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[无损ALAC] (Experimental Rock) BucketHead - Discography (1992-2010), ALAC (Tracks), Lossless









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Buckethead - Дискография (1992-2010)

Жанр: Experimental Rock
Аудио кодек: ALAC
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 1:11:03:06Бакетхед (англ. Buckethead, настоящее имя Брайан Патрик Кэрол, англ. Brian Patrick Carroll; 13 мая 1969) — американский музыкант-мультиинструменталист. В процессе оттачивания своих навыков игры брал несколько уроков у великого виртуоза Пола Гилберта. Более всего известен своим виртуозным владением электрогитарой. Buckethead считается на сегодняшний день одним из самых техничных гитаристов в мире. Также известен своим необычным сценическим имиджем, на сцене всегда носит белую маску и ведёрко для жареной курицы из фастфуда KFC на голове.
Его музыкальная карьера очень продуктивна, его творчество на сегодняшний день состоит из 29 студийных альбомов, шести видеоклипов, одного мини-альбома (EP) и одного специального издания, не считая 78 записей с другими группами и музыкантами. Кроме этого, Buckethead занимался музыкой к кинофильмам, участовав в записи саундтреков к лентам «Последний киногерой», «Ниндзя из Беверли-Хиллз», «Пила 2», «Уличный боец», «Могучие рэйнджеры» и «Смертельная битва».

Studio albums

01. Intro - Park Theme 06:13
02. Giant Robot - Interlude 00:29
03. Giant Robot Theme 05:46
04. Enter Guillatine 00:34
05. Giant Robot Vs Guillatine 04:17
06. Bucketbots Jig 00:25
07. Enter Slipdisc 01:45
08. Bansheebot Vs Buckethead 01:04
09. Slaughter Zone - The Haunted Farm 02:51
10. Hook & Pole Gang 01:06
11. Cattle Prod 00:38
12. Phantom Monk 01:41
13. The Rack 00:32
14. Nosin' 01:27
15. Gorey Head Stump 01:47
16. Sterling Scapula 00:48
17. Skid's Looking Where 01:01
18. Steel Wedge 01:29
19. Wonka In Slaughter Zone 01:29
20. Nosin' Part 2 00:48
21. Diabolical Minds 01:35
22. Alice In Slaughterland 01:23
23. Bleeding Walls 00:21
24. Buddy On A Slab 01:06
25. Buddy In The Graveyard 01:09
26. Oh Jeez... 01:31
27. Funeral Time 02:10
28. Computer Master 08:25
29. Virtual Reality - Part 1 01:56
30. Virtual Reality - Part 2 01:52
31. Home Run Derby - Interlude 00:32
32. Home Run Derby - Main Theme 05:15
33. I Love My Parents 01:44
CD2 - Dance Remixes:
01. Park Theme Extension (Intro) (Remix) 05:43
02. Guillatine Battle (Remix) 00:52
03. Giant Robot Theme (Remix) 01:45
04. Robot Dance (Remix) 01:01
05. Virtual Reality (Remix) 03:04
06. Bansheebot Bop (Remix) 01:02
07. Baseball Buddy (Remix) 03:17

[1994]Giant Robot
01. "Doomride" 00:57
02. "Welcome To Bucketheadland" 03:42
03. "I Come In Peace" 06:03
04. "Buckethead's Toy Store" 08:02
05. "Want Some Slawp" 04:30
06. "Warweb" 03:06
07. "Aquabot" 05:56
08. "Binge And Grab (Instrumental Version)" 05:17
09. "Pure Imagination" 01:49
10. "Buckethead's Chamber Of Horrors" 04:48
11. "Onions Unleashed" 02:20
12. "Chicken" 01:07
13. "I Love My Parents" 04:13
14. "Buckethead's TV Show" 03:18
15. "Robot Transmission" 02:59
16. "Pirate`s Life For Me" 01:01
17. "Post Office Buddy" 06:40
18. "Star Wars" 01:54
19. Last Train To Bucketheadland 00:05:47

