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[无损ALAC] (Trip-Hop) Lamb - DiscoRagy - 1996-2011 ALAC, Lossless









发表于 2021-9-25 13:11:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lamb - Discography
Год: 1996-2011
Страна: UK
Жанр: Trip-Hop
Продолжительность: 8:30:28
Тексты: частично
Кодек: ALAC
Программа-риповщик : XLD (lossless)
Битрейт: lossless
Доп. информация: Lamb — британский музыкальный дуэт, состоящий из продюсера Энди Барлоу (Andrew Barlow) и вокалистки и автора песен Луизы Роудс (Louise Rhodes), образованный в Манчестере в 1994 году. Музыка Lamb относится к стилю, который называют «бристольский саунд» или trip-hop.
(1996) Lamb
1 Lusty (4:09)
2 God Bless (5:54)
3 Cotton Wool (5:07)
4 Trans Fatty Acid (7:37)
5 Zero (5:31)
6 Merge (5:44)
7 Gold (5:40)
8 Closer (3:51)
9 Górecki (6:30)
10a Feela (6:44)
10b Cotton Wool (Fila Brazillia Mix) (8:27)
Track 10b is unlisted, it begins at 8:45 seconds of the last track, after 2 minutes of silence. The total duration of track 10 is 17:12.
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
EAC extraction logfile from 29. June 2009, 17:31
Lamb / Lamb
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVD-RAM GH22NP20 Adapter: 4 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 102
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : No
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : Yes
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:09.57 | 0 | 18731
2 | 4:09.57 | 5:53.65 | 18732 | 45271
3 | 10:03.47 | 5:07.08 | 45272 | 68304
4 | 15:10.55 | 7:36.57 | 68305 | 102561
5 | 22:47.37 | 5:33.65 | 102562 | 127601
6 | 28:21.27 | 5:44.40 | 127602 | 153441
7 | 34:05.67 | 5:40.55 | 153442 | 178996
8 | 39:46.47 | 3:57.33 | 178997 | 196804
9 | 43:44.05 | 6:30.32 | 196805 | 226086
10 | 50:14.37 | 17:11.58 | 226087 | 303469
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename E:\磁力下载:\Azureus\Lamb - Lamb (1996) [FLAC]\Lamb - Lamb.wav
Peak level 99.8 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC F70CEC33
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 33) [3225A391], AccurateRip returned [26476E02]
Track 2 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 34) [9C4A4015], AccurateRip returned [18A3581C]
Track 3 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 34) [A2A8A2CB], AccurateRip returned [02A614A1]
Track 4 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 34) [2CC5CBFE], AccurateRip returned [BC2BCE8E]
Track 5 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 34) [948F4B4E], AccurateRip returned [14438D56]
Track 6 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 34) [E866778B], AccurateRip returned [5B9D5ED4]
Track 7 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 34) [7F4CD659], AccurateRip returned [C2714128]
Track 8 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 33) [1F0A45FB], AccurateRip returned [746CAC3D]
Track 9 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 34) [318C5CD9], AccurateRip returned [C0E4292C]
Track 10 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 30) [F4B54BBD], AccurateRip returned [DF718273]
No tracks could be verified as accurate
You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database
End of status report

(1999) Fear Of Fours
1. Soft Mistake (Barlou/Rhodes) (03:16)
2. Little Things (Barlow/Rhodes) (03:18)
3. B Line (Barlou/Rhodes) (02:46)
4. Fear of Fours (00:07)
5. All in Your Hands (Barlou/Rhodes) (04:39)
6. Less Than Two (Barlou/Rhodes) (01:19)
7. Bonfire (Barlou/Rhodes) (04:23)
8. Ear Parcel (Barlou/Rhodes) (07:54)
9. Softly (Barlow/Rhodes/Thorne) (03:56)
10. Here (Barlou/Rhodes) (03:22)
11. Fly (Barlow/Rhodes) (05:13)
12. Alien (Barlou/Rhodes) (04:06)
13. Five (Barlow/Rhodes) (05:49)
14. Lullaby (Barlow/Rhodes/Thorne) (02:57)
EAC extraction logfile from 7. September 2007, 1:29 for CD
Lamb / Fear of Fours
Used drive : PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W4012A Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure with C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : Yes
Used output format : C:\Program Files\FLAC\flac.exe (User Defined Encoder)
128 kBit/s
Additional command line options : -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" -5 %s
Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Installed external ASPI interface
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Converted Music\Lamb - Fear of Fours.wav.wav.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
CRC 284AB23B
Copy OK
No errors occured
End of status report

