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[摇滚] (Hard Rock)[LP] [16/44.1]Kiss - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ.1974-1983,Part I,FLAC(tracks)









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Kiss - 1974-1983
Источник оцифровки: jstger6969
KISS — американская рок-группа, получившая огромную известность в 1970—1980 годах, игравшая в жанрах глэм/шок/хард-рока и известная своим сценическим макияжем и концертами-шоу, сопровождаемыми различными пиротехническими эффектами.
Группа появилась на свет в 1972, хотя ее основатели, Джин Симмонс (Gene Simmons, p. 25 августа 1949, Хайфа, Израиль, настоящее имя Юджин Кляйн (Eugene Klein); бас, вокал) и Пол Стэнли (Paul Stanley, p. 20 января 1950, Куинс, Нью-Йорк, настоящее имя Пол Стэнли Айзен (Paul Stanley Eisen); гитара, вокал) познакомились двумя годами раньше и уже успели испытать себя в самодеятельных группах The Rainbow и Wicked Lester. Через объявление в Rolling Stone они нашли барабанщика: Питер Крисс (Peter Criss, p. 27 декабря 1947, Бруклин, настоящее имя Питер Крисскола (Crisscoula), уже играл с второразрядными командами (Lips и Chelsea) и даже записывался для MCA.
Продолжая днем ходить на работу (Кляйн, например, учительствовал), они репетировали вечерами. Осенью 1972, по объявлению, вычитанному в газете Village Voice, их отыскал гитарист Пол Дэниел “Эйс” Фрейли (Paul Daniel Ace Frehley, p. 22 апреля 1951, Бронкс). Теперь настало время активных действий. Перебрав несколько названий (от эффектного Love Gun до неудобоваримого Bullfrog Beer — так называлась одна из школьных групп Джина), они остановились на коротком KISS и начали готовить свою атаку на Нью-Йорк, США.
30 января 1973 KISS дебютировали в клубе Coventry в Куинсе и сразу же собрали обильный урожай разноречивых откликов. Если их музыкальный багаж (несколько рок-н-ролльных стандартов и пара бледных оригиналов) остался незамеченным, то об имидже сказать этого было явно нельзя. Доведя до абсолюта придуманный Бауи образ “рок-звезды со звезд”, KISS предстали на сцене в виде четырех бесполых и эффектно одетых монстров, лица которых скрывал искусный грим — в соответствии с выбранным для каждого образом: “ящер” Симмонс, “красавчик” Стэнли, “космический ас” Фрейли, “кот” Крисс. Через несколько недель на KISS натолкнулся безработный телережиссер Билл Окойн (Bill Aucoin), который стал их менеджером и в начале следующего года организовал контракт с Casablanca.
Несмотря на мощную рекламную кампанию (она включала даже марафонский “чемпионат поцелуев”), вышедший в феврале альбом Kiss был только 87-м, а появившийся осенью Hotter Than Hell дотянул до утешительной 100-й строки в Топ100. Критика освистала прямолинейный хард KISS и в пух и прах разнесла их “космический” маскарад, но Окойн не отступился. По слухам, грандиозное турне группы весной 1975 оказалось настолько убыточным, что он был принужден покрывать долги из собственного кармана, но уже к лету ситуация ощутимо изменилась. Новый альбом, Dressed To Kill, поднялся до 32-ой отметки, а выпущенный по следам турне Kiss Alive оказался 9-м и в том же году получил “платиновый диск”. Извлеченная из альбома Rock And Roll All Nite принесла KISS первый успех в сингл-списке (№ 12).
Умело манипулируя рекламой (не просто майки и значки, но куклы с хорошо узнаваемыми лицами и комиксы в Marvel, незаурядный фан-клуб, а целая Kiss Army), Окойн быстро превратил KISS в новую подростковую моду. Концерты KISS поражали воображение обилием трюков: взрывные устройства, холодильные установки, полицейские мигалки и сирены, самовозгорающиеся гитары и летающие по воздуху барабаны. Центральная фигура шоу, Симмонс на сцене глотал пламя (настоящее!) и плевался кровью (фальшивой!). Не пугаясь многомесячных турне и постоянно совершенствуя свои представления, к середине 70-х годов KISS стали одной из наиболее сценичных групп мира. Если в декабре 1974 KISS разогревали зал для Blue Oyster Cult, то через год ситуация изменилась с точностью до наоборот.
Следующий диск, Destroyer, продюсировал знаменитый Боб Эзрин, хотя на качестве материала это почти не сказалось. Единственным исключением стала неожиданно мелодичная баллада Beth (которую Крисс посвятил своей жене Лидии [Lydia Criss] ), № 7.
Kiss — The Originals (альбом из трех первых пластинок группы) включал буклет с изложенной в комиксах историей группы. Графика в манере комиксов на некоторое время стала основным элементом художественного стиля группы: так же были оформлены следующие альбомы Rock And Roll Over (1976) и Love Gun (1977), № 4 (их высшее достижение в чартах).
25-27 августа 1977 KISS дали три концерта в Лос-анджелесском зале Forum, положенные в основу их второго концертного альбома (1978). Он же принес группе четвертый “платиновый диск”.
В октябре 1978 участники группы одновременно выпустили по сольному альбому. Все они стали “платиновыми”, хотя степень успеха была различной: Симмонс поднялся до 22-й строки, Фрейли до 26-й, Стэнли до 40-й, а Крисс до 43-й. Одновременно NBC выпустила на телеэкраны страны мультик Kiss Meets The Phantom Of The Park, в котором бравая четверка доблестно сражалась с сумасшедшим профессором-берсеркером. Marvel издал очередную книжку комиксов, красная краска в которых якобы содержала кровь четырех музыкантов (!).
Хотя изданный в мае 1979 танцевальный хит I Was Made For Lovin’ You (написана Стэнли вместе с будущим хитмэйкером Десмондом Чайлдом и продюсером Винни Понша) была 11-й в США и 50-й в Англии (их первое появление в чартах Британии), а вышедший следом альбом Dynasty 9-м, звезда KISS начала понемногу закатываться: на фоне агрессии и эпатажа панков их “картонные” ужасы выглядели неубедительно.
В январе 1980 Крисс, чьи авторские амбиции давно выходили за рамки KISS, покинул группу, а позднее без видимых результатов играл с Criss-Penridge Alliance, Balls Of Fire, группой своего имени и т.д. В записи очередного альбома Unmasked его заменял Антон Фидж (Anton Fig), который позднее играл с Robert Gordon и Spider, а в июле на концерте в нью-йоркском Palladium с KISS на сцену вышел барабанщик Эрик “Лис” Карр (Eric Fox Carr, p.12 июля 1953, Бруклин, настоящее имя Пол Каравелла (Paul Caravella)). Этот состав сделал на удивление симпатичный альбом Music From ‘The Elder’ — саундтрек к вымышленному фильму с текстами Лу Рида, записанный Эзрином в своей излюбленной бархатно-оркестровой манере: с хором и массой струнных. Как ни странно, альбом был весьма популярен в Англии.
В августе 1982 уставший от своей роли в KISS Эйс ушел, чтобы объявиться во главе своих Frehley’s Comet (причем, барабанил у него Фидж). На время ближайшего турне его заменил — на полпути из Balance в SKULL — Боб Кулик (Bob Kulick), а в следующем альбоме дебютировал новый музыкант Винни Винсент (Vinnie Vincent, p. в 1952, настоящее имя Винсент Кузано (Vincent Cusano)), карьера которого начиналась в хардовых группах Treasure и Warrior. Этот альбом, Creatures Of The Night, был посвящен памяти умершего незадолго до его выхода босса Casablanca Нила Богарта, но по иронии судьбы стал последней работой KISS для фирмы.
Летом 1982 они были вынуждены отменить трехдневные гастроли в Аргентине: местные экстремисты объявили, что готовы предотвратить концерт группы “даже ценой человеческих жизней”. 18 сентября 1982 KISS опять привлекли внимание, впервые появившись в программе MTV без грима. Новый имидж был запечатлен на обложке Lick It Up (1983) — их сравнительно удачного дебюта на Mercury, хотя лишь вышедший годом позже Animalize вернул им статус “платиновых” артистов. К выходу этого альбома в группе произошли новые перемены: Винсент решил возглавить собственную группу Vinnie Vincent’s Invasion, а на его место в мае 1984 пришел Марк Сент-Джон (Mark St. John, p. 7 февраля 1956, настоящее имя Марк Нортон (Marc Norton)). Впрочем, Сент-Джон задержался всего на полгода: в декабре он заболел и был вынужден оставить группу (а позднее играл с White Tiger, Alice Cooper и группой Пита Крисса! Очередным гитаристом стал брат Боба Брюс Кулик (Bruce Kulick, p.12 декабря 1953), бывший участник BlackJack, Good Rats и Billy Squier Band.
В 80-е годы популярность KISS поменяла полюса: в США группу слушали все меньше, зато в Британии их акции начали неуклонно расти. Свидетельством этого стал альбом Crazy Nights (1987): № 65 в США и № 4 в Англии и его заглавная вещь — № 18 и № 4 соответственно. Памятуя о своей трудной юности, Джин Симмонс всегда поддерживал молодых и менее удачливых артистов, в частности, Angel и Giuffria. Прирожденный актер, он дебютировал в кино в 1984 эпизодической ролью в Runaway, а двумя годами позже сыграл сразу две главные роли: в Never Young To Die (с Р. Экелундом и Дж. Лэзенби) и Trick Or Treat (с Ozzy Osbourne). В том же году он спродюсировал альбом W.O.W. экс-вокалистки The Plasmatics Венди О. Уильямс. Позже Джин работал в этом качестве с Black’n’blue (два альбома) и House Of Lords. В 1988 он открыл собственный лэйбл Simmons Records.
В 1989 KISS выпустили довольно неплохой альбом Hot In The Shade, после чего замолчали почти на три года — как стало известно позже, причиной этого молчания стала болезнь Карра, который умер от рака 24 ноября 1991 (в тот же день, когда по другую сторону Атлантики скончался Freddie Mercury). За барабаны сел Эрик Сингер (Eric Singer), барабанщик Black Sabbath и Badlands. Новый состав в 1992 записал мощный рок-н-ролльный альбом Revenge и кавер двадцатилетней давности хита Argent God Gave Rock’n’roll To You, который был включен в популярную киноленту Bill And Ted’s Bogus Journey и вернул имя группы в “пятерку” британских чартов. На следующий год KISS достойно отметили двадцатилетие, выпустив свой третий концертный альбом Kiss Alive III.
В 1994, на волне тотальной моды на всевозможные кавер-версии, Mercury сделала альбом-посвящение Kiss my ass, в котором песни KISS исполняли как стилистически близкие (Anthrax), так и довольно далекие от них (Garth Brooks, Stevie Wonder) артисты. Летом 1995 оригинальный состав KISS дал концерт в одном из нью-йоркских клубов. Разогревали зал их вечные партнеры The Tubes. После группа вновь воссоединилась оригинальным составом. Состоялся очень успешный реюнион тур. В 1997 увидел свет альбом Carnival of Souls: The Final Sessions. Саунд на нём довольно тяжелый по сравнению с предыдущими работами, а сам альбом получился довольно слабый. В 1998 вышел Psycho Circus, записанный оригинальным составом. Альбом также получился тяжеленьким, но, в отличии от предшественника, он возвращает нас к забойному hard rock 70-х. В 2001 группу снова покидает Питер Крисс, на его место обратно приходит Эрик Сингер, затем уходит и Эйс Фрейли. Вместо него взяли бывшего гитариста Black’n’blue Томми Сэера - старого фаната KISS. В 2003 грандиозное шоу KISS Symphony (за ударной установкой Питэр), сыгранное на самом большом стадионе Австралии в сопровождении Мельбурнского симфонического оркестра. В 2004 Rock the Nation тур. В 2008 «35 Alive» тур. Впервые за 9 лет KISS возвращаются в Европу. И из новостей сегодня, в 2009 году в Conway Recording Studios был записан ещё один альбом группы под названием Sonic Boom. Альбом был тепло принят как критиками, так и слушателями. Первым альбом был выпущен в Италии 2 октября.
Current members
Paul Stanley – vocals, rhythm guitar (1972–present)
Gene Simmons – vocals, bass (1972–present)
Tommy Thayer – lead guitar, vocals (2002–present)
Eric Singer – drums, vocals (1991–1996, 2001–2002, 2004–present)
Former members
Peter Criss – drums, vocals (1972–1980, 1996–2001, 2002–2004)
Ace Frehley – lead guitar, vocals (1972–1982, 1996–2002)
Eric Carr – drums, vocals (1980–1991)
Vinnie Vincent – lead guitar, vocals (1982–1984)
Mark St. John – lead guitar, vocals (1984)
Bruce Kulick – lead guitar, vocals (1984–1996); keyboards and piano (1987–1992)
Touring members
Gary Corbett – keyboards (1987–1988, 1990)
Derek Sherinian – keyboards (1992)
Session members
Anton Fig – drums (1979–1980) (played on Kiss albums Dynasty and Unmasked)

