stanley 4:18
12. "Forever" Stanley, Michael Bolton Stanley 4:20
13. "I Love It Loud" Simmons, Vincent Simmons 3:40
14. "Detroit Rock City" Stanley, Ezrin Stanley 5:11
15. "God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II" Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin, Russ Ballard Stanley, Simmons 5:21
16. "The Star Spangled Banner" Francis Scott Key (instrumental) 2:38
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KISS ALIVE III Mercury/PolyGram 514-647-1 (US, red colored vinyl) Vinyl Rip Flac
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alive III
Live album by Kiss
Released May 18, 1993
Recorded November 27-29, 1992
Genre Hard rock
Length 67:26
Label Mercury
Producer Eddie Kramer & Kiss
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 2/5 stars link
Alive III is a live album released by the American hard rock band Kiss in 1993, and certified gold in 1994.
The recording of Alive III took place over multiple dates (in Cleveland, Detroit and Indianapolis) during the band's 1992 tour in support of Revenge. It was the first live album the band had released since 1977's Alive II, and the first live recordings released since 1985's "Animalize Live Uncensored" concert film.
The recording of "I Was Made For Lovin' You", was actually recorded at one of the bands' soundchecks, but had the crowd overdubbed in the song to make it appear as if it is "live" which led to speculation that many other songs on "Alive III" could be overdubbed. Additionally, the fact that keyboardist Derek Sherinian appears on Alive III leads to much speculation that the band faked vocal parts on stage, specifically Gene Simmons, as he had done so on the "Hot In The Shade" tour in 1990. (This is evidenced by unmixed bootleg videos from two of the Auburn Hills concerts.) The band has been very secretive about having side keyboard players on possibly many of their tours through the 80's and early 90's. Kiss fans are no stranger to the fact that some of Alive! and Alive II had certain parts doctored in the studio, and that some of the songs are not even recorded "live" in concert but at Electric Lady Studios with Eddie Kramer.
One prime example of editing is the song "I Just Wanna", because the live version had Paul and the audience singing "I Just Wanna Fuck". In order to avoid a Mature Audiences label, they edited to the tamer "I Just Wanna Fuh".
The album also has other differences compared to its two predecessors, such as being the only live Kiss album released during the group's non-makeup era excluding Kiss Unplugged, released later in 1996. During the recording of Alive II, Kiss did not want to duplicate songs from Alive!, although some songs from Alive III are duplicate songs from their previous live albums. For example, "Rock and Roll All Nite" was performed on Alive! and again on Alive III, but was not featured on Alive II. Last, it is the first Kiss live album to feature a different lineup to the previous two, which featured the original lineup.
The liner notes of Alive III include a family tree showing the various Kiss lineups from 1973-1993, as well as bands that the then-current and former members of Kiss were in. It was designed by the band's Japanese fan club. Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi, for whom Singer drummed 1986-87, is misnamed Tommy.
The re-release of Alive III (as part of the Kiss Alive! 1975-2000 box set) contains an additional track, "Take It Off", thus matching the original international CD and US vinyl versions of the album.
Alive III was certified Gold by the RIAA on October 27, 1994.[1]
Track listing
No. Title Writer(s) Lead vocals Length
1. "Creatures of the Night" Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell Paul Stanley 4:40
2. "Deuce" Gene Simmons Gene Simmons 3:42
3. "I Just Wanna" Stanley, Vinnie Vincent Stanley 4:21
4. "Unholy" Simmons, Vincent Simmons 3:43
5. "Heaven's on Fire" Stanley, Desmond Child Stanley 4:02
6. "Watchin' You" Simmons Simmons 3:35
7. "Domino" Simmons Simmons 3:47
8. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" Stanley, Child, Vini Poncia Stanley 4:31
9. "I Still Love You" Stanley, Vincent Stanley 6:04
10. "Rock and Roll All Nite" Stanley, Simmons Simmons 3:33
11. "Lick It Up" Stanley, Vincent Stanley 4:18
12. "Forever" Stanley, Michael Bolton Stanley 4:20
13. "I Love It Loud" Simmons, Vincent Simmons 3:40
14. "Detroit Rock City" Stanley, Ezrin Stanley 5:11
15. "God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II" Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin, Russ Ballard Stanley, Simmons 5:21
16. "The Star Spangled Banner" Francis Scott Key (instrumental) 2:38
"Take It Off" originally was a bonus track on the Japanese, European and South American CD releases and the US vinyl release only, being placed between "Forever" and "I Love It Loud". This version of the album would later be included in the Alive! 1975-2000 4 CD boxed set.
* Paul Stanley - rhythm guitar, lead vocals
* Gene Simmons - bass guitar, lead vocals
* Bruce Kulick - lead guitar, backing vocals
* Eric Singer - drums, backing vocals
* Derek Sherinian - keyboards[2]
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1993 The Billboard 200 9[3]
Album - ARIA (Australia)
Year Chart Position
1993 Australian ARIA Aalbum Chart 14[4]
Singles - Billboard (North America)
Year Single Chart Position
1993 "I Love It Loud" Mainstream Rock Tracks 22[5]
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[1] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
October 27,
1994 Gold 500,000
CRIA certification[6] (Canada)
Date Designation Total Sales
June 30,
1993 Gold 50,000
* Mercury 314 514 777-2 (May 18, 1993): CD
* Mercury 314 522 647-1 (May 18, 1993): vinyl
Rip Disclaimer Included

Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1996
Лейбл: Mercury
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 61.25 min
1. "Comin' Home" Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley Paul Stanley 2:51
2. "Plaster Caster" Gene Simmons Gene Simmons 3:17
3. "Goin' Blind" Simmons, Stephen Coronel Simmons 3:37
4. "Do You Love Me" Stanley, Bob Ezrin, Kim Fowley Stanley 3:13
5. "Domino" Simmons Simmons 3:46
6. "Sure Know Something" Stanley, Vini Poncia Stanley 4:14
7. "A World Without Heroes" Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin, Lou Reed Simmons 2:57
8. "Rock Bottom" Frehley, Stanley Stanley 3:20
9. "See You Tonite" Simmons Simmons 2:26
10. "I Still Love You" Stanley, Vinnie Vincent Stanley 6:09
11. "Every Time I Look at You" Stanley, Ezrin Stanley 4:43
12. "2,000 Man" Mick Jagger, Keith Richards Ace Frehley 5:12
13. "Beth" Peter Criss, Ezrin, Stan Penridge Peter Criss 2:50
14. "Nothin' to Lose" Simmons Eric Singer, Criss 3:42
15. "Rock and Roll All Nite" Stanley, Simmons Simmons, Frehley, Criss 4:20
16. "Got to Choose" Stanley Stanley 4:01
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KISS MTV UNPLUGGED Mercury/Polygram 528-950-1/4/2 Yellow marble vinyl Rip Flac
Kiss Unplugged
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MTV Unplugged: Kiss
Live album by Kiss
Released March 12, 1996
Recorded August 9, 1995
Genre Hard rock, acoustic rock
Length 56:07
Label Mercury
Producer Alex Coletti
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 3/5 stars link
Kiss Unplugged is a Kiss album featuring the group performance in MTV Unplugged.
On August 9, 1995, hard rock band Kiss performed on MTV Unplugged in what fans consider the beginning of the eventual Kiss Reunion Tour. Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons contacted former members Peter Criss and Ace Frehley and invited them to participate in the event. Fan reaction to Criss and Frehley at the Unplugged show was so positive that, in 1996, the original lineup of Kiss reunited, with all four original members together for the first time since 1980. It also marked the only time the original lineup performed live without their trademark makeup, other than at Ace Frehley's wedding, and was also the only time Frehley and Criss shared a stage with Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick. Further, it was the first time Eric Singer had part of a lead vocal (shared with Peter Criss on Nothin' To Lose).
On March 12, 1996, the concert was released on CD, and on December 18, 2007, the Kissology Volume Three: 1992–2000 DVD set was released. This included the original DVD release of the concert plus five previously unreleased songs: "Hard Luck Woman" (with Paul Stanley on vocals), "Heaven's on Fire," "Spit," "C'mon and Love Me" and the infamous country version of "God of Thunder."
The LP version of this album includes a poster and some were pressed on yellow marbled vinyl.
Track listing
1. "Comin' Home" Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley Paul Stanley 2:51
2. "Plaster Caster" Gene Simmons Gene Simmons 3:17
3. "Goin' Blind" Simmons, Stephen Coronel Simmons 3:37
4. "Do You Love Me" Stanley, Bob Ezrin, Kim Fowley Stanley 3:13
5. "Domino" Simmons Simmons 3:46
6. "Sure Know Something" Stanley, Vini Poncia Stanley 4:14
7. "A World Without Heroes" Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin, Lou Reed Simmons 2:57
8. "Rock Bottom" Frehley, Stanley Stanley 3:20
9. "See You Tonite" Simmons Simmons 2:26
10. "I Still Love You" Stanley, Vinnie Vincent Stanley 6:09
11. "Every Time I Look at You" Stanley, Ezrin Stanley 4:43
12. "2,000 Man" Mick Jagger, Keith Richards Ace Frehley 5:12
13. "Beth" Peter Criss, Ezrin, Stan Penridge Peter Criss 2:50
14. "Nothin' to Lose" Simmons Eric Singer, Criss 3:42
15. "Rock and Roll All Nite" Stanley, Simmons Simmons, Frehley, Criss 4:20
16. "Got to Choose" Stanley Stanley 4:01
Got to Choose is only available on vinyl and on CD releases in Japan and on volume 3 of the Millennium Collection and The Box Set
* Paul Stanley - acoustic guitar, lead vocals
* Gene Simmons - acoustic bass guitar, lead vocals
* Bruce Kulick - acoustic guitar
* Eric Singer - drums, vocals
* Ace Frehley - acoustic guitar, vocals
* Peter Criss - drums, vocals
* Phillip Ashley - piano on "Every Time I Look at You"
* Jon Grindstaff - conductor, string arrangements on "Every Time I Look at You"
Year Nation Chart Position
1996 United States The Billboard 200 15[1]
Australia ARIA Album Chart 4[2]
Year Single Nation Chart Position
1996 "Rock and Roll All Nite" United States Mainstream Rock Tracks 13[3]
Sales accomplishments
Date Certifier Format Nation Designation Total Sales
October 18, 1996 RIAA United States Album Gold 500,000[4]
May 15, 1996 Longform video Gold 100,000[4]
Rip Disclaimer Included