01. "Whitewash" 04:44
02. "For Mom" 05:10
03. "Ghost 1" 05:28
04. "Hills Of Eternity" 05:06
05. "Big Sur Moon" 01:13
06. "Machete" 06:17
07. "Wishing Well" 04:02
08. "Lone Sal Bug" 05:31
09. "Sanctum" 03:41
10. "Wondering" 02:15
11. "Watching The Boats With My Dad" 05:06
12. "Ghost 2" 02:31
13. "Colma" 03:14

[1999]Monsters And Robots
01. "Jump Man" 4:21
02. "Stick Pit" 3:40
03. "The Ballad of Buckethead" 3:59
04. "Sow Thistle" 4:30
05. "Revenge of the Double-Man" 3:34
06. "Night of the Slunk" 5:43
07. "Who Me?" 2:08
08. "Jowls" 4:26
09. "The Shape Vs. Buckethead" 5:40
10. "Stun Operator" 4:17
11. "Scapula" 4:04
12. "Nun Chuka Kata" 4:30

[2001]Somewhere Over the Slaughterhouse
01. "Somewhere Over the Slaughterhouse" 0:38
02. "Help Me" 5:12
03. "Pin Bones and Poultry" 4:43
04. "My Sheetz" 6:00
05. "Day of the Ulcer" 7:26
06. "You Like Headcheese?" 3:20
07. "Burlap Curtain" 7:04
08. "You Like This Face?" 5:16
09. "Wires and Clips" 3:03
10. "Knockingun" 2:25
11. "Conveyor Belt Blues" 1:47

[2002]Bermuda Triangle
01. "Intro" 0:34
02. "Davy Jones Locker" 0:56
03. "Flight 19" 1:48
04. "Mausoleum Door" 3:29
05. "Sea of Expanding Shapes" 4:24
06. "The Triangle Part I: Extrakd" 1:16
07. "Bionic Fog" 2:01
08. "Forbidden Zone" 2:15
09. "Telegraph Land of the Crispies" 1:53
10. "Pullin' the Heavy" 2:55
11. "Phantom Lights" 2:38
12. "Jabbar on Alcatrazz Avenue" 3:18
13. "Beestro Fowler" 3:01
14. "Splintered Triplet" 2:36
15. "Whatevas" 2:15
16. "Sucked Under" 4:22
17. "Isle of Dead" 3:14
18. "The Triangle Part II" 3:19
19. "911" 3:18

[2002]Funnel Weaver
01. "The Blind Centipede" 0:53
02. "Kurtz Temple" 2:03
03. "Covert" 1:11
04. "Death Card" 1:02
05. "R.I.P." 1:01
06. "Plans Within Plans" 0:39
07. "Eye in the Sky" 0:56
08. "Freezer Burns" 0:57
09. "Sky Drones" 0:56
10. "Operation Gateway" 1:17
11. "Bantam Rising" 1:43
12. "Combat Shadow" 0:24
13. "Azzim's Lectures" 1:23
14. "Channel of Secrets" 0:44
15. "Comet Shower" 1:19
16. "The Worm Turns" 1:34
17. "Silhouettes Against the Sky" 1:31
18. "Sleeper Agents" 1:33
19. "Recreational Cryonics" 1:24
20. "The Blind Sniper (Fred Rogers)" 1:40
21. "Atlantis Found" 0:57
22. "The Spider's Web" 1:17
23. "Blue Crystal" 1:23
24. "Reaping the Whirlwind" 1:00
25. "The Hills Have Eyes" 2:54
26. "The Other Side of Midnight" 0:49
27. "Sea the Hollow Man" 0:49
28. "Unsound Methods" 1:05
29. "Hall of Records" 1:33
30. "Aluminum Clouds" 1:26
31. "Lost Threads" 1:21
32. "Killing Mask" 2:44
33. "Rattlesnake Hill" 0:54
34. "F-4 Phantom" 0:58
35. "Stub Pylons" 0:58
36. "Armour Piercing Projectile" 0:42
37. "Stolen Identities" 1:18
38. "The Shriek of Revenge" 1:16
39. "5-Card Trick" 1:24
40. "Caretaker of Memory" 1:01
41. "The Kingdom of Nie" 1:07
42. "Kangaroo Kranes" 0:51
43. "High Seat with the Devil" 1:16
44. "Jessy" 1:30
45. "From the Foxholes" 1:20
46. "(F.L.I.P.)" 0:43
47. "Frozen Head" 1:51
48. "Who Is the Enemy" 0:34
49. "Nappler Radar" 0:54