1974-Kiss - First Album U.S Pressing
Kiss - First Album U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1974
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 45.49 min
1. "Strutter" Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons Stanley 3:10
2. "Nothin' To Lose" Simmons Simmons, Stanley, Peter Criss 3:27
3. "Firehouse" Stanley Stanley 3:17
4. "Cold Gin" Ace Frehley Simmons 4:22
5. "Let Me Know" Stanley Simmons, Stanley 2:58
6. "Deuce" Simmons Simmons 3:06
7. "Love Theme from Kiss" Frehley, Stanley, Simmons, Criss Instrumental 2:24
8. "100,000 Years" Stanley, Simmons Stanley 3:22
9. "Black Diamond" Stanley Criss, intro by Stanley 5:13
Also Included
10. "Kissin' Time" (U.S Promo Single Stereo) Kal Mann, Bernie Lowe Simmons, Stanley, Criss 3:52
11. "Nothin' To Lose" (U.S Promo Single Mono) Simmons Simmons, Stanley, Peter Criss 3:27
12. "Strutter" (U.S Promo Single Mono) Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons Stanley 3:10
13. "Kissin' Time" (U.S Promo Single Mono) Kal Mann, Bernie Lowe Simmons, Stanley, Criss 3:52
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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Доп. информация
Kiss (S/T First Album) Casablanca/Warner Bros. NB-9001 (US, 2/74 w/o "Kissin' Time")Vinyl Rip Flac With Bonus Radio Singles
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Studio album by Kiss
Released February 18, 1974
Recorded Bell Sound Studios,
New York City
October – November 1973
Hard rock, Heavy metal
Length = 35:11
Label Casablanca
Producer Kenny Kerner and
Richie Wise
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4.5/5 stars link
* Rolling Stone (Positive) link[dead link]
* Pitchfork (8.0) link
Kiss is the debut album by American hard rock band Kiss. When it was released, on February 18, 1974, Kiss had been a band for little more than one year. Much of the material on the album was written by Gene Simmons and/or Paul Stanley, as members of their pre-Kiss band, Wicked Lester. Simmons estimated that the entire process of recording and mixing took three weeks, while co-producer Richie Wise has stated it took just thirteen days.[1]
The album was recorded at Bell Sound Studios in New York City, which was owned by the company that owned Buddah Records. Neil Bogart, founder of Casablanca Records, was an executive at Buddah prior to forming Casablanca.[1]
Casablanca Records held a party at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles to celebrate the West Coast release of Kiss (February 18) and to introduce the record company to the press and other record industry executives. In keeping with the Casablanca theme, the party included palm trees and a Humphrey Bogart lookalike. Kiss performed their usual loud and bombastic stage show, which turned Warner Bros. Records (Casablanca's record distributor) against the group.[1]
Soon after the show, Warner Bros. Records contacted Neil Bogart and threatened to end their deal with Casablanca if Kiss didn't remove their makeup. With manager Bill Aucoin's backing, Kiss refused. Shortly after the release of Kiss, Warner Bros. released Casablanca from their contract.[1]
Kiss sold approximately 75,000 copies after its initial release, without the presence of a hit single.[1] It was certified Gold on June 8, 1977, having sold 500,000 copies.[2] The album was re-released in 1997 (along with most of Kiss' earlier albums) in a remastered version.
Of all the songs in the album, "Strutter", "Nothin' to Lose", "Deuce", "Cold Gin", "Black Diamond", and "100,000 Years" remain as permanent staples in the band's shows throughout the years. Following the departure of Peter Criss, "Black Diamond" has been performed by his replacements Eric Carr (prior to his death in 1991) and Eric Singer.
Album cover
The album's cover showed the group positioned against a black background in a pose visually reminiscent of The Beatles' With the Beatles album (Criss stated that this was the visual effect the band was looking for). Three of the four band members applied their own makeup for the album cover photo, as they usually did; but Peter Criss's makeup was applied by a professional, whose work came out looking quite a bit different from the look Criss had established, and to which he would return immediately afterward. Ace Frehley, wanting to impress the other members of Kiss, dyed his hair with silver spray paint. Not only did it not come out for several weeks, but Frehley suffered an allergic reaction to the silver in it (as can be seen in his later makeup around the eyes).[1]
According to Criss, photographer Joel Brodsky thought Kiss were literally clowns, and wanted to place balloons behind the group for the shoot.[3] Brodsky, however, has denied this, chalking it up to imagination.[1]
Track listing
1. "Strutter" Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons Stanley 3:10
2. "Nothin' To Lose" Simmons Simmons, Stanley, Peter Criss 3:27
3. "Firehouse" Stanley Stanley 3:17
4. "Cold Gin" Ace Frehley Simmons 4:22
5. "Let Me Know" Stanley Simmons, Stanley 2:58
6. "Deuce" Simmons Simmons 3:06
7. "Love Theme from Kiss" Frehley, Stanley, Simmons, Criss Instrumental 2:24
8. "100,000 Years" Stanley, Simmons Stanley 3:22
9. "Black Diamond" Stanley Criss, intro by Stanley 5:13
Also Included
10. "Kissin' Time" (U.S Promo Single Stereo) Kal Mann, Bernie Lowe Simmons, Stanley, Criss 3:52
11. "Nothin' To Lose" (U.S Promo Single Mono) Simmons Simmons, Stanley, Peter Criss 3:27
12. "Strutter" (U.S Promo Single Mono) Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons Stanley 3:10
13. "Kissin' Time" (U.S Promo Single Mono) Kal Mann, Bernie Lowe Simmons, Stanley, Criss 3:52
With the exception of "Kissin' Time," all of the material for Kiss was written before the band entered the studio. Some of the songs were written during Wicked Lester's brief existence, while "Firehouse" was written by Paul Stanley while he was attending Music and Art High School in NYC.[1]
"Strutter," which opens the album with a Peter Criss drum fill, is an uptempo rock song that was written before Ace Frehley joined Kiss. Paul Stanley wrote the lyrics, and the music was based on a song Gene Simmons had written years before, "Stanley the Parrot."[1] Simmons and former Wicked Lester member Brooke Ostrander recorded a 45 rpm version of "Stanley the Parrot" in a New Jersey apartment. "Strutter" remains one of the few Kiss songs where Stanley and Simmons share songwriting credits, and was a standard number at Kiss concerts throughout the 1970s.
"Nothin' to Lose"
"Nothin' to Lose", the band's first single, is a song written by Gene Simmons and sung by him, Peter Criss and Paul Stanley. The song chronicles the singer coercing his girlfriend into trying anal sex, and her subsequent enjoyment of it. The B-side was "Love Theme From KISS", the album's instrumental.
The North Carolina glam metal band FireHouse takes its name from the song "Firehouse".[citation needed] The song is well known for Gene Simmons fire breathing during live concerts.
"Cold Gin"
This song was the first composed for Kiss by Frehley. Insecure in his own singing ability, Frehley turned over the vocals for the album to Simmons. "Cold Gin" was a concert staple throughout the 1970s. On Kiss' 1996-97 Reunion Tour, Frehley aided on lead vocals.
The song was written by guitarist Ace Frehley and sung by bassist Gene Simmons. The songs refers to the stimulating effect that cold gin supposedly has on the male sex drive. The song credits cold gin as the only thing that keeps the couple together in a troubled relationship.
There was a Kiss tribute band from Los Angeles named after this classic song featuring Kiss member Tommy Thayer as Ace Frehley, Jaime St. James as Peter Criss, Chris McLernon as Gene Simmons and Anthony White as Paul Stanley.
"Cold Gin" was also covered by the alternative metal group Disturbed at a one time tribute show to Pantera guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott. It was known to be the guitarist's favorite song. The live performance was performed with members of Drowning Pool and Anthrax live on stage, featuring David Draiman on vocals. Vinnie Paul was on drums.
Pantera and Skid Row performed the song together live while the bands were on tour together in 1992. The performance was taped and included on Pantera's 2000 home video, 3 Vulgar Videos from Hell. Death Angel covered the song on their 1988 album Frolic Through the Park.
Ace Frehley noted "I wrote "Cold Gin" in a New York subway, in my head, both lyrics and music. I had a spiral notebook with me. I never took a guitar lesson, nobody believes that. I didn't realize it was gonna become a Kiss classic."
The song was released live on Kiss' popular and successful live album Alive!. When Alive! was re-released as part of the Kiss Alive! 1975–2000 box set, the song was mistakenly credited to Paul Stanley instead of Ace Frehley in the 72-page booklet that accompanied the album.
Weezer vocalist and guitarist Rivers Cuomo has said that this was the first song he ever learned to play on guitar.[4]
"Let Me Know"
"Let Me Know," previously titled "Sunday Driver," was the song Paul Stanley played when he was first introduced to Gene Simmons, and it was later recorded by Wicked Lester. Simmons and Stanley shared lead vocal duties on the song, which was given a bridge and instrumental coda when recorded for Kiss.[1] In later Kiss concerts this coda was moved to the end of "She" and before that, "Watchin' You".
Although Gene Simmons, "Deuce"'s songwriter, admits that he doesn't know what the lyrics mean,[1] the song nevertheless has been a staple at the band's concerts, opening their shows from 1973–1976 and again for their 1996 reunion.
"Love Theme From Kiss"
An instrumental. It came from a song titled "Acrobat" from the band's 1973 club shows; it can be found on their 2001 Box Set. The song is shortened for the album. It is the only Kiss song to have songwriting credit go to all four original members.
"100,000 Years"
Begins with a bass solo by Simmons. The live version includes a long drum solo continuing on from the short one found on the album as heard on Alive! The demo version can be heard on the 2001 release of the Box Set. The drum solo is inside the song, and Stanley says "Do you feel all right?" This was done on live performances. Also, there is a lost verse towards the end of the song but it never made the final cut.
"Black Diamond"
Begins with Paul Stanley singing the first verse accompanied by an acoustic guitar. After Paul yells out "Hit It!", the full band kicks in and Peter Criss takes over the lead vocals, repeating the first verse. After that they have the chorus (Ooh, Black Diamond). The song then slows down for Ace Frehley to do his guitar solo, after which the song gradually slows down and fades out. After Criss' departure from the band the vocal duties have continued to be by subsequent drummers Eric Carr and Eric Singer.
"Kissin' Time"
"Kissin' Time" was not included on the original album; in fact it was not recorded until two months after the album's February release. By April, the album was clearly not the commercial success the band and Casablanca Records founder Neil Bogart were hoping for. Bogart, who knew that a catchy single could save the album, ordered Kiss back into the studio to record "Kissin' Time," which was a Top 20 hit for Bobby Rydell in 1959. It was released as a single on May 10, but never reached any higher than #79. It did, however, boost sales of the album even though it was not added to the album until it was reissued in July 1974 (against the wishes of the band).[1]
* Paul Stanley - lead vocals; rhythm guitar
* Gene Simmons - lead vocals; bass guitar
* Ace Frehley - lead guitar
* Peter Criss - drums; percussion; vocals
* Bruce Foster - Piano on "Nothin' to Lose"
* Warren Dewey - Fire Engine "Firehouse"[citation needed]
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1974 Pop Albums 87[5]
Year Single Chart Position
1974 "Kissin' Time" Pop Singles 79
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[2] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
June 8, 1977 Gold 500,000
CRIA certification[6] (Canada)
Date Designation Total Sales
June 1, 1995 Gold 50,000
Rip Disclaimer Included