(2002) What Sound (Limited Edition)
01 What Sound (3:44)
02 One (4:17)
03 Sweet (3:53)
04 I Cry (5:26)
05 Scratch Bass (4:48)
06 Heaven (5:00)
07 Small (5:22)
08 Gabriel (4:21)
09 Sweetheart (4:09)
10 Just Is (11:17)
01 Sweet (Soulchild Mix) (3:41)
02 B.Line (Andy Votel Mix) (5:37)
03 Gold (Hipoptimist Alchemy Mix) (6:33)
04 God Bless (Pulsinger Mix) (7:52)
05 Trans Fatty Acid (Kruder & Dorfmeister Session Mix) (9:03)
06 Cottonwool (Fila Brazilia Mix) (8:28)
07 Gorecki (Live in Brussels) (7:03)
08 Sweet (Live in Brussels) (4:03)
09 Sweetheart (Live in Brussels) (4:29)
10 Bonfire (Live in Brussels) (5:34)

(2003) Between Darkness And Wonder
01. Lamb - Darkness (5:00)
02. Lamb - Stronger (3:15)
03. Lamb - Sugar 5 (3:56)
04. Lamb - Angelica (3:40)
05. Lamb - Till The Clouds Clear (4:31)
06. Lamb - Wonder (5:20)
07. Lamb - Sun (3:02)
08. Lamb - Learn (2:13)
09. Lamb - Please (4:33)
10. Lamb - Open Up (4:51)
11. Lamb - Hearts And Flowers (5:23)
12. Lamb - All In Your Hand (Ren And Christian Remix) (6:50)
13. Lamb - Gorecki (Global Communication Mix) (9:44)
14. Lamb - Sweet (Soulchild Remix) (3:40)
15. Lamb - Trans Fatty Acid (Kruder Dormfmeister Remix) (6:45)
Audiochecker log
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Path: ...\Between Darkness And Wonder
01 -=- 01. Lamb - Darkness.wav -=- CDDA (100%)
02 -=- 02. Lamb - Stronger.wav -=- CDDA (100%)
03 -=- 03. Lamb - Sugar 5.wav -=- CDDA (100%)
04 -=- 04. Lamb - Angelica.wav -=- CDDA (99%)
05 -=- 05. Lamb - Till The Clouds Clear.wav -=- CDDA (100%)
06 -=- 06. Lamb - Wonder.wav -=- CDDA (100%)
07 -=- 07. Lamb - Sun.wav -=- CDDA (100%)
08 -=- 08. Lamb - Learn.wav -=- CDDA (99%)
09 -=- 09. Lamb - Please.wav -=- CDDA (100%)
10 -=- 10. Lamb - Open Up.wav -=- CDDA (100%)
11 -=- 11. Lamb - Hearts And Flowers.wav -=- CDDA (99%)
12 -=- 12. Lamb - All In Your Hand (Ren And Christian Remix).wav -=- MPEG (95%)
13 -=- 13. Lamb - Gorecki (Global Communication Mix).wav -=- MPEG (95%)
14 -=- 14. Lamb - Sweet (Soulchild Remix).wav -=- CDDA (99%)
15 -=- 15. Lamb - Trans Fatty Acid (Kruder Dormfmeister Remix).wav -=- MPEG (95%)
Summary 80,73% CDDA

