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[专辑] [分享]奥利佛·克努森《布里顿:芭蕾舞剧全曲“宝塔王子”》三星带花[APE/百度]




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      专辑英文名:Britten - The Prince of the Pagodas
      艺  术 家:Various Artists
      作  曲:本杰明·布里顿
      指  挥:奥利佛·克努森
      乐  团:伦敦小交响乐团
      发行公司:VIRGIN Classics Limited
      唱片编号:7 91103-2
      版  本:2CD  企鹅三星带花
      地  区:英国
      语  言:英语


      英国近代伟大的作曲家布里顿的三幕芭蕾舞剧《宝塔王子》同样也充满着东方的神奇韵味,故事讲述:皇帝不想把皇位传给东、西、南、北四王,反而想传给他的大女儿 Belle Epine公主,四王暴怒、但由小公主 Belle Rose 试图安抚不成。这时,有四只绿色青蛙带来了一个裴翠盒,Epine公主打不开,Rose公主轻易打开、里面却是一朵玫瑰,青蛙便邀请她到宝塔国一游。
      Rose公主在宝塔国受到很好地款待,但当化身成火蜥蜴的宝塔王子要出现时,她却被蒙上眼睛,她想探知火蜥蜴的身份却徒劳无功、反被送回自己的国家,火蜥蜴也一路伴随。此时她的姐姐 Epine公主已成了女皇帝,并把父亲拘禁起来并要他跳舞娱乐众臣。
      Rose公主和火蜥蜴试图拯救老皇帝,于是,火蜥蜴直立并抖动它的皮肤,刹那间、皇宫全部消失了,火蜥蜴也变回宝塔王子,和 Rose公主解救了王国,使之成为充满爱和自由的国度。宝塔王子和公主双双携手共返宝塔国。

      但是布里顿本人却因为此剧创作过程带给他太多的麻烦,而在完成后对此作有反感的反应。《宝塔王子》而后虽然在许多地方演出过,但一直到本片的指挥、英国指挥家奥利佛·克努森在一九八八年于奥德堡音乐节上演全曲后,才重新让世人对此剧产生强烈的喜爱,也让这份历史上第一份完整的《宝塔王子》录音得以问世。同时,也补足了布里顿在一九五七年亲自指挥灌录的旧录音(编号:DECCA 421 855-2)的严重删节部份。本片一九九零年由 VIRGIN 出版后、即获得留声机最佳录音工程奖、企鹅唱片评鉴三星带花等国际大奖的肯定,更让克努森登上了当代顶尖指挥家之列。
      这套录音与一直名列 TAS 发烧榜的名片、布里顿亲自指挥柯芬园皇家歌剧院管弦乐团的版本(编号:DECCA 421 855-2)以及《诺亚方舟》,长久以来都是乐迷们用以测试音响器材的标准利器,早已是音响迷人手一套的经典之作。


       CD 1
       01. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Prelude
       02. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: The Fool and the Dwarf
       03. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - March and Courtiers dance
       04. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Entry of the Pages and the Four Kings
       05. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Variation of the King of the North
       06. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Variation of the King of the East
       07. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Variation of the King of the West
       08. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Variation of the King of the South
       09. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - The Kings bow before the Emperor
       10. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Variation of Princess Belle Epine
       11. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Variation of Princess Belle Rose and Pas de Deux
       12. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - The Kings and Belle Rose
       13. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Belle Epine and the Four Kings
       14. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - The Rage of the Kings
       15. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act I - Entry of the Four Winged Frogs
       16. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Introduction: Belle Rose...
       17. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Waltz: Clouds, Stars and Moon
       18. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Belle Rose borne in by the Frogs
       19. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Entree: Sea Horses, Fish Creatures and Waves
       20. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Variation: Sea Horses
       21. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Variation: Fish Creatures
       22. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Coda
       23. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Belle Rose borne in by the Frogs
       24. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Pas de Deux: Male and Female Flames
       25. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Variation: Male Flame
       26. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Variation: Female Flame
       27. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Coda
       28. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 1-Belle Rose, exhausted, borne in by the Frogs
       29. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 2-The Arrival and Adventures of Belle Rose in the Kingdom of the Pagodas: Belle Rose
       30. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 2-The Pagodas
       31. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 2-The Salamander
       32. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 2-Pas de Deux: The Prince and Belle Rose
       33. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act II - Scene 2-Belle Rose hunts for the Prince

       CD 2
       01. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 1-The Palace of the Middle Kingdom: Empress Belle Epine
       02. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 1-The Old Emperor
       03. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 1-Appearance of Belle Rose and the Salamander
       04. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-The Pagoda Palace: Transformation
       05. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Pas de Six
       06. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Variation I. Pas de Deux
       07. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Variation II. Girl's solo
       08. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Variation III. Boy's solo
       09. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Variation III. Pas de Trois
       10. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Variation III. Coda
       11. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Pas de Caractere. The Emperor and the Fool
       12. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Pas de Deux. Belle Rose and the Prince of the Pagodas
       13. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Variation. The Prince
       14. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Variation. Belle Rose
       15. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Finale
       16. The Prince of the Pagodas - Act III - Scene 2-Apotheosis

艺术家, 英文名, 本杰明, 交响曲, 中文名






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