01. 花儿为什么这样红 04:34
Why Are the Flowers So Red
02. 小草 04:27
Little Grass
03. 敖包相会 04:47
Meet at Aobao
04. 不能这样活 04:25
Can't Live this Way
05. 翻身农奴把歌唱 06:34
Songs of the Emancipated Serfs
06. 在那遥远的地方 04:45
A Place Faraway
07. 黄土高坡 05:00
Loess Plateau
08. 军港之夜 04:03
Night at the Naval Port
09. 篱笆墙的影子 04:29
Shadow of Fencing Walls
10. 难忘今宵 04:40
The Nisht to Remember
11. 少年壮志不言愁 04:17
Ambitious Youth
12. 为了谁 05:27
For Whom
13. 我的祖国 05:29
My Country