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[欧美发烧]滚石杂志评选500张最伟大专辑)[1952 - 2003][ALAC][156.05GB]









发表于 2020-1-19 11:31:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Boom邦 于 2018-3-11 17:50 编辑 [滚石杂志评选500张最伟大专辑]The RS 500 Greatest Albums of All Time (1-500)[1952 - 2003][ALAC][156.05GB]

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名摇滚音乐人,乐评人和业界人士 调查投票而得出的。被调查者每人提出自己心目中最佳的50张唱片并给以评分,通过
统计所有票数得出最后的500张唱片名录。这个500佳名录里涵盖了多种 音乐形式,包括摇滚,布鲁斯,爵士,嘻哈乐,

    这个500佳名录在2005年单独发行成书,由Steven Van Zandt(美国乐手/演员/制作人/主持人,是布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷
的东大街乐队的成员之一,曾在美剧The Sopranos中扮演Silvio Dante)撰写引言。这次成书发行的名单与最初的名单有轻
微的不同,添加了OutKast乐队的Auemini专辑(1998),而且排名顺序也有所变化,Chuck Berry的The Great Twenty-Eight

    这个500佳名录具有明显的 时代倾向,尤其青睐于20世纪60和70年代,因此在公诸于世后也激起了各种反响。在名单
公布后,美国著名摇滚乐评人Jim DeRogatis(曾于1995-1996年当过《滚石》音乐杂志编辑,但在写了一篇关于Hootie &
the Blowfish的FairweatherJohnson专辑(1996)的负面评论之后,因激怒了《滚石》的老板,被《滚石》解雇。)在2004
年结集出版了一部书叫做《杀死你的偶像:新生代乐 评人重评经典》(KillYour Idols: A New Generation of Rock Writers
Reconsiders the Classics)。这本书收集了一些年轻乐评人对于《滚石》杂志高度评价的诸多“经典”唱片的不同意见,包
括DeRogatis本人对名单上排列第一位的披头士乐队的《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》专辑(1967)的评点。


1.Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles 1967

2. Pet Sounds, The Beach Boys 1966
The Beatles毫无疑问已经是有史以来最强的摇滚乐队,但The Beach Boys也被认为是唯一一个“在某个时间段”里可以
与之抗衡的队伍。应该说,在Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band问世之前,这张PetSounds就是摇滚音乐界最有想象
力的作品了。遗憾的是,Pet Sounds的主心骨Brian Wilson在听了Beatles的那张专辑以后,认为自己再也无法超过Beatles,
精神陷入崩溃,再也无力写出更好的作品。这张Pet Sounds也就成为了记载这场“瑜亮之争”的纪念品,滚石把这张专辑

3. Revolver, The Beatles 1966
没错,又是Beatles。成员George Harrison说这张专辑是Rubber Soul的姊妹篇,意思是说这两张碟在曲风和理念上都很接近。
Revolver延续了从Rubber Soul开始的迷幻摇滚试验,并且把这种曲风发展到一个高峰。因此,从革命性上说,这张专辑比排
般来说,革命性往往要以不成熟为代价。我当初听到这张专辑的时候觉得是很好,但也的确不像听到Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Hearts Club Band时那么心悦诚服。

4. Highway 61 Revisited, Bob Dylan 1965
Bob Dylan“终于”出现了,这张专辑里收录了被认为是“深刻地改变那个时代的商业体系与艺术观念”的那首Like a Rolling
Stone,这也是滚石杂志得名的由来。从这张专辑开始,Bob Dylan由民谣歌手正式向摇滚巨人的方向转变,这种曲风的转

5. Rubber Soul, The Beatles 1965

6. What's Going On, Marvin Gaye 1971
这张专辑首发于1971年,被誉为有史以来最有“灵魂力量”的专辑之一。Mavrin Gaye以他从越南战场归来的兄弟Frankie的
最杰出的典范,从第一首曲子开始,嘈杂的背景人声和Mavrin Gaye厚重的歌声就交织在一起,那个沉重的历史时期瞬间随

7. Exile on Main Street, The Rolling Stones 1972

8. London Calling, The Clash 1980

9. Blonde on Blonde, Bob Dylan 1966
Bob Dylan本人最满意的一张专辑,认为最接近于他在自己脑海中听到的那种单薄而又狂野的声音。曲风天马行空,挥洒不

10. The Beatles ("The White Album"), The Beatles 1968
还是Beatles。一看封面大家早就知道为什么这张专辑又被叫做TheWhite Album了。虽然封面是一片空白,但专辑的内容

11. The Sun Sessions, Elvis Presley 1976
猫王居然都进不了前十,滚石的编辑也真不给面子,真应了阿甘那句话,It must be hard to be a king(呃,扯远了 ),
胯动作相当不感冒 然而听过之后,我不得不说,这个家伙确实太牛了。

