愛爾蘭鋼琴演奏家奧本(Partick O'Byrne)加盟首張專輯,憑著其高深精湛、卓越耀眼的鋼琴技藝被國際樂壇一致推崇。這次他更把法國作曲大師拉威爾(Maurice Ravel)的鋼琴組曲【鏡(Miroris)】及【夜之幽靈(Gaspard De La Nuit)】重新演繹,由專業錄音師悉心泡製,琴音更順滑流暢、鏗鏘悅耳,達至古典融合發燒製作的最高境界,震撼無比!
Patrick O'Byrne, internationally renowned pianist and professor of piano in Bremen, with an excellent recording of famous piano pieces from Maurice Ravel.
This recording has it all: Impressionistic sound to enjoy and savour... the quiet dreaminess of La Vallee des cloches - this symphony uses the whole sonic spectrum of bells and embodies this magnificent theme. Le Gibet evokes the sombre image of gallows at dusk.
This SACD release from Stockfisch displays the pianistic virtuosity to the highest degree, of which the Alborada del gracioso from "Miroir" and Ondine or Scarbo from "Gaspard de la nuit" are very fine examples. Miroirs and Gaspard de la nuit belong to the most difficult pieces ever written for piano. Maurice Ravel himself once said that overcoming technical problems is a form of art in itself. The exceptional musical quality of this recording once again delivered by Stockfisch seems to be superb proof of Ravel's statement. (网摘,感谢原作者!)
Maurece Ravel(1875-1937)
1.Noctuelles 4:44
2.Oiseaux tristes 3:53
3.Une B arqre sur I'ocean 7:15
4.Alborada del gracioso 5:50
5.La Vallee des cloches 5:12