Nicki Parrott and Ken Peplowski: Like a Lover
Venus Records VHGD-71
Stereo Single Layer
Nicki Parrott, vocal and bass
Ken Peplowski, tenor sax and clarinet
1. Blue moon
2. Everything I love
3. Hey there
4. Sway/Whatever Lola wants
5. I’ve grown accustomed to his face
6. Sleepin’ bee
7. In the wee small hours of the morning
8. When I grow too old to dream
9. Like a lover
10. Mad about the boy
11. Here, there, and everywhere
12. What’ll I do?
13. How could you do a thing like that to me
14. For no one
音响迷都知道,越是简单的编制,越能测试系统的传真能力。这张「宛如恋人」由妮基派洛特与肯佩普洛夫斯基两位分别演奏贝斯与长笛。两位乐手在各自领域皆有卓越的成就,像是妮基在美国除了是歌手之外,凭著优异的弹奏技巧,还连续两年获得日本Swing Journal颁发的最佳爵士演奏大奖。专辑中收录许多经典歌曲,都是由她主唱,并以贝斯与长笛作歌曲架构。专辑在知名的Avatar Studio录制,音质纯净通透之外,乐器的质感与细节表现出色,当然是值得收藏的佳作。 曲目: VIP用户可直接查看以下付费内容,报错点这里VIP用户可直接查看以下付费内容,报错点这里