1974-KISS - Hotter Than Hell First U.S Pressing
KISS - Hotter Than Hell First U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1974
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 35.38 min
1. "Got to Choose" Paul Stanley Stanley 3:54
2. "Parasite" Ace Frehley Gene Simmons 3:02
3. "Goin' Blind" Simmons, Stephen Coronel Simmons 3:37
4. "Hotter Than Hell" Stanley Stanley 3:30
5. "Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll" Stanley, Simmons Simmons 2:15
6. "All the Way" Simmons Simmons 3:18
7. "Watchin' You" Simmons Simmons 3:44
8. "Mainline" Stanley Peter Criss 3:50
9. "Comin' Home" Frehley, Stanley Stanley 2:38
10. "Strange Ways" Frehley Criss 3:18
11. Let Me Go Rock N Roll (Mono Promo Single)
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Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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KISS Hotter Than Hell First U.S Pressing Blue Label Casablanca NBLP-7006 Vinyl Rip Flac With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hotter Than Hell
Studio album by Kiss
Released October 22, 1974
Recorded The Village Recorder Studios, Los Angeles
August 1974
Genre Hard rock, Heavy metal
Length 33:07
Label Casablanca
Producer Kenny Kerner & Richie Wise
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4/5 stars[1]
* Rolling Stone (Positive)[2][dead link]
* Pitchfork Media (5.3/10)[3]
Hotter Than Hell is the second album from the rock group Kiss. It was certified Gold on June 23, 1977, having sold 500,000 copies.[4] The album was re-released in 1997 (along with most of Kiss' earlier albums) in a remastered version. The album peaked on the charts at number 100[5] without the benefit of a hit single.
The album
Move to Los Angeles
The production team of Kenny Kerner and Richie Wise, who had produced the group's first album, was chosen for the follow up. Since the pair had relocated to Los Angeles, Kiss flew there to work with them. The band, all New Yorkers, immediately developed a dislike for their new surroundings. Paul Stanley's guitar was stolen his first day in Los Angeles.
The working title for the album was The Harder They Come.[6]
The music
Musically, Hotter Than Hell is darker than the band's first album.[1] This is partly due to the murkier production values, but also to the lyrical content of some of the songs. "Goin' Blind," which details a doomed romance with a 93-year-old and an underage girl,[1] was a song written by Gene Simmons and Stephen Coronel during Wicked Lester's existence. The original title was "Little Lady."
Hotter Than Hell featured far more overdubs than the first album. While Kerner and Wise wanted to produce a record that captured Kiss as a live act, they decided to take advantage of the experience the band had gained as recording artists.
Although the album featured two songs penned solely by Frehley, he did not lead sing either one of them. His lack of confidence in his singing abilities at the time led to lead vocal duties for "Parasite" and "Strange Ways" going to Gene Simmons and Peter Criss, respectively. Frehley's guitar solo in "Strange Ways" has been called one of his best.[1]
Photography session
The album is also known for its striking cover: the front featured Japanese manga-influenced artwork, and the back cover showed individual band shots taken by Norman Seeff at a wild party, and a composite of all four band members' makeup designs. Everyone present at the session (with the exception of Simmons) was drunk for the entire photography session. Stanley was so drunk he had to be locked in his car. Paul's drunken state can easily be seen on the album's front cover as it appears Peter Criss is holding him up while Paul holds onto Peter's leg.
The Japanese character on the bottom of the album cover (?) is chikara, which means "power." It would later be used on various forms of Kiss material during the 1970s and 1980s, most prominently on Eric Carr's drum kit.
The Japanese on the top-right corner of the album cover (?? ? ???) is jigoku no sakebi, which means "Hell's shout" or "The shout of hell."
Ace Frehley's image on the front cover is actually airbrushed, as a side of his face was injured in a car accident and was without makeup on the afflicted area at the time of the photo shoot.[citation needed] Also, the Japanese characters used for Ace's name pronounces it wrong. The characters are ??? ???? (eisu fyuuri), which would translate to "Ace Fury." The characters should have been ???????? (esu fureri).
A commercial disappointment
Despite the intense touring schedule Kiss maintained in 1974, Hotter Than Hell failed to outperform the band's first album. In fact, it did considerably worse. This was due partly to the fact that Casablanca Records' distribution deal with Warner Bros. Records had ended. The publicity push behind the album was not nearly what it was for Kiss. One notable exception was a television commercial aired to promote the album. The only single released from the album, "Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll," was distributed in low numbers and failed to chart. Four months after the album was released, Kiss were pulled off tour and called back into the studio to record a follow up.[1] Hotter Than Hell was certified Gold on June 23, 1977.[4]
Live Performances
Many of Hotter Than Hell's songs are live staples for the band, including "Got to Choose", "Parasite", "Hotter Than Hell", "Let Me Go, Rock & Roll", and "Watchin' You".
Track listing
No. Title Writer(s) Lead vocals Length
1. "Got to Choose" Paul Stanley Stanley 3:54
2. "Parasite" Ace Frehley Gene Simmons 3:02
3. "Goin' Blind" Simmons, Stephen Coronel Simmons 3:37
4. "Hotter Than Hell" Stanley Stanley 3:30
5. "Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll" Stanley, Simmons Simmons 2:15
6. "All the Way" Simmons Simmons 3:18
7. "Watchin' You" Simmons Simmons 3:44
8. "Mainline" Stanley Peter Criss 3:50
9. "Comin' Home" Frehley, Stanley Stanley 2:38
10. "Strange Ways" Frehley Criss 3:18
Cover versions
* The Smelly Tongues covered "Parasite" on Hard to Believe: Kiss Covers Compilation.
* "Parasite" was also covered by American thrash metal band Anthrax on Attack of the Killer B's album in the early 90's.
* Anthrax also covered "Watchin' You" for the 2001 remastered Stomp 442.
* "Goin' Blind" was covered by The Melvins, on the 1993 release Houdini.
* "Comin' Home" has been translated into Swedish and recorded on the 2009 album Kyssar & Guld by Rolf Carlsson.
* "Strange Ways" was covered by Megadeth, Hypocrisy and Ulver.
* Paul Stanley – rhythm guitar, lead vocals
* Gene Simmons – bass guitar, lead vocals
* Ace Frehley – lead guitar
* Peter Criss – drums, percussion, lead vocals
* Kenny Kerner – producer
* Richie Wise – producer
* Warren Dewey – engineer
* Norman Seeff – photography, art direction
* John Van Hamersveld – design, art direction
* Joseph M. Palmaccio – remastering
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1974 Pop Albums 100[7]
Singles - Billboard (United States)
Year Single Chart Position
1974 "Let Me Go, Rock 'N' Roll" Pop Singles 100
Certifier Certification Sales
* Casablanca NBLP-7006 (October 22, 1974): 1st LP issue
Also Includes
"Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll" Stanley, Simmons Simmons 2:15 (U.S Promo Mono)
Rip Disclaimer Included

1975-KISS - Dressed to Kill First U.S Pressing
KISS - Dressed to Kill First U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1975
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 36.40 min
1. "Room Service" Paul Stanley Stanley 2:59
2. "Two Timer" Gene Simmons Simmons 2:47
3. "Ladies in Waiting" Simmons Simmons 2:35
4. "Getaway" Ace Frehley Peter Criss 2:43
5. "Rock Bottom" Frehley, Stanley Stanley 3:54
6. "C'mon and Love Me" Stanley Stanley 2:57
7. "Anything for My Baby" Stanley Stanley 2:35
8. "She" Simmons, Stephen Coronel Simmons, Stanley 4:08
9. "Love Her All I Can" Stanley Stanley 2:40
10. "Rock and Roll All Night" Simmons, Stanley Simmons 2:49
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Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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KISS Dressed to Kill First U.S Pressing Blue Label Casablanca NBLP-7016 Vinyl Rip Flac With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dressed to Kill
Studio album by Kiss
Released March 19, 1975
Recorded Electric Lady Studios,
New York City
February 1975
Genre Hard rock, Heavy metal
Length 30:07
Label Casablanca
Producer Neil Bogart & Kiss
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4.5/5 stars link
* Robert Christgau (B) link
* Pitchfork Media (9.5/10) link
* Rolling Stone (favorable) link[dead link]
Dressed to Kill is a 1975 album from American hard rock group Kiss. It is the band's third studio album and is unique for having been produced by the president of Casablanca Records, Neil Bogart, as the financial situation of the label at the time didn't allow the hiring of a professional producer.[1]
"C'mon and Love Me", and "Rock and Roll All Night" were released as singles. Both failed to rise high on the charts until "Rock and Roll All Night" was released in its live format as a single later that year off their double live album Alive! and reached number 12 on the singles charts.[2]
The album was re-released in 1997[3] (along with most of Kiss' earlier albums) in a remastered version. Possibly due to the very short length of the album, original vinyl versions had unusually long pauses between each track to create the illusion that the sides were longer than they were. Each side ran just 15 minutes, and some of the times of the songs were incorrect on the vinyl versions. For example, "Two Timer" was listed at 2:59 and "Ladies in Waiting" was listed at 2:47.
It peaked at number 32 on the charts[4] and was certified Gold by the RIAA on February 28, 1977.[5]
While the album cover depicts Kiss in business suits, the only member of the band who actually owned one was Peter Criss. The suits worn on the cover by the rest of the band were owned by manager Bill Aucoin.[1]
While "Rock and Roll All Night" remains a permanent staple in the band's concerts (often played to close out a show), there are several other songs still played from this release such as "She", "Rock Bottom" and occasionally "C'mon and Love Me"
Track listing
1. "Room Service" Paul Stanley Stanley 2:59
2. "Two Timer" Gene Simmons Simmons 2:47
3. "Ladies in Waiting" Simmons Simmons 2:35
4. "Getaway" Ace Frehley Peter Criss 2:43
5. "Rock Bottom" Frehley, Stanley Stanley 3:54
6. "C'mon and Love Me" Stanley Stanley 2:57
7. "Anything for My Baby" Stanley Stanley 2:35
8. "She" Simmons, Stephen Coronel Simmons, Stanley 4:08
9. "Love Her All I Can" Stanley Stanley 2:40
10. "Rock and Roll All Night" Simmons, Stanley Simmons 2:49
* Paul Stanley - rhythm guitar, lead vocals; intro guitar solo on "C'mon and Love Me"
* Gene Simmons - bass guitar, lead vocals; guitar on "Ladies in Waiting"
* Ace Frehley - lead guitar
* Peter Criss - drums, percussion, vocals
* Neil Bogart - producer
* Dave Wittman - engineer
* George Lopez - assistant engineer
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1975 Pop Albums 32
Singles - Billboard (United States)
Year Single Chart Position
1975 "Rock and Roll All Night" Pop Singles 68
* Casablanca NBLP-7016 (March 19, 1975): 1st LP issue
Also Includes
"Rock and Roll All Night" Simmons, Stanley Simmons 2:49 (U.S Promo Mono)
Rip Disclaimer Included

