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[原声] [DVDA] [of] [fm]霍华德岸 - 戒指之王 - 戒指的奖学金;两座塔;王者回归









发表于 2020-12-8 14:36:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Howard Shore - The Lord Of The Rings - The Fellowship Of The Ring; The Two Towers; The Return of the King
Жанр: Score
Год выпуска: 2005
Формат: DVD-Audio 48/24 5.1; 48/24 2.0. Dolby Digital 5.1; 2.0
Формат файла: ISO
Примечание: Внимание диск содержит водяные знаки/It's watermarked
Альбом: The Fellowship of the Ring
1. Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All
2. The Shire
3. Bag End
4. Very Old Friends
5. Flaming Red Hair
6. Farewell Dear Bilbo
7. Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
8. A Conspiracy Unmasked
9. Three is Company
10. The Passing of the Elves
11. Saruman the Whire
12. A Shortcut to Mushrooms
13. Strider
14. The Nazgul
15. Weathertop
16. The Caverns of Isengard
17. Give Up the Halfling
18. Orthanc
19. Rivendell
20. The Sword That Was Broken
21. The Council of Elrond Assembless
22. The Great Eye
23. Gilraen's Memorial
24. The Pass of Caradhras
25. The Doors of Durin
26. Moria
27. Gollum
28. Ballin's Tomb
29. Khazad-dum
30. Caras Galadhon
31. The Mirror of Galadriel
32. The Fightig Uruk-hai
33. Parth Galen
34. The Departure of Boromir
35. The Road Goes Ever On... Pr. 1
36. May It Be
37. The Road Goes Ever On... Pr. 2
Информация о диске из других источников


Жанр: Score
Год выпуска: 2006
Формат: DVD-Audio 48/24 5.1; 48/24 2.0. Dolby Digital 5.1; 2.0
Формат файла: ISO
Примечание: Внимание диск содержит водяные знаки/It's watermarked
Альбом: The Two Towers
1 . Glamdring
2 . Elven Rope
3 . Lost in Emyn Muil
4 . My Precious
5 . Ugluk's Warriors
6 . Three Hunters
7 . Banishment of Éomer
8 . Night Camp
9 . Plains of Rohan
10 . Fangorn
11 . Dead Marshes
12 . Wraiths on Wings
13 . Gandalf the White
14 . Dreams of Trees
15 . Heir of Numenor
16 . Ent-Draught
17 . Edoras
18 . Court of Meduseld0
19 . Theoden King
20 . King's Decision
21 . Exodus from Edoras
22 . Forests of Ithilian
23 . One of the Dunedain
24 . Wolves of Isengard
25 . Refuge at Helm's Deep
26 . Voice of Saruman
27 . Arwen's Fate
28 . Story Foretold
29 . Sons of the Steward
30 . Rock and Pool
31 . Faramir's Good Council
32 . Aragorn's Return
33 . War Is Upon Us
34 . Where Is the Horse and the Rider?
35 . Host of the Eldar
36 . Battle of the Hornburg
37 . Breach of the Deeping Wall
38 . Entmoot Decides
39 . Retreat
40 . Master Peregrin's Plan
41 . Last March of the Ents
42 . Nazgûl Attack
43 . Théodon Rides Forth
44 . Tales That Really Matter
45 . Long Ways to Go Yet

Жанр: Score
Год выпуска: 2007
Формат: DVD-Audio 48/24 5.1; 48/24 2.0. Dolby Digital 5.1; 2.0
Формат файла: AUDIO_TS+VIDEO_TS
Примечание: Внимание диск содержит водяные знаки/It's watermarked
Альбом: The Return of the King
Side A
1. Roots and Beginnings 6:31
2. Journey to the Crossroads 2:17
3. The Road to Isengard 2:18
4. The Foot of Orthanc 4:45
5. Return to Edoras 1:51
6. The Chalice Passed 1:51
7. The Green Dragon (feat. Billy Boyd & Dominic Monaghan) 0:35
8. Gollum's Villainy 2:10
9. Йowyn's Dream 1:24
10. The Palantir 3:10
11. Flight from Edoras 2:18
12. The Grace of Undуmiel (feat. Renйe Fleming) 6:21
13. The Eyes of the White Tower 4:34
14. A Coronet of Silver 8:27
15. The Lighting of the Beacon 9:03
16. Osgilliath Invaded (feat. Ben Del Maestro) 8:47
17. The Stairs of Cirith Ungol 2:41
18. Allegiance to Denethor 3:20
10. The Sacrifice of Faramir (feat. Billy Boyd) 4:08
20. The Parting of Sam and Frodo 4:04
21. Marshalling at Dunharrow 4:57
22. Andъril - Flame of the West 3:28
23. The Passing of the Grey Company 4:12
24. Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain 2:26
25. Master Meriadoc, Swordthain 1:40
26. The Paths of the Dead 6:22
27. The Siege of Gondor 9:01
28. Shelob's Lair 8:53
29. Merry's Simple Courage 2:09
Side B
1. Grond - The Hammer of the Underworld 1:33
2. Shelob the Great 5:13
3. The Tomb of the Stewards 3:58
4. The Battle of the Pelennor Fields 4:10
5. The Pyre of Denethor 2:59
6. The Mыmakil 0:57
7. Dernhelm in Battle 2:06
8. "A Far Green Country" 1:28
9. Shieldmaiden of Rohan 5:07
10. The Passing of Thйoden 2:16
11. The Houses of Healing (feat. Liv Tyler) 2:58
12. The Tower of Cirith Ungol 4:41
13. The Last Debate (feat. Sissel) 4:21
14. The Land of Shadow 6:30
15. The Mouth of Sauron 8:15
16. "For Frodo" 3:17
17. Mount Doom (feat. Renйe Fleming) 4:09
18. The Crack of Doom 4:02
19. The Eagles (feat. Renйe Fleming) 2:24
20. The Fellowship Reunited (feat. Sir James Galway & Viggo Mortensen) 12:18
21. The Journey to the Grey Havens (feat. Sir James Galway) 7:35
22. Elanor (feat. Sir James Galway) 1:28
23 Days of the Ring (feat. Annie Lennox) 11:10
24 Bilbo's Song 2:57
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Доп. информация: Cкачал из сети emule.
По многочисленным просьбам выкладываю пока что 2 альбома, Предупреждаю! сам пока не проверял эти альбомы на стационарном плеере, т.е. не ремастерил единый диск из аудио и видео папок. Единственное скажу, что CyberLink PowerDVD читает только дорожку DVD-Audio 48/24 2.0, а Creative MediaSource DVD-Audio Player на 15 секунде затыкается. Ну а с видео частью проблем нет. Приятного прослушивания! Внимание торрент перезалил! Добавлен альбом The Return of the King, спасибо огромное за него HANSMER с hdtracker.ru!

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