12. Kind of Blue, Miles Davis 1959
爵士大师Miles Davis的巅峰大作,被认为是最适合那些从来不听爵士乐的人的入门专辑,也是吸引他们听爵士乐的最好

13. Velvet Underground and Nico, The Velvet Underground 1967
的牛人包括但不限于:Sonic Youth、David Bowie、Patti Smith、Jesus And Mary Chain等等等等。我听过之后,觉得这

14. Abbey Road, The Beatles 1969
Beatles的最后一张专辑,制作人George Martin评论说,这是一张快乐的专辑,而之所以快乐,“大概是因为大家都知道这

15. Are You Experienced?, The Jimi Hendrix Experience 1967
以伟大的吉他手Jimi Hendrix为核心的The JimiHendrix Experience乐队的一张著名专辑,相当厉害。该专辑在1967年的专辑
排行榜中排名第二,仅仅次于Beatles那张强悍得掉渣的Sgt. Pepper's Lonely HeartsClub Band。而把这张专辑和普通的摇滚
专辑区分开的地方,正是Jimi Hendrix精彩的电吉他solo表现,他也被后世推崇为吉他之神。

16. Blood on the Tracks, Bob Dylan 1975
Bob Dylan又来了,这张专辑对他来说有特殊的意义,记录了他和妻子离异的心路历程。他自己在介绍专辑的第一首歌Tangled
Up in Blue的时候说,这首歌用了他10年的经历去感受,用了2年的时间才写成,看来感触确实很深。这是我个人最欣赏的一张
Bob Dylan,不但旋律优秀,Dylan在演唱中所倾注的情感更是给歌曲赋予了更深层次的魅力。但歌曲并非那种感伤情歌,节奏

17. Nevermind, Nirvana 1991

18. Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen 1975
又一位强者登场。有“工人皇帝”之称的Bruce Springteen,在蓝领阶层中拥有数不清的支持者,从70年代一直红到90年代。

19. Astral Weeks, Van Morrison 1968
有爱尔兰音乐教父之称的Van Morrison的作品,在搞了多年布鲁斯和R&B之后回到故乡,在思考和迷惘中推出了这样一张专辑,

20. Thriller, Michael Jackson 1982
一代天王MJ总算在第20位抢楼成功,沙发板凳都没了,地下室都不知多少层了(跑题again )。这张专辑确实强,你就算
再不了解MJ,也可以从各种各样的渠道听到那首Beat it,本人最近一次听到是在PS2游戏WE10的中场休息时间……MJ在日
本的影响力是没得说,N年前就有一款街机游戏《Moon Walker》是他当主角,那也是我第一次听到MJ的Beat it,并见识到


【Album List】:

001 # 1967 - The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
002 # 1966 - The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
003 # 1966 - The Beatles - Revolver
004 # 1965 - Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited
005 # 1965 - The Beatles - Rubber Soul
006 # 1971 - Marvin Gaye - What\'s Going On
007 # 1972 - The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main St
008 # 1979 - The Clash - London Calling
009 # 1966 - Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde
010 # 1968 - The Beatles - The Beatles
011 # 1976 - Elvis Presley - The Sun Sessions
012 # 1959 - Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
013 # 1967 - The Velvet Underground - Velvet Underground and Nico
014 # 1969 - The Beatles - Abbey Road
015 # 1967 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced
016 # 1974 - Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
017 # 1991 - Nirvana - Nevermind
018 # 1975 - Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run
019 # 1968 - Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
020 # 1982 - Michael Jackson - Thriller
021 # 1982 - Chuck Berry - The Great Twenty-Eight
022 # 1970 - John Lennon - Plastic Ono Band
023 # 1973 - Stevie Wonder - Innervisions
024 # 1963 - James Brown - Live at the Apollo
025 # 1977 - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
026 # 1987 - U2 - The Joshua Tree
027 # 1961 - Robert Johnson - King of the Delta Blues Singers
028 # 1971 - The Who - Who\'s Next
029 # 1969 - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
030 # 1971 - Joni Mitchell - Blue
031 # 1965 - Bob Dylan - Bringing It All Back Home
032 # 1969 - The Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed
033 # 1976 - Ramones - Ramones
034 # 1968 - The Band - Music from Big Pink
035 # 1972 - David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spidersfrom Mars
036 # 1971 - Carole King - Tapestry
037 # 1976 - Eagles - Hotel California
038 # 2001 - Muddy Waters - The Anthology (1947-1972)
039 # 1963 - The Beatles - Please Please Me
040 # 1967 - Love - Forever Changes
041 # 1977 - The Sex Pistols - Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols
042 # 1967 - The Doors - The Doors
043 # 1973 - Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon
044 # 1975 - Patti Smith - Horses
045 # 1969 - The Band - The Band
046 # 1984 - Bob Marley and the Wailers - Legend
047 # 1965 - John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
048 # 1988 - Public Enemy - It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
049 # 1971 - The Allman Brothers Band - The Allman Brothers Band at FillmoreEast
050 # 1957 - Little Richard - Here\'s Little Richard
051 # 1970 - Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
052 # 1975 - Al Green - Greatest Hits
053 # 1991 - Ray Charles - The Birth of Soul - The Complete Atlantic Rhythm andBlues Recordings, 1952 - 1959
054 # 1968 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland
055 # 1956 - Elvis Presley - Elvis Presley
056 # 1976 - Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life
057 # 1968 - The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet
058 # 1969 - Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica
059 # 1964 - The Beatles - Meet the Beatles!
060 # 1970 - Sly & The Family Stone - Greatest Hits
061 # 1987 - Guns N\' Roses - Appetite for Destruction
062 # 1991 - U2 - Achtung Baby
063 # 1971 - The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers
064 # 1991 - Phil Spector - Back to Mono (1958-1969)
065 # 1970 - Van Morrison - Moondance
066 # 1971 - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV
067 # 1977 - Billy Joel - The Stranger
068 # 1979 - Michael Jackson - Off the Wall
069 # 1972 - Curtis Mayfield - Superfly
070 # 1975 - Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
071 # 1970 - Neil Young - After the Gold Rush
072 # 1984 - Prince and the Revolution - Purple Rain
073 # 1980 - AC-DC - Back in Black
074 # 1965 - Otis Redding - Otis Blue - Otis Redding Sings Soul
075 # 1969 - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II
076 # 1971 - John Lennon - Imagine
077 # 1977 - The Clash - The Clash
078 # 1972 - Neil Young - Harvest
079 # 1991 - James Brown - Star Time
080 # 1968 - The Zombies - Odessey and Oracle