1996-KISS - You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best!! U.S Pressing
KISS - You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best!! U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1996
Лейбл: Mercury
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 63.58 min
1. "Room Service" (Stanley) – 3:38 Previously unreleased, recorded in Davenport, Iowa, USA in 1996.
2. "Two Timer" (Simmons) – 3:15 Previously unreleased, recorded in Detroit, Michigan, USA in 1996.
3. "Let Me Know" (Stanley) – 3:38 Previously unreleased, recorded in Detroit, Michigan, USA in 1996.
4. "Rock Bottom" (Frehley, Stanley) – 3:33
5. "Parasite" (Frehley) – 3:37
6. "Firehouse" (Stanley) – 4:00
7. "I Stole Your Love" (Stanley) – 3:32
8. "Calling Dr. Love" (Simmons) – 3:35
9. "Take Me" (Delaney, Stanley) – 3:06 Previously unreleased, recorded in Los Angeles, California, USA in 1996.
10. "Shout It Out Loud" (Ezrin, Simmons, Stanley) – 3:14
11. "Beth" (Criss, Ezrin, Stan Penridge) – 2:33
12. "Rock and Roll All Nite" (Simmons, Stanley) – 4:01
13. "New York Groove" (Russ Ballard) – 4:10 Previously unreleased, recorded in Sydney, Australia in 1980.
14. "Kiss Tells All" (Kiss, Leno) – 17:34
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