[2002]Electric Tears
01. "All in the Waiting" 3:44
02. "Sketches of Spain (For Miles)" 4:04
03. "Padmasana" 11:39
04. "Mustang" 5:38
05. "The Way to Heaven" 5:50
06. "Baptism of Solitude" 6:10
07. "Kansas Storm" 5:33
08. "Datura" 5:38
09. "Mantaray" 4:11
10. "Witches on the Heath" 2:41
11. "Angel Monster" 5:07
12. "Electric Tears" 5:32
13. "Spell of the Gypsies" 5:12

[2003]Bucketheadland 2
01. "Welcome" 0:13
02. "Slaughter Zone Entrance" 0:11
03. "The Cobra's Head" 2:58
04. "Transportation Options" 0:51
05. "Machete Mirage" 3:01
06. "Slaughter Buddies Outside the Revenge Wedge" 0:21
07. "We Cannot Guarantee Bodily Harm" 0:17
08. "John Merrick - Elephant Man Bones Explosion" 4:53
09. "Taxidermy Tots" 0:23
10. "Bloody Rainbow Spiraling Sherbert Scoop" 2:55
11. "Can You Get Past Albert?" 0:27
12. "Vladimir Pockets' Incredible Bloated Slunk Show" 3:10
13. "The Ballad of the Inside-Out Face" 1:05
14. "The Battery Cage Brawls (Cage Announcer: The Ghost of Abraham Lincoln; Winner Has to Eat His Way Out)" 2:18
15. "Ferris Wheel Apology" 0:08
16. "Can You Help Me?" 1:02
17. "Grimm's Sponsorship" 0:14
18. "Realistic Coop Replica" 0:42
19. "Frozen Brains Tell No Tales" 5:33
20. "Rooster Landing (1st Movement) / Lime Time (2nd Movement)" 2:35
21. "Two Pints" 0:27
22. "Health & Safety Advisory" 2:14
23. "Digger's Den" 3:13
24. "One-Way Ticket to Grab Bag Alley" 0:46
25. "Fun for You" 1:03
26. "Carpal Tunnel Tomb Torker" 3:35
27. "Today's Schedule" 0:08
28. "The Corpse Plower" 3:20
29. "Unemployment Blues" 2:05
30. "Slaughter Zone Exit" 8:16

[2004]Island Of Lost Minds
01. "Island of Lost Minds" 3:32
02. "Shock Therapy Side Show" 3:15
03. "Dream Darts" 5:25
04. "Vacuum Tube Implant" 3:36
05. "Skull Scrape" 3:42
06. "Ice Pick Through Eyes" 2:49
07. "Four-Sided Triangle" 2:24
08. "Korova Binge Bar" 5:31
09. "Bruised Eye Sockets" 2:08
10. "Mud of the Gutter" 3:09
11. "The Cuckoo Parade" 4:35
12. "Viravax" 3:54
13. "Lobotomizer (Scariest Rollercoaster of All Time)" 3:32

[2004]Population Override
01. "Unrestrained Growth" 7:47
02. "Too Many Humans" 8:28
03. "Population Override" 8:37
04. "Humans Vanish" 0:33
05. "Cruel Reality of Nature" 3:49
06. "A Day Will Come" 8:34
07. "Earth Heals Herself" 6:38
08. "Clones" 4:33
09. "Super Human" 4:49
10. "..." 1:34

[2004]The Cuckoo Clocks Of Hell
01. "Descent of the Damned" 3:06
02. "Spokes for the Wheel of Torment" 2:17
03. "Arc of the Pendulum" 2:32
04. "Fountains of the Forgotten" 3:22
05. "The Treeman" 3:40
06. "Pylegathon" 2:35
07. "Traveling Morgue" 3:18
08. "One Tooth of the Time Train" 3:27
09. "Bedlam's Bluff" 3:15
10. "Beaten With Sledges" 2:52
11. "Woods of Suicide" 3:28
12. "Yellowed Hide" 3:37
13. "Moths to Flame" 3:13
14. "The Ravines of Falsehood" 3:11
15. "The Black Forest" 2:12
16. "Haven of Black Tar Pitch" 3:19
17. "The Escape Wheel" 2:52