1975-KISS - Alive!
KISS - Alive!
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1975
Лейбл: Atlantic
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 81.06 min
1. "Deuce" Gene Simmons Gene Simmons 3:32
2. "Strutter" Paul Stanley, Simmons Paul Stanley 3:12
3. "Got to Choose" Stanley Stanley 3:35
4. "Hotter Than Hell" Stanley Stanley 3:11
5. "Firehouse" Stanley Stanley 3:42
6. "Nothin' to Lose" Simmons Simmons, Peter Criss 3:23
7. "C'mon and Love Me" Stanley Stanley 2:52
8. "Parasite" Frehley Simmons 3:21
9. "She" Simmons, Stephen Coronel Simmons, Stanley 6:42
10. "Watchin' You" Simmons Simmons 3:51
11. "100,000 Years" Stanley, Simmons Stanley 12:10
12. "Black Diamond" Stanley Criss, intro by Stanley 5:50
13. "Rock Bottom" Frehley, Stanley Stanley 4:59
14. "Cold Gin" Frehley Simmons 5:43
15. "Rock and Roll All Nite" Stanley, Simmons Simmons 4:23
16. "Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll" Stanley, Simmons Simmons 5:45
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом


Уровень записи

1976-Kiss - Rock and Roll Over First U.S Pressing
Kiss - Rock and Roll Over First U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1976
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 46.46 min
1. "I Want You" Paul Stanley Stanley 3:04
2. "Take Me" Stanley, Sean Delaney Stanley 2:56
3. "Calling Dr. Love" Gene Simmons Simmons 3:44
4. "Ladies Room" Simmons Simmons 3:27
5. "Baby Driver" Peter Criss, Stan Penridge Criss 3:40
6. "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em" Simmons Simmons 3:47
7. "Mr. Speed" Stanley, Delaney Stanley 3:18
8. "See You in Your Dreams" Simmons Simmons 2:34
9. "Hard Luck Woman" Stanley Criss 3:34
10. "Makin' Love" Stanley, Delaney Stanley 3:14
11. Hard Luck Woman (Promo Stereo Single)
12. Calling Dr Love (Promo Stereo Single)
13. Hard Luck Woman (Promo Mono Single)
14. Calling Dr Love (Promo Mono Single)
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Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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Kiss Rock and Roll Over First U.S Casbah Pressing Vinyl Rip Flac With Bonus Promo Singles
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rock and Roll Over
Studio album by Kiss
Released November 11, 1976
Recorded Star Theatre,
Nanuet, New York
September 1976
Genre Hard rock, heavy metal
Length 33:18
Label Casablanca
Producer Eddie Kramer
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4/5 stars link
* Vista Records 4.5/5 stars link
* Pitchfork Media (7.5) link
* Blender' 4/5 stars link
* Rolling Stone 3/5 stars link
* Robert Christgau (B-) link
* Metal Nightfall 5/5 stars link
Singles from Rock and Roll Over
1. "Calling Dr. Love" Stereo / Mono
2. "Hard Luck Woman" Stereo / Mono
Rock and Roll Over is the fifth studio album by Kiss. Rock and Roll Over was the first Kiss album to ship Gold and would eventually rise to Double Platinum status. It was certified Platinum on January 5, 1977, when it sold 1,000,000 copies[1] and peaked at number 11 on the Billboard pop albums chart.[2]
The album was recorded at the Star Theatre, and in order to get the proper drum sound, Peter Criss recorded the drum tracks in a bathroom, communicating via video-link with the rest of the band. Criss's vocals are featured on the tracks "Baby Driver" and "Hard Luck Woman." Paul Stanley, who originally wanted the song to be sung by Rod Stewart, gave it to Criss, after Gene Simmons insisted Criss sing the song instead. Although the single did not equal the success of "Beth," it did become another Top 20 single for the group. "Calling Dr. Love" would go on to become a concert staple, being played on just about every tour since the album's release.
The cover artwork was created by artist Michael Doret who worked with Kiss again on their 2009 album Sonic Boom.[3]
Track listing
1. "I Want You" Paul Stanley Stanley 3:04
2. "Take Me" Stanley, Sean Delaney Stanley 2:56
3. "Calling Dr. Love" Gene Simmons Simmons 3:44
4. "Ladies Room" Simmons Simmons 3:27
5. "Baby Driver" Peter Criss, Stan Penridge Criss 3:40
6. "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em" Simmons Simmons 3:47
7. "Mr. Speed" Stanley, Delaney Stanley 3:18
8. "See You in Your Dreams" Simmons Simmons 2:34
9. "Hard Luck Woman" Stanley Criss 3:34
10. "Makin' Love" Stanley, Delaney Stanley 3:14
* Paul Stanley - rhythm guitar (and first solo on "I Want You"), lead vocals
* Gene Simmons - bass guitar, lead vocals, rhythm guitar (on "Ladies Room")
* Ace Frehley - lead guitar, backing vocals
* Peter Criss - drums, cowbell on "Calling Dr. Love", percussion, lead vocals
Chart Peak
U.S.A. 11
Japan 15
Austria 16
Canada 16
Germany 39
Sweden 9
Certifier Certification Sales
RIAA (U.S.) 2x Platinum 2,000,000
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1976 Pop Albums 11
Singles - Billboard (United States)
Year Single Chart Position
1976 "Hard Luck Woman" Pop Singles 15
"Calling Dr. Love" Pop Singles 16
Singles - Billboard (Austria)
Year Single Chart Position
1976 "Hard Luck Woman" Pop Singles 67
"Calling Dr. Love" Pop Singles 93
Singles - Billboard (Canada)
Year Single Chart Position
1976 "Hard Luck Woman" Pop Singles 15
"Calling Dr. Love" Pop Singles 2
Singles - Billboard (Germany)
Year Single Chart Position
1976 "Hard Luck Woman" Pop Singles 34
Rip Disclaimer Included

1977-KISS - Love Gun Original U.S Pressing
KISS - Love Gun Original U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1977
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 52.26 min
1. "I Stole Your Love" Paul Stanley Stanley 3:04
2. "Christine Sixteen" Gene Simmons Simmons 3:14
3. "Got Love for Sale" Simmons Simmons 3:29
4. "Shock Me" Ace Frehley Frehley 3:49
5. "Tomorrow and Tonight" Stanley Stanley 3:40
6. "Love Gun" Stanley Stanley 3:18
7. "Hooligan" Peter Criss, Stan Penridge Criss 3:01
8. "Almost Human" Simmons Simmons 2:49
9. "Plaster Caster" Simmons Simmons 3:27
10. "Then She Kissed Me" Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, Phil Spector Stanley 3:02
11. Love Gun (U.S Single)
12. Hooligan (B-Side U.S Single)
13. Christine Sixteen (U.S Single)
14. Shock Me (B-side U.S Single)
15. Love Gun (Promo Mono Single)
16. Christeen Sixteen (Promo Mono Single)
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Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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Доп. информация
KISS Love Gun Casablanca NBLP-7057 Original U.S Pressing Vinyl Rip With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Love Gun
Studio album by Kiss
Released June 30, 1977
Recorded Record Plant Studios, New York City, May 1977
Genre Hard rock
Length 32:57
Label Casablanca
Producer Kiss & Eddie Kramer
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4.5/5 stars link
* Rolling Stone (mixed) link
Love Gun is an album by the American hard rock band Kiss. It was certified Platinum on June 30, 1977 when it sold 1,000,000 copies.[1] Love Gun was the second Kiss album to ship platinum, and would eventually achieve triple platinum status.
Love Gun is notable for being the first Kiss album to feature a lead vocal performance from lead guitarist Ace Frehley. This makes Love Gun the first Kiss album to feature lead vocal performances from all four band members. It was also the last album to feature the entire original lineup of Kiss on every track, as drummer Peter Criss was replaced by session drummer Anton Fig for much of 1979's Dynasty.[2]
A cardboard "Love Gun" (assembly required) was included inside the album,[3] along with a Kiss merchandise order form.[4]
"Christine Sixteen"
"Christine Sixteen" has also been a permanent staple on the band's shows. Then unknown guitarist Eddie and drummer Alex Van Halen played on the demo of this song.[5] In this song, Gene Simmons raps like he did later in Domino.
"Shock Me"
The song was inspired by an event that took place during Kiss's Rock and Roll Over tour, when Frehley was nearly electrocuted. On December 12, 1976, Kiss performed a concert at the Lakeland Civic Center in Lakeland, Florida. During the opening number, Frehley touched a metal staircase railing, which was ungrounded. Frehley was knocked to the ground, and the concert was delayed for 30 minutes. The show was eventually completed, and Frehley claimed to have lost feeling in his hand for the remainder of the concert.[6]
"Tomorrow and Tonight"
This song was written to try and recapture the feeling of "Rock And Roll All Nite," but never reached the success of the original. A soundchecked version appears on Alive II.
"Love Gun"
The title song, "Love Gun", has been played on every Kiss tour since its release. Singer, songwriter (and for this one song only bassist)[7] Paul Stanley has cited it as one of his favorite Kiss songs.[8]
"Plaster Caster"
Even though none of the band members attended a cast session, the song "Plaster Caster" was inspired by Cynthia Plaster Caster, a former groupie who is infamous for casting penises of famous rock musicians[9] like Jimi Hendrix, as well as breasts of female music artists.[10]
"Then She Kissed Me"
The album includes "Then She Kissed Me", a gender-reversed cover of The Crystals' 1963 pop classic "Then He Kissed Me".[11]
Cover art
The album cover was painted by fantasy artist Ken Kelly[12] who previously did the cover for 1976's Destroyer.
# Title Writer(s) Lead vocals Length
1. "I Stole Your Love" Paul Stanley Stanley 3:04
2. "Christine Sixteen" Gene Simmons Simmons 3:14
3. "Got Love for Sale" Simmons Simmons 3:29
4. "Shock Me" Ace Frehley Frehley 3:49
5. "Tomorrow and Tonight" Stanley Stanley 3:40
6. "Love Gun" Stanley Stanley 3:18
7. "Hooligan" Peter Criss, Stan Penridge Criss 3:01
8. "Almost Human" Simmons Simmons 2:49
9. "Plaster Caster" Simmons Simmons 3:27
10. "Then She Kissed Me" Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, Phil Spector Stanley 3:02
* Paul Stanley - vocals, rhythm guitar (1st solo on "I Stole Your Love"); bass guitar on "Love Gun"[7]
* Gene Simmons - vocals, bass guitar
* Ace Frehley - lead guitar, vocals
* Peter Criss - drums, percussion, vocals
* Eddie Kramer - piano on "Christine Sixteen"
Album - Billboard (North America)[13]
Year Chart Position
1977 Pop Albums 4
Singles - Billboard (United States)
Year Single Chart Position
1977 "Christine Sixteen" Pop Singles 25[14]
"Love Gun" Pop Singles 61[14]
Singles - Billboard (Australia)
Year Single Chart Position
1977 "Christine Sixteen" Pop Singles 99[citation needed]
"Then She Kissed Me" Pop Singles 78[citation needed]
Singles - Billboard (Canada)
Year Single Chart Position
1977 "Christine Sixteen" Pop Singles 22[citation needed]
"Love Gun" Pop Singles 41[citation needed]
Singles - Billboard (Germany)
Year Single Chart Position
1977 "Christeen Sixteen" Pop Singles 46[citation needed]
"Love Gun" Pop Singles 61[citation needed]
Also included is "Love Gun" / "Hooligan" U.S Single
"Christine Sixteen" / "Shock Me" U.S Single
"Love Gun / Christine U.S Promo Mono Mix
Rip Disclaimer included

