01. 喜相逢 Joyful Reunion
02. 五梆子 Wu-Bang-zi
03. 荫中鸟 Birds in the Shade
04. 卖菜 Hawking Vegetables
05. 鹧鸪飞 Partridges Flying
06. 梅花三弄 Three Variations on the Plum Blossoms
07. 姑苏行 A Trip to Gusu
08. 牧民新歌 A New Song of the Herdsmen
09. 山村迎亲人 The Mountain Village Welcomes Dear People
10. 小放牛 A Young Buffalo Boy
11. 牧笛 Pastoral Flute
12. 枣园春色 Spring in the Date Garden
13. 布谷鸟来了 Here Come the Cuckoos
14. 扬鞭催马运粮忙 Delivering Public Grain with Horse Carts
01. 幽兰逢春 Spring Coming to the Secluded Orchid
02. 早晨 Early Morning
03. 沂河欢歌 A Happy Song on the Yi River
04. 帕米尔的春天 Spring in the Parmirs
05. 太湖春 Spring in the Tai Lake
06. 三五七 Three,Five and Seven
07. 水乡船歌 A Boat Song in the River Region
08. 油田的早晨 The Morning on the Oil Fields
09. 百鸟引 Song of A Hundred Birds
10. 婺江欢歌 A Joyful Song on the Wujiang River
11. 妆台秋思 Autumn Yearning at the Dressing Table
12. 阳光照耀着帕米尔 The Sun Shining on the Parmirs