[2005]Inbred Mountain
01. "In Search of Inbred Mountain" 3:26
02. "Johnny Be Slunk" 8:42
03. "Lotus Island" 6:33
04. "Flock of Slunks" 4:30
05. "Advance to the Summit" 6:03
06. "Plastination Station" 5:47
07. "Escape from Inbred Mountain" 8:20

01. "Frankenseuss Laboratories" 4:33
02. "Stun Pike and the Jack in the Box Head" 4:36
03. "Music Box Innards" 4:12
04. "Breakfast Cyborg" 1:42
05. "The Bronze Bat" 3:46
06. "The Last Ride of the Bozomobile" 4:33
07. "Rack Maintenance" 4:22
08. "The Sticker on Hallucinogens" 3:30
09. "Pylon Shift" 0:38
10. "Citadel" 4:18
11. "The Slunk, the Gutter and the Candlestick Maker" 2:03
12. "The Android of Notre Dame" 3:39
13. "She Sells Sea Shells by the Slaughterhouse"11:43

[2006]Crime Slunk Scene
01. "King James" 3:57
02. "Gory Head Stump 2006: The Pageant of the Slunks" 5:31
03. "The Fairy and the Devil" 2:57
04. "Buddy Berkman's Ballad" 3:40
05. "Mad Monster Party" 3:24
06. "Soothsayer" (Dedicated to Aunt Suzie) 9:04
07. "Col. Austin VS Col. Sanders AKA Red Track Suit" 3:22
08. "We Can Rebuild Him" 3:36
09. "Electronic Slight of Hand" 2:57
10. "Mecha Gigan" 2:39
11. "Slunk Parade AKA Freaks in the Back" 3:14

[2006]The Elephant Man's Alarm Clock
01. "Thai Fighter Swarm" 2:32
02. "Final Wars" 4:08
03. "Baseball Furies" 2:38
04. "Elephant Man's Alarm Clock" 3:21
05. "Lurker at the Threshold, Part 1" 3:51
06. "Lurker at the Threshold, Part 2" 2:05
07. "Lurker at the Threshold, Part 3" 2:12
08. "Lurker at the Threshold, Part 4" 1:30
09. "Oakridge Cake" (Tribute to Kool Keith) 3:28
10. "Gigan" 2:29
11. "Droid Assembly" 3:14
12. "Bird with a Hole in the Stomach" 4:47
13. "Fizzy Lipton Drinks" 10:58

[2007]Decoding The Tomb Of Bansheebot
01. "Materilalizing the Disembodied" 2:04
02. "Asylum of Glass" 4:36
03. "Ghost Host" 3:08
04. "Killing Cone" 4:21
05. "Bloodless" 4:06
06. "Checkerboard Incision" 4:02
07. "Circarama" 2:15
08. "Disecto" 2:22
09. "Pickwick's Lost Chapter" 0:33
10. "I Can Only Carry 50 Chickens at a Time" 3:06
11. "Stretching Lighthouse" 3:19
12. "Hall of Scalding Vats" 6:25
13. "Sail on Soothsayer" (In Memory of Aunt Suzie 1932-2007) 6:29

[2007]Pepper's Ghost
01. "Pepper's Ghost" 4:58
02. "Carpal Tunnel Slug" 3:03
03. "Magua's Scalp" 3:54
04. "Imprint" (Dedicated to Takashi Miike) 3:58
05. "Goblin Shark" 2:18
06. "Brewer in the Air" 3:50
07. "Exit 209" 3:53
08. "Plankton" 4:11
09. "The Hills Have Headcheese" 3:42
10. "Bag Some Game" 0:57
11. "Towel in the Kitchen" 2:29
12. "Callbox" 4:14
13. "Embalming Plaza"