081 # 1986 - Paul Simon - Graceland
082 # 1967 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Axis - Bold as Love
083 # 1967 - Aretha Franklin - I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
084 # 1968 - Aretha Franklin - Lady Soul
085 # 1984 - Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A
086 # 1970 - The Beatles - Let It Be
087 # 1979 - Pink Floyd - The Wall
088 # 1968 - Johnny Cash - At Folsom Prison
089 # 1969 - Dusty Springfield - Dusty in Memphis
090 # 1972 - Stevie Wonder - Talking Book
091 # 1973 - Elton John - Goodbye #FF0000 Brick Road
092 # 1978 - Buddy Holly & the Crickets - 20 Golden Greats
093 # 1987 - Prince - Sign \'o\' the Times
094 # 1970 - Miles Davis - Bitches Brew
095 # 1969 - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River
096 # 1969 - The Who - Tommy
097 # 1963 - Bob Dylan - The Freewheelin` Bob Dylan
098 # 1978 - Elvis Costello & the Attractions - This Year\'s Model
099 # 1971 - Sly & the Family Stone - There\'s a Riot Goin\' On
100 # 1955 - Frank Sinatra - In the Wee Small Hours
101 # 1966 - Cream - Fresh Cream
102 # 1960 - John Coltrane - Giant Steps
103 # 1970 - James Taylor - Sweet Baby James
104 # 1962 - Ray Charles - Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music
105 # 1977 - Ramones - Rocket to Russia
106 # 2003 - Sam Cooke - Portrait of a Legend - 1951-1964
107 # 1971 - David Bowie - Hunky Dory
108 # 1965 - The Rolling Stones - Aftermath
109 # 1970 - The Velvet Underground - Loaded
110 # 1995 - Radiohead - The Bends
111 # 1973 - Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark
112 # 1967 - Cream - Disraeli Gears
113 # 1967 - The Who - The Who Sell Out
114 # 1965 - The Rolling Stones - Out of Our Heads
115 # 1970 - Derek and the Dominos - Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs
116 # 1961 - Etta James - At Last
117 # 1968 - The Byrds - Sweetheart of the Rodeo
118 # 1969 - Sly and the Family Stone - Stand!
119 # 1972 - Various Artists - Jimmy Cliff in the Harder They Come
120 # 1986 - Run-D.M.C. - Raising Hell
121 # 1967 - Moby Grape - Moby Grape
122 # 1971 - Janis Joplin - Pearl
123 # 1973 - Bob Marley and the Wailers - Catch a Fire
124 # 1967 - The Byrds - Younger Than Yesterday
125 # 1973 - Iggy and the Stooges - Raw Power
126 # 1980 - Talking Heads - Remain in Light
127 # 1966 - The Mamas and the Papas - If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears
128 # 1977 - Television - Marquee Moon
129 # 1978 - Hank Williams - 40 Greatest Hits
130 # 1970 - Black Sabbath - Paranoid
131 # 1977 - Various Artists - Saturday Night Fever (The Original Movie SoundTrack)
132 # 1973 - Bruce Springsteen - The Wild, the Innocent & the E StreetShuffle
133 # 1994 - The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready to Die
134 # 1992 - Pavement - Slanted and Enchanted
135 # 1974 - Elton John - Greatest Hits
136 # 1985 - The Replacements - Tim
137 # 1992 - Dr. Dre - The Chronic
138 # 1974 - The Meters - Rejuvenation
139 # 2000 - U2 - All That You Can\'t Leave Behind
140 # 1978 - Blondie - Parallel Lines
141 # 1971 - B.B. King - Live at the Regal
142 # 1963 - Phil Spector - A Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector
143 # 1968 - Dr. John - Gris-Gris
144 # 1988 - N.W.A - Straight Outta Compton
145 # 1977 - Steely Dan - Aja
146 # 1967 - Jefferson Airplane - Surrealistic Pillow
147 # 1998 - Otis Redding - Dreams to Remember - The Otis Redding Anthology
148 # 1970 - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Deja Vu
149 # 1973 - Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy
150 # 1969 - Santana - Santana
151 # 1978 - Bruce Springsteen - Darkness on the Edge of Town
152 # 1979 - The B-52\'s - The B-52\'s
153 # 1958 - Howlin\' Wolf - Moanin\' in the Moonlight
154 # 1991 - A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory
155 # 1980 - The Pretenders - Pretenders
156 # 1989 - Beastie Boys - Paul\'s Boutique
157 # 1980 - Joy Division - Closer
158 # 1975 - Elton John - Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy
159 # 1975 - Kiss - Alive!
160 # 1971 - T. Rex - Electric Warrior
161 # 1968 - Otis Redding - The Dock of the Bay
162 # 1997 - Radiohead - OK Computer
163 # 1982 - Prince - 1999
164 # 1974 - Linda Ronstadt - Heart Like a Wheel