2009-KISS - Sonic Boom U.S Pressing Red Vinyl
KISS - Sonic Boom U.S Pressing Red Vinyl
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 2009
Лейбл: Kiss Records/Universal/Roadrunner
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 43:07 min
1. "Modern Day Delilah" Paul Stanley Stanley 3:36
2. "Russian Roulette" Gene Simmons, Stanley Simmons 4:32
3. "Never Enough" Stanley, Tommy Thayer Stanley 3:26
4. "Yes I Know (Nobody's Perfect)" Simmons Simmons 3:01
5. "Stand" Stanley, Simmons Stanley, Simmons 4:47
6. "Hot and Cold" Simmons Simmons 3:34
7. "All For the Glory" Stanley, Simmons Eric Singer 3:50
8. "Danger Us" Stanley Stanley 4:21
9. "I'm an Animal" Stanley, Simmons, Thayer Simmons 3:45
10. "When Lightning Strikes" Thayer, Stanley Thayer 3:42
11. "Say Yeah" Stanley Stanley 4:23
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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Доп. информация
KISS Sonic Boom U.S Pressing Red Vinyl Rip Flac
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sonic Boom
Studio album by Kiss
Released October 6, 2009
Recorded 2008-2009 at Conway Recording Studios, Hollywood, California
Genre Hard rock, Heavy metal
Length 43:07
Label Kiss Records, Universal, Roadrunner
Producer Paul Stanley, Greg Collins
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 3.5/5 stars[1]
* Rolling Stone 3/5 stars[2]
* The Boston Globe (favorable)[3]
* BW & BK 9/10 stars[4]
* Calgary Herald (3.5/5) [5]
* The Daily Iowan (favorable)[6]
* Entertainment Weekly (B)[7]
* Kerrang! 4/5 stars[8]
* Los Angeles Times 2/4 stars[9]
* Mojo 3/5 stars[10]
* MusicReview 4.5/5 stars[11]
* Spin 8/10 stars[12]
Singles from Sonic Boom
1. "Modern Day Delilah[13]"
Released: August 19, 2009
2. "Say Yeah"
Released: December 8, 2009
Sonic Boom is the 19th studio album and the first in 11 years from rock band Kiss, released on October 6, 2009.[14]
The album was recorded at Conway Recording Studios in Hollywood, CA and produced by the band's co-leader Paul Stanley and co-produced by Greg Collins.[15] A fan routed North American tour is expected to promote the album as well as international shows throughout 2010, which includes the band headlining the Rock am Ring festival in Germany.
The cover artwork was created by artist Michael Doret who has worked with Kiss previously to create the cover of their 1976 album Rock and Roll Over.[16] Wal-Mart is the exclusive distributor of the album in the US and Canada,[14] selling it as a three disc package including the new album, the album Kiss Klassics (a completely re-recorded greatest hits album already and exclusively released in Japan as Jigoku-Retsuden), and six song live DVD recorded April 5, 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina as part of the South American leg of the Kiss Alive/35 World Tour. The album will be sold as a digipak including a 20 page booklet. The album's first single was announced on the band's official website to be "Modern Day Delilah".[13]
The album was also released on limited edition 180 gram vinyl and was pressed into five colors (red, green, black, blue and purple) with 1000 copies pressed of each.[17]
Modern Day Delilah
"Modern Day Delilah" was announced and released as the lead single off of Sonic Boom on August 19, 2009 to radio. The song was Kiss' first single release in 11 years, the song's predecessor being "You Wanted the Best" which was released in 1998 off the band's Psycho Circus album. Due to early previews of the album, the song has gained positive feedback from both critics and fans, and has been compared to the band's '70s work.[15][18] The song is currently being played on the KISS Alive/35 World Tour.
The music video for this song leaked online on the first days of December and was officially released on December 9, 2009 and premiered on Yahoo! The video is topped and tailed by footage of giant sized members of Kiss walking through Detroit. The video went on to top UK music video channel Scuzz's "Most Rockin: Viewer Request Show" chart on December 3, 2009.
The single was released as 磁力下载(论坛代下载服务):able Content for Guitar Hero 5 and Band Hero in 11/19/09 besides the singles: "I Was Made for Lovin' You" and "Lick It Up".[19]
Modern Day Delilah peaked at #50 on the Billboard Rock songs chart. [20]
Say Yeah
The song was added to their shows on their Kiss Alive/35 World Tour roughly halfway through the fifth leg. Later on, it was mentioned during Kiss' Facebook concert broadcast that "Say Yeah" was going to be the next single off of Sonic Boom. Finally, on December 5, it was announced that the single would be released to radios on December 8.[13] The single was released on the second week of January 2010 in Argentina. Say Yeah also hit #1 on February 5, 2010 on a Russian Radio Chart after debuting at #11.
Sonic Boom debuted at number 2 on the Billboard 200, selling 108,000 copies in its first week of release.[21] The number 2 position was the highest mark ever reached by the group, beating Psycho Circus' number 3 debut in 1998.[21] It debuted at # 1 on Billboard's Top Rock Albums, Independent Albums and Hard Rock albums and #5 on the Top European Albums Chart.[22]
As of March 2010, Sonic Boom has sold over 451,000 copies in the U.S. alone.[citation needed]. On January 9, 2010, it was announced that Sonic Boom has gone gold in Norway, selling in excess of 15,000 units.[23]
Track listing
No. Title Writer(s) Lead vocals Length
1. "Modern Day Delilah" Paul Stanley Stanley 3:36
2. "Russian Roulette" Gene Simmons, Stanley Simmons 4:32
3. "Never Enough" Stanley, Tommy Thayer Stanley 3:26
4. "Yes I Know (Nobody's Perfect)" Simmons Simmons 3:01
5. "Stand" Stanley, Simmons Stanley, Simmons 4:47
6. "Hot and Cold" Simmons Simmons 3:34
7. "All For the Glory" Stanley, Simmons Eric Singer 3:50
8. "Danger Us" Stanley Stanley 4:21
9. "I'm an Animal" Stanley, Simmons, Thayer Simmons 3:45
10. "When Lightning Strikes" Thayer, Stanley Thayer 3:42
11. "Say Yeah" Stanley Stanley 4:23
* Paul Stanley – rhythm guitar, vocals
* Gene Simmons – bass, vocals
* Tommy Thayer – lead guitar, vocals
* Eric Singer – drums, vocals
Release history
Country Date
Italy October 2, 2009
Europe October 5, 2009
United States October 6, 2009
Australia October 23, 2009
[edit] Album charts
Chart (2009) Peak
Billboard 200[21] 2
Billboard Hard Rock Albums[24] 1
Billboard Rock Albums[24] 1
Billboard Independent Albums 1
Top European Albums Chart[22] 5
Norwegian Albums Chart 2
Swedish Albums Chart 2
Czech Albums Chart 3
German Albums Chart[25] 4
Austrian Albums Chart 6
Finnish Albums Chart[26] 7
Ukrainian Albums Chart 7
Italian Albums Chart 10
Switzerland Albums Chart 12
Holland Albums Chart 13
Romanian Albums Chart 19
Australian ARIA Albums Chart[27] 22
Slovak Albums Chart 23
UK Albums Chart 24
Danish Albums Chart[28] 24
French Albums Chart[29] 31
Spanish Albums Chart 32
Greek Albums Chart 38
Belgium Albums Chart 40
Rip Disclaimer Included

