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[古典] [sacd-r] [OF] henrykgórecki - 交响乐数3(悲伤的歌曲)为女高音和乐队;旧式三件式 - 皇家爱乐乐团,Yuri Simonov,Susan Gritton - 1995/2005(古典管弦乐)









发表于 2020-12-8 14:56:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Henryk Górecki
Symphony No. 3 for Soprano and Orchesra, Op. 36 "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs"
Three Pieces in Old Style
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Yuri Simonov, conductor
Susan Gritton, soprano
Жанр: Classical Orchestral
Страна-производитель диска: Germany
Год издания: 1995 (2005)
Издатель (лейбл): Membran Music
Номер по каталогу: 222835-203
Страна: UK
Аудиокодек: DST64 5.1, 2.0
Тип рипа: image (iso)
Битрейт аудио: 1/2.8224 MHz
Продолжительность: 00:62:55
Источник (релизер): PS³SACD
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: да
Symphony No. 3 for Soprano and Orchesra, Op. 36 "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs"
1. I. Lento. Sostenuto tranquillo ma cantabile
2. II. Lento e Largo
3. III. Lento. Cantabile semplice
Three Pieces in Old Style
4. I. (Movement One)
5. II. (Movement Two)
6. III. (Movement Three)
Об альбоме (сборнике)
Симфония № 3, известная также как Симфония печальных песен или Симфония скорбных песнопений (польск. Symfonia pieśni żałosnych) Oр. 36 — наиболее популярное из произведений польского композитора Хенрика Гурецкого. Последняя из трёх симфоний композитора. Была создана в октябре-декабре 1976 года в Катовице и посвящена жене композитора Ядвиге Рураньской. Средняя продолжительность звучания — 55 минут.
Симфония написана для солирующего сопрано и оркестра. Текстом первой части стала Ламентация Девы Марии из Свентокшиского монастыря (Монастыря Святого Креста) (текст XV века), в котором Дева Мария обращается к умирающему на кресте Сыну, стремясь облегчить Его страдания. Вторая часть написана на слова, выцарапанные 18-летней Хеленой Вандой Блажусяк из польских Татр на стене гестаповской тюрьмы в Закопане и обращённые к матери и к Деве Марии («О, мама, не плачь, не надо. Царица Небесная, будь всегда для меня опорой»)[1]. Третья часть основана на народной песне, записанной в Силезии фольклористом Адольфом Дыгачем.
Первое исполнение симфонии состоялось 4 апреля 1977 года на Фестивале современного искусства в Руайяне, Оркестром Юго-Западного радио Германии дирижировал Эрнест Бур, партию сопрано исполнила Стефания Войтович (годом позже эти же исполнители осуществили и первую запись). Критика встретила симфонию, знаменовавшую отход Гурецкого от ранних, эстетически более радикальных сочинений, единодушным неодобрением.
В 1993 году запись Третьей симфонии Гурецкого с участием знаменитой певицы Дон Апшоу, в исполнении оркестра «Лондонская симфониетта» под управлением Давида Зинмана заняла первое место в хит-параде классической музыки журнала Gramophone и попала в десятку самых продаваемых записей в мире (шестое место)[2]. С тех пор симфония Гурецкого стала одной из наиболее популярных симфоний второй половины XX века. Среди множества её записей также работы таких дирижёров, как Антони Вит, Казимеж Корд, Юрий Симонов, Антон Нанут.
Симфония Гурецкого звучит в фильмах Мориса Пиала «Полиция», Питера Уира «Бесстрашный», Джулиана Шнабеля «Баския».
SA-CD.net review by brenda April 14, 2005:
What a find,- easily the best of the RPO discs I’ve heard so far and a performance which doesn’t deserve to have fallen from the catalogues in the first place. For those who don’t know this (almost ubiquitous) work, it was written in soviet-era Poland in 1975s and is characterised as a Symphony of Sorrowful Songs. It is based on Orthodox lament as well as folk song and uses minimal(ist) material to create tapestries of sound, sometimes soaring and sometimes dark and reverberant, which feature long sustained notes as well as gently dissonant clusters of notes. Imagine the Tallis fantasia accompanied by a Slavic Basso Profundo-sound (from the double basses and cellos) and suggestions of tolling bells (by the strings) and you’ll be on the right track, but its only a partial picture. The Symphony features three song sections, one in each movement: a mother’s lamentation, the words of an 18 year old female prisoner of the Gestapo and a mother’s confirmation of the loss of her son.
Of course, there’s strong competition (on RBCD) from the original Nonesuch recording with Zinman and Dawn Upshaw and the Wit (on Naxos), both of which I’ve heard, and from another half-dozen recordings I haven’t heard. In the face of that competition, I’m not sure that Simonov has anything new to “say” but he provides no less of a performance than either Zinman or Wit. Indeed, he falls about half way between the two, being less sweet and glossy than Zinman and less austere than Wit. His pulse is just about right, except towards the end of the first movement after the soprano’s first song, where I felt the tension winding down, something not helped by the very abrupt arrival of the second movement (something that’s a real pain about all these RPO releases). A shame in view of the marvellous build-up of tension before the song.
Zinman’s slightly quicker tempi are beautiful, but Simonov’s slower tempi are marvellously tense (up until the end of the first song, anyway). The wind and brass creep in from the first song onwards, and Simonov uses them (and the piano and harp) with subtlety.
The second and third movements are even more successful, maintaining more disciplined, clear headed tempi and tread. After all the sorrow, pain, death and repression of the rest of the Symphony the work ends on a gentle A major chord, – a sort of “dare to hope for better” message in 1975 for an end to repression. Alas, this wonderful conclusion is followed immediately on the disc by the three Songs in the Olden Style, which, whilst lovely in their own right, prevent you (the listener) from completely absorbing what you’ve just heard. My recommendation is to program and play only the Symphony’s three tracks, let it stop, let yourself pause for breath (you’ll need it) and then press play and go straight to track 4 and the three songs (which are, despite the title, movements for string orchestra.
The Soprano in the Symphony is the marvelous Susan Gritton, making her first recording after winning the Ferrier prize in the previous year. She is excellent, dark toned and Polish sounding, – not in diction, which I couldn’t comment on, but in mood. She is perhaps a little severe at times, such as in the opening of the second movement, where more tenderness would not have gone astray, but I think that her choices are legitimised by the basis of the work in antique Orthodox chant and folk music and a universal humanity which underscores all three songs.
The sound is also by far the best of the series (i.e. of the four I’ve heard so far). The double basses provide the right canonic depth and rumble without being over-reverberant and balances and soundstaging seem very real, especially in Surround. The disc is cut at a good volume too, which permits warmth and overcomes the shrillness of the other releases.
All in all, this is the equal of the Zinman and Wit, with some swings and roundabouts. I would have been happy to have paid a lot more than my 5 euros (at jpc), and that makes up for other disappointments in the RPO series. If you only get one of these re-releases, this would have to be my recommendation, despite all my minor caveats.
Digitally (PCM) recorded 1995 at Air Lyndurst, London

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