165 补齐1973 -《 Let's Get It On 》 Marvin Gaye  
补源版本:1973 -《 Let's Get It On 》 Marvin Gaye

166 # 1982 - Elvis Costello and the Attractions - Imperial Bedroom
167 # 1986 - Metallica - Master of Puppets
168 # 1977 - Elvis Costello - My Aim is True

169 补齐2001 -《 Exodus 》 Bob Marley  
补源版本:Bob Marley & The Wailers - Exodus (1977) [FLAC] (2001 Remastered Deluxe Edition)

170 # 1970 - The Who - Live at Leeds
171 # 1968 - The Byrds - The Notorious Byrd Brothers
172 # 1971 - Rod Stewart - Every Picture Tells a Story
173 # 1972 - Todd Rundgren - Something - Anything
174 # 1975 - Bob Dylan - Desire
175 # 1970 - Carpenters - Close to You
176 # 1976 - Aerosmith - Rocks
177 # 1978 - Funkadelic - One Nation Under a Groove
178 # 1967 - The Byrds - Greatest Hits
179 # 1992 - Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions - The Anthology 1961-1977
180 # 2001 - ABBA - The Definitive Collection
181 # 1965 - The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones, Now!
182 # 1974 - Bob Marley & the Wailers - Natty Dread
183 # 1975 - Fleetwood Mac - Fleetwood Mac
184 # 1975 - Willie Nelson - Red Headed Stranger
185 # 1969 - The Stooges - The Stooges
186 # 1973 - Sly and the Family Stone - Fresh
187 # 1986 - Peter Gabriel - So
188 # 1967 - Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again
189 # 1969 - Quicksilver Messenger Service - Happy Trails
190 # 1969 - Elvis Presley - From Elvis in Memphis
191 # 1970 - The Stooges - Fun House
192 # 1969 - The Flying Burrito Brothers - The Gilded Palace of Sin
193 # 1994 - Green Day - Dookie
194 # 1972 - Lou Reed - Transformer
195 # 1966 - John Mayall With Eric Clapton - Blues Breakers
196 # 1998 - Various Artists - Nuggets - Original Artyfacts from the FirstPsychedelic Era 1965 - 1968
197 # 1983 - R.E.M. - Murmur
198 # 1986 - Little Walter - The Best of Little Walter
199 # 1979 - AC-DC - Highway To Hell
200 # 1994 - Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
201 # 1966 - Simon and Garfunkel - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
202 # 1987 - Michael Jackson - Bad
203 # 1968 - Cream - Wheels of Fire
204 # 1980 - Prince - Dirty Mind
205 # 1970 - Santana - Abraxas
206 # 1970 - Cat Stevens - Tea for the Tillerman
207 # 1991 - Pearl Jam - Ten
208 # 1969 - Neil Young With Crazy Horse - Everybody Knows This is Nowhere
209 # 1975 - Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
210 # 1994 - Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
211 # 1981 - The Rolling Stones - Tattoo You
212 # 1991 - Ike and Tina Turner - Proud Mary - The Best of Ike and Tina Turner
213 # 1973 - New York Dolls - New York Dolls
214 # 1959 - Bo Diddley - Go Bo Diddley
215 # 1961 - Bobby Bland - Two Steps from the Blues
216 # 1986 - The Smiths - The Queen is Dead
217 # 1986 - Beastie Boys - Licensed to Ill
218 # 1969 - The Meters - Look-Ka Py Py
219 # 1991 - My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
220 # 1972 - Professor Longhair - New Orleans Piano
221 # 1983 - U2 - War
222 # 1999 - Neil Diamond - The Neil Diamond Collection
223 # 1962 - Howlin\' Wolf - Howlin\' Wolf
224 # 1982 - Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska
225 # 1998 - Hank Williams - The Complete Hank Williams
226 # 1989 - Pixies - Doolittle
227 # 1987 - Eric B. & Rakim - Paid in Full
228 # 1975 - Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic
229 # 1989 - Bonnie Raitt - Nick of Time
230 # 1975 - Queen - A Night at the Opera
231 # 1972 - The Kinks - The Kink Kronikles
232 # 1965 - The Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man
233 # 1968 - Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends
234 # 2000 - Patsy Cline - The Ultimate Collection
235 # 1992 - Jackie Wilson - Mr. Excitement!
236 # 1965 - The Who - The Who Sings My Generation
237 # 1989 - Madonna - Like a Prayer
238 # 1972 - Steely Dan - Can\'t Buy a Thrill
239 # 1984 - The Replacements - Let It Be
240 # 1984 - Run-D.M.C. - Run-D.M.C
241 # 1970 - Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
242 # 1993 - Jerry Lee Lewis - The Jerry Lee Lewis Anthology - All Killer NoFiller!
243 # 1966 - The Mothers of Invention - Freak Out!
244 # 1969 - Grateful Dead - Live - Dead
245 # 1970 - Nick Drake - Bryter Layter