KISS - 7 Singles Collection A's And B's VOL I
KISS - 7 Singles Collection A's And B's VOL I
Жанр: Hard Rock
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 120. min
Track01 Nothin To Lose
Track02 Love Theme From Kiss
Track03 Kissin' Time
Track04 Strutter
Track05 100,00 Years
Track06 Let Me Go Rock N Roll
Track07 Hotter Than Hell
Track08 Rock And Roll All Nite
Track09 Getaway
Track10 C'mon And Love Me
Track11 Rock And Roll All Nite (Live)
Track12 Shout It Out Loud
Track13 Sweet Pain
Track14 Flaming Youth
Track15 God Of Thunder
Track16 Detroit Rock City
Track17 Beth
Track18 Hard Luck Woman
Track19 Mr Speed
Track20 Calling Dr Love
Track21 Take Me
Track22 Christine Sixteen
Track23 Shock Me
Track24 Love Gun
Track25 Hooligan
Track26 Shout It Out Loud (Live)
Track27 Nothin' To Lose (Live)
Track28 Rocket Ride
Track29 Tomorrow And Tonight (Live)
Track30 Strutter 78
Track31 Hold Me, Touch Me
Track32 Goodbye
Track33 New York Groove
Track34 Snowblind
Track35 Radioactive
Track36 See You In Your Dreams
Track37 Don't You let Me Down
Track38 Hooked On Rock N Roll
Track39 You Still Matter To Me
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

KISS - 7 + 12 Singles A's And B's Collection Stereo VOL II
KISS - 7 + 12 Singles A's And B's Collection Stereo VOL II
Жанр: Hard Rock
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 99.51 min
Track1 I Was Made For Lovin' You
Track2 Hard Times
Track3 Sure Know Something
Track4 Dirty Livin'
Track5 2000 Man (12' Version)
Track6 I Was Made For Lovin You (12' Version)
Track7 Dirty Livin' (12' Version)
Track8 Shandi
Track9 She's So European
Track10 Tomorrow
Track11 Naked City
Track12 A World Without Hereos
Track13 Dark Light
Track14 I
Track15 The Oath
Track16 I Love It Loud (Promo Edit)
Track17 Lick It Up
Track18 Dance All Over Your Face
Track19 All Hell's Breakin' Loose
Track20 Young And Wasted
Track21 Heaven's On Fire
Track22 Lonely Is The Hunter
Track23 Thrills In The Night
Track24 Burn Bitch Burn
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

KISS - 7 + 12 Singles A's And B's Collection Stereo VOL III
KISS - 7 + 12 Singles A's And B's Collection Stereo VOL III
Жанр: Hard Rock
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 98.44 min
Track01 Tears Are Falling
Track02 Any Way You Slice It
Track03 Who Want's To Be Lonely (12' Version)
Track04 Uh! All Night (12' Version)
Track05 Heaven's On Fire (Live) (12' Version)
Track06 Crazy Crazy Nights
Track07 No, No, No
Track08 Reason To Live
Track09 Thief In The Night
Track10 Turn On The Night
Track11 Hell Or High Water
Track12 Let's Put The X In Sex ( Hot Urban Mix )
Track13 Let's Put The X In Sex (Hot Rock Mix )
Track14 Calling Dr Love (Remix)
Track15 Hide Your Heart
Track16 Betrayed
Track17 Forever (Remix)
Track18 The Street Giveth and the Street Taketh Away
Track19 Rise To It (Full Power Guitar Mix)
Track20 Silver Spoon
Track21 God Gave Rock N Roll To You II
Track22 Unholy (12' Version)
Track23 Partners In Crime (12' Remix)
Track24 Deuce (Demo)
Track25 Strutter (Demo)
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

Доп. информация: All Vinyl Sourced Single Mixes Except 875-098: RISE TO IT (FULL GUITAR POWER MIX) / Silver Spoon (Taken From A Cassette Single)

KISS - Hot in the Shade With Bonus
KISS - Hot in the Shade With Bonus
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: KISS Hot in the Shad
Лейбл: Vertigo
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 83.24 min
1. "Rise to It" Paul Stanley, Bob Halligan, Jr Paul Stanley 4:08
2. "Betrayed" Gene Simmons, Tommy Thayer Gene Simmons 3:38
3. "Hide Your Heart" Stanley, Desmond Child, Holly Knight Stanley 4:25
4. "Prisoner of Love" Simmons, Bruce Kulick Simmons 3:52
5. "Read My Body" Stanley, Halligan Stanley 3:48
6. "Love's a Slap in the Face" Simmons, Vini Poncia Simmons 4:04
7. "Forever" Stanley, Michael Bolton Stanley 3:52
8. "Silver Spoon" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 4:38
9. "Cadillac Dreams" Simmons, Poncia Simmons 3:44
10. "King of Hearts" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 4:26
11. "The Street Giveth and the Street Taketh Away" Simmons, Thayer Simmons 3:34
12. "You Love Me to Hate You" Stanley, Child Stanley 4:00
13. "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell" Simmons, Poncia Simmons 3:52
14. "Little Caesar" Eric Carr, Simmons, Adam Mitchell Eric Carr 3:08
15. "Boomerang" Simmons, Kulick Simmons 3:30
TrackC1 Rise to it (Full Power Guitar MIX)
TrackC2 Forever (Remix)
TrackC3 Nowhere To Run (1989 Remix)
TrackC4 Partners In Crime (1989 Remix)
TrackC5 Deuce
TrackC6 Strutter
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