[2007]Cyborg Slunkst
01. "Sneak Attack" 6:15
02. "Reopening of the Scapula Factory" 10:01
03. "Infiltration" 4:09
04. "Aunt Suzie" 11:44
05. "A New War is Underway" 12:07

[2008]Albino Slug
01. "The Redeem Team" 5:01
02. "Siege Engine" 8:12
03. "Pink Eye" 3:24
04. "Dawn At the Deuce" 4:17
05. "Flee Flicker" 2:34
06. "Symmetrical Slug" 2:50
07. "The Bight of Benin" 1:36
08. "Fear of Salt" 2:56
09. "Spooner Arks" 2:43
10. "Electrical Bell Blanket" 0:54
11. "Tide Pools" 2:44
12. "Shell Substitutions" 1:51
13. "Forgotten Trail" 1:07

[2008]Enter the Chicken
01. "Intro" 0:15
02. "We Are One" (featuring Serj Tankian) 4:01
03. "Botnus" (featuring Efrem Schulz) 3:24
04. "Three Fingers" (featuring Saul Williams) 2:58
05. "Running from the Light" (featuring Gigi and Maura Davis) 4:42
06. "Coma" (featuring Azam Ali and Serj Tankian) 5:38
07. "Waiting Hare" (featuring Shana Halligan and Serj Tankian) 5:43
08. "Interlude" (performed by Donald Conviser) 0:18
09. "Funbus" (featuring Dirk Rogers and Keith Aazami) 3:25
10. "The Hand" (featuring Maximum Bob and Ani Maldjian) 4:24
11. "Nottingham Lace" 6:33
12. "Shen Chi" 2:48

[2009]A Real Diamond In The Rough
01. "Broken Mirror" 4:16
02. "Big D's Touch" 4:11
03. "Separate Sky" 2:58
04. "Dawn Appears" 3:46
05. "A Real Diamond in the Rough" 4:08
06. "Sundial" 1:04
07. "Squid Ink" 3:05
08. "Four Rivers" 2:38
09. "Allowed to Play" 1:55
10. "Formless Present" 3:44
11. "Squid Ink Part 2" 0:56
12. "The Miracle of Surrender" 5:37
13. "The Return of Captain EO" 3:30

[2009]Forensic Follies
01. "Forensic Follies" 3:54
02. "A-Cycle Light-Ray Cannons" 6:25
03. "Splinter in a Slunk's Eye" 5:35
04. "Under Sea Scalp" 2:53
05. "Whirlwind" 3:36
06. "Plunger" 3:06
07. "Trunk of the Tree" 2:02
08. "Slunk Shrine" 2:12
09. "Open Coffin Jamboree" 3:17
10. "(I'll Be) Taking Care of Grampa" 2:36
11. "Three Headed Troll" 2:24
12. "Splinter Dissection" 2:12
13. "Mannequin Molds" 2:41

[2009]Slaughterhouse on the Prairie
01. "Forensic Follies" 3:54
02. "A-Cycle Light-Ray Cannons" 6:25
03. "Splinter in a Slunk's Eye" 5:35
04. "Under Sea Scalp" 2:53
05. "Whirlwind" 3:36
06. "Plunger" 3:06
07. "Trunk of the Tree" 2:02
08. "Slunk Shrine" 2:12
09. "Open Coffin Jamboree" 3:17
10. "(I'll Be) Taking Care of Grampa" 2:36
11. "Three Headed Troll" 2:24
12. "Splinter Dissection" 2:12
13. "Mannequin Molds" 2:41

[2010]Shadows Between the Sky
01) Shadows Between the Sky (3:03)
02) Inward Journey (5:14)
03) Chaos of the Unconscious (3:02)
04) Rim of the World (2:35)
05) City of Woe (2:19)
06) Sea Wall (2:40)
07) Sled Ride (3:06)
08) Sunken Statue (2:37)
09) Cookies for Santa (3:32)
10) Andrew Henry's Meadow (2:43)
11) Centrum (2:28)
12) The Cliff's Stare (4:43)
13) Greenskeeper (0:58)
14) Wax Paper (3:09)
15) Walk on the Moon (2:45)