1977-KISS Alive II Original U.S Pressing
KISS Alive II Original U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1977
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 83.57 min
Side one
1. "Detroit Rock City" (Paul Stanley, Bob Ezrin) – 3:58
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
2. "King of the Night Time World" (Stanley, Ezrin, Kim Fowley, Mark Anthony) – 3:06
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA August 25-28, 1977
3. "Ladies Room" (Gene Simmons) – 3:11
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
4. "Makin' Love" (Stanley, Sean Delaney) – 3:13
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
5. "Love Gun" (Stanley) – 3:34
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
Side two
6. "Calling Dr. Love" (Simmons) – 3:32
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
7. "Christine Sixteen" (Simmons) – 2:45
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
8. "Shock Me" (Ace Frehley) – 5:51
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
9. "Hard Luck Woman" (Stanley) – 3:06
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, New York City, NY, September 1977
10. "Tomorrow and Tonight" (Stanley) – 3:20
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
Side three
11. "I Stole Your Love" (Stanley) – 3:36
* Recorded at soundcheck, The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-26, 1977
12. "Beth" (Peter Criss, Ezrin, Stan Penridge) – 2:24
* Recorded at Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan, April 2, 1977
13. "God of Thunder" (Stanley) – 5:16
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA August 25-28, 1977
14. "I Want You" (Stanley) – 4:14
* Recorded at Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan, April 2, 1977
15. "Shout It Out Loud" (Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin) – 3:37
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
Side four
(New studio tracks)
16. "All American Man" (Stanley, Sean Delaney) – 3:13 (Lead vocals - Paul Stanley)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
17. "Rockin' in the U.S.A." (Simmons) – 2:44 (Lead vocals - Gene Simmons)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
18. "Larger Than Life" (Simmons) – 3:55 (Lead vocals - Gene Simmons)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
19. "Rocket Ride" (Frehley, Delaney) – 4:07 (Lead vocals - Ace Frehley)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
20. "Any Way You Want It" (Dave Clark) – 2:33 (Lead vocals - Paul Stanley)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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KISS Alive II Casablanca NBLP-7076 Original U.S Pressing Vinyl Rip With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alive II
Live album by Kiss
Released October 14, 1977
Recorded August-September 1977
Genre Hard rock, heavy metal
Length 71:26
Label Casablanca
Producer Eddie Kramer & Kiss
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4/5 stars link
* Rolling Stone (favorable) link
* Pitchfork (7.0) link
Alive II is a 1977 live album from Kiss. It is the group's eighth album and second live album.
The songs
The origins of "Alive II" go back to early 1977 when the band's manager, Bill Aucoin, had the idea to have Eddie Kramer record a live album during the evening show at Budokan Hall in Tokyo on April 2, 1977. The plan was to release a live album to give KISS some much deserved time off before recording the album that would become Love Gun later that Fall. Kramer finished work on the album, but Casablanca Records and KISS deemed it unusable, and the band forged ahead with the Love Gun sessions.
Most of the live tracks on Alive II were recorded during the band's August 26-28 residency at the Los Angeles Forum while on the Love Gun tour. The 3:00 PM soundchecks at the August 26 & 27 shows were recorded, and later used on the album (i.e. "Tomorrow And Tonight") with crowd noise being dubbed in later. "Beth" and "I Want You" were lifted from the aborted Japanese live album and used on the finished Alive II.
As the band did not want to duplicate songs included on Alive!, the songs chosen for the three live sides of the album were all drawn from Kiss' three preceding studio albums - Destroyer, Rock and Roll Over and Love Gun.
On the original double album, the songs on side 4 (tracks #6-10 on the second CD) are studio tracks. Although Ace Frehley was originally credited for lead guitar on the studio tracks, the remastered version released in 1997 confirmed what had been speculated by Kiss fans for years - Bob Kulick actually played lead guitar on three tracks ("All American Man", "Rockin' In The U.S.A." and "Larger Than Life"), not Frehley. Frehley's sole involvement for the studio songs was to handle all guitars and bass guitar for "Rocket Ride." Paul Stanley played all guitars on "Any Way You Want It" which was originally recorded by the Dave Clark Five in 1965.
Promotional items
The original vinyl issue of Alive II was a 2LP set, in a gatefold sleeve, with picture LP-liners. Continuing the Kiss tradition of including promotional items with their albums, Alive II was packaged with a full color booklet entitled "The Evolution of Kiss". A set of rub-on tattoos in a cartoon-style. The tattoos depicted the band logo, Kiss Army logo, band member heads, member signatures and symbols. The symbols were meant to represent the four personas of the group and included a skull and crossbones for Simmons, a rose and star with eye for Stanley, a Saturn-like planet and block print-style 'ACE' for Frehley and a drum and cat's head for Criss. The rose and 'ACE' are copies of Stanley and Frehley's actual tattoos, respectively.
A merchandise order form was also included with the album. It listed an array of official Kiss merchandise, as well as a chance to "enlist" in the Kiss Army.
Jacket sleeve, picture of crazed KISS fans, in a confetti storm and, "GOLD and PLATINUM" shows the records that were released, in that time frame.
Side one
1. "Detroit Rock City" (Paul Stanley, Bob Ezrin) – 3:58
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
2. "King of the Night Time World" (Stanley, Ezrin, Kim Fowley, Mark Anthony) – 3:06
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA August 25-28, 1977
3. "Ladies Room" (Gene Simmons) – 3:11
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
4. "Makin' Love" (Stanley, Sean Delaney) – 3:13
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
5. "Love Gun" (Stanley) – 3:34
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
Side two
6. "Calling Dr. Love" (Simmons) – 3:32
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
7. "Christine Sixteen" (Simmons) – 2:45
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
8. "Shock Me" (Ace Frehley) – 5:51
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
9. "Hard Luck Woman" (Stanley) – 3:06
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, New York City, NY, September 1977
10. "Tomorrow and Tonight" (Stanley) – 3:20
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
Side three
11. "I Stole Your Love" (Stanley) – 3:36
* Recorded at soundcheck, The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-26, 1977
12. "Beth" (Peter Criss, Ezrin, Stan Penridge) – 2:24
* Recorded at Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan, April 2, 1977
13. "God of Thunder" (Stanley) – 5:16
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA August 25-28, 1977
14. "I Want You" (Stanley) – 4:14
* Recorded at Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan, April 2, 1977
15. "Shout It Out Loud" (Stanley, Simmons, Ezrin) – 3:37
* Recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28, 1977
Side four
(New studio tracks)
16. "All American Man" (Stanley, Sean Delaney) – 3:13 (Lead vocals - Paul Stanley)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
17. "Rockin' in the U.S.A." (Simmons) – 2:44 (Lead vocals - Gene Simmons)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
18. "Larger Than Life" (Simmons) – 3:55 (Lead vocals - Gene Simmons)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
19. "Rocket Ride" (Frehley, Delaney) – 4:07 (Lead vocals - Ace Frehley)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
20. "Any Way You Want It" (Dave Clark) – 2:33 (Lead vocals - Paul Stanley)
* Recorded at the Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ and Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY, September 1977
Several early copies of the album's cover feature a rare misprint of 3 additional songs ("Take Me," "Hooligan," and "Do You Love Me") with a slightly altered song order. None of these additional songs, however, appear on the LP. On this misprint, "Take Me" is after "Detroit Rock City," with "King of the Night Time World" appearing after "Ladies Room" on Side 1. Side 2 features "Hooligan" after the song "Shock Me," which is placed after "Hard Luck Woman." On Side 3, "Do You Love Me" appears after "God of Thunder," with "Beth" sandwiched between "I Want You" and "Shout It Out Loud." "Hooligan" and "Take Me" were performed on the Love Gun Tour of 1977, and "Do You Love Me" was performed on the Japanese tour of 1977 making their consideration for inclusion with the second live album possible.
* Paul Stanley - rhythm guitar, lead vocals
* Gene Simmons - bass, rhythm guitar on "Larger Than Life", lead vocals
* Ace Frehley - lead guitar, bass on "Rocket Ride", vocals
* Peter Criss - drums, vocals
* Bob Kulick - lead guitar on "All American Man", "Rockin' in the U.S.A.", and "Larger Than Life"
* Ed Balandas - The Introduction "Voice"
Album - Billboard[1] (North America)
Year Chart Position
1978 Pop Albums 7
Singles - Billboard[2] (North America)
Year Single Chart Position
1977 "Calling Dr. Love" live Pop Singles 16
1978 "Rocket Ride" Pop Singles 39
Singles - Billboard (Canada)
Year Single Chart Position
1978 "Shout It Out Loud" (Live) Pop Singles 74
International album charts
Chart Peak
U.S.A. 7
Japan 10
New Zealand 13
Austria 17
Canada 5
Sweden 28
U.K. 60
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[3] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
November 28,
1977 Gold 500,000
Platinum 1,000,000
February 26,
1996 Double Platinum 2,000,000
Also Included are the U.S Single Edits of Shout It Out Loud and Rocket Ride Stereo And Mono
Rip Disclaimer Included