Доп. информация
KISS Hot in the Shade Vertigo 838913-1 Vinyl Rip FLAC With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hot in the Shade
Studio album by Kiss
Released October 17, 1989
Recorded July-August 1989
Genre Glam metal, hard rock
Length 58:39
Label Vertigo
Producer Gene Simmons &
Paul Stanley
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 2/5 stars link
Hot in the Shade is a Kiss album released in 1989. It was certified Gold on December 20, 1989 by the RIAA.[1] It is the first Kiss studio album since 1981's Music From "The Elder" to feature three members singing lead on the album. It also marked the last Kiss album with drummer Eric Carr before his death in 1991.
Featuring 15 songs, Hot in the Shade contains the largest amount of material of any of Kiss's studio albums. Consequently, the album is also one of the band's longest, with a running time of nearly a full hour (58:39).
Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley appeared in Kiss makeup for the first time since their 1983 unmasking in the video for "Rise to It." Although the scene with Gene and Paul in makeup took place in 1975, the costumes they used were historically inaccurate; Gene's was from the Unmasked (1980) era while Paul's was from Love Gun (1977).
Tommy Thayer, who co-wrote "Betrayed" and "The Street Giveth And The Street Taketh Away," eventually became Kiss's permanent lead guitarist in 2002, replacing Ace Frehley as "The Spaceman."
Kiss performed the song "Hide Your Heart" on their 1990 Hot in the Shade tour, which followed this album. Stanley would once again perform the song during his 2006-2007 Live to Win solo tour.
Aside from Kiss's performance of "Hide Your Heart" and the band's performance of "Forever" on Kiss Symphony: Alive IV, the album has been largely ignored on live shows following the reunion of the original lineup in the mid-1990s.
Track listing
1. "Rise to It" Paul Stanley, Bob Halligan, Jr Paul Stanley 4:08
2. "Betrayed" Gene Simmons, Tommy Thayer Gene Simmons 3:38
3. "Hide Your Heart" Stanley, Desmond Child, Holly Knight Stanley 4:25
4. "Prisoner of Love" Simmons, Bruce Kulick Simmons 3:52
5. "Read My Body" Stanley, Halligan Stanley 3:48
6. "Love's a Slap in the Face" Simmons, Vini Poncia Simmons 4:04
7. "Forever" Stanley, Michael Bolton Stanley 3:52
8. "Silver Spoon" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 4:38
9. "Cadillac Dreams" Simmons, Poncia Simmons 3:44
10. "King of Hearts" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 4:26
11. "The Street Giveth and the Street Taketh Away" Simmons, Thayer Simmons 3:34
12. "You Love Me to Hate You" Stanley, Child Stanley 4:00
13. "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell" Simmons, Poncia Simmons 3:52
14. "Little Caesar" Eric Carr, Simmons, Adam Mitchell Eric Carr 3:08
15. "Boomerang" Simmons, Kulick Simmons 3:30
* "Hide Your Heart" has been covered by Molly Hatchet, Ace Frehley, Bonnie Tyler and Robin Beck.
* Paul Stanley – rhythm guitar, vocals
* Gene Simmons – bass guitar, vocals
* Bruce Kulick – lead guitar, backing vocals, bass on "Forever"
* Eric Carr – drums, percussion, backing vocals, lead vocals and bass on "Little Caesar"
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1989 The Billboard 200 29[2]
Album - ARIA (Australia)
Year Chart Position
1989 Australian ARIA Album Chart 30[3]
Album - UK Albums Chart (United Kingdom)
Year Chart Position
1989 UK Albums Chart 35[4]
Singles - Billboard (North America)
Year Single Chart Position
1989 "Hide Your Heart" Mainstream Rock Tracks 22[5]
The Billboard Hot 100 66[5]
1990 "Forever" Mainstream Rock Tracks 17[5]
The Billboard Hot 100 8[5]
"Rise To It" Mainstream Rock Tracks 40[5]
The Billboard Hot 100 81[5]
Also Included
Rise to it (Full Power Guitar MIX) Sourced From Cassette Single
Forever (Remix) 7" Vinyl
And The B-side to First Kiss Last Licks
Nowhere To Run (Remix)
Partners In Crime (Remix)
Rip Disclaimer Included

KISS - MONO MASTERS Promo MONO Single collection
KISS - MONO MASTERS Promo MONO Single collection
Жанр: Hard Rock
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 85.36 min
1 Nothin' To Lose
2 Kissin' Time
3 Strutter
4 Let Me Go, Rock N Roll
5 Rock And Roll All Nite
6 C'mon And Love Me
7 Rock And Roll All Nite (Live)
8 Shout It Out Loud
9 Flaming Youth
10 Detroit Rock City
11 Beth
12 Hard Luck Woman
13 Calling Dr Love
14 Christeen Sixteen
15 Love Gun
16 Shout It Out Loud (Live)
17 Rocket Ride
18 New York Groove
19 Radio Active
20 Hold Me, Touch Me
21 You Still Matter To Me
22 Don't You Let Me Down
23 Strutter ''78''
24 I Was Made For Lovin' You
25 Sure Know Something
26 Shandi
27 Tomorrow
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

Доп. информация: This was originally put together by me about 8 years ago, I've collected almost all KISS promo 45s
from the 70s to see if there was any difference between mono / stereo, Some songs the mono version
has more punch. KISSIN' TIME rocks!.