[2001]KFC Skin Piles
01. "A1" 8:07
02. "A2" 3:56
03. "B1" 4:01
04. "B2" 7:40

Special releases

[2006]Chicken Noodles
"Enter Tomorrow" – 13:07
"Loss From a Distance" – 18:01
"Sorrow of Discord" – 11:28
"False Directions" – 8:24

[2007]Acoustic Shards
1. "For Mom" (Early Version) 2:39
2. "Who Me?" (Early Version) 3:02
3. "Little Gracie" 2:11
4. "Ed's Rhapsody / Midnight Dance / Jars" 2:55
5. "Ganryu Island / Sasaki's Gone" 2:14
6. "Ghosts Upstairs" 2:39
7. "Spirals" 3:48
8. "Cubes, Chunks & Crumbles" 3:27
9. "Thugs" 7:38
10. "Dinging / Ah-Ji-Jee" 2:38
11. "Johnny" 2:17
12. Stay Out of the Shed" 3:00
13. "Serape" 1:46
14. "Longing" 10:33
15. "Box Elders" 1:14

[2007]Chicken Noodles II
"The Chicken or the Egg" – 6:02
"Ovum Prophecy" – 4:08
"Concentric Motion" – 9:05
"Oyster Crackers" – 9:40
"Heat and Serve" – 4:26
"Let It Cool" – 5:24
"Chicken Nostrils" – 5:08

[2007]In Search of the
Vol. 1: I
Vol. 2: N
Vol. 3: S
Vol. 4: E
Vol. 5: A
Vol. 6: R
Vol. 7: C
Vol. 8: H
Vol. 9: O
Vol. 10: F
Vol. 11: T
Vol. 12: H
Vol. 13: E

[2008]From the Coop
01. "Disembodied Part 1" 3:27
02. "Disembodied Part 2" 4:44
03. "Hog Bitch Stomp" 0:36
04. "Malaguena" (Traditional) 1:54
05. "Space Mountain" 3:10
06. "Excerpt #1" 1:39
07. "Excerpt #2" 0:52
08. "Excerpt #3" 0:37
09. "Excerpt #4" 0:54
10. "Eraserhead" 2:31
11. "La Grima" 1:51
12. "Funk Tune" 3:50
13. "Funkin' Freak" 2:23
14. "Hog Bitch Stomp" 1:25
15. "Return of Augustus Gloop" 4:32
16. "Malaguena" (Traditional) 1:59
17. "Lunartics" 0:51
18. "Scalpel Sled" 3:27
19. "Scraps" 2:33

Доп. информация:
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Официальный сайт группы Buckethead - http://www.bucketheadland.com
Конвертировал из доступного FLAC
[1992]Bucketheadland - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2574493
[1998]Colma - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1029606
[1999]Monsters And Robots - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1045572
[2001]Somewhere Over the Slaughterhouse - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1052186
[2002]Bermuda Triangle - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1052186
[2002]Electric Tears - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=461333
[2003]Bucketheadland 2 - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1001907
[2004]Island Of Lost Minds - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1003625
[2004]Population Override - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2181300
[2004]The Cuckoo Clocks Of Hell - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1084215
[2005]Inbred Mountain - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=944191
[2005]Kaleidoscalp - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1115596
[2006]Crime Slunk Scene - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=733801
[2006]The Elephant Man's Alarm Clock - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1916081
[2007]Decoding The Tomb Of Bansheebot - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1078961
[2007]Pepper's Ghost - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1078577
[2008]Albino Slug - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1299099
[2008]Enter the Chicken - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1002191
[2008]From the Coop - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1304474
[2009]A Real Diamond In The Rough - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1827407
[2009]Forensic Follies - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1901682
[2009]Slaughterhouse on the Prairie - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1517507
[2010]Shadows Between the Sky - https://rutracker.org/forum/https://rutracker.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2733722

Скриншот с тегами

ГЛОБАЛЬНОЕ ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 12.07.10!1. Добавил альбомы(Chicken Noodles, Chicken Noodles II, Cyborg Slunks, KFC SkinPiles, Funnel Weaver, In Search of the..., The Day of the Robot)
2. Разбил альбомы по соответствующим папкам
3. Прописал тэги (теперь все альбомы располагаются по годам)



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