Destructors - коллекция
Жанр: punk
Носитель: LP + 3x7'' + 12''
Год выпуска: 1982-1983
Лейбл: Illuminated Records - JAMS 55 / Kill 2 / ILL 19 + Carnage Records - BOOK 2 + Criminal Damage Records - CRI 12-104
Страна-производитель: UK
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат раздачи: 24/96
Источник оцифровки: gorehound (раздаю с разрешения)
Класс состояния винила: VG+
Устройство воспроизведения: Thorens TD-160 early Model turntable
Головка звукоснимателя: Shure V15 Type IV with a JICO SAS Stylus
Предварительный усилитель: ProJect Phono Box RS
Программа-оцифровщик: RME Fireface UC
Обработка: Merging Technologies Pyramix Software, CEDAR AUDIO used to restore stuff • Destructors •
Exercise The Demons Of Youth 1982 LP [00:38:30]
A1. Northern Ripper
A2. Orders
A3. Class War
A4 .Breakdown
A5. Overdose
A6. Jail Bait
A7. Societies Morons
A8. Superstars
A9. Control
B1. Prostitute
B2. Son Of Sam
B3. Hillside Strangler
B4. Sewage Worker
B5. Born Too Late
B6. Urban Terrorist
B7. Death Squad II
B8. Out Of Control
B9. Modern Medicine
Allen Adams
Andrew McDonald
Dave Ivermee
Graham Butt
Neil Singleton
recorded at Stix Studio
Religion! There Is No Religion! 1982 7'' [00:11:44]
A1. Religion
A2. Soldier Boy
B1. Agent Orange
B2. Corpse Gas
recorded at Stix, 25 April 1982
Senseless Violence 1982 7'' [00:11:25]
A1. AK 47
A2. Meaningless Names
B1. Police State
B2. Dachäu
B3. Death Squad
Cry Havoc And Unleash The Dogs Of War 1983 12'' [00:20:25]
A1. Nerve Gas
A2. Trinity
A3. Bomb
B1. I Wanna Be Your Dog
B2. Khmer Rouge Boogie
B3. Bodybags
Allen Adams
Andy McDonald
Dave Ivermee
Graham Butt
Neil Singleton
recorded 1982 Six Studio, Peterborough
remixed Elephant Studio 18/9/83
pressed at Orlake Records, Dagenham
Forces Of Law 1983 7'' [00:08:23]
A1. Wild Thing
B1. Forces Of Law
B2. Neutron Bomb
графики уровня записи, спектра и АЧХ
Exercise The Demons Of Youth:
Religion! There Is No Religion!:
Senseless Violence:
Cry Havoc And Unleash The Dogs Of War:
Forces Of Law:
notes from Gorehound
my gear
All Rips Using This Setup Punk Rock Palace
Thorens TD 160 (1972-1976,early version) Turntable
Shure V15 Type IV Cartridge
RME Fireface UC
Pro-Ject Phono Box RS (set at 47k , 100picofarad)
Merging Technologies Pyramix Software for Editing and FLAC output
CEDAR AUDIO Restoration Plugins for Pyramix (when needed and used conservatively) NOT USED
CEDAR AUDIO CAMBRIDGE (version10 software) for Recrding and Restoration.Now recording directly
into the Cedar Audio CAmbridge file processor window.
Home Designed/Built Professional Workstation w/ 5 SSD Drives
Protractor and Tracking Force Gauge Tools used
TT has new White Lithium Grease, New Thorens Offical Belt, and a Kab Speestrobe used.
Stylus using Magic Eraser cleaning trick and finish off with Onzow
Spinclean when needed for dirty vinyl
Sansui QD-5500 4 Track Reel To Reel Tape Deck
ATC-PRO Studio Monitors
Denon Power Amp
Profession Grade Wires
Rackmounted Power Cleaner/Protector on all Audio Gear .Using Furman.2 Furman Units are used.
Panamax 5400-PM Power Condioner
APC Smart UPS hooks up all Computer Gear Separate from any Audio Gear and not plugged in to the same Wall Circuit
Professional Grade Patchbay for Routing
Two Channel Custom Built and Designed Tube Based Line Pre-Amp (Not used for most vinyl jobs)
Ext Drive to OPPO BDP-93 to High End Denon Amp thru HDMI for Audio