专辑名称:Chet Baker Live in London Volume II
专辑歌手:Chet Baker
专辑类型:Cool Jazz
Chet Baker是50年代初期西海岸爵士的代表人物之一。1952年,他与低音萨克斯手Gerry Mulligan进行了长期的合作,这个不设钢琴的四人乐队无论在美国,还是在欧洲都极为成功。60年代以后,切特·贝克移居欧洲。切特·贝克的内心总是愁云密布,有挥之不去的迷惘和失落,他的轻缓的表达使人们相信他永远是个失恋者,整日陶醉于自我的失败情绪中。这种青春般的迷惘是切特·贝克留给年轻乐迷最易感动的东西,而他一贯的音乐形象与他人生的结局一样也用驻在人们的心中。
Chet Baker,一个俊朗迷人的美男子,一个爵士乐历史上的早熟天才。在Bruce Weber为他拍摄的传记电影《Let's Get Lost让我们一起迷失》中,我们可以看到他的一生。他最早从军队中学到音乐常识,退伍后在Be-bop鼻祖Charlie Parker的乐团中作过短暂的停留,23岁时,和低音色士风手Mulligan一起录下Cool Jazz著名的演奏《My Funny Valentine》,凭此曲一炮而红。这首老曲子在切特·贝克发挥之下重新焕发了生命,它简单而含蓄,几乎是不动声色地,但却深深渗入你的听觉之中。成名后的切特·贝克组成四人爵士乐团走遍美国各地;六十年代后,又只身前往欧洲,把Cool Jazz的精髓加入更多的欧洲和声,令爵士乐在欧洲获得更大的推广。
Chet Baker就像是一颗燃烧著的流星,散发著令人不可思议的能量,带著一种致命的速度向神秘不可知的地方冲去。1988年5月13日,有人在阿姆斯特丹发现他堕楼身亡,一代爵士大师就这样撒手尘寰。电影《Let's Get Lost让我们一起迷失》在切特·贝克死前三个星期拍完,切特·贝克曾说拍摄过程给他带来了一段难忘的欢乐时光,但他还未来得及看到这部电影就悄然而别了。1990年,这部电影获得奥斯卡金像奖最佳纪录短片提名。切特·贝克是一个自我主义者。他沉湎在自己的生命与音乐之中,对周遭世界置若罔闻。他的演奏和歌唱都是以自我为中心,就象是一个内敛式的磁场,听者只能被他的音乐吸进去,而他从不迁就听者。他的小喇叭就象一个街头失意的醉汉,在感觉的世界中到处游走,不时迸发出一些即兴的火花,幽暗低回,带著一种令人落泪的宿命感。就象那个失落的年代一样,切特·贝克的音乐迷失在岁月的隧道里,但至今我们仍听得见他醉人的回声。
For six evenings, from 28th March to 2nd April 1983, the John Horler Trio rhythm section supported the legendary trumpet player Chet Baker at The Canteen in London. For those who were fortunate enough to be there, these were magical shows. The rhythm section was tight and Chet was at the top of his game. The best of the six hours of music is presented here on 'Live in London Volume II' and has been restored and remastered to the highest quality.Jim Richardson, Chet's bassist, asked him if he could record the shows for his personal enjoyment. Chet was only too happy to agree, and Jim managed to capture most of the performances on a SONY TCS 300 audiocassette recorder.Over the years, Jim selectively shared this astonishing music, and those who heard it encouraged him to find a way to release it to the public. However, a combination of factors precluded this from happening for 33 years, until Martin Hummel met Jim late one evening at Ronnie Scott's. Jim's story about the music and his unwavering desire to share this with the world caught Hummel's attention. Together, they persevered and ultimately The Chet Baker Estate granted permission to release the material on the Ubuntu Music record label.These, just like the original 'Live in London' release, are exceptional performances of Baker at his best, with music that touches the head, the heart and the soul.
01. Strollin'
02. Broken Wing
03. My Ideal
04. Stella by Starlight
05. Down
06. Dolphin Dance
07. Polka Dots and Moonbeams
08. When I Fall in Love
09. Dear Old Stockholm
10. Just Friends