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[无损ALAC] (Indie Rock, Lo-Fi) The Kills - Discography - 2003-2011 [ALAC, Tracks, Lossless]









发表于 2021-9-25 13:08:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Дискография 2003-2011


Жанр: Indie rock, Garage rock, Lo-fi
Лейбл: Domino Records
Тексты: вшиты
Кодек: ALAC
Программа-риповщик : foobar2000
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт: losslessThe Kills - англо-американский дуэт, состоящий из американской вокалистки Элисон Моссхарт и британского гитариста Джейми Хинса.
О группе
Возникновение группы
Моссхарт до The Kills пела в американской панк-рок группе Discount. Однажды, когда она была в отеле, она услышала, как Джейми практикуется в игре на гитаре в номере над ней. Хайнс в это время играл в английских группах Scarfo и Blyth Power. Так дуэт впервые встретился. Потом, когда группы, в которых играли будущие участники The Kills, распались, Джейми и Элисон договорились о сотрудничестве. В 2000 году Моссхарт перелетела через океан, в Лондон, и работа новой группы началась.
Творчество дуэта
Творчество The Kills представляет собой музыку, составленную из жестких гитарных партий Хайнса, отрывистого вокала Моссхарт, и ритмичных перкуссионных партий драм-машины. На концертах Элисон иногда исполняет роль и ритм-гитариста.
Когда The Kills нашли уважаемый лейбл, который согласился с ними сотрудничать (Domino Records), то тут же приступили к записи песен. В 2002 году состоялся релиз EP «Black Rooster». В США распространением EP занялась студия Dim Mak Records. Пластинка представляла собой нечто совсем другое, чем занимались Хинс и Моссхарт в своих предыдущих коллективах, больше всего напоминая Lo-Fi. В музыкальной прессе молодых The Kills тут же начали сравнивать с The White Stripes, в основном из-за формата «мальчик-девочка». Сравнения участились, когда The Kills записали свой первый альбом «Keep On Your Mean Side» в той же студии (Toe Rag Studios), в которой The White Stripes записали свой знаменитый альбом Elephant (в том же 2003 году).
Позиционируя себя как группу, противостоящую музыкальной индустрии, The Kills редко давали интервью, однако регулярно приглашали прессу на свои закрытые представления. Моссхарт курила сигареты, когда не пела, иногда перебрасываясь с публикой парой фраз, тем временем как Джейми молчаливо играл свои партии, иногда подпевая Элисон.
Второй альбом, No Wow, вышедший в 2005 году, содержал меньше тяжелых гитарных рифов, которые были так присущи их первому альбому, был сделан с претензией на более «художественное» исполнение. Первый сингл с альбома, «The Good Ones», был выпущен 7 февраля 2005 года и добрался до 23 места в чартах синглов Великобритании.
В 2007 The Kills написали в своем блоге, что работа над новым альбомом закончена. Первый Сингл с этого альбома прозвучал на BBC Radio One 1 ноября. Сама пластинка была выпущена в 2008 и получила название «Midnight Boom».
В начале 2011 Kills обьявили о скором выходе нового альбома Blood Pressures.


Keep On Your Mean Side [2003]

01 Superstition
02 Cat Claw
03 Pull A U
04 Kissy Kissy
05 Fried My Little Brains
06 Hand
07 Hitched
08 Black Rooster
09 Wait
10 Fuck The People
11 Monkey 23
12 Gypsy Death & You
Лог fooCDtect
fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.
auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
mode: 0
Track: Superstition
Processing file: [Superstition.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.019840e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.270420e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.089356e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.781320e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 5.277875e-001
First order smothness: 4.462920e-001
Second order smothness: 5.111407e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Cat Claw
Processing file: [Cat Claw.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.036699e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.323493e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.135234e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.055047e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.158400e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.603768e-001
First order smothness: 4.048866e-001
Second order smothness: 5.004363e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Pull A U
Processing file: [Pull A U.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.017426e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.242911e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.100210e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.362786e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 5.022352e-001
First order smothness: 3.893199e-001
Second order smothness: 3.687814e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Kissy Kissy
Processing file: [Kissy Kissy.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.017367e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.313238e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.089600e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.290352e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 8.810021e-001
First order smothness: 3.582822e-001
Second order smothness: 6.223926e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Fried My Little Brains
Processing file: [Fried My Little Brains.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.015767e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.281952e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.080652e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.674798e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 7.805681e-001
First order smothness: 4.265025e-001
Second order smothness: 4.112962e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Hand
Processing file: [Hand.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.034721e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.209328e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 1.992269e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.262286e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189600e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.231977e+000
First order smothness: 4.458716e-001
Second order smothness: 4.422018e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Hitched
Processing file: [Hitched.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.016036e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.289299e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.111004e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 6.116498e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.111522e+000
First order smothness: 3.502694e-001
Second order smothness: 3.795227e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Black Rooster
Processing file: [Black Rooster.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.029984e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.335083e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.133793e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.213588e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.632062e-001
First order smothness: 3.609842e-001
Second order smothness: 4.601054e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Wait
Processing file: [Wait.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.016674e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.269389e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.122330e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.017505e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.099243e+000
First order smothness: 3.895518e-001
Second order smothness: 5.698162e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Fuck The People
Processing file: [Fuck The People.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.019154e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.239351e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.108355e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.665249e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.033233e+000
First order smothness: 3.392277e-001
Second order smothness: 4.063515e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Monkey 23
Processing file: [Monkey 23.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.018676e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.272651e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.100722e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 5.709209e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.569626e+000
First order smothness: 3.602067e-001
Second order smothness: 5.354005e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Gypsy Death & You
Processing file: [Gypsy Death & You.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.024076e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.229549e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.045634e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 6.799109e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.062557e+000
First order smothness: 3.938528e-001
Second order smothness: 4.939242e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

