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[古典] [SACD-R] [OF] Prokofiev - 亚历山大奈夫斯基&Mussorgsky - Ravel - 展览 - Thomas Schippers - 纽约爱尔格乐队 - 1962/1965/2003(古典管弦乐队)









发表于 2020-12-8 14:56:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Prokofiev / Прокофьев : Alexander Nevsky Cantata / Александр Невский
Mussorgsky / Мусоргский - Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition / Картинки с выставки
Thomas Schippers / New York Philharmonic
Жанр: Classical Orchestaral / Choral
Носитель: SACD
Страна-производитель диска: USA
Год издания: 1962, 1965 (2003)
Издатель (лейбл): Sony
Номер по каталогу: SS 87711
Страна: USA
Аудиокодек: DST64 5.1, 2.0
Тип рипа: image (iso)
Битрейт аудио: 1/2.8224 MHz
Продолжительность: 01:14:01
Источник (релизер): PS³SACD
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: да
Прокофьев: Александр Невский, кантата для меццо-сопрано, хора и оркестра, соч. 78
Prokofiev: Alexander Nevsky, cantata for mezzo-soprano, chorus & orchestra, Op. 78:
1. Русь под игом монгольским - Russia Under the Mongolian Years
2. Песня об Александре Невском - Song About Alexander Nevsky
3. Крсетоносцы во Пскове - The Crusaders in Pskov
4. Вставайте, люди русские - Arise, Ye Russian People
5. Ледовое побоище - The Battle On The Ice
6. Мертвое поле - The Field Of the Dead
7. Вьезд Александра во Псков - Alexander’s Entry into Pskov
(на русском языке)
Мусоргский: Картинки с выставки (оркестровка Равеля)
Mussorgsky-Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition
8. Прогулка - Promenade
9. Гном - Gnomus
10. Прогулка - Promenade
11. Старинный замок - Il vecchio castello
12. Прогулка - Promenade
13. Тюильрийский сад (Ссора детей после игры) - Tuileries
14. Быдло - Bydlo
15. Прогулка - Promenade
16. Балет невылупившихся птенцов - Ballet of the Chicks in Their Shells
17. Два еврея, богатый и бедный - Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle
18. Лимож. Рынок (Большая новость) - The Marketplace at Limoges
19. Катакомбы (Римская гробница) - Catacombae, sepulchrum romanum
20. С мертвыми на мертвом языке - Con mortuis in lingua mortua
21. Избушка на курьих ножках - The Hut on Fowl’s Legs
22. Богатырские ворота (в стольном городе во Киеве) - The Great Gate at Kiev
Об альбоме (сборнике)
Thomas Schippers conducts the New York Philharmonic in two Russian showpieces.
Thomas Schippers had a sadly short career, but these recordings show his art at the best. The Nevsky is from 1962, while the Pictures is from 1965. The sources are not entirely clear, but both were likely 3-track recordings, and both have been redone in surround for this release. Please note that this ISO is a dual-layer disc.
Reviews from Classics Today (9 Performance / 8 Sound)
I don’t understand Sony. Thomas Schippers’ recording of Alexander Nevsky is terrific; it has enjoyed a reasonably large following over the years, and an excellent new transfer to CD would be welcome. So why, given the time and expense Sony seems willing to accept in remastering the performance for release as an SACD, does the label not simply release it as a multichannel/stereo hybrid so that the vast majority of folks who don’t own SACD players–or couldn’t care less–have the option of purchasing the disc and enjoying it too? It makes absolutely no sense.
That said, if you do have SACD capability you will enjoy these performances very much, both for the crack playing of the New York Philharmonic and for Schippers’ conducting, which among other things features a rip-roaring Battle on the Ice in the cantata and one of the grandest of all versions of The Great Gate of Kiev from Pictures at an Exhibition. The remastering focuses the sound a bit too much in the center channel, but it’s not anything as bad (for example) as Chandos’ first batch of SACDs (which sounded like mono!), and it’s head and shoulders above any sonics that these performances have enjoyed previously. It’s just a pity that the vast majority of music lovers have been denied the opportunity to get reacquainted with these well-loved readings in their latest form.
Review from Classic CD Review
Here’s another winner from Sony, Prokofiev’s cantata recorded Feb. 18, 1961, and Pictures recorded Jan. 11, 1965, all analog recordings made, fortunately, in the warmth of Manhattan Center. As with the Boulez Bartók, these were recorded in quad, with spectacular results. Richard King is listed as “sound mix engineer,” Woody Pornpitaksuk as “DSD Authoring Engineer,” a job I’ve never heard of before. Sound is splendid, with solid bass not suggested by LP issues of either of these performances. Schippers, then at the peak of his short-lived career, leads a magnificent performance of the Prokofiev and a virtuoso reading of Mussorgsky’s colorful trip through the gallery. Highly recommended – HOWEVER, this is a super audio multi-channel recording and can be played only on an SACD player. I don’t understand why Sony didn’t make this a hybrid SACD disk with high-quality stereo channels as well as multi-channel information. [PB note: there is a stereo SACD track - the disc was not a hybrid because it would not have fit on one SACD unless done as dual-layer]

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