Jordi Savall - In Excelsis Deo, La Capella Reial de Catalunya et Le Concert des Nations (2017) [Hi-Res]
In Excelsis Deo 归于主 / 荣耀上帝赞美诗
Au temps de la guerre de Succession d'Espagne 1701-1714 西班牙王位继承战争(1701-1714)时期的圣乐
Barcelona 1702 - Versailles 1709 巴塞罗那1702 - 凡尔赛1709
Composers: Francesc Valls (1671-1747) 弗朗西斯克·沃尔斯 / 瓦尔斯, 西班牙巴洛克时期作曲家,
Henry Desmarest (1661-1741) 亨利·德马雷, 法国巴洛克时期作曲家 (,
Anonyme 佚名
Ensemble: Le Concert des Nations 国家古乐合奏团,
La Capella Reial de Catalunya 加泰罗尼亚皇家小教堂合唱团
Conductor: Jordi Savall 约第·沙瓦尔
Label: Alia Vox (
Catalogue No: AVSA9924 (
Number of Discs: 2
Release Date: 27th Oct 2017
In the context of the War of the Spanish Succession, the duty of any composer was to celebrate not only the greatness of a deity in religious pieces, but also the power of their sponsors. Jordi Savall invites us to relive the creation of two dazzling masterpieces of polychoral music: the Missa Scala Aretina by Francesc Valls (one of the last pieces to make overt reference to Guido of Arezzo’s famous hexachord) and the Mass for 2 Choruses and Orchestras by Henry Desmarest. The surface of the music is immediately engaging: it is a beguiling mixture of old and new, full of incidence, with choir, soloists and parts for strings and trumpet. Jordi Savall and his ensembles pay due homage to these masterpieces.
A, two Masses, Missa “Scala Aretina” à quatre chœurs by the Catalan composer Francesc Valls (1671-1747) and Messe à deux chœurs et deux orchestres by the French composer Henry Desmarest (1661-1741), are presented side by side: two exceptional master-pieces which are linked in time and by the history of the nascent 18th century, but which are less well known than they deserve to be by today’s 21st century audiences.
Francesc Valls (1671-1747): Missa Scala Aretina (1702) 35'32
弗朗西斯克·瓦尔斯: 斯卡拉·阿雷蒂娜弥撒
1-3. Kyrie - Christe - Kyrie 6'33
4-8. Gloria in excelsis Deo 9'43
9-14. Credo in unum Deum 11'54
15. Sanctus 2'22
16. Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi 4'14
Anonyme / Jordi Savall
Musiques au Temps de la Guerre de Succession en Catalogne
17. Batalla imperial - J.C. Kerll / J. Cabanilles 5'18
18. El Cant dels Aucells - Anonyme / Jordi Savall 5'30
19. Catalunya comptat gran (Romance) - Anonyme / Jordi Savall 1'49
20. Catalunya triomfant (Instrumental & Hymne) 2'21
21. Catalunya en altre temps (Plainte) - Anonyme / Jordi Savall 4'30
TT: 54'29
Henry Desmarest (1661-1741): Messe a deux choeurs et deux orchestres (1704) 60'10
亨利·德马雷: 两个合唱团和两个管弦乐队的弥撒
1-3. Kyrie - Christe - Kyrie 7'12
4-10. Gloria in excelsis Deo 15'07
11-28. Credo in unum Deum 26'34
29-32. Sanctus 6'25
33-34. Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi 4'51