No Wow [2005]

01 No Wow/Telephone Radio Germany
02 Love Is A Deserter
03 Dead Road 7
04 The Good Ones
05 I Hate The Way You Love
06 I Hate The Way You Love, Pt. 2
07 At The Back Of The Shell
08 Sweet Cloud
09 Rodeo Town
10 Murdermile
11 Ticket Man
Лог fooCDtect
fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.
auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
mode: 0
Track: No Wow-Telephone Radio Germany
Processing file: [No Wow-Telephone Radio Germany.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.021816e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.196318e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.161314e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 9.061627e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.257315e+000
First order smothness: 5.241245e-001
Second order smothness: 3.910506e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Love Is A Deserter
Processing file: [Love Is A Deserter.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.011838e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.321027e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.167091e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 4.039976e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 7.432696e-001
First order smothness: 3.954342e-001
Second order smothness: 2.164696e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Dead Road 7
Processing file: [Dead Road 7.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.018248e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.214915e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.163871e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 4.017005e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.162101e+000
First order smothness: 4.082380e-001
Second order smothness: 3.386728e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: The Good Ones
Processing file: [The Good Ones.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.027541e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.411583e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.172401e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 5.968497e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 9.574750e-001
First order smothness: 5.033230e-001
Second order smothness: 1.586176e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: I Hate The Way You Love
Processing file: [I Hate The Way You Love.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.020012e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.361879e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.164145e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.884255e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 9.410761e-001
First order smothness: 4.443971e-001
Second order smothness: 2.974009e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: I Hate The Way You Love, Pt. 2
Processing file: [I Hate The Way You Love, Pt. 2.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.019643e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.283763e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.153689e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 6.817751e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.121064e+000
First order smothness: 3.549518e-001
Second order smothness: 6.678352e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: At The Back Of The Shell
Processing file: [At The Back Of The Shell.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.021749e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.287543e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.160783e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.934665e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 7.445825e-001
First order smothness: 4.198617e-001
Second order smothness: 3.676933e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%
Track: Sweet Cloud
Processing file: [Sweet Cloud.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.015265e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.235979e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.151139e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 4.372763e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.048007e+000
First order smothness: 3.952991e-001
Second order smothness: 3.821734e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Rodeo Town
Processing file: [Rodeo Town.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.013495e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.263738e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.164763e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.635091e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.026420e+000
First order smothness: 3.621603e-001
Second order smothness: 5.386516e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Murdermile
Processing file: [Murdermile.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.031366e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.344247e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.167886e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 5.699096e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.326657e-001
First order smothness: 5.572546e-001
Second order smothness: 2.265292e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Ticket Man
Processing file: [Ticket Man.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.015767e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.231063e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.153039e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 5.711442e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.418739e+000
First order smothness: 3.618202e-001
Second order smothness: 6.087680e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

Midnight Boom [2008]