KISS - Smashes, Thrashes and Hits - 2 разние издания
KISS - Smashes, Thrashes and Hits - 2 разние издания
Жанр: Hard Rock
Лейбл: 1.Mercury/PolyGram 2.Vertigo/Phonogram
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 1.53.30 min 2.53.51 min
1 disc
1. "Let's Put the X in Sex" Paul Stanley, Desmond Child Previously unreleased 3:48
2. "(You Make Me) Rock Hard" Stanley, Child, Diane Warren Previously unreleased 3:26
3. "Love Gun" (remix) Stanley Love Gun (1977) 3:31
4. "Detroit Rock City" (remix) Stanley, Bob Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 3:45
5. "I Love It Loud" (remix) Gene Simmons, Vinnie Vincent Creatures of the Night (1982) 2:44
6. "Deuce" (remix) Simmons Kiss (1974) 3:20
7. "Lick It Up" Vincent, Stanley Lick It Up (1983) 3:53
8. "Heaven's on Fire" Stanley, Child Animalize (1984) 3:19
9. "Calling Dr. Love" (remix) Simmons Rock and Roll Over (1976) 3:38
10. "Strutter" (remix) Stanley, Simmons Kiss (1974) 3:38
11. "Beth" Peter Criss, Stan Penridge, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 2:46
12. "Tears Are Falling" Stanley Asylum (1985) 3:54
13. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" Stanley, Child, Vini Poncia Dynasty (1979) 4:29
14. "Rock and Roll All Nite" (remix) Stanley, Simmons Dressed to Kill (1975) 2:56
15. "Shout It Out Loud" (remix) Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 3:07
2 Disc
1. "Let's Put the X in Sex" Stanley, Child Previously unreleased 3:48
2. "Crazy Crazy Nights" Stanley, Adam Mitchell Crazy Nights (1987) 3:45
3. "(You Make Me) Rock Hard" Stanley, Child, Warren Previously unreleased 3:26
4. "Love Gun" (remix) Stanley Love Gun (1977) 3:31
5. "Detroit Rock City" (remix) Stanley, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 3:45
6. "I Love It Loud" (remix) Simmons, Vincent Creatures of the Night (1982) 2:44
7. "Reason to Live" Stanley, Child Crazy Nights (1987) 3:59
8. "Lick It Up" Vincent, Stanley Lick It Up (1983) 3:53
9. "Heaven's on Fire" Stanley, Child Animalize (1984) 3:19
10. "Strutter" (remix) Stanley, Simmons Kiss (1974) 3:38
11. "Beth" Criss, Penridge, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 2:46
12. "Tears Are Falling" Stanley Asylum (1985) 3:54
13. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" Stanley, Child, Poncia Dynasty (1979) 4:29
14. "Rock and Roll All Nite" (remix) Stanley, Simmons Dressed to Kill (1975) 2:56
15. "Shout It Out Loud" (remix) Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 3:07
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex
Спектр Disc 1