246 # 1959 - Ornette Coleman - The Shape of Jazz to Come
247 # 1992 - R.E.M. - Automatic for the People
248 # 1996 - Jay-Z - Reasonable Doubt
249 # 1977 - David Bowie - Low
250 # 1980 - Bruce Springsteen - The River
251 # 1966 - Otis Redding - Complete & Unbelievable - The Otis ReddingDictionary of Soul
252 # 1991 - Metallica - Metallica
253 # 1977 - Kraftwerk - Trans-Europa Express
254 # 1985 - Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston
255 # 1968 - The Kinks - The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society
256 # 1997 - Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope
257 # 1978 - Willie Nelson - Stardust
258 # 1970 - Grateful Dead - American Beauty
259 # 1969 - Crosby, Stills & Nash - Crosby, Stills & Nash
260 # 1997 - Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
261 # 1988 - Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman
262 # 1970 - Grateful Dead - Workingman\'s Dead
263 # 1959 - Ray Charles - The Genius of Ray Charles
264 # 1968 - Blood, Sweat & Tears - Child Is Father to the Man
265 # 1970 - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo\'s Factory
266 # 1973 - The Who - Quadrophenia
267 # 1973 - Paul Simon - There Goes Rhymin\' Simon
268 # 1985 - The Jesus and Mary Chain - Psychocandy
269 # 1978 - The Rolling Stones - Some Girls
270 # 1965 - The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys Today!
271 # 1965 - Smokey Robinson and the Miracles - Going to a Go-Go
272 # 1974 - LaBelle - Nightbirds
273 # 1999 - Eminem - The Slim Shady LP
274 # 1975 - Parliament - Mothership Connection
275 # 1989 - Janet Jackson - Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation 1814
276 # 1952 - Harry Smith - Anthology of American Folk Music
277 # 1973 - David Bowie - Aladdin Sane
278 # 1990 - Madonna - The Immaculate Collection
279 # 1994 - Mary J. Blige - My Life
280 # 1964 - Muddy Waters - Folk Singer
281 # 1974 - Barry White - Can\'t Get Enough
282 # 1978 - The Cars - The Cars
283 # 1969 - Nick Drake - Five Leaves Left
284 # 1972 - Stevie Wonder - Music of My Mind
285 # 1972 - Al Green - I\'m Still in Love With You
286 # 1980 - X - Los Angeles
287 # 1968 - Grateful Dead - Anthem of the Sun
288 # 1967 - The Kinks - Something Else by the Kinks
289 # 1973 - Al Green - Call Me
290 # 1977 - Talking Heads - Talking Heads - 77
291 # 1975 - Bob Dylan - The Basement Tapes
292 # 1967 - The Velvet Underground - White Light - White Heat
293 # 1972 - Simon and Garfunkel - Simon and Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits
294 # 1969 - MC5 - Kick Out the Jams
295 # 1985 - The Smiths - Meat is Murder
296 # 1968 - The Mothers of Invention - We’re Only in It for the Money
297 # 1994 - Weezer - Weezer (Blue Album)
298 # 1971 - Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
299 # 1971 - Dolly Parton - Coat of Many Colors
300 # 1990 - Public Enemy - Fear of a Black Planet
301 # 1968 - Bob Dylan - John Wesley Harding
302 # 2000 - Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP
303 # 1994 - Jeff Buckley - Grace
304 # 1998 - Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
305 # 1996 - Beck - Odelay
306 # 1956 - Frank Sinatra - Songs for Swingin\' Lovers
307 # 1982 - Roxy Music - Avalon
308 # 1994 - Various Artists - The Sun Records Collection
309 # 1988 - Jane\'s Addiction - Nothing\'s Shocking
310 # 1991 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik
311 # 1994 - Nirvana - MTV Unplugged in New York
312 # 1998 - Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
313 # 1979 - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Damn the Torpedoes
314 # 1969 - The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground
315 # 1988 - Pixies - Surfer Rosa
316 # 2001 - No Doubt - Rock Steady
317 # 2002 - Eminem - The Eminem Show
318 # 1972 - The O\'Jays - Back Stabbers
319 # 1973 - The Wailers - Burnin\'
320 # 1972 - Nick Drake - Pink Moon
321 # 1972 - Randy Newman - Sail Away
322 # 1981 - The Police - Ghost in the Machine
323 # 1976 - David Bowie - Station to Station
324 # 2002 - Linda Ronstadt - The Very Best of Linda Ronstadt
325 # 1977 - Eric Clapton - Slowhand
326 # 1989 - The Cure - Disintegration