1978-KISS – Double Platinum Original U.S Pressing
KISS – Double Platinum Original U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1978
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 83.09 min
Side one
1. "Strutter '78" (Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons) – 3:41
2. "Do You Love Me?" (Stanley, Bob Ezrin, Kim Fowley) – 3:33
3. "Hard Luck Woman (Remix)" (Stanley) – 3:24
4. "Calling Dr. Love (Remix)" (Simmons) – 3:20
5. "Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll" (Stanley, Simmons) – 2:15
Side two
1. "Love Gun" (Stanley) – 3:27
2. "God of Thunder" (Stanley) – 4:30
3. "Firehouse (Remix)" (Stanley) – 3:20
4. "Hotter Than Hell" (Stanley) – 3:30
5. "I Want You" (Stanley) – 3:02
Side three
1. "Deuce (Remix)" (Simmons) – 3:02
2. "100,000 Years (Remix)" (Stanley, Simmons) – 3:24
3. "Detroit Rock City (Remix)" (Stanley, Ezrin) – 4:26
4. "Rock Bottom (Intro) / She (Remix)" (Ace Frehley, Stanley)/(Simmons, Stephen Coronel) – 5:27
5. "Rock and Roll All Nite" (Stanley, Simmons) – 2:45
Side four
1. "Beth" (Peter Criss, Stan Penridge, Ezrin) – 2:45
2. "Makin' Love" (Stanley, Sean Delaney) – 3:12
3. "C'mon And Love Me (Remix)" (Stanley) – 2:54
4. "Cold Gin" (Frehley) – 4:31
5. "Black Diamond (Remix)" (Stanley) – 4:14
Also Included
"Strutter 78" / "Shock Me" (U.S Single)
"Christine Sixteen" (U.S Promo Stereo Edit)
"Strutter 78" (U.S Promo Mono Edit)
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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Доп. информация
KISS Double Platinum Casablanca NBLP-7100 Original U.S Pressing Vinyl Rip Flac With Bonus Singles
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Double Platinum
Greatest hits by Kiss
Released April 2, 1978
Recorded 1973-1978
Genre Hard rock, heavy metal
Length 1:09:36
Label Casablanca
Producer Jimmy Ienner (Executive Producer, album and "Strutter '78"), Kiss and Sean Delaney (Producers, album and "Strutter '78"), Kenny Kerner, Richie Wise, Neil Bogart, Eddie Kramer, and Bob Ezrin
Double Platinum is the first greatest hits album by the American hard rock band Kiss.
Many of the songs on Double Platinum were remixed and significantly differ from their original versions. In the case of "Strutter," its drum track was re-recorded with "Strutter '78." Other songs ("Hard Luck Woman," "Detroit Rock City") had sections completely removed, while the beginning of "Black Diamond" was repeated at the end, fading out at the start of the first verse and giving the song a "wrap around" feel.
The original vinyl release, in a gatefold-sleeve, had an embossed, silver-foiled sleeve, with the band members in bas-relief inside. The album was packaged with a printed "Platinum Award" thanking the Kiss Army for making the band a "Double Platinum Success". Later reissues would retain the gatefold-sleeve but replaced the logo with a printed, red-type version and the band members were now represented inside by photos rather than the bas illustrations. When the album was remastered for CD in the US it mimicked the original vinyl.
The album was certified Platinum on May 16, 1978 by the RIAA,[1] ironically it never reached Double Platinum status. In Canada it was certified Gold on June 1, 1978 after selling 50,000 copies.[2]
Track listing
Side one
1. "Strutter '78" (Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons) – 3:41
2. "Do You Love Me?" (Stanley, Bob Ezrin, Kim Fowley) – 3:33
3. "Hard Luck Woman (Remix)" (Stanley) – 3:24
4. "Calling Dr. Love (Remix)" (Simmons) – 3:20
5. "Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll" (Stanley, Simmons) – 2:15
Side two
1. "Love Gun" (Stanley) – 3:27
2. "God of Thunder" (Stanley) – 4:30
3. "Firehouse (Remix)" (Stanley) – 3:20
4. "Hotter Than Hell" (Stanley) – 3:30
5. "I Want You" (Stanley) – 3:02
Side three
1. "Deuce (Remix)" (Simmons) – 3:02
2. "100,000 Years (Remix)" (Stanley, Simmons) – 3:24
3. "Detroit Rock City (Remix)" (Stanley, Ezrin) – 4:26
4. "Rock Bottom (Intro) / She (Remix)" (Ace Frehley, Stanley)/(Simmons, Stephen Coronel) – 5:27
5. "Rock and Roll All Nite" (Stanley, Simmons) – 2:45
Side four
1. "Beth" (Peter Criss, Stan Penridge, Ezrin) – 2:45
2. "Makin' Love" (Stanley, Sean Delaney) – 3:12
3. "C'mon And Love Me (Remix)" (Stanley) – 2:54
4. "Cold Gin" (Frehley) – 4:31
5. "Black Diamond (Remix)" (Stanley) – 4:14
* Paul Stanley – rhythm guitar, lead vocals
* Gene Simmons – bass guitar, lead vocals
* Ace Frehley – lead guitar, backing vocals
* Peter Criss – drums, lead vocals
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1978 Pop Albums 22[3]
Singles - Billboard (United States)
Year Single Chart Position
1978 "Hard Luck Woman" Pop Singles 15[4]
Singles - Billboard (Austria)
Year Single Chart Position
1978 "Strutter 78" Pop Singles 89
International album charts
Chart Peak
U.S.A. 22
Japan 19
New Zealand 19
Austria 17
Also Included
"Strutter 78" / "Shock Me" (U.S Single)
"Christine Sixteen" (U.S Promo Stereo Edit)
"Strutter 78" (U.S Promo Mono Edit)
Rip Disclaimer Included

1978-KISS - Best Of Solo Albums
KISS - Best Of Solo Albums
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1978
Лейбл: Casablanka
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 43.25 min
A1. New York Groove (3:01) - Ballard
A2. Rip It Out (3:39) - Frehley/L. Kelly/S. Kelly
A3. Speedin' Back To My Baby (3:35) - A. Frehley/J. Frehley
A4. You Matter To Me (3:15) - Vastano/Morgan/Poncia
A5. Tossin' And Turnin' (3:58) - Adams/Rene
A6. Hooked On Rock And Roll (3:37) - Penridge/Criss/Poncia
B1. Radioactive (3:50) - Simmons
B2. Mr. Make Believe (4:00) - Simmons
B3. See You In Your Dreams (2:48) - Simmons
B4. Tonight You Belong To Me (4:39) - Stanley
B5. Move On (3:07) - Stanley/Japp
B6. Hold Me, Touch Me (3:40) - Stanley
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


Уровень записи

1979-Kiss - Dynasty U.S Pressing
Kiss - Dynasty U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1979
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 76.17 min
1. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia, Desmond Child Paul Stanley 4:30
2. "2000 Man" Mick Jagger, Keith Richards Ace Frehley 4.54
3. "Sure Know Something" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 4:00
4. "Dirty Livin'" Peter Criss, Stan Penridge, Vini Poncia Peter Criss 4:19
5. "Charisma" Gene Simmons, Howard Marks Gene Simmons 4:25
6. "Magic Touch" Stanley Stanley 4:41
7. "Hard Times" Frehley Frehley 3:30
8. "X-Ray Eyes" Simmons Simmons 3:46
9. "Save Your Love" Frehley Frehley 4:41
10.I Was Made For Lovin' You (7 Single Edit)
11.Hard Times (7 Remix)
12.Sure Know Something (7 Remix)
13.2000 Man (12 Remix)
14.Dirty Livin' (12 Remix)
15.I Was Made For Lovin' You (12 Remix)
16.I Was Made For Lovin' You (Promo Mono Single)
17.Sure Know Something (Promo Mono Single)
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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Доп. информация
KISS Dynasty Casablanca NBLP-7152DJ U.S Promo Vinyl Rip FLAC with Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Studio album by Kiss
Released May 23, 1979
Recorded 1979
Genre Hard rock, rock
Length 38:57
Label Casablanca
Producer Vini Poncia
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 3/5 stars link
* Pitchfork Media (2.0) link
* Rolling Stone (unfavorable) link
Singles from Dynasty
1. "I Was Made for Lovin' You"
Released: May 1979
2. "Sure Know Something"
Released: 1979
3. "Dirty Livin'"
Released: 1979
Dynasty is a studio album by the American hard rock band Kiss. The album, and its subsequent tour, were billed as the "Return of Kiss." The band as a full unit had not released a studio album since 1977 and had not toured since the Spring of 1978. The album would restore the band to commercial prominence, reaching # 9 on the US Billboard album chart.
Kiss enlisted Vini Poncia, who produced Peter Criss's solo album, to produce Dynasty. After pre-production and rehearsals were completed, Poncia decided to exclude Criss from most of the recording, judging him unable to drum well enough. Criss, by this time, had fallen deep into substance abuse and was also recovering from an automobile accident. He performed on only one song, "Dirty Livin'." The rest of the drums were recorded by Anton Fig, who played drums on Ace Frehley's 1978 solo album.
The first single from the album, "I Was Made For Lovin' You," marked a rather drastic stylistic departure for Kiss. It had a pronounced disco beat, and was a success at a time when disco was at its peak popularity.
After waiting nearly two years to record lead vocals for a Kiss song (1977's "Shock Me"), Ace Frehley contributed three to Dynasty - "2000 Man," "Hard Times" and "Save Your Love." "2000 Man," a cover of the 1967 Rolling Stones song, would become a concert staple for Kiss and one of Frehley's signature songs. "Hard Times" and "Save Your Love" were recorded in the same hard rock style as Frehley's solo album. This was the only Kiss album where Frehley sang as many songs as Paul Stanley and more than Gene Simmons. Simmons, one of the band's primary songwriters, sings only two.
While "I Was Made For Lovin' You" remains a permanent staple on the band's shows, much of the album's songs (other than "Sure Know Something," and "2000 Man") have rarely been played live after the Dynasty tour. In 2006, Paul Stanley resurrected "Magic Touch," which was played every night on the "Live to Win" tour.
Serbian glam metal band Karizma chose their name after the song "Charisma".
Track listing
1. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia, Desmond Child Paul Stanley 4:30
2. "2000 Man" Mick Jagger, Keith Richards Ace Frehley 4.54
3. "Sure Know Something" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 4:00
4. "Dirty Livin'" Peter Criss, Stan Penridge, Vini Poncia Peter Criss 4:19
5. "Charisma" Gene Simmons, Howard Marks Gene Simmons 4:25
6. "Magic Touch" Stanley Stanley 4:41
7. "Hard Times" Frehley Frehley 3:30
8. "X-Ray Eyes" Simmons Simmons 3:46
9. "Save Your Love" Frehley Frehley 4:41
* Paul Stanley – rhythm guitar, vocals, lead guitar on "Sure Know Something"
* Gene Simmons – bass guitar, vocals
* Ace Frehley – lead guitar, vocals [2]
* Peter Criss – drums and vocals on "Dirty Livin"
* Anton Fig – drums (1-3, 5-9) (uncredited)[2]
* Vini Poncia – producer, keyboards and backing vocals on "I Was Made For Lovin' You," backing vocals on "Sure Know Something"[2]
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1979 Pop Albums 9[3]
Singles (United States)
Year Nation Single Chart Position
1979 United States "I Was Made For Lovin' You" Billboard Pop Singles 11[4]
"Sure Know Something" Billboard Pop Singles 47[4]
Austria "I Was Made For Lovin' You" Pop Singles 6[citation needed]
Australia Pop Singles 1[citation needed]
"Sure Know Something" Pop Singles 5[citation needed]
Canada "I Was Made For Lovin' You" Pop Singles 1[citation needed]
"Sure Know Something" Pop Singles 48[citation needed]
France "I Was Made For Lovin' You" Pop Singles 2[citation needed]
Germany Pop Singles 2[citation needed]
"Dirty Livin'" Pop Singles 25[citation needed]
"Sure Know Something" Pop Singles 28[citation needed]
Holland "I Was Made For Lovin' You" Pop Singles 1[citation needed]
"Sure Know Something" Pop Singles 3[citation needed]
Norway "I Was Made For Lovin' You" Pop Singles 10[citation needed]
New Zealand Pop Singles 1[citation needed]
"Sure Know Something" Pop Singles 11[citation needed]
Sweden "I Was Made For Lovin' You" Pop Singles 19[citation needed]
Switzerland Pop Singles 2[citation needed]
United Kingdom Pop Singles 50[citation needed]
Sales accomplishments
RIAA certification[5] (United States)
Date Designation Total Sales
June 6, 1979 Gold 500,000
July 10, 1979 Platinum 1,000,000
CRIA certification[6] (Canada)
Date esignation Total Sales
July 1, 1979 Gold 50,000
August 1, 1979 Platinum 100,000
November 1, 1979 Double Platinum 200,000
Also included
I Was Made For Lovin' You (7" Single Edit) / Hard Times (7" Remix)
Sure Know Something (7" Remix) / 2000 Man (12" Remix)
Dirty Livin' (12" Remix) / I Was Made For Lovin' You (12" Remix)
I Was Made For Lovin You (Promo Mono Single) / Sure Know Something (Promo Mono Single) All Vinyl Sourced
Rip Disclaimer Included

