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[专辑] [分享]5★冷门 -【AliaVox】沙瓦尔 - 蒙特赛拉特山的红宝书









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2018-8-17 00:10 上传

5★冷门 -【AliaVox】沙瓦尔 - 蒙特赛拉特山的红宝书

Jordi Savall - Llibre Vermell de Montserrat (2016)
Red Book of Montserrat 蒙特赛拉特山的红宝书

Performers: La Capella Reial de Catalunya 加泰罗尼亚皇家小教堂合唱团
                    Hespèrion XXI 晚星二十一古乐团
                    Jordi Savall 约第·沙瓦尔/萨瓦尔
Genre: Classical, Medieval Era, Sacred
Label: Alia Vox
Reference: AVSA9919 (https://www.alia-vox.com/cataleg.php?id=134)
Recording Date and Place   in the Església del Pi in Barcelona in November 2013, in tribute to Montserrat Figueras.
Available format: 1 SACD & 1 DVD
Booklet languages: Français, English, Castellano, Català, Deutsch, Italiano
Date of publication: 29/11/2016

蒙特赛拉特(Montserrat)山是西班牙北部的加泰罗尼亚的圣山,距离巴塞罗那不远。由于此山的外表独特,每块石头都有自己独特的风格,是西班牙最好的圣母朝圣地。山上的黑圣母教堂有一尊黑脸圣母像,手中的圣婴是黑的,天使也是黑的,其实这是被埋在土里数百年才被取出而导致变黑。信徒相信这尊像能保存这么久也是圣母显灵的奇迹,所以中世纪起来这里朝拜的人络绎不绝!在蒙特赛拉特的修道院中,有一本14世纪的手稿集保存至今,书名就是本唱片的名称,叫做《蒙特赛拉特山的红宝书(Llibre Vermell de Montserrat)》,手稿集原有172页,其中32页已经遗失,内容主要是宗教文字,但还有一些14世纪末的歌曲,这些歌曲只有10首被保存至今,均被录制在本唱片中。巧合的是,约第·沙瓦尔的妻子名叫蒙赛拉·菲格拉丝(Montserrat Figueras, 1942-2011),其姓正是圣山的名字(Montserrat),沙瓦尔也借此唱片向亡妻表达敬意与缅怀之情。唱片2013年11月录制于位于西班牙加泰罗尼亚自治区巴塞罗那哥特区的松树广场的松树圣母圣殿,这是一座14世纪的罗马天主教哥特式教堂。

New recording of one of Jordi Savall's first performances of this wonderful work, recorded at the Church Santa Maria del Pi, Barcelona, in November, 2013, as a tribute to Montserrat Figueras (1942-2011). 'As in the past, today in the 21st century and for generations to come, these songs and sacred dances will continue to move us deeply, thanks to their eternal message of spirituality, love and beauty.'

The Llibre Vermell de Montserrat ("Red Book of Montserrat") is a manuscript collection of devotional texts containing, amongst others, some late medieval songs. The 14th-century manuscript was compiled in and is still located at the monastery of Montserrat outside Barcelona in Catalonia (Spain).

The manuscript was prepared in approximately 1399. It originally contained 172 double pages, of which 32 have been lost. Six folios contain music. The title "The Red Book of Montserrat" describes the red binding in which the collection was placed in the 19th century. No composer is identified for any of the songs it contains.

The monastery holds the shrine of the Virgin of Montserrat, which was a major site of pilgrimage during the time it was compiled.

As such, the purpose of the compilation is made clear by its anonymous compiler himself:

    Quia interdum peregrini quando vigilant in ecclesia Beate Marie de Monte Serrato volunt cantare et trepudiare, et etiam in platea de die, et ibi non debeant nisi honestas ac devotas cantilenas cantare, idcirco superius et inferius alique sunt scripte. Et de hoc uti debent honeste et parce, ne perturbent perseverantes in orationibus et devotis contemplationibus.
    "Because the pilgrims wish to sing and dance while they keep their watch at night in the church of the Blessed Mary of Montserrat, and also in the light of day; and in the church no songs should be sung unless they are chaste and pious, for that reason these songs that appear here have been written. And these should be used modestly, and take care that no one who keeps watch in prayer and contemplation is disturbed."

The songs, therefore, were written for the pilgrims to have something appropriately "chaste and pious" to sing and dance to (round-dance). The songs are in Catalan, in Occitan and in Latin. While the collection was written near the end of the 14th century, much of the music in the collection appears from its style to originate earlier; the motet Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa contains two different texts that can be sung simultaneously, a style that would have been old-fashioned when the manuscript was compiled.

The songs have many of the characteristics of folk songs as well as hymns. Some are monophonic, while others are set in two to four parts of usually non-imitative polyphony. The monodic songs can be sung as two- or threefold canons. The relative simplicity, the dance rhythm, and the strong melodies of the songs have given the music collected in the Red Book a lasting appeal, and these songs are some of the most frequently recorded pieces of early music.