(2004) Best Kept Secrets - The best of Lamb 1996-2004
01. Cotton wool (5:08)
02. God bless (5:55)
03. Gold (5:43)
04. Gorecki (6:28)
05. Little Things (3:18)
06. B line (2:54)
07. Lullaby (2:57)
08. Bonfire (4:23)
09. Heaven (5:00)
10. One (4:16)
11. Gabriel (4:18)
12. Angelica (3:44)
13. Til The Clouds Clear (4:27)
14. Wonder (5:16)
15. Please (4:35)
16. Stronger (3:16)
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
Звіт EAC про видобування, котре виконане 8. лютого 2010, 16:55
Lamb / Best Kept Secrets - The best of Lamb 1996-2004
Дисковод: HL-DT-STDVD-RAM GSA-H54N Adapter: 3 ID: 0
Режим читання : Точний
Використати точний потік : Так
Вимкнути аудіо кеш : Так
Застосувати мітки C2 : Ні
Комбіноване зміщення читання/запису : 102
Екстрачитання областей Lead-in і Lead-out : Ні
Заповнення пропущених семплів тишею : Так
Видалення блоків з тишею на початку і кінці : Ні
При вирахуванні CRC використовувались нульові семпли : Так
Використаний інтерфейс : 'Рідний' Win32-інтерфейс для Win NT/2000
Застосований вихідний формат : Кодер Користувача
Обраний бітрейт : 1024 kBit/s
Якість : Високий
Додати тег ID3 : Ні
Компресор командного рядка : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\wavpack.exe
Додаткові параметри командного рядка : -w "Artist=%a" -w "Title=%t" -w "Album=%g" -w "Year=%y" -w "Track=%n" -w "Genre=%m" -h -m %s %d
TOC видобутого CD
Трек | Старт | Довжина | Початковий сектор | Кінцевий сектор
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:07.60 | 0 | 23084
2 | 5:07.60 | 5:55.30 | 23085 | 49739
3 | 11:03.15 | 5:42.42 | 49740 | 75431
4 | 16:45.57 | 6:27.66 | 75432 | 104522
5 | 23:13.48 | 3:17.67 | 104523 | 119364
6 | 26:31.40 | 2:53.66 | 119365 | 132405
7 | 29:25.31 | 2:56.44 | 132406 | 145649
8 | 32:22.00 | 4:23.27 | 145650 | 165401
9 | 36:45.27 | 4:59.74 | 165402 | 187900
10 | 41:45.26 | 4:15.42 | 187901 | 207067
11 | 46:00.68 | 4:17.71 | 207068 | 226413
12 | 50:18.64 | 3:44.25 | 226414 | 243238
13 | 54:03.14 | 4:26.57 | 243239 | 263245
14 | 58:29.71 | 5:16.26 | 263246 | 286971
15 | 63:46.22 | 4:34.58 | 286972 | 307579
16 | 68:21.05 | 3:15.41 | 307580 | 322245
Статус діапазону і помилки
Обраний діапазон
Ім'я файлу C:\Losslessclub\Lamb - Best Kept Secrets - The best of Lamb 1996-2004\Lamb - Best Kept Secrets - The best of Lamb 1996-2004.wav
Піковий рівень 99.8 %
Якість діапазону 100.0 %
CRC копії 8420517D
Копіювання... OK
Помилки не траплялися
Кінець звіту

(2005) Remixed
1. What Sound - Cosmos, Lamb (7:41)
2. Cottonwool (5:28)
3. God Bless (6:05)
4. Gold (6:44)
5. Softly (5:54)
6. Gold (7:33)
7. Little Things (6:46)
8. Gabriel (5:54)
9. Please (4:49)
10. Wonder (5:16)
11. Heaven (4:17)
1. Alien (4:47)
2. Trans Fatty Acid (9:01)
3. All In Your Hands (6:51)
4. B.Line (5:35)
5. Gorecki (9:47)
6. Gabriel (7:04)
7. Wonder (7:03)
8. Sweet (3:39)
9. Cottonwool (8:29)
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2006, 23:34 for CD
Lamb / Remixed
Used drive : PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W5224A Adapter: 0 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename D:\hqshare\CDImage01.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 99.9 %
CRC C6197BC5
Copy OK
No errors occured
End of status report

EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2006, 23:23 for CD
Lamb / Remixed CD2
Used drive : PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W5224A Adapter: 0 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename D:\hqshare\CDImage02.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
CRC 62E02F60
Copy OK
No errors occured
End of status report

Audiocheker's log
Started at: пятница, 03. 10. 2008. - 1:38.35
2 files found
1 -===- G:\磁力下载:s\Lamb - Remixed 2CD (2005)\CD1\Lamb_-_Remixed_cd1.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
2 -===- G:\磁力下载:s\Lamb - Remixed 2CD (2005)\CD2\Lamb_-_Remixed_cd2.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
Finished at: пятница, 03. 10. 2008. - 2:10.43 (operation time: 0:32.07)