327 # 1995 - Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill
328 # 1993 - Liz Phair - Exile in Guyville
329 # 1988 - Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
330 # 1986 - James Brown - In the Jungle Groove
331 # 1975 - Neil Young - Tonight\'s the Night
332 # 1965 - The Beatles - Help!
333 # 1982 - Richard & Linda Thompson - Shoot Out the Lights
334 # 1981 - X - Wild Gift
335 # 1979 - Graham Parker - Squeezing Out Sparks
336 # 1994 - Soundgarden - Superunknown
337 # 1971 - Jethro Tull - Aqualung
338 # 1968 - Big Brother & the Holding Company - Cheap Thrills
339 # 1974 - Tom Waits - The Heart of Saturday Night
340 # 1981 - Black Flag - Damaged
341 # 1999 - Moby - Play
342 # 1990 - Depeche Mode - Violator
343 # 1977 - Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell
344 # 1973 - Lou Reed - Berlin
345 # 1984 - Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense
346 # 1989 - De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising
347 # 1967 - Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
348 # 2001 - Muddy Waters - At Newport 1960
349 # 1966 - The Yardbirds - Roger the Engineer
350 # 1979 - Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Rust Never Sleeps
351 # 1985 - Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
352 # 1978 - Billy Joel - 52nd Street
353 # 1965 - The Yardbirds - Having a Rave Up
354 # 1970 - Randy Newman - 12 Songs
355 # 1967 - The Rolling Stones - Between the Buttons
356 # 1960 - Miles Davis - Sketches of Spain
357 # 1972 - Elton John - Honky Chateau
358 # 1979 - Buzzcocks - Singles Going Steady
359 # 2000 - OutKast - Stankonia
360 # 1993 - Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
361 # 1987 - New Order - Substance
362 # 1971 - The Doors - L. A. Woman
363 # 1998 - Madonna - Ray of Light
364 # 1994 - Johnny Cash - American Recordings
365 # 1987 - The Smiths - Louder Than Bombs
366 # 1973 - Mott the Hoople - Mott
367 # 2001 - The Strokes - Is This It
368 # 1992 - Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine
369 # 1979 - The Police - Reggatta de Blanc
370 # 1969 - Jefferson Airplane - Volunteers
371 # 1975 - Roxy Music - Siren
372 # 1974 - Jackson Browne - Late for the Sky
373 # 1995 - Bjork - Post
374 # 1972 - Eagles - Eagles
375 # 1991 - John Lee Hooker - The Ultimate Collection (1948-1990)
376 # 1995 - Oasis - (What\'s the Story) Morning Glory
377 # 1994 - TLC - CrazySexyCool
378 # 1973 - Toots & the Maytals - Funky Kingston
379 # 1973 - Bruce Springsteen - Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J
380 # 1970 - The Beach Boys - Sunflower
381 # 1976 - The Modern Lovers - The Modern Lovers
382 # 1978 - Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings and Food
383 # 1966 - The Who - A Quick One
384 # 1983 - Def Leppard - Pyromania
385 # 1974 - Steely Dan - Pretzel Logic
386 # 1993 - Wu-Tang Clan - Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
387 # 1974 - Roxy Music - Country Life
388 # 1964 - The Beatles - A Hard Day\'s Night
389 # 1989 - Don Henley - The End of the Innocence
390 # 2003 - The White Stripes - Elephant
391 # 1976 - Jackson Browne - The Pretender
392 # 1969 - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Willy and the Poor Boys
393 # 1974 - Randy Newman - Good Old Boys
394 # 1973 - Roxy Music - For Your Pleasure
395 # 1991 - Massive Attack - Blue Lines
396 # 1983 - ZZ Top - Eliminator
397 # 1985 - Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
398 # 1986 - The Temptations - Anthology
399 # 1999 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
400 # 1994 - Nas - Illmatic
401 # 1973 - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Lynrd Skynyrd
402 # 1972 - Dr. John - Dr. John\'s Gumbo
403 # 1974 - Big Star - Radio City
404 # 1980 - The Clash - Sandinista!
405 # 1993 - PJ Harvey - Rid of Me
406 # 1990 - Sinead O\'Connor - I Do Not Want What I Haven\'t Got
407 # 1967 - The Doors - Strange Days
408 # 1997 - Bob Dylan - Time Out of Mind
409 # 1974 - Eric Clapton - 461 Ocean Boulevard
410 # 1977 - Wire - Pink Flag
411 # 1984 - Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime
412 # 1998 - Massive Attack - Mezzanine
413 # 1981 - Go Go\'s - Beauty and the Beat