The ten songs in the collection that survive are:

1. Song: O Virgo Splendens (fol. 21−v22) ("O Splendid Virgin")
2. Virelai/danse: Stella Splendens (fol. 22r) ("Splendid Star")
3. Song: Laudemus Virginem (fol. 23) ("Let us praise the Virgin")
4. Song: Splendens Ceptigera (fol. 23) ("Splendid ruler")
5. Virelai: Mariam, Matrem Virginem, Attolite (fol. 25r) ("Praise Mary, the virgin mother")
6. Virelai/danse: Polorum Regina (fol. 24v) ("Queen of the Poles")
7. Virelai: Cuncti Simus Concanentes (fol. 24) ("Let us sing together")
8. Ballad/danse: Los Set Gotxs (fol. 23v) ("The seven joys")
9. Motet: Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa / Verges ses par misericordiosa (fol. 25v) ("Empress of the happy city" / "Virgin, out of mercy")
10. Virelai: Ad Mortem Festinamus (fol. 26v) ("We hasten towards death")

... "By the end of Middle Ages the monks of Montserrat had assembled a distiguished library. Unfortunately this was largely destroyed in 1811 during the Napoleonic wars. The most precious surviving medieval manuscript in the Scriptorium at Montserrat is undoubtedly the famous Ms. No. 1, known as the Llibre Vermell or Red Book of Montserrat, from the colour of the late 19th century velvet which covers the binding of the codex. The manuscript completed in 1399, originally contained about 172 double pages, or folios, of which 35 have been lost. Included in the Llibre Vermell are ten musical works - possibly more originally - by a number of unknown composers." ...
------(Excerpts from the booklet Llibre Vermell of Montserrat, Pilgrim songs & dances - New London Consort - Philip Pickett, dir.)

Jordi Savall is among the leading instrumentalists and conductors of the European early music scene, specializing in Renaissance and medieval music. He began studying music when he was six, learning cello and pursuing that instrument at the Barcelona Conservatory. He took an interest in early music, and began learning the viola da gamba. That instrument possesses approximately the same range and similar playing technique as the cello, but instead of being a member of the violin family is part of the related, older family of stringed instruments, the viol family, visually most easily distinguished from their cousins by their sloping shoulder lines. As its name denotes, the instrument, smaller than a cello, is ordinarily held in the lap. Savall also gained proficiency in the various members of the viola family. He studied that instrument and early music research and practice with Wieland Kuijken in Brussels and August Wenziger at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, obtaining a diploma as soloist and professor in 1970. In 1973 he succeeded to Wenziger's position. In 1968 he had married the soprano Montserrat Figueras, who shared his interest in early music. With her and other musicians interested in early Spanish music, he founded in 1974 the ensemble Hespèrion XX. The ensemble took its name from an ancient name for the Western European region from Italy to Iberia; Hespèrion was also a name for Venus as the Evening Star (in which aspect it appears only in the western skies). He and Hespèrion XX quickly became well known in early music circles. They created a unique sound through the use of viols and other medieval instruments such as the psaltery, wooden flutes, Moroccan drums, and the Afghan rebec (a double-reed ancestor of the oboe). All these instrument are known to have been used by medieval musicians, particularly in the Mediterranean region. Savall became internationally known through his playing on the soundtrack of Alain Corneau's film Tous les Matins du Monde (All the Mornings of the World), concerning the French viol players of the Baroque era. Savall has extended his area of musical interest into the Baroque, leading performances of Orfeo by Monteverdi and Il Burbero de Buion Cuore by Martin y Soler, and in the late 1990s conducted Beethoven's Eroica symphony with Le Concert des Nations (a group he founded in 1989 for Baroque music), winning praise for his well-researched and groundbreaking interpretation. He also founded Le Capella Reial de Catalunya in 1987, an ensemble of instrumentalists and vocal soloist. He has recorded around a hundred releases, mostly on the Astrée Auvidis label, receiving the Diapason d'Or award.


01. O Virgo splendens (monodic) ("O Splendid Virgin")
02. O Virgo splendens (canon a 2 i a 3)
03. Improvisació arpa
04. Stella splendens  ("Splendid Star")
05. Improvisació duduk
06. Laudemus Virginem ("Let us praise the Virgin")
07. Improvisació santur
08. Los set gotxs  ("The seven joys")
09. Improvisació duduk & flauta
10. Splendens ceptigera ("Splendid ruler")
11. Improvisació cistre
12. Polorum regina  ("Queen of the Poles")
13. Improvisació rebab i arpa
14. Cuncti simus concanentes ("Let us sing together")
15. Improvisació llaüt
16. Mariam matrem Virginem ("Praise Mary, the virgin mother")
17. Improvisació viella
18. Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa ("Empress of the happy city" / "Virgin, out of mercy")
19. Improvisació cornamusa & xeremia
20. Ad mortem festinamus ("We hasten towards death")
21. O Virgo splendens (canon a 3 & monodic)
22. Quant ai lo mont consirat (Bonus Track)  

TT: 71'44






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