(2011) 5 (Limited Edition)
CD 1
01. Another Language (4:19)
02. Butterfly Effect (3:44)
03. Build A Fire (3:43)
04. Wise Enough (4:47)
05. Existential Itch (2:23)
06. Strong The Root (3:52)
07. Rounds (4:13)
08. She Walks (3:07)
09. Last Night The Sky (3:42)
10. The Spectacle (4:00)
CD 2
01. Dischord (2:26)
02. Back To Beginning (3:20)
03. Strong The Root (Instrumental) (3:42)
04. Last Night The Sky (Instrumental) (3:26)
05. Rounds (Demo) (3:15)
06. Butterfly Effect (Instrumental) (3:47)
07. Strong The Root (Acapella) (3:30)
08. Wise Enough (Instrumental) (4:33)
09. The Spectacle (Reprise) (3:14)

CD 1
X Lossless Decoder version 20110502 (132.0)
XLD extraction logfile from 2011-05-05 17:36:27 +0200
Lamb / 5
Used drive : MATSHITA CD-RW CW-8124 (revision DACH)
Ripper mode : CDParanoia III 10.2
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 2750KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 102
Max retry count : 100
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 04:18:68 | 0 | 19417
2 | 04:18:68 | 03:43:70 | 19418 | 36212
3 | 08:02:63 | 03:43:33 | 36213 | 52970
4 | 11:46:21 | 04:46:62 | 52971 | 74482
5 | 16:33:08 | 02:23:20 | 74483 | 85227
6 | 18:56:28 | 03:51:54 | 85228 | 102606
7 | 22:48:07 | 04:12:43 | 102607 | 121549
8 | 27:00:50 | 03:06:65 | 121550 | 135564
9 | 30:07:40 | 03:42:28 | 135565 | 152242
10 | 33:49:68 | 03:59:69 | 152243 | 170236
AccurateRip Summary
Disc not found in AccurateRip DB.
All Tracks
Album gain : -8.78 dB
Peak : 0.970215
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Track 01
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/01 Lamb - Another Language.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00
Track gain : -7.64 dB
Peak : 0.966064
CRC32 hash (test run) : F7DDDAB7
CRC32 hash : F7DDDAB7
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 08202F92
AccurateRip signature : E4312DEE
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 02
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/02 Lamb - Butterfly Effect.flac
Track gain : -7.92 dB
Peak : 0.966125
CRC32 hash (test run) : E0918CE0
CRC32 hash : E0918CE0
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7E74B152
AccurateRip signature : BADA66E4
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 03
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/03 Lamb - Build A Fire.flac
Track gain : -10.43 dB
Peak : 0.968567
CRC32 hash (test run) : 6A7CC2E5
CRC32 hash : 6A7CC2E5
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 10ABDF98
AccurateRip signature : 8B39BF79
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 04
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/04 Lamb - Wise Enough.flac
Track gain : -7.86 dB
Peak : 0.968567
CRC32 hash (test run) : B5CA85E1
CRC32 hash : B5CA85E1
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 2DEBFFCF
AccurateRip signature : F18424E2
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 05
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/05 Lamb - Existential Itch.flac
Track gain : -8.21 dB
Peak : 0.966064
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8C55387A
CRC32 hash : 8C55387A
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F95A1B74
AccurateRip signature : 493E70D9
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 06
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/06 Lamb - Strong The Root.flac
Track gain : -6.71 dB
Peak : 0.966064
CRC32 hash (test run) : 9C16CFAF
CRC32 hash : 9C16CFAF
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 243617BE
AccurateRip signature : B8104A13
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 07
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/07 Lamb - Rounds.flac
Track gain : -7.32 dB
Peak : 0.965240
CRC32 hash (test run) : 7013F60B
CRC32 hash : 7013F60B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 09C92981
AccurateRip signature : E3F99B96
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 08
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/08 Lamb - She Walks.flac
Track gain : -6.90 dB
Peak : 0.963837
CRC32 hash (test run) : FA7A51E7
CRC32 hash : FA7A51E7
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F5D62E7C
AccurateRip signature : 5E83EC26
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 09
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/09 Lamb - Last Night The Sky.flac
Track gain : -9.37 dB
Peak : 0.968842
CRC32 hash (test run) : 84F287ED
CRC32 hash : 84F287ED
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 2E58E9E0
AccurateRip signature : F1C7CA2F
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 10
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 1/10 Lamb - The Spectacle.flac
Track gain : -5.96 dB
Peak : 0.970215
CRC32 hash (test run) : BD150EAC
CRC32 hash : BD150EAC
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 1FED4D90
AccurateRip signature : C87858DD
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
No errors occurred
End of status report

