After the completion, a few months back, of their Monteverdi Edition – which gathers together the entirety of the madrigal output by Claudio Monteverdi – La Venexiana now issues three discs recorded live at the 2005 Semana de Música Religiosa Festival in Cuenca: the ensemble’s founder members (such as Rossana Bertini, Giuseppe Maletto, Sandro Naglia and Daniele Carnovich) are to be heard in the company of a select group of instrumentalists and singers, all of them under the direction of Claudio Cavina, for a memorable journey through the pieces contained within the Selva Morale e Spirituale.
Rather than following the order of the printed edition, La Venexiana has preferred here to arrange the sequence of pieces into three substantial liturgical settings, each one equipped with its own self-governing character. The first two discs contain one office of Vespers each, taking advantage of the fact that Monteverdi provided double (and sometimes even triple) versions of the Dixit Dominus, Confitebor, Beatus vir, Laudate pueri, Laudate Dominum, Magnificat and Salve Regina. The programme for the third disc has essentially been created around the Messa a 4 and includes other free-standing mass sections. The effect is of constructing a grand missa solemnis that perhaps might have been heard on November 21, 1631 in Saint Mark’s to celebrate the cessation of the plague epidemic in Venice.
With a recently-presented Gramophone Award for the ensemble’s indispensable recording of L’Orfeo still fresh in the mind, this disc will undoubtedly bring much delight to lovers of the music of the two Claudios: Monteverdi and Cavina…
Selva Morale e Spirituale 道德与精神之林
Venezia, 1640-41
唱片公司:harmonia mundi
高價版 / CD / 3 片裝 / 229分52秒
Conductor:Konrad Junghanel Performer:Konrad Junghanel、Stephan MacLeod, et al.
Cosmos 2013-03-19 20:45:49
1613年8月19日,在威尼斯的St. Giorgio Maggiore教堂举行了一场音乐“面试”,由唱诗班、乐队和两架室内管风琴共同演奏的,是一年前被曼托瓦公爵弗朗切斯科·贡扎加辞退的作曲家克劳迪奥·蒙特威尔第(Claudio Monteverdi,1567—1643)的作品(曲目按记载是蒙特威尔第1610年出版的一部弥撒曲,也可能是作曲家同年发表的著名的《圣母晚祷》中的作品)。音乐会后,Monteverdi被直接任命为威尼斯最著名的圣马可大教堂的乐正。此后,在这个意大利、甚至全欧洲都赫赫有名的音乐职位上Monteverdi工作了30年,直到他1643年在威尼斯去世。
Monteverdi为圣马可大教堂创作的音乐作品主要都结集在他1640/41年出版的曲集《道德与精神之林》(Selva Morale e Spirituale)以及他死后可能由他的学生Pietro Francesco Cavalli(1602—1676)搜集编辑的曲集《弥撒与诗篇》中(1615—1629年间他还在各种不同的选集中出版过一二十首作品)。可惜由于这两本曲集的性质我们已经无法确定他在相当长的年代中写作的作品的具体创作日期。《道德与精神之林》题献给奥地利皇帝菲迪南二世的遗孀埃莱奥诺拉·贡扎加(Eleonora Gonzaga),作品出版的扉页上注明是1640年,而献作则写于1641年5月1日,这是这位昔日的曼图亚公爵的宫廷乐长给这个有权势的家族的最后题献。