01 U.R.A. Fever
02 Cheap And Cheerful
03 Tape Song
04 Getting Down
05 Last Day Of Magic
06 Hook And Line
07 Black Balloon
08 M.E.X.I.C.O.
09 Sour Cherry
10 Alphabet Pony
11 What New York Used To Be
12 Goodnight Bad Morning
Лог fooCDtect
fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.
auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
mode: 0
Track: U.R.A. Fever
Processing file: [U.R.A. Fever.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.032823e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.312979e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.094851e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.454718e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.596932e-001
First order smothness: 4.137696e-001
Second order smothness: 5.405590e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Cheap And Cheerful
Processing file: [Cheap And Cheerful.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.051728e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.392966e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.131901e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 9.792617e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.382261e-001
First order smothness: 4.784810e-001
Second order smothness: 3.286890e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Tape Song
Processing file: [Tape Song.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.051483e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.468044e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.109417e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.321822e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 6.066119e-002
First order smothness: 5.458459e-001
Second order smothness: 4.580284e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Getting Down
Processing file: [Getting Down.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.057709e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.394167e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.101338e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.588211e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.624719e-001
First order smothness: 4.941860e-001
Second order smothness: 6.189218e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Last Day Of Magic
Processing file: [Last Day Of Magic.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.034112e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.342975e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.092758e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.403999e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.521891e-001
First order smothness: 4.140157e-001
Second order smothness: 4.794836e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Hook And Line
Processing file: [Hook And Line.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.037025e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.354633e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.120530e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.011502e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.161028e-001
First order smothness: 4.385833e-001
Second order smothness: 3.210249e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Black Balloon
Processing file: [Black Balloon.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.039896e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.329579e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.133714e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.191144e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.016630e-001
First order smothness: 4.547687e-001
Second order smothness: 5.677446e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: M.E.X.I.C.O.
Processing file: [M.E.X.I.C.O..aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.038565e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.423644e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.079877e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.063698e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.393580e-001
First order smothness: 4.498567e-001
Second order smothness: 3.285578e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Sour Cherry
Processing file: [Sour Cherry.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.043564e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.429233e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.123637e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.290382e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.540680e-001
First order smothness: 4.470939e-001
Second order smothness: 3.084948e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Alphabet Pony
Processing file: [Alphabet Pony.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.045223e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.436492e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.106657e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 9.871385e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.902404e-001
First order smothness: 4.801412e-001
Second order smothness: 4.421889e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: What New York Used To Be
Processing file: [What New York Used To Be.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.037358e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.366007e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.113796e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.072684e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 9.317892e-001
First order smothness: 4.364326e-001
Second order smothness: 3.548387e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Goodnight Bad Morning
Processing file: [Goodnight Bad Morning.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.021925e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.270596e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.091040e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.511905e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 4.021920e-001
First order smothness: 3.927142e-001
Second order smothness: 6.325060e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

Blood Pressures [2011]

01 Future Starts Slow
02 Satellite
03 Heart Is A Beating Drum
04 Nail In My Coffin
05 Wild Charms
06 DNA
07 Baby Says
08 The Last Goodbye
09 Damned If She Do
10 You Don't Own The Road
11 Pots And Pans
Лог fooCDtect
fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.
auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
mode: 0
Track: Future Starts Slow
Processing file: [Future Starts Slow.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.037779e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.383088e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.116717e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.757947e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.881715e-001
First order smothness: 4.182163e-001
Second order smothness: 3.339658e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Satellite
Processing file: [Satellite.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.040904e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.380075e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.100138e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 9.450351e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 4.363659e-001
First order smothness: 3.726937e-001
Second order smothness: 3.523985e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Heart Is A Beating Drum
Processing file: [Heart Is A Beating Drum.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.031416e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.428018e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.131434e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 6.748995e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 5.392029e-002
First order smothness: 4.574621e-001
Second order smothness: 3.312906e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Nail In My Coffin
Processing file: [Nail In My Coffin.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.022688e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.345503e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.110657e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 6.062583e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 5.541869e-001
First order smothness: 4.092920e-001
Second order smothness: 3.699115e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Wild Charms
Processing file: [Wild Charms.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.023409e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.301820e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.080676e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.514832e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.221979e+000
First order smothness: 3.756219e-001
Second order smothness: 5.248756e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: DNA
Processing file: [DNA.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.029818e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.450958e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.115998e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.153779e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.163800e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.397746e-001
First order smothness: 5.067079e-001
Second order smothness: 3.997248e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Baby Says
Processing file: [Baby Says.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.035919e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.351502e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.087492e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.945812e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 4.589713e-001
First order smothness: 4.087137e-001
Second order smothness: 4.145920e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: The Last Goodbye
Processing file: [The Last Goodbye.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.025471e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.345606e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.070720e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.509742e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.225182e-001
First order smothness: 3.450317e-001
Second order smothness: 6.952663e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 94%
Track: Damned If She Do
Processing file: [Damned If She Do.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.024292e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.295120e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.112751e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 6.836237e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 4.856353e-001
First order smothness: 4.026442e-001
Second order smothness: 3.469551e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: You Don't Own The Road
Processing file: [You Don't Own The Road.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.026901e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.265392e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.097933e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 6.098612e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 6.341620e-001
First order smothness: 3.784033e-001
Second order smothness: 3.179511e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Track: Pots And Pans
Processing file: [Pots And Pans.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.032035e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.343073e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.092460e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.081686e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 6.344674e-001
First order smothness: 4.041398e-001
Second order smothness: 3.301663e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

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