АЧХ Disc 1

Уровень записи Disc 1

Спектр Disc 2

АЧХ Disc 2

Уровень записи Disc 2

Доп. информация
KISS SMASHES, THRASHES AND HITS Mercury/PolyGram 836-427-1/2/4 First Pressing Vinyl Rip Flac
Smashes, Thrashes & Hits
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greatest hits by Kiss
Released November 15, 1988
Recorded 1973 – 1988
Genre Glam metal, hard rock
Length 51:54
Label Mercury
Producer Various
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4/5 stars link
Smashes, Thrashes & Hits is a greatest hits album by the American hard rock band Kiss. It was the third hits album overall but the second such album released by the band in the United States (Killers was not released in the United States originally). Of the 15 songs on the album, two were new compositions and three were released after the band's unmasking in 1983. The remaining ten were all released during the band's years in makeup.
It was certified 2x Platinum on February 26, 1996, when it sold 2,000,000 copies,[1] Kiss' only album of the non-makeup era to achieve that RIAA status officially.
New songs
The two new songs on Smashes, Thrashes & Hits were "Let's Put The X In Sex" and "(You Make Me) Rock Hard," which feature the same polished production style as 1987's Crazy Nights. They were both produced and co-written by guitarist/vocalist Paul Stanley, and were accompanied by videos that received moderate airplay on MTV.
New versions
Nearly all of the songs recorded by the band's original lineup were altered in one way or another. One song, "Beth," was re-recorded with lead vocals by then-drummer Eric Carr,[2] who had replaced the original drummer Peter Criss in 1980.
Track listing
North American edition
1. "Let's Put the X in Sex" Paul Stanley, Desmond Child Previously unreleased 3:48
2. "(You Make Me) Rock Hard" Stanley, Child, Diane Warren Previously unreleased 3:26
3. "Love Gun" (remix) Stanley Love Gun (1977) 3:31
4. "Detroit Rock City" (remix) Stanley, Bob Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 3:45
5. "I Love It Loud" (remix) Gene Simmons, Vinnie Vincent Creatures of the Night (1982) 2:44
6. "Deuce" (remix) Simmons Kiss (1974) 3:20
7. "Lick It Up" Vincent, Stanley Lick It Up (1983) 3:53
8. "Heaven's on Fire" Stanley, Child Animalize (1984) 3:19
9. "Calling Dr. Love" (remix) Simmons Rock and Roll Over (1976) 3:38
10. "Strutter" (remix) Stanley, Simmons Kiss (1974) 3:38
11. "Beth" Peter Criss, Stan Penridge, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 2:46
12. "Tears Are Falling" Stanley Asylum (1985) 3:54
13. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" Stanley, Child, Vini Poncia Dynasty (1979) 4:29
14. "Rock and Roll All Nite" (remix) Stanley, Simmons Dressed to Kill (1975) 2:56
15. "Shout It Out Loud" (remix) Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 3:07
Year Nation Chart Position
1988 United States The Billboard 200 21[citation needed]
Australia ARIA Album Chart 38[3]
Year Single Nation Chart Position
1988 "Let's Put The X In Sex" Australia ARIA Singles Chart 49[4]
1989 United States The Billboard Hot 100 97[5]
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[1] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
February 1, 1989 Gold 500,000
Platinum 1,000,000
February 26, 1996 Double
Platinum 2,000,000
Rip Disclaimer Included
KISS Smashes, Thrashes and Hits Vertigo/Phonogram 836-759-1/2/4 Vinyl Rip Flac
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Smashes, Thrashes & Hits
Released November 15, 1988
Recorded 1973 – 1988
Genre Glam metal, hard rock
Length 56:18
Label Vertigo
Producer Various
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4/5 stars link
Smashes, Thrashes & Hits is a greatest hits album by the American hard rock band Kiss. It was the third hits album overall but the second such album released by the band in the United States (Killers was not released in the United States originally). Of the 15 songs on the album, two were new compositions and three were released after the band's unmasking in 1983. The remaining ten were all released during the band's years in makeup.
It was certified 2x Platinum on February 26, 1996, when it sold 2,000,000 copies, Kiss' only album of the non-makeup era to achieve that RIAA status officially.
New songs
The two new songs on Smashes, Thrashes & Hits were "Let's Put The X In Sex" and "(You Make Me) Rock Hard," which feature the same polished production style as 1987's Crazy Nights. They were both produced and co-written by guitarist/vocalist Paul Stanley, and were accompanied by videos that received moderate airplay on MTV.
New versions
Nearly all of the songs recorded by the band's original lineup were altered in one way or another. One song, "Beth," was re-recorded with lead vocals by then-drummer Eric Carr, who had replaced the original drummer Peter Criss in 1980.
Track listing
United Kingdom edition
1. "Let's Put the X in Sex" Stanley, Child Previously unreleased 3:48
2. "Crazy Crazy Nights" Stanley, Adam Mitchell Crazy Nights (1987) 3:45
3. "(You Make Me) Rock Hard" Stanley, Child, Warren Previously unreleased 3:26
4. "Love Gun" (remix) Stanley Love Gun (1977) 3:31
5. "Detroit Rock City" (remix) Stanley, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 3:45
6. "I Love It Loud" (remix) Simmons, Vincent Creatures of the Night (1982) 2:44
7. "Reason to Live" Stanley, Child Crazy Nights (1987) 3:59
8. "Lick It Up" Vincent, Stanley Lick It Up (1983) 3:53
9. "Heaven's on Fire" Stanley, Child Animalize (1984) 3:19
10. "Strutter" (remix) Stanley, Simmons Kiss (1974) 3:38
11. "Beth" Criss, Penridge, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 2:46
12. "Tears Are Falling" Stanley Asylum (1985) 3:54
13. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" Stanley, Child, Poncia Dynasty (1979) 4:29
14. "Rock and Roll All Nite" (remix) Stanley, Simmons Dressed to Kill (1975) 2:56
15. "Shout It Out Loud" (remix) Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin Destroyer (1976) 3:07
Year Nation Chart Position
1988 United States The Billboard 200 21[citation needed]
Australia ARIA Album Chart 38[3]
Year Single Nation Chart Position
1988 "Let's Put The X In Sex" Australia ARIA Singles Chart 49[4]
1989 United States The Billboard Hot 100 97[5]
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[1] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
February 1, 1989 Gold 500,000
Platinum 1,000,000
February 26, 1996 Double
Platinum 2,000,000
CRIA certification[6] (Canada)
Date Designation Total Sales
November 30, 1988 Gold 50,000
February 22, 1989 Platinum 100,000
Rip Disclaimer Included


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