01-龙之海 The Dragon's Cosmos
02-贞观岁月 Epoch of Tang Tai Tzung, The Greatest Emperor
03-天地君亲 Deference To Heaven, Earth, Sovereign and Ancestry
04-城墙上跑马 Horseman Riding On Castle Walls
05-上香 Offering Incense
06-绣荷包 Embroidering The Purse For Her Loved One
07-黄种子 The Race of Celestial Decent
08-苏武牧羊 Su Wu Herding In The North Sea
09-永恒的行动 Unending Endeavor
10-蔓莉 Manlee
11-红江軼事 A Venting of The Patriot's Righteous Anger
12-赏月舞 Moon Dance