CD 2
X Lossless Decoder version 20110502 (132.0)
XLD extraction logfile from 2011-05-05 19:18:56 +0200
Lamb / 5
Used drive : MATSHITA CD-RW CW-8124 (revision DACH)
Ripper mode : CDParanoia III 10.2
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 2750KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 102
Max retry count : 100
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 02:25:42 | 0 | 10916
2 | 02:25:42 | 03:20:30 | 10917 | 25946
3 | 05:45:72 | 03:42:04 | 25947 | 42600
4 | 09:28:01 | 03:25:47 | 42601 | 58022
5 | 12:53:48 | 03:14:57 | 58023 | 72629
6 | 16:08:30 | 03:46:55 | 72630 | 89634
7 | 19:55:10 | 03:30:35 | 89635 | 105419
8 | 23:25:45 | 04:32:61 | 105420 | 125880
9 | 27:58:31 | 03:13:47 | 125881 | 140402
AccurateRip Summary
Disc not found in AccurateRip DB.
All Tracks
Album gain : -8.34 dB
Peak : 0.969391
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Track 01
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/01 Lamb - Dischord.flac
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00
Track gain : -5.18 dB
Peak : 0.968536
CRC32 hash (test run) : 305C195A
CRC32 hash : 305C195A
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 59E8D447
AccurateRip signature : FE75FCA3
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 02
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/02 Lamb - Back To Beginning.flac
Track gain : -9.87 dB
Peak : 0.966034
CRC32 hash (test run) : 804A26E4
CRC32 hash : 804A26E4
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8A28B190
AccurateRip signature : 3B4F49FE
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 03
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/03 Lamb - Strong The Root (Instrumental).flac
Track gain : -6.35 dB
Peak : 0.966064
CRC32 hash (test run) : ABF3879E
CRC32 hash : ABF3879E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8DD515C3
AccurateRip signature : 367C50E6
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 04
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/04 Lamb - Last Night The Sky (Instrumental).flac
Track gain : -9.35 dB
Peak : 0.968842
CRC32 hash (test run) : EC711127
CRC32 hash : EC711127
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 933B9AA9
AccurateRip signature : D4F0C50D
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 05
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/05 Lamb - Rounds (Demo).flac
Track gain : -6.48 dB
Peak : 0.847260
CRC32 hash (test run) : D68B76E9
CRC32 hash : D68B76E9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 35F05CB0
AccurateRip signature : C94B2723
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 06
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/06 Lamb - Butterfly Effect (Instrumental).flac
Track gain : -7.06 dB
Peak : 0.966248
CRC32 hash (test run) : BEBE235C
CRC32 hash : BEBE235C
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8E109494
AccurateRip signature : DD7221E6
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 07
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/07 Lamb - Strong The Root (A Cappella).flac
Track gain : -3.15 dB
Peak : 0.966248
CRC32 hash (test run) : 581DBD49
CRC32 hash : 581DBD49
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 482013DB
AccurateRip signature : 52F3BE20
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 08
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/08 Lamb - Wise Enough (Instrumental).flac
Track gain : -7.42 dB
Peak : 0.968567
CRC32 hash (test run) : BA49A042
CRC32 hash : BA49A042
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 95CA2AF7
AccurateRip signature : 1D5A8E55
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 09
Filename : /Users/patrick/Desktop/Lamb - 5/Disc 2/09 Lamb - The Spectacle (Reprise).flac
Track gain : -4.71 dB
Peak : 0.969391
CRC32 hash (test run) : D3755E29
CRC32 hash : D3755E29
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 552A55E2
AccurateRip signature : 1CAA69D4
->Track not present in AccurateRip database.
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
No errors occurred
End of status report



04.06.2011 Торрент-файл обновлен, добавлен новый альбом "5"                                                                                       

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