Chinese Football乐队带着新加入的女鼓手、新的客串乐手和四首新歌回归了,不变的是宅男志趣和抓耳旋律以及那些有关青春和挫败的故事。
沉迷于自我世界的你,直到屏幕出现“Here comes a new challenger!”,才意识到这不是单机模式。正如生活这款游戏,新的玩家加入,是对手也是伙伴,是机遇亦是挑战。你不一定要击败他,但你尽力了,就能尝到喜悦。
Here we come , with a new female drummer / some guest musicians / brand new songs but same old stories about youth and frustration.
You didn't realize it's a multiplayer game until "Here comes a new challenger" appeared on the screen in front of you.
Life is a game , your challenger is not only your enemy but also your partner.Yon don't have to beat him.You Tried,You Lost,You Had Fun.