414 # 1991 - James Brown - 20 All-Time Greatest Hits!
415 # 1978 - Van Halen - Van Halen
416 # 1999 - Tom Waits - Mule Variations
417 # 1980 - U2 - Boy
418 # 1973 - Paul McCartney and Wings - Band on the Run
419 # 1994 - Dummy - Portishead
420 # 1963 - The Beatles - With the Beatles
421 # 1957 - Buddy Holly and the Crickets - The Chirping Crickets
422 # 1990 - Various Artists - The Best of the Girl Groups
423 # 1998 - The Mamas and the Papas - Greatest Hits
424 # 1970 - Robert Johnson - King of the Delta Blues Singers Vol. II
425 # 1976 - David Bowie - ChangesOneBowie
426 # 1999 - Rage Against the Machine - The Battle of Los Angeles
427 # 1964 - The Ronettes Featuring Veronica - Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes
428 # 2000 - Radiohead - Kid A
429 # 1974 - Gram Parsons - Grievous Angel
430 # 1979 - Cheap Trick - At Budokan
431 # 2001 - Diana Ross & The Supremes - Anthology
432 # 2002 - Peter Wolf - Sleepless
433 # 1975 - Brian Eno - Another Green World
434 # 1978 - The Police - Outlandos d\'Amour
435 # 1995 - PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love
436 # 1973 - Brian Eno - Here Come the Warm Jets
437 # 1970 - George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
438 # 1972 - Big Star - #1 Record
439 # 1993 - Nirvana - In Utero
440 # 2002 - Beck - Sea Change
441 # 1995 - No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom
442 # 1980 - The Cure - Boys Don’t Cry
443 # 1985 - Sam Cooke - Live at the Harlem Square Club, 1963
444 # 1987 - Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded
445 # 1985 - The Pogues - Rum Sodomy & the Lash
446 # 1977 - Suicide - Suicide
447 # 1978 - Devo - Q - Are We Not Men A - We Are Devo!
448 # 1977 - Cheap Trick - In Color
449 # 1972 - War - The World Is a Ghetto
450 # 1976 - Steve Miller Band - Fly Like an Eagle
451 # 1970 - MC5 - Back in the USA
452 # 2000 - Madonna - Music
453 # 1990 - Jane\'s Addiction - Ritual de lo Habitual
454 # 1987 - Stan Getz - Compact Jazz - Stan Getz
455 # 1983 - The Police - Synchronicity
456 # 1992 - Big Star - Third - Sister Lovers
457 # 1973 - Jackson Browne - For Everyman
458 # 1972 - John Prine - John Prine
459 # 1988 - EPMD - Strictly Business
460 # 1971 - Alice Cooper - Love It to Death
461 # 1984 - Los Lobos - How Will the Wolf Survive
462 # 1978 - Marvin Gaye - Here, My Dear
463 # 1970 - Elton John - Tumbleweed Connection
464 # 2001 - Jay-Z - The Blueprint
465 # 1968 - The Drifters - The Drifters\' Golden Hits
466 # 1994 - Hole - Live Through This
467 # 2001 - Bob Dylan - Love And Theft
468 # 1970 - Elton John - Elton John
469 # 1979 - Public Image Ltd. - Metal Box
470 # 1987 - R.E.M. - Document
471 # 1981 - Echo And The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here
472 # 1987 - Def Leppard - Hysteria
473 # 2002 - Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
474 # 1967 - Otis Redding - Otis Redding Live in Europe
475 # 1987 - Bruce Springsteen - Tunnel of Love
476 # 1965 - The Paul Butterfield Blues Band - The Paul Butterfield Blues Band
477 # 1996 - Fugees - The Score
478 # 1985 - LL Cool J - Radio
479 # 1974 - Richard and Linda Thompson - I Want to See the Bright LightsTonight
480 # 1987 - George Michael - Faith
481 # 1984 - The Smiths - The Smiths
482 # 1979 - Elvis Costello and the Attractions - Armed Forces
483 # 1997 - The Notorious B.I.G. - Life After Death
484 # 1967 - Merle Haggard and The Strangers - Branded Man
485 # 2002 - Loretta Lynn - All Time Greatest Hits
486 # 1971 - Funkadelic - Maggot Brain
487 # 1995 - The Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
488 # 2000 - D\'Angelo - Voodoo
489 # 1986 - Steve Earle - Guitar Town
490 # 1979 - Gang of Four - Entertainment!
491 # 1972 - Mott the Hoople - All the Young Dudes
492 # 1994 - Pearl Jam - Vitalogy
493 # 1975 - Earth, Wind & Fire - That’s the Way of the World
494 # 1983 - Cyndi Lauper - She\'s So Unusual
495 # 1985 - Husker Du - New Day Rising
496 # 1976 - Kiss - Destroyer
497 # 1987 - Public Enemy - Yo! Bum Rush the Show
498 # 1973 - ZZ Top - Tres Hombres
499 # 1967 - Albert King - Born Under a Bad Sign
500 # 1983 - Eurythmics - Touch




本主题由 wufeng 于 2019-7-21 06:41 关闭





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