01. 松花江上
On SongHua river
02. 长城谣
Ballad of the Great Wall
03. 五月的鲜花
Flowers In May
04. 告别南洋
Bid Farewell to Sourth Seas
05. 黄水谣
Ballad of The Yellow River
06. 到敌人后方去
Battling enemy in their Back
07. 在太行山上
On The Taihang Mountain
08. 二月里来
February Coming
09. 做棉衣
Making Cotton-padded Clothes
10. 游击队之歌
Song of Guerrilla
11. 保卫黄河
Defending Yellow River
12. 弹起我心爱的土琵琶
Plunking My Favorite Native Lute