1980-KISS - Unmasked
KISS - Unmasked
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1980
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 50.39 min
1. "Is That You?" Gerard McMahon Paul Stanley 3:59
2. "Shandi" Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia Stanley 3.36
3. "Talk to Me" Ace Frehley Ace Frehley 4.00
4. "Naked City" Gene Simmons, Poncia, Bob Kulick, Pepe Castro Gene Simmons 3:49
5. "What Makes the World Go Round" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 4:14
6. "Tomorrow" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 3:18
7. "Two Sides of the Coin" Frehley Frehley 3:16
8. "She's So European" Simmons, Poncia Simmons 3:30
9. "Easy As It Seems" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 3:24
10. "Torpedo Girl" Frehley, Poncia Frehley 3.31
11. "You're All That I Want" Simmons, Poncia Simmons 3.04
12. New York Groove (Live)
13. Shandi (Promo Mono Single)
14. Tomorrow (Promo Mono Single)
Источник оцифровки: demonoid.me
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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Доп. информация
KISS Unmasked Casablanca/PolyGram 800-041-1/2/4 (US Reissue, 7/85,)Vinyl Rip Flac With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Studio album by Kiss
Released May 20, 1980
Recorded January–February 1980
Genre Rock, pop rock.
Length 39:46
Label Casablanca
Producer Vini Poncia
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 2/5 stars link
* Rolling Stone (unfavorable) link
* Pitchfork (0.8) link
Singles from Unmasked
1. "Shandi"
Released: May 1980
2. "She's So European"
Released: May 1980
3. "Talk To Me"
Released: December 1980
4. "Tomorrow"
Released: December 1980
Unmasked is an album by the American band Kiss released in 1980. It is the group's 8th studio album. At the time it was the last studio album from the original lineup of Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss, although Criss actually had no involvement with the recording of the album. Anton Fig (uncredited) played all drums on the album. This album marked another departure for Kiss: this was the first album since 1977's Love Gun not to feature all members on vocals, excluding the four solo releases in 1978.[1]
Although Unmasked marked a major departure musically for the band, the album reached #35 on the U.S. Billboard chart[2] and was certified Gold by the RIAA on July 30, 1980.[3]
The band filmed a promotional video for "Shandi," with Peter Criss. It was the last time Criss appeared with Kiss in any capacity until he performed with them at a Kiss Convention on June 17, 1995. In the band's authorized biography, Criss revealed that he was the last one left in the band's dressing room after filming, and broke down crying.[1]
A lip-synched German television performance of "Talk to Me" and "She's So European" featured the debut of Eric Carr, who became the band's permanent drummer until his death in 1991. The band would play a concert at the now defunct Palladium Theatre in New York to officially introduce Carr as Criss' permanent replacement in the band.
Throughout the years, the album's songs have been largely ignored on live performances - with the exception of "Shandi", which is often played in the band's shows in Australia.
Track listing
1. "Is That You?" Gerard McMahon Paul Stanley 3:59
2. "Shandi" Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia Stanley 3.36
3. "Talk to Me" Ace Frehley Ace Frehley 4.00
4. "Naked City" Gene Simmons, Poncia, Bob Kulick, Pepe Castro Gene Simmons 3:49
5. "What Makes the World Go Round" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 4:14
6. "Tomorrow" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 3:18
7. "Two Sides of the Coin" Frehley Frehley 3:16
8. "She's So European" Simmons, Poncia Simmons 3:30
9. "Easy As It Seems" Stanley, Poncia Stanley 3:24
10. "Torpedo Girl" Frehley, Poncia Frehley 3.31
11. "You're All That I Want" Simmons, Poncia Simmons 3.04
* Paul Stanley - rhythm guitar, lead vocals, bass guitar on "Tomorrow", lead guitar on "Shandi"
* Gene Simmons - bass guitar, lead vocals
* Ace Frehley - lead guitar, lead vocals, bass guitar on "Talk to Me", "Two Sides of the Coin", & "Torpedo Girl"
* Peter Criss - drums, percussion (credited, but only appears in the promotional video for "Shandi")
* Anton Fig - drums (uncredited)
* Vini Poncia - producer, keyboards, backing vocals, percussion
* Holly Knight - keyboards on "Shandi"
Album - Billboard (North America)
Year Chart Position
1980 Pop Albums 35[2]
Year Nation Single Chart Position
1980 United States "Shandi" Billboard Pop Singles 47[4]
Australia Pop Singles 10[citation needed]
Austria Pop Singles 5[citation needed]
"Talk to Me" Pop Singles 39[citation needed]
Canada "Shandi" Pop Singles 70[citation needed]
Germany Pop Singles 28[citation needed]
"Talk to Me" Pop Singles 32[citation needed]
"Tomorrow" Pop Singles 70[citation needed]
Holland "Shandi" Pop Singles 24[citation needed]
"Talk to Me" Pop Singles 39[citation needed]
Norway "Shandi" Pop Singles 4[citation needed]
New Zealand Pop Singles 6[citation needed]
Switzerland "Talk to Me" Pop Singles 10[citation needed]
Also included New York Groove recorded in Sydney, Australia in 1980. From You Wanted The Best, You Got The Best! U.S LP
Shandi / Tomorrow (Promo Mono Singles)

1981-KISS - (MUSIC FROM) THE ELDER First U.S Pressing
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1981
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 57.43 min
1. "The Oath"
2. "Fanfare"
3. "Just a Boy"
4. "Dark Light"
5. "Only You"
6. "Under the Rose"
7. "A World Without Heroes"
8. "Mr. Blackwell"
9. "Escape from the Island"
10. "Odyssey"
11. "I"
12. "Finale"
13.A World Without Heroes (Dutch Single)
14.Dark Light (Dutch Single
15.I (U.K Single)
16.The Oath (U.K Single)
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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KISS (MUSIC FROM) THE ELDER Casablanca First U.S Pressing Vinyl Rip Flac With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Music from "The Elder"
Studio album by Kiss
Released November 16, 1981
Recorded March – September 1981
Genre Hard rock
Length 42:46
Label Casablanca
Producer Bob Ezrin
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 2/5 stars link
* Rolling Stone 2/5 stars link
* Pitchfork Media (0.0) link
Music from "The Elder" is a 1981 concept album released by the American hard rock band Kiss. It was an attempt on the part of the group to establish Kiss as credible artists, and also to reverse the trend of declining album sales and commercial popularity that had begun in 1979. Instead, the album further served to alienate the group's fan base and represents the commercial nadir of the group.[citation needed]
To date, Music from "The Elder" is one of only three Kiss studio albums to fail to earn any US certification (the others are 1997's Carnival of Souls: The Final Sessions and 2009's Sonic Boom). Album sales were so poor that Kiss did not embark on a supporting tour for the first time in its eight-year history, opting instead to make a handful of promotional appearances.[1]
Music from "The Elder" was the last Kiss album that lead guitarist Ace Frehley participated actively until, the 1996 Reunion Tour. Frehley, who was disgruntled with the band's creative direction, as well as with the production of Bob Ezrin, stopped actively participating in the Kiss operation by early 1982, and was officially out of the group by November that same year.[2][3]
While "A World Without Heroes" was later on performed on the band's 1995 MTV Unplugged appearance, the entire album has been largely ignored on live performances. During a show in Australia in 2004, the band attempted to perform "I", but bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons had long forgotten the lyrics.[4]
Kiss was in the midst of a transitional phase as the 1980s began. Founding member and drummer Peter Criss, who was not involved in the recording of 1980's Unmasked, officially left Kiss in May 1980. His replacement, Eric Carr, was officially introduced in July. The group had recently embarked on a hugely successful tour of Australia and New Zealand (where the group's popularity was at its peak) in November, but the band's commercial fortunes at home were drastically reduced from their 1975-79 heyday. Due to the lackluster sales of Unmasked, Kiss toured exclusively outside the United States for the first time in their career, save for one concert at the now-defunct Palladium Theatre in New York. The overseas tours were well-attended, partly because Kiss had rarely ventured abroad and because the more pop oriented Dynasty and Unmasked albums did better in the European markets than their earlier more hard rock albums had.[1][2]
This commercial downturn is attributable to many factors, two of the biggest being the softening of Kiss's image in an effort to appeal to a broader fan base, and the softening of their music. Unmasked was a decidedly more pop-oriented effort than earlier albums, and represented a sales dropoff of 65% from 1979's Dynasty.[1] It also became the first Kiss album to fail to achieve platinum status since 1975's Dressed to Kill. From a marketing standpoint, the glut of Kiss merchandising that had cropped up in the late 1970s had led to a backlash from fans, who felt that Kiss was now more concerned with making money than with making music.[2]
In an effort to return to their hard rock roots, Kiss began recording music that was more akin to the hard rock style that had launched them to popularity in the mid-1970s. The Fall 1980 issue of the Kiss Army Newsletter hinted at the style the new album was to take—"It will be hard and heavy from start to finish—straight-on rock and roll that will knock your socks off."[3] But at the same time, founding members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, and creative manager Bill Aucoin felt that just returning to a harder sound was not enough. They believed that only a bold artistic statement would regenerate public interest in Kiss. To that end, they enlisted producer Bob Ezrin to work with the group who in turn daringly employed members from the American Symphony Orchestra and St. Robert's Choir to record tracks for the album. Ezrin had worked with the group before, producing the group's hit 1976 album Destroyer. More recently, he had co-produced Pink Floyd's landmark 1979 concept album, The Wall. Simmons, Stanley and Aucoin felt that Ezrin could help bring their ambitions to fruition.[2]
Recording sessions for the album commenced in March 1981. Sessions were held in Toronto, New York City, and guitarist Ace Frehley's home studio in Wilton, Connecticut. During the recording, Ezrin and Kiss worked in complete secrecy. Ezrin, in particular, had insisted that he would only communicate with Kiss or Bill Aucoin. No one other than Ezrin and Kiss ever heard the album in progress.[2]
Frehley became increasingly frustrated during the sessions, as he disagreed with the band's decision to abandon their original plan to record a straight-ahead rock album. Additionally, a number of guitar solos Frehley recorded were not included in the final cut.[5] But, as happened frequently after Criss's departure, Frehley was often outvoted 2-1 on band decisions of this type. (Carr was not a partner in Kiss as the other three members were, but rather an employee). He also resented what he felt was Simmons and Stanley's domination of the recording sessions.[2][5]
When Kiss premiered Music from "The Elder" for their management and record company in October 1981, the reaction was a mixture of confusion and resentment. Business manager Howard Marks refused to allow his company's name to appear in the liner notes.[2] Fan reaction to the album was equally harsh, while critical reaction was comparably positive. But while reviews like the one printed by Rolling Stone were much kinder than past ones had been[6], the album quickly disappeared from the charts. After being released on November 16, it peaked at a dismal #75, and it disappeared from the charts by February 1982.
Although budgets were prepared for a tour, none was ever undertaken. The only public appearances the band made in conjunction with the album were a January 15, 1982 appearance on the late-night comedy show Fridays (they performed "A World Without Heroes", "I" and "The Oath"), Solid Gold (they performed "A World Without Heroes", and "I"), and a January 28 lip synched performance of "I" from Studio 54 that was broadcast via satellite to the Sanremo Festival in Italy. Frehley was a no show for the Studio 54 appearance, so the group performed as a trio.[1]
Most of the participants in the album's recording admit that it was a major misstep for Kiss. Ezrin, despite what was his recent success with the even more ambitious The Wall, admitted that his judgments concerning Music from "The Elder" were clouded due in large part to a cocaine addiction at the time. Stanley and Simmons admit that they were "delusional" concerning the project, while Frehley has stated that he felt that it wasn't a good idea to begin with.[5]
Q Magazine ranked Music From "The Elder" 44th in their list of The 50 Worst Albums Ever.[7]
To this day, Music From "The Elder" had now became a cult classic, to fans and still crawling to 500,000 copies.
The original vinyl release was a gatefold-sleeve. For the first time, a Kiss album featured no image of the group, let alone the customary front-cover appearance. Contrary to popular belief, the hand reaching for the door-knocker is not that of Paul Stanley: Bill Aucoin has stated that it belongs to a hand-model, hired specifically for the shoot. The door itself belongs to a Methodist church on Park Avenue, New York City. One of the rarest releases by Kiss on vinyl was an alternate cover of the Elder released in Turkey on Dallas Records which used the "A World Without Heroes" single art (Pictured below) on the cover.
The photo session displayed a change of image: the costumes were more streamlined, especially when compared with the somewhat overblown (even for Kiss) costumes for Unmasked, as were the hairstyles of Stanley and Simmons in particular.
The basic plot of Music from "The Elder" involves the recruitment and training of a young hero (The Boy) by the Council of Elders who belong to the Order of the Rose, a mysterious group dedicated to combating evil. The Boy is guided by an elderly caretaker named Morpheus. The album's lyrics describe the boy's feelings during his journey and training, as he overcomes his early doubts to become confident and self-assured. The only spoken dialogue is at the end of the last track, "I." During the passage, Morpheus proclaims to the Elders that The Boy is ready to undertake his odyssey.
Dutch single cover to "The Oath" b/w "I" single.
Australian single cover of the "A World Without Heroes" b/w "Dark Light" single.
The version of Music from "The Elder" released in the United States, Europe and Brazil contained a different song order than the one originally intended. This order was chosen in order to emphasize "The Oath" and "A World Without Heroes" as potential singles (the two songs started each side of the record). One effect this alteration in song order had was to disrupt the narrative flow of the album's story. The Japanese pressing of the album contained the intended song sequence, although "Escape from the Island" was omitted from the album and instead included as the B-side of "The Oath" single.[3] This sequence was used (with the inclusion of "Escape from the Island") when Music from "The Elder" was re-released on CD in 1997.[8]
A number of narrative passages were cut from the final version of the album. These passages were meant to provide details of the story, and to act as transitional elements between songs.[3]
] "The Oath"
Arguably the heaviest song on the album, many parts of the song feature Paul Stanley singing in falsetto, a vocal technique Paul utilized on several of the album's tracks. Ace tunes down his guitar a semi-tone for this song.
"Dark Light"
"Dark Light," written by Ace Frehley, was based on a guitar riff composed by Anton Fig. When it was originally recorded as a pre-Elder demo, the title was "Don't Run."[3] It is the only song Frehley sings on the album.
"A World Without Heroes"
US/European version
1. "The Oath"
2. "Fanfare"
3. "Just a Boy"
4. "Dark Light"
5. "Only You"
6. "Under the Rose"
7. "A World Without Heroes"
8. "Mr. Blackwell"
9. "Escape from the Island"
10. "Odyssey"
11. "I"
12. "Finale"
Also Contains All the single edits of Elder Tracks
A World Without Heroes / Dark Light
I (with "Guts instead of Balls") / The Oath

1982-KISS - Killers
KISS - Killers
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1982
Лейбл: Phonogram
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 54.48 min
Side one
1. "I'm a Legend Tonight" (Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell) – 3:59
2. "Down on Your Knees" (Stanley, Mikel Japp, Bryan Adams) – 3:31
3. "Cold Gin" (Ace Frehley) – 4:20
4. "Love Gun" (Stanley) – 3:17
5. "Shout It Out Loud (Edit)" (Stanley, Gene Simmons, Bob Ezrin) – 2:40
6. "Sure Know Something" (Stanley, Vini Poncia) – 3:59
Side two
1. "Nowhere to Run" (Stanley) – 4:32
2. "Partners in Crime" (Stanley, Mitchell) – 3:45
3. "Detroit Rock City (Edit)" (Stanley, Ezrin) – 3:53
4. "God of Thunder" (Stanley) – 4:11
5. "I Was Made for Lovin' You (Edit)" (Stanley, Poncia, Desmond Child) – 4:18
6. "Rock and Roll All Nite (Live)" (Stanley, Simmons) – 3:58
1.Nowhere To Run (REMIX 1989)
2.Partners In Crime (remix 1989)
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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KISS Killers Casablanca/Phonogram 6302-193 (Europe, 5/82) Vinyl rip Flac With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greatest hits by Kiss
Released May 1982
Recorded 1974 – 1982
Genre Hard rock
Length 46:35
Label Phonogram
Producer Michael James Jackson (new tracks)
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 3/5 stars link
Alternate cover
German release of Killers, featuring a modified band logo
Killers is the second compilation album by American hard rock group Kiss. The album was released only outside the United States, but quickly became available as an import. Of the twelve songs on Killers, four were new compositions recorded specifically for the album. These new songs were recorded at the behest of Phonogram Records in response to the commercial failure of 1981's Music from "The Elder".[1]
Album history
By 1982, Kiss's commercial popularity was at its nadir. 1980's Unmasked barely achieved gold certification, and the band toured exclusively outside the United States for the first time in their career that year. 1981's Music from "The Elder" fared even worse—it failed to gain any certification and the band did not tour behind it at all.[2] The album, released in November 1981, was off the charts by February 1982.[1]
That month, Phonogram Records (the parent company of Kiss's label, Casablanca Records) requested that Kiss record four new songs, to be included in an upcoming greatest hits album. Phonogram requested hard rock songs specifically, in contrast to the progressive rock style of Music from "The Elder". The album cover, however, featured the same streamlined look the band had adopted during the "Elder" period.[1]
Numerous outside songwriters and session musicians were employed for the writing and recording of the four new songs on Killers. Songwriter and musician Mikel Japp, who co-wrote three songs on Paul Stanley's 1978 solo album, co-wrote "Down on Your Knees" with Stanley and Bryan Adams. Adam Mitchell, another outside songwriter, was brought in by producer Michael James Jackson.[3]
Despite being pictured on the album's cover art (from the photo-session for "Music From The Elder"), lead guitarist and co-founder Ace Frehley did not participate at all in the production of Killers. He had essentially ended his active involvement with Kiss in late 1981, although he would not officially leave the group until the end of 1982, after the release of this compilation.[1][2] His replacement for the Killers sessions was Bob Kulick, who had previously subbed for Frehley on a handful of studio tracks on 1977's Alive II. However, whereas Kulick had been asked to mimic Frehley's playing style when recording for Alive II, he was permitted to employ his own techniques for Killers.[3]
Due to the large volume of Kiss live albums and greatest hits albums already available domestically, Phonogram decided to issue the album outside the United States.[1] The album sold in moderate numbers, reaching its highest chart position of #6 in Norway. Elsewhere, Killers peaked at #21 and #27 in Australia and Japan, respectively. In Sweden and the United Kingdom, it reached #41 and #42, respectively. None of the singles released from the album, however, charted in any country.[3]
Track listing
Side one
1. "I'm a Legend Tonight" (Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell) – 3:59
2. "Down on Your Knees" (Stanley, Mikel Japp, Bryan Adams) – 3:31
3. "Cold Gin" (Ace Frehley) – 4:20
4. "Love Gun" (Stanley) – 3:17
5. "Shout It Out Loud (Edit)" (Stanley, Gene Simmons, Bob Ezrin) – 2:40
6. "Sure Know Something" (Stanley, Vini Poncia) – 3:59
Side two
1. "Nowhere to Run" (Stanley) – 4:32
2. "Partners in Crime" (Stanley, Mitchell) – 3:45
3. "Detroit Rock City (Edit)" (Stanley, Ezrin) – 3:53
4. "God of Thunder" (Stanley) – 4:11
5. "I Was Made for Lovin' You (Edit)" (Stanley, Poncia, Desmond Child) – 4:18
6. "Rock and Roll All Nite (Live)" (Stanley, Simmons) – 3:58
The release in Japan featured two additional tracks not found on the album as released in all other countries: "Escape from the Island" (Frehley, Eric Carr, Ezrin) and "Shandi" (Stanley, Poncia). Additionally, the version released in Australia consisted of the 12 tracks listed above and also included "Talk to Me" (Frehley) and "Shandi" (Stanley, Poncia). Also of note is the popular misconception that "Shout It Out Loud" on this release is a remixed version. This is not the case, however; it is the U.S. single version that merely fades out at the end rather than its abrupt album counterpart.
* Paul Stanley – rhythm guitar, lead vocals
* Gene Simmons – bass guitar; lead vocals
* Ace Frehley – lead guitar; backing vocals
* Eric Carr – drums
* Peter Criss - drums
Also Included Nowhere To Run (Remix) / Partner's In Crime (Remix) Both Vinyl Sourced
Rip Disclaimer Included

1982-KISS - Creatures of the Night With Bonus
KISS - Creatures of the Night With Bonus
Жанр: Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 1982
Лейбл: Casablanca
Страна-производитель: USA
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Формат записи: 16/44.1
Формат раздачи: 16/44.1
Продолжительность: 65.41 min
1. "Creatures of the Night" Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell Paul Stanley 4:02
2. "Saint and Sinner" Gene Simmons, Mikel Japp Gene Simmons 4:50
3. "Keep Me Comin'" Stanley, Mitchell Stanley 3:55
4. "Rock and Roll Hell" Simmons, Bryan Adams, Jim Vallance Simmons 4:11
5. "Danger" Stanley, Mitchell Stanley 3:54
6. "I Love It Loud" Simmons, Vinnie Vincent Simmons 4:15
7. "I Still Love You" Stanley, Vincent Stanley 6:06
8. "Killer" Simmons, Vincent Simmons 3:19
9. "War Machine" Simmons, Adams, Vallance Simmons 4:14
C1 I Love It Loud (Promo U.S Single)
C2 I'm A Legend Tonight
C3 Down On Your Knees
C4 Nowhere To Run
C5 Partners In Crime
C6 I Love It Loud (1988 Remix)
C7 Partners In Crime (1989 Remix)
Источник оцифровки: третьим лицом
Код класса состояния винила: Ex


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KISS Creatures of the Night Casablanca NBLP-7270 Vinyl Rip FLAC With Bonus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Creatures of the Night
Studio album by Kiss
Released October 13, 1982
Recorded July-September 1982
Genre Hard rock, heavy metal
Length 38:47
Label Casablanca
Producer Michael James Jackson, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons
Professional reviews
* Allmusic 4/5 stars link
* Pitchfork Media (1.5) link
* Vista Records 4.25/5 stars link
Creatures of the Night is a 1982 album from U.S. hard rock/heavy metal band Kiss. It is the band's 10th studio album and the last for Casablanca Records, the only label the group had ever recorded for up to that point. The album was also dedicated to the memory of Casablanca founder and early Kiss supporter Neil Bogart, who had died of cancer during the recording sessions.
The album represented a conscious effort on Kiss's part to return to the style of hard rock/heavy metal that had helped them achieve commercial success in the 1970s. That success had been in decline since 1979's album Dynasty and 1980's Unmasked. Kiss knew it needed to deliver on their earlier promise of a heavy record if they were to continue as a band. The first key ingredient was songwriter/guitarist Vincent Cusano, with whom the band had recently begun writing and recording, and was soon to replace Frehley as the band's new lead guitarist. Frehley didn't perform on this album and this was Vinnie Vincent's first album with the band. On the tour, Vincent was introduced with Ankh warrior makeup.
Some early pressings of the album mistakenly contained one full side of John Cougar's American Fool. Both Kiss and Cougar were under the umbrella of Mercury Records at the time. Today, those mistake albums are highly sought after by Kiss collectors.
Creatures of the Night was certified Gold on May 9, 1994.
"I Love It Loud" remains a permanent staple on the band's live performances. "I Still Love You" and "War Machine" have been occasionally played on some of the band's more recent shows.
Album background
As shown on the back of the "I Love It Loud" single, Ace Frehley was still portrayed as a member of Kiss, despite ceasing his active involvement with the group in 1981.
By 1982, Kiss' popularity in the